HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/24/1974 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Emergency Planning &• Zoning Commission Meeting 411February 26, 1974 11: 00 A.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman M. R. Calliham; Commissioners Ed Miller; Tom Chaney; John Longley; Chris Mathewson, Council Liaison Don Dale; Assistant Director of Public Works George Ford; City Planner Bill Koehler; Administrative Secretary Sadie Holligan. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners George Boyett and James Wallace. VISITORS PRESENT: June Bonnarigo, representing The Eagle. The emergency meeting of the Planning and Zoning Commission began at 11: 05 with Chairman Calliham presiding in the Conference Room at City Hall. The meeting was called to consider a master preliminary plat and a final plat of Section One, Lake Village. The developers had to meet a deadline which is this date, February 26, or face a considerable financial loss. The request was to get approval of the first section so they would be able to provide guarantee for Section One and provide the utilities. Therefore, they would be able to get their building permit. The original final plat is to be considered as a master preliminary on Blocks 1 and 2 . The minutes are to reflect that the zoning is contingent in the preliminary plat as the subsequent properties are developed. After discussing the property at hand, Councilman Chaney advised that he would abstain from voting, as he has conflicting interests. This was agreed upon by the Chairman and the Commission. Commissioner Mathewson made a motion as follows: The original Lake Village Place master plat be considered as a master preliminary plat with these restrictions: One, that this master preliminary plat is to be followed as far as street widths and utility easements and right of ways as per construction plans . Two, all park land and park sites are to be dedicated to the city as shown on the plat. Three, a utility easement 120 ' wide shall tie into existing city lines from Blocks 1 and 2. Four, sanitary and storm sewer easements from Blocks 1 and 2 to Wolf Pen Creek are to be obtained along the proposed right of way of' Rhett Butler Drive. Five, Rhett Butler Drive from Lakeside Drive to the boundary line of the Brentwood Corporation tract shall be located as determined by the City Engineer. Six, plats and construction plans submitted herewith are to be followed as submitted with the original master preliminary plat. Commissioner Miller seconded the motion and it carried with Commissioner Chaney abstaining as previously stated. MINUTES, Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 February 26, 1974 Commissioner Mathewson made a second motion, seconded by Commissioner 411 Longley, that the final plat for blocks 1 and 2 be accepted as they are presented. The motion carried unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 A.M. APPROVED 41f-74° Chairman ATTEST Sec tart' ,.,