HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/05/1967 - Minutes - Planning & Zoning Commission� e CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ,J7 College Station, Texas • Parks Committee Minutes April 5, 1967 6i9a'e'' '/ Memberspresent: Mesdames Boyett, Cooley, Price, Brison, Thomas; and Messrs. Y Dowell and Haislet. Others present: Ran Boswell. 1. Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Minutes of last meeting were corrected and approved. Item 7 should have read "Mrs. Boyett agreed. . . " 3. A letter from John Huff, President of the Lions Club, was read in which he confirmed his club's donation of $1,500. 00 for Park Equipment. 4. Dowell moved and Mrs. Thomas seconded the following: " That the City Council be requested to contact officials of the A&Ni Consolidated School District for the purpose of purchasing or leasing vacant property, located west of and adjacent to the city's park which adjoins Lincoln School. Said property if obtained to be developed and utilized by the City of College Station for park and recreational purposes." The motion passed unanimously. • . e e om George W. Kunze, President of the Little League was read, see copy attach , in which he suggested the Parks Committee to approve naming the park in memory of Wayne Smith (deceased). Mrs. Brison moved the City Council be requested to honor this request by the College Station Little League. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Cooley and passed unanimously. 6. Mrs. Boyett suggested that Mayor Anderson send a letter of appreciation to organizations that worked in the Parks Survey - Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Lions, and Kiwanis. The Committee felt this should be done at the Mayor's earliest convenience. Appreciation of the members of the Parks Committee were also expressed to Mr. Dowell for his leadership and work on the survey. 7. Mr. Boswell presented the results of our solicitation of bids for playground equipment. Mircle Company's bid for all but a $198.00 muscle-builder item was $3,319.00 for College Station. Game Time Company's bid for all items was $3,382.00 for College Station. Mrs. Price moved we accept the Game Time bid. Mrs. Brison seconded and it passed unanimously. Mr. Boswell said we can expect delivery within 30 days. Mrs. Boyett will contact the Lions Club so they can make plans to assist with the installation and arrange for publicity. • 8. Dowell asked Mr. Boswell about lights for the playground areas on Thomas Park and Boswell stated the City has 4 extra street lights on hand which will be installed at both playground areas. Parks Committee Minutes April 5, 1967 • Page 2 9. Haislet moved adoption of the following motion: " That Mrs. Boyett and/or Mr. Dowell prepare a.brief abstract, of not more than two pages, of the Parks Survey report, complete with pertinent charts, have it duplicated and present a copy to each member of the Parks Committee and each Councilman and 5 copies to Mayor Anderson. It is also recommended that the present City Cotincil be urged to: (1) give immediate attention to acquiring three tracts of land for development as neighborhood parks. Such areas should be from 5-10 acres in size. The parks are to be located one in the vicinity of South Knoll Addition, one in vicinity of Redmond Addition, and one in the vicinity of Carter's Grove. A&M University already limits the use of its outdoor swimming pool to Students, Faculty, Former Students and M.S.C. guests and their guests. It is not, therefore, unreasonable to assume that within the next few years, A&M University will increase its enrollment to such a size that all University facilities now enjoyed by our citizens will be limited to student use. Based on this assumption and upon the results of the Parks Committee Survey, the • present City Council is urged to seriously consider purchasing one or more large tracts of land, located within 2 miles distance of the present city limits of College Station, to be developed as municipal parks. Each park should be of sufficient acreage and accessibility as to contain an 18-hole golf course, a large swimming pool, tennis courts, children's playground areas, picnicing and other related recreational activities. " Dowell seconded and the motion was approved unanimously. 10. The meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, John A. Haislet, Secretary JAH/dgs •