HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/19/1970 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commissionr -41 MINUTES • PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 19, 1970 Members Present: Acting Chairman C. D. Wells; Commissioners Carl Landiss, R. R. Rhodes, J. D. Lindsay, Jim Gardner, and Councilman C. H. Ransdell; City Engineer Lloyd James Members Absent: Commissioners Douglas Stone, Carl Tishler and Wendell Horne Visitors Present: North B. Bardell, W. D. Fitch, Frank Griffis, Jr. , Sharon Van Doren, Mary Bryan, Joyce Haden, Dr. C. W. Alworth, Jamie Hooper and Richard Cherry Acting Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room of the City Hall in College Station. On motion by Commissioner Rhodes, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, . the Minutes of January 5, 1970 meeting were approved as written. The Annual Report was submitted for consideration of the Planning and Zoning Commission. Chairman Wells answered several questions concerning the Annual Report. Commissioner Gardner stated that he felt the objectives of planning and zoning should be stated, namely, a comprehensive plan of development. He feels that we should look at the community as a whole rather than review the Brazos Area Plan. He cited the techniques of such cities as Dallas and Philadelphia. Chairman Wells stated that a recommendation from Planning and Zoning for a citizens committee, such as Dallas has, might be in order. He also said that citizen involvement is required under the "Workable Program", which will be submitted to Housing & Urban Development. He further stated that this committee could outline the goals and objectives for the city. Commissioner Gardner suggested that this could be further broken down into particular areas, such as physical, social, parks, transportation, etc. After some discussion about how this committee could be formed, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the Council that a Citizens General Planning Committee be formed to study the several facets of community life and that this committee work with the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Planner. • Commissioner Landiss moved that the Annual Report be approved. Commissioner Lindsay seconded the motion. Motion carried. I Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 • January 19, 1970 The Subdivision Committee Subdivision Ordinance Draft was submitted for Commission review. The ordinance was reviewed page by page and desired changes were noted in a master draft copy. There were several suggested changes. The two most notable were to make provisions for sidewalks on all new streets and to bury all service and communication lines underground. On motion by Commissioner Janne, seconded by Commissioner Landiss, the adoption of the revised Subdivision Ordinance was recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. APPROVED: Acting Chairman • ATTEST: City Secretary las • L J r MINUTES PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS February 2, 1970 Members Present: Acting Chairman Codie Wells; Commissioners R. R. Rhodes, J. D Lindsay, Carl Tishler, and Jim Gardner; City Planner George Eby, City Engineer Lloyd James; Council Liaison C. H. Ransdell; and City Secretary Lynda Swoveland Members Absent: Commissioners Wendell Horne and Carl Landiss Visitors Present: V. H. Litchford, J. R. Tidwell, Tommy James, Mr. P. Stone, Jim O'Connell, Bill Fitch and Logan Wilson Acting Chairman Wells called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Room at the City Hall in College Station. Commissioner Lindsay moved that the Minutes of January 19, 1970 be approved as written. Commissioner Rhodes seconded the motion. Motion carried. • The first item of business on the Agenda was some old business. It was the reconsideration of rezoning a request from V. H. Litchford (P&Z Case No. 34-69), a tract of land approximately 100 feet wide and 700 feet long extending from State Highway 6 East along the south city limits of College Station, from District No. 1, first dwelling house district to District No. 4, first business district. There was some discussion concerning this item. Commissioner Rhodes stated that he felt the property was not large enough for commercial. Mr. Wells explained that the Texas Highway Department had stated the By-pass would not be completed until the middle of 1972. Thus, the accessibility to the area could be questioned at present. Commissioner Gardner moved that P&Z Request No. 34-69, a request to rezone a tract of land approximately 100 feet wide and 700 feet long extending from State Highway 6 South along the south city limits of College Station, from District No. 1, first dwelling .house district to District No. 4, first business district, be recommended for disapproval without prejudice, to the Council. Motion was seconded by Councilman Rhodes. Motion carried. The next item on the agenda was the public hearing with the developers on the proposed Subdivision Regulations Ordinance. Chairman Wells explained that copies of the proposed Subdivision Ordinance had been mailed to local developers and builders so that they might have an opportunity to review and make their comments. Copies of the ordinance were mailed to councilmen, planning and zoning commission members and representatives of the gas company and telephone and cable company. . Chairman Wells then opened the floor for recommendations. There was considerable discussion concerning the ordinance. The main comments that were noted are listed herein in these Minutes. Minutes of the Planning and Zoning Commission Page 2 • February 2, 1970 Bill Fitch, developer in College Station, asked, that in relation to park land donated by the developer, what the city intended to do if, for example, the developer builds a street to serve a subdivision, who will pay for that portion of the street which runs in front of or abutts the neighborhood park and if there is a water or sewer line through the park, who will pay for that portion of the line that is within the park? He al so inquired as to whether there was any provision setting up where the parks will be located. Chairman Wells stated that in reply to setting up where the parks would be, the City Planning Department would upgrade the master plan to show approximately where the parks should be. A lady citizen stated she felt it would be unwise to eliminate the small parks completely. She stated there are a lot of senior citizens in the city who could have a park just for sitting or taking walks in the evening. Also, there would be a lot of young toddlers who could play in the park without getting hurt on any playground equipment. Mr. Logan Wilson of Lone Star Gas Company introduced Mr. P. L. Stone from Dallas, who is with the right of way department of the gas company. Mr. Stone's comments centered around the following: 110 Under Section 4, Special Provisions, 4-C, he asked whether the intent is that the restriction, relative to connection of utilities, be enforced. Acting Chairman Wells stated that this is spelled out in the state law. Mr. Stone asked what the city's extraterritorial jurisdiction is under Section 4, Special Provisions, 4-D. Chairman Wells stated that it is one mile beyond the city limits. If, however, in the next census, the City of College Station exceeds 25, 000 population, it will be raised to two miles outside the city limits. Mr. Stone asked if in Section 4, Special Provisions, 4-E, if this referred to cover old or new subdivisions. Chairman Wells stated it referred only to new subdivisions, proposed after the passage of this ordinance. Under Section 6, Procedure and Plat Requirements, Mr. Stone asked if the location of easements will be determined by the developer contacting the gas company. Chairman Wells stated that yes, it would be the responsibility of the developer. Under Section 6, Procedure and Plat Requirements, 6-C. 6. 