HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/1972 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission MINUTES Planning and Zoning Commission January 17, 1972 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners James Wallace, Carl Landiss, Bill Cooley, George Boyett; Council Liaison Don Dale; City Planner George Eby; and Administrative Secretary Nancy Reeves MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner M. R. Calliham VISITORS PRESENT: See Guest Register Agenda Item #1 - Approval of minutes of December 20, 1971 meeting. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 P. M. by the Chairman. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the minutes of the December 20, 1971 meeting were unanimously passed and approved. Agenda Item #2 - P&Z Case No. 1-72 - Southwood Section 26. Mr. Bill Fitch, of the Area Progress Corporation, explained his preliminary plat showing commercial and apartment blocks, street rights-of-ways and utility easements at the corner of Highway 6 and 2818, to the Commission. Mr. Fitch stated that they would dedicate the right-of-way to the City so that the main water line can go through this tract. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the plat was unanimously approved. Agenda Item #3 - P&Z Case No. 2-72 - Anderson Street Extension. Mr. J. W. Wood, of Mar-Cal, Inc. , presented a preliminary plat for street dedication purposes by Mar-Cal, the Dobrovolny Estate, and A&M Consolidated Schools. Mr. Wood stated that this street (Anderson Street) would extend from Park Place to Holleman Drive. Mr. Wood further stated that he would like to see Anderson Street from Jersey to Park Place paved at the same time since they had previously petitioned this section to be paved. He felt that it would be less expensive fbr the City and all concerned if it were done at the same time. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the plat was unanimously approved. Agenda Item #4 - P&Z Callo. 32-71 - Southwood Section 10. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Boyett moved that the preliminary plat showing Comal Circle by the Area Progress Corporation be approved with the condition that the access easement between Blocks 6 and 7 be removed from the plat. The motion, seconded by Commissioner Wallace, was unanimously approved. Agenda Item #5 - Consideration of recommendations for a street name for Highway 30. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, this item was tabled until the next meeting. • Planning and Zoning Commission Minutes January 17, 1972 - 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Agenda Item #6 - Review of 1978 land use projections, 1990 land use plan, population and housing projections for use in the Urban Transportation Study and Plan. City Planner George Eby explained this item as following: The land use, housing and population projection and 1990 land use plan reflects information that will be used in the preliminary draft of the Urban Transportation Study and Plan being conducted by the Texas Highway Department. Data shown indicated that the population of College Station is projected to be 31,000 in 1978 and 39,000 in 1990. Additional off-campus housing units needed after 1970 would amount to approximately 3500 dwelling units by 1978 and 6500 dwelling units by 1990. Over 2000 additional acres of land will be used in College Station by 1990. The preliminary plan will be shown to the Bryan Planning Commission and the College Station Planning and Zoning Commission upon completion of the Study and Plan. It will be used to analyze the transportation needs of Bryan and College Station for 1978 and 1990. The study and plan does not commit either Bryan, College Station, or the Texas High- way Department to implementation of the Urban Transportation Plan. We are seeking a "701" Planning Grant from the state (and federal) government and have been informed that we are close to the top of the list in funding. Much of the Urban Transportation Study and Plan information will go into the "701" plan in all likelihood. Agenda Item #7 - Consider development of 1971 Planning and Zoning Commission Annual Report. The Chairman reminded the Commission that an annual report had to be made at the February meeting and that he and the City Planner would take care of this item. • Agenda Item #8 - Review of Village South Nursing Home Site Plan. The Commission reviewed the plan for a nursing home on Holleman Drive in the City of College Station. Agenda Item #9 - Other Business. None Agenda Item #10 - Hear Visitors. None Agenda Item #11 - Adjourn. On motion by Commissioner Boyett, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the meeting was adjourned, subject to call. APPROVED: g " t Chairin � C r. ATTEST: • 3\(.Q.M Secretary 411 Memo To: Planning and Zoning Commission City of College Station From: George Eby, City Planner Charles Pinnell, Planning Consultant Subject: Goals and Objectives Program for 701 Planning Study A basic requirement of the 701 Planning