HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/07/1968 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission • MINUTES OF THE PLANNING AND 2ONING CCMMISSION Cctober 7, 1968 MEMBERS PRESENT: Acting Chairman Codie Wells, Jim C 'Brien, Jim Gardner and Joe Sawyer. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everett Janne and Philip Steen, Jr. VISITORS PRESENT: City Manager Ran Boswell, Loyd smith, W. L. Fitch, Mrs. B. F. Vance and Mr. A. L. Holik The Chairman called the meeting to order at 7:00 P. M. in the Council Room of the City of College Station, Texas. Cn motion by Mr. C'Brien, seconded by Mr. Gardner, approval of the minutes of the last meeting on September 16, 1968 was made, with one correction as follows: Mr. Jim O'Brien was in attendance. Motion carried. • Renaming Wellborn Road and East 29th Street was the first order of business. Mr. Wells asked that Mr. Gardner get in touch with the Bryan Planning Commission and try and work out a suitable name that would be agreeable with both Bryan and College Station. Mr. Wells then asked for the pleasure of the commission in regard to a joint meeting with the City Council. The two probable dates for the joint meeting are October 16 and 17. Members of the City Council and Planning and Zoning Commission will be notified of the date selected. The next item of business was the extension of University Blvd. from State Highway 6 Northeast to proposed relocation of State Highway 6. Mr. Wells stated that he felt a decision on this should be post poned until the joint meeting with the City Council on the 16th or 17th of October. The next order of business was a problem regarding a building permit for the Bolick Commercial tract. Mr, Wells suggested that the building be set back so that it would allow for plenty of parking space. The Holt Subdivision was the next order of business. Mr. O'Brien moved that the plat be accepted as submitted. Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. Motion carried. • • Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission October 7, 1968 Page 2 The next order of business was Woodland Estates Subdivision Plat (1/2 of Lot 16). Mr. O'Brien moved that the plat be accepted as submitted. Mr. Sawyer seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mr. Wells stated that he felt the question of approving the plats in a more expeditious manner needed to be considered. This will be brought up at the joint meeting between the Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council. The next order of business was University Oaks Plat, Section 1. There was considerable discussion on this plat. The following conditions were outlined by Mr. Wells: a. R.O.W. on Ashburn & Munson should be increased to 56 foot minimum. b. The sewer crossing Block 2 should be rerouted along the west side and utility easement on the southside. • c. Thirty foot drainage easement be provided for the stream. d. That Dominik be included in the tract at the intersection of Munson with a 70 foot right of way. e. Marvin Byrd home should be shown on the Byrd tract. f. Block 1 should be re-examined for possible division of lots and re-numbered to eliminate long narrow lots. Mr. O'Brien moved that the plat be approved with the following stipulations added: a. Reconsider the street pattern in reference to Munson. b. Reconsider the concrete drainage ditch. c. Fence promised should be put in writing on the map and that the sequence of development should be shown. d. Consider asking for appropriate rezoning for Block 5. Mr. Gardner seconded the motion. Mr. Wells voted no and Mr. Sawyer voted no. Motion did not carry. Mr. Sawyer then moved that the stipulations outlined by Mr. Wells be accepted. Mr. Wells seconded the motion. Motion did not carry. It was then proposed that a special meeting of the Commission be held, with Developer and Planner at 5:00 P.M. on October 8, subject to Mr. Boswell contacting Developer. • • Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission October 7, 1968 Page 3 On the preliminary plat for Southwood addition, Mr. Fitch came before the commission and answered questions regarding his plat. Mr. O'Brien suggested that he show the plat as a block at a time. Mr. Fitch will revise and re-submit his plat. Mr. Lloyd Smith talked with the commission in regard to some apartments which were to be built by Cates Construction Company on University Drive. His sketch of the plat he submitted did not conform to the street regulations. Mr. Wells stated that there was a legal question involved because of maintenance on streets and because some of the land in question belonged to the University. Mr. Smith - .was advised to take this latter question up with the City Council. Mrs. B. F. Vance then asked permission of the Planning and Zoning Commission to do a concept of lot line building, in which the parking area is the first level and there are two stories of apartments above the parking areas. She said the need for housing was quite critical and because of this, she felt the lot •line concept of building could be completed in a reasonably short period of time. She was requesting to build close to the University. Mr. Wells instructed Mrs. Vance to prepare a letter to the City Manager requesting a change in the Zoning Ordinance. The next item of business was a request from Mrs. Kate Lamb for rezoning property of Lots 3, and 4 and the Northeast 1/2 of Lot No. 5 of Block 23 in W. C. Boyett Subdivision, from District No. 2, second dwelling house district to District No. 3, apartment house district. Motion was made by Mr. O'Brien to rezone this property as requested. Motion seconded by Mr. Sawyer. Motion carried. The next item of business was a request from L. G. Jones to rezone the property of North 720 feet of Block 3, Breezy Heights Addition to Number 3, Apartment House District. Mr. Gardner moved that action be deferred until further study could be made of this property. Mr. O'Brien seconded the motion. Motion carried. The next item of business was a request from Mrs. W. D. Lloyd to rezone Lots 1 and 2 of Block 23 of the Boye tt Subdivision from dwelling house district to apartment house district. The West half of Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 were also included by the commission to be rezoned in this group. On motion by Mr. O'Brien, seconded by Mr. Gardner, these lots were recommended to Ashby rezoned. Motion carried. • Minutes of the Planning & Zoning Commission October 7, 1968 Page 4 A request for rezoning 66. 3 acres of Dobrovolny property adjacent to County Road, and a request for rezoning a part of The Glade, Section 11, by the Area Progress Corporation, were deferred for further study. las/10-8-68 • •