7, the question of high pressure pipelines was brought up by Mr. Stone. He explained that he felt it would be impossible to show the exact working pressure of pipelines carrying inflammable liquid or gas, because the pressure varies so greatly. r Planning and Zoning Commission Page 3 February 2, 1970 Mr. Stone stated that he would say that 100 pounds plus in the gas pipelines would be getting into a high pressure line and that the main feeder lines and transmission lines into the city carry as many as 600 pounds. Mr. Stone also added that if the developer would submit a preliminary plat to the gas company, regardless of any pressure on any pipeline, if his company were notified of that preliminary plat, they would be happy to stake a line at any given interval showing the location of the line and pressure and where it is located. Chairman Wells stated that there would be an operating pro- cedure for the Planning Department under which all utility companies would receive copies of the proposed plat. Mr. Stone stated that he would like to submit a written copy of his comments concerning the Subdivision Regulations. He was asked by Mr. Wells to submit such to the City Manager. A citizen in the audience stated that she would like to know whether sidewalks would be placed one foot from the street or one foot from the property owners right of way line. The chairman explained that under the street ordinance, the sidewalks are placed one foot from the property line on the street right of way. Mr. Tommy James of General Telephone Company, asked if under Section 8-I, Easements, would all utilities be placed underground. He also asked whether the utility easements would be fenced and if so, what width the gates of the fences would be. Mr. Wells stated that a gate must be placed there so that the service man can get down the easement without having to go into someone's front yard. Mr. James suggested a 10 foot gate minimum. He also asked whether all utilities would have to be put in before the street is paved. He said he felt this could be controled if the other utilities were notified before any development goes in. He asked whether all commercial lines were to be installed underground. Mr. Wells stated that yes, all lines were to be underground, except that the question had come up as to whether they should be placed in commercial and industrial zones underground. Mr. James stated that if each and every utility company were designated a location, a line could be staked and this could be followed. He stated he felt the telephone company might be interested in going to a common trench if this was desirable. Mr. Wells stated that he felt the cable companies might have some objection to this common trench. He said he felt they were limited in how close to a power line they could locate. Mr. Wells asked Mr. James if a one foot wide trench were made for an electric line, could the telephone company use this line also. Mr. James stated that yes, possibly they could, and that the city and telephone company might share in the cost • of digging the trench. L. Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 4 February 2, 1970 Mr. Wells stated that if any subdivider in the audience had any comments they wished to make, they should submit them in writing. Mr. Spearman stated that he did not receive a copy of the subdivision ordinance and would like to have one because the Home Builders Association was going to have a meeting on Tuesday and he would like to bring it up for review at that time. He was furnished a copy by the secretary. Mr. Wells recommended that on Page 15, under the heading of "Sidewalk", the words optional should be deleted in both places and the words "required" inserted in lieu thereof. On Page 18: 8-S, 8-S. 1. Street Lights: should read as follows: "street lights, of a design approved by the City Engineer, shall be installed at all street intersections and access ways, and at not more than 500 foot intervals along streets. Street lights consisting of pole, luminare and wiring shall be installed by the subdivider. Cul-de- sacs more than 300 feet in length shall be lighted. 8-T. ELECTRIC SERVICE: 8-T. 1 - Electric lines and communication lines will be installed underground. In heavy commercial and industrial areas, the supply of commercial lines may be aerial. Mr. Wells also recommended that a separate section under Section 9, be added as follows: 9-I: STREET LIGHTS: 9-I-1. Street lights, of a design approved by the City Engineer, shall be installed at all street intersections and access ways, and at not more than 500 foot intervals along streets. Street lights consisting of pole, luminare and wiring shall be installed by the subdivider. Cul-de-sacs more than 300 feet in length shall be lighted. The Subdivider shall excavate the ditch, furnish and install all conduit and backfill the ditch; the City will complete the installation. The Commissioners asked Chairman Wells what had happened concerning the Briar Rose Plat. Commissioner Gardner stated that the P&Z had recommended an additional five feet of right of way on Munson be obtained so that Munson could ultimately carry the traffic the way it is shown on the Master Street Plan. He stated that he did not understand why the Council had over-ruled their recommendation. Mr. Wells stated that he did not know why the city council took the action they did because he had not seen the Minutes from that meeting. 111 The final plat of Southwood, Section 8, was brought up for approval by the commission. However, the necessary signatures were not on the plat, so it was not approved. L r � Minutes of Planning and Zoning Commission Page 5 February 2, 1970 Some discussion then followed among commission members and Bill Fitch concerning town houses and building requirements for such. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 p.m. , subject to call. APPROVED: 2l/ : -L - Acting Chairman ATTEST: City Secretary s las S AGENDA PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION CITY Or COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS January 19, 1970 at 7:00 p.m, 1. Consideration of Annual Repdrt draft. 2. Consideration of Subdivision Regulations Ordinance. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Adjourn. CDW:las cc: City Council Local news media 41 • I hereby certify that the attached Notice was posted on2.2_,/,—jadgeerdtL? 12-7o at : So try Lynda Swoveland City Secretary Subscribed and sworn to before me this /� day of • ---- 19 _70 Notary Public, Br os CountyTexas •