Study is the formulation of community goals and objectives. A strong program for citizen participation in the development of the goals and objectives is highly recommended. By informing and involving the citizens in the planning process, it should be possible to build confidence and support for the implementation of the plan. The purpose of this memo is to outline a suggested Goals and Objectives program for your consideration. This program will consist of two basic steps which are discussed as follows: • (1) Information - A first step in the program will be designed to inform all citizens and pertinent interest groups relative to the planning study and to invite their participation in the planning process. ( 2) Citizens Advisory Committee - A second step will be the development of a Citizens Advisory Committee to provide a specific mechanism for citizen input and participation. Suggested procedures relative to each of these two steps will follow. Information Program It is recommended that the news media be utilized to inform the citizens of College Station. This would be accomplished as follows: (1) News Article - A news article would be prepared to describe the planning program that is being initiated along with the Goals and Objectives Program and the desire for citizen participation. This article would be released for- use by the • local papers and radio and T.V. stations. • ( 2) Open Letter - In addition to the news article, it is recommended that an open letter from Mayor Hervey to the citizens of College Station be published. A suggested draft of the letter is shown in Exhibit A. ( 3) Interest Groups - A list of pertinent interest groups, such as civic clubs and other governmental agencies, will be compiled. It is suggested that a letter be sent to each of these groups to inform them of the planning study and to invite their cooperation and/or participation. Citizens Advisory Committee It will also be necessary to provide a specific mechanism for citizen participation in the planning process. It is recommended that a Citizens Advisory Committee be established to assist in the development of goals and objectives and to provide a citizens review function during the conduct of the planning study. Procedures for establishment and operation of the Citizens Advisory Committee are presented for your consideration in Exhibit B. • Your review and guidance relative to this phase of the Comprehensive Planning Study will be sincerely appreciated. • 1 IExhibit A Dear College Station Citizen: I would like to take this means of informing you relative to a Comprehensive Planning Study which is being initiated by the City of College Station. A planning grant has been received from the Department of Housing and Urban Development to provide financial assistance for a Comprehensive Planning Study which will be conducted jointly by the City of College Station and a Planning Consultant in cooperation with the Texas Department of Community Affairs. The planning study will result in the development of a Master Plan and a Planning Process to guide the growth and development of College Station during the next twenty years. The planning study will include the following basic elements: Goals and Objectives - Development of goals and objectives relative to the future growth and development of College Station. Base Studies - Comprehensive data collection and analysis to develop basic planning data relative to • land use, economy, population growth, and environmental condition for the present and future. Community Facilities - Inventory, analysis, and projection of needs relative to community facilities, such as schools, parks and recreation facilities, utility systems, and drainage and flood control facilities. Development Plan - Development of basic plan to guide future growth and development. This plan will provide specific guidelines relative to future land use, community facilities, environmental considerations, housing, trans- portation, capital improvement programs, and plan imple- mentation. As a citizen of College Station, I am sure you recognize the importance of this planning study and the impact it can have on the future of our city. For this reason, it is the desire of the City Council that you be informed regarding the study and invited to participate in the planning process. We would greatly appreciate receiving any comments or suggestions you might have relative to long-range needs and goals and objectives for the City of College Station. I 111 • invite you to mail your comments or suggestions to me in care of the City Hall so that we can make them a part of the information that will guide us in preparing a future plan. Sincerely, Mayor J. B. Hervey City of College Station • • • Exhibit B Citizens Advisory Committee A basic organizational structure to provide for input from citizens and pertinent interest groups into the Goals and Objectives Program is illustrated in Figure 1. This material will discuss the procedures to be followed in establishing a Citizens Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Citizens Advisory Committee is to provide a mechanism by which the citizens of College Station can participate in the development of the 701 Plan. Their participation is needed in (1) the development of Goals and Objectives and ( 2) as a vehicle for keeping the citizens of College Station informed relative to the development of the plan. For the purpose of selecting the Citizens Advisory Committee, it is recommended that the City of College Station be subdivided into ten (10) "planning districts" as shown in Figure 2. These "planning districts" have been selected based upon social, racial, and economic characteristics to assure that all aspects of the social, racial, and economic • structure of the community will be represented. Basic characteristics of the "planning districts" are shown in Table I. The procedure for selecting the Citizens Advisory Committee will be as follows: 1. A chairman will be selected for each of the Planning Districts. This chairman will be a resident of the district which he will represent. 2. The Citizens Advisory Committee will be made up of the following: (a) One Chairman from each of the ten Planning Districts (b) Chairman of City Business Committee (c) Chairman of City Beautification Committee (d) Chairman of City Parks and Recreation Committee (e) Chairman of City Safety Committee (f) Chairman of City Health Committee 3. Each District Chairman will assist in selecting six (6) individuals to form a subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory Committee at the Planning District level. The members of each subcommittee will also 110 be selected from residents of the individual districts. • 4. Each District Subcommittee will be requested to develop a statement of long-range needs and goals and objectives. These statements will then be summarized by the Citizens Advisory Committee for input into the total Goals and Objectives Program. In addition to the material developed by the Citizens Advisory Committee, input will also be sought from other groups as illustrated in Figure 1. When all input has been received, it will be compiled by the Planning Consultant into a draft report for review by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. After receiving approval by these two groups, the Goals and Objectives report will be finalized and will serve as an overall guide to the planning process. i m I • s District 4' Citizens 4 Advisory Committees City Council "Needs j ft%%%%\\ ' District :,41 Planning Goals District #2 &,,r„ Zoning and Commission 411 .1 District #3 Objectives t aill Villa Illr• Citizens District #4 Advisory of the ......... 144 Committee , District #5 City of District #6 City Staff College '----,. District #7 110.1.; Texas Station, District #8 A&M ,tic University Texas" District #9 A&M (A report ""Lif District t#1O Consolidated produced by School the citizens District of College City Committees Station, Other reviewed and Business Interest approved by Groups the City Council , r Parks & Rec. and published Citizen by the Consultant Safety Response for use in the QALS development of 'OK Beautification a comprehensive Study and Plan. ) { QLLE1e .STAT101V Health r _ College ation. Texas _ . - ~ Predominant ippulaflou Features , - - Estimated Income Housing Marital Housing . ..' ,•, . ,:. District Population Range Race Condition Ocnupition �t,ratua • Tvcw, Misc, _ 1. _ 2250 High White ' Good TAMU faculty & Married with Single family Well kept yards; good paved staff children residences streets; full facilities i 2. 900 Low Negro. Poor TAMU staff & Married with Single family Mostly gravel streets & subs domestics children residences standard blighted area .__. 3. 2050 High White Good TAMU faculty & Married with Single family Good paved streets; well staff children residences kept older addition 4. 2000 High White Good TAMU faculty Married with Single family Newly developed area; large; • children residences lots;-new schools and--streets 5. 7050 Low White Good TAMU student Single TAMUdormi- Primarily male, with some - -` tory rooms females - -6... _ 1500 Low White Good TAMU student Married Apartments Few have children; some • congestion in area - 7. 1550 Low White Moderate Mixed TAMU Married Older single Rent houses for students; - • - staff & student • family rest- many retired persons . - dences 8. 750 Low White Good TAMU student Married with Rural rest- Some mobile home parks • children dences, mobile are substandard - - homes I - S. 2250 Low White Moderate TAMU student Married with University Some barrack apartments__ 1 _ partneiernte.._ -: _ = children Apartments - -3 10. ..1700 Low White Good TAMU student Single . Apartments Mostly male students -• _ __ 4 _ : - .2 :-.,:;" .i. - Total • Sept. 1972 . . . - Planning and Zoning Commission January 17, 1972 7:00 P. M. Please Sign Below: 1. ; / . Gg.e cV-2 2. 04,4) ;4tU1&J 3. l2 / 4. / ce,(A)_z 5. 6. 7. 4C1j) 8. 9. • 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 111 21. 22. 23. 24.