April 12, 2012
Linda Harvell, Chair
Jerry Cooper
M. D. Marshall
Don Barber
Kim Fox
Bill Harper
Allison Meserole
Tracy Paine
Dave Ruesink, City Council Place 6
City Staff:
Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary
Jacob Morris, Historic Records Coordinator
Mike Neu, Multi-Media Coordinator
1. Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present
With a quorum present, the 75th Anniversary Committee was called to order by Chair Linda Harvell at 8:32 a.m. on Thursday, April 12, 2012 in the College Station Conference Center, 1300
George Bush Drive, College Station, Texas 77842.
2. Hear Visitors
There were no visitors.
3. Consider Approval of March Minutes
MOTION: Upon a motion made by M. D. Marshall and a second by Don Barber, the Committee voted to approve the minutes as submitted. The motion carried unanimously.
4. Chair Report
Chair Linda Harvell reported that she had met with city officials, she indicated that they seem supportive of the 75th activities. She reported that she and Mike Neu have been meeting
with Bush library staff to look at exhibit space discuss proposed installations.
Chair Linda Harvell also announced that she needs volunteers to oversee each of the various specific aspects of 75th activities.
5. Committee Reports
Book Project
No current plans exist to pursue the book project.
b. Public Relations and Marketing
Mike Neu described different means to market the 75th Anniversary. These include the City’s website, social media pages, utility bill inserts, and local media will also be contacted
for support. Linda Harvell added that informal networks will also be utilized such as social networks, class reunions, etc. Linda Harvell offered to work on developing a Facebook page
that would not dilute City media efforts, and would cross-promote. Allison Mesorole stated that Bryan Broadcasting will help publicize. Content can also be added to Jay Socol’s radio
c. Exhibits
Mike Neu reported that he, Linda Harvell, and curator Susie Cox toured the proposed exhibit space at the Bush Library, estimated at approximately 3000 square ft. They developed a rough
outline and plan for the exhibits. Some of the topic areas for the exhibit include: Texas A&M, the Corp of Cadets, historic homes, long-standing and early local business, the creation
of the Bush library, a section on the relationship the City of Bryan and College Station, A&M medical advancements, and quality of life. The extent and intricacy of the exhibit can
be tailored to budget and available resources.
The committee discussed the appearance of exhibits. Mike Neu described a replica of the train station façade, and a streetscape display, resembling Northgate. An exhibit illustrating
the growth of the city was suggested; Jerry Cooper stated that an engineering firm owns many appropriate aerial photos. Other suggestion were thematic color backdrops to accentuate
artifacts, Interactive exhibits were proposed, including a photo board of the signing of the city charter that allows visitors to place their faces into the picture, and a memory wall,
where visitors write their recollections.
The Committee discussed the procedures and administrative aspects of developing exhibits. Mike Neu announced that a specific procedure for prospective exhibit loans is being developed.
The potential exhibit item, including dimensions, history, condition, etc. will be described on a specific form, and it will be submitted. The specific form and mailbox for submittals
is being developed. Tracy Paine suggested that as much label as possible also be developed. Neu estimated a minimum lead time of two months prior to the exhibit launch for all exhibit
materials to be finalized. Linda Harvell announced that the Bush library will cover exhibit insurance, security, condition evaluations, and registration.
d. Committee Chair researching 2013 City Council recognitions of prominent residents and businesses
Linda Harvell announced that help was needed to get research done to identify long-standing businesses. These businesses may include Bryan businesses that have contributed to College
Station history. Don Barber speculated that the local abstract company may be longest standing
brazos valley company. The Secretary of State website was suggested as a resource to find long-standing businesses.
e. Activities- Day of Event- Brainstorm ideas
Linda Harvell requested a volunteer to coordinate attractions to represent each decade. She stated that she wanted to avoid a strong emphasis on memorabilia because of security difficulties
inherent to an outdoor large scale event. She suggested the memory wall as a good exhibit to use at Veteran’s Park and transfer to the Bush installation. Kim Fox suggested middle or
high schools as possible volunteers.
Harvell updated the committee concerning the birthday dinner, stressing that it should be casual, and will invite long standing individuals, and businesses. Meals will need to be either
sponsored or paid, to avoid accusations of favoritism. She called for a volunteer to arrange the dinner event.
Harvell announced a tribute to local vets. She stated that the Brazos Valley veterans’ board will need to be contacted.
She indicated that the automobile event will feature 1 car per decade, and that need someone is needed to coordinate that with parks dept, and contact vehicle owners. Don Barber stated
that he knows one of the loan officers at 1st Victoria bank who may be able to assist.
f. Volunteers and Outside Organizations
Chair Harvell stated that volunteers were needed. The committee agreed that calls for volunteers should be treated as a staff list consisting of specific job and task descriptions, to
avoid an excess of undirected volunteers. Mike Neu offered directed media callouts. Kim Fox suggested Aggie Serve, Brazos Valley Volunteers and the United Way as volunteer sources.
The Arts Council, SCISD, local Churches, the medical community, and libraries were suggested as potential sources for expertise and manpower.
6. Speaker’s Bureau- Mayor Ben White
7. Fundraising- Don Barber/Linda Harvell- Sponsorship Packet
Linda Harvell announced that the sponsorship packet was being developed. She requested any suggestions for sponsorships. Additional fundraising information under item 8.
8. Budget
Don Barber stated that the current estimated budget was based upon an estimate of 500 dollars per decade, with 8 decades, with an additional $16,000, to total $20,000. Linda Harvell
indicated that if the George Bush library did all preparations themselves, the total cost could approach $75,000. It was suggested to seek large sponsors to donate roughly $10,000
each. Suggestions for potential donors included Britt Rice, Oldham Goodwin, Marriot. It was suggested that specific terms be developed for the sponsors packet so contacts could begin.
Don Barber and Linda Harvell suggested that in-kind services could help defray costs. He indicated that Stylecraft homes and C.C. Creations may be able to assist with exhibit construction
materials and/or labor. Neu-indicated that Bush Library staff may want to do actual exhibit construction themselves.
9. New and Other Business
The Committee discussed banners. Mike Neu estimated that banners range from $400 to $800. Jerry Cooper recalled that Texas City had popup banners made for under $400.
Chair Linda Harvell stressed that the focus needs to shift to specific tasks, and members need to volunteer and/or refer volunteers for specific aspects.
10. Adjournment
MOTION: There being no further business, the Regular Meeting of the 75th Anniversary Committee was adjourned at 9:53 a.m. on Thursday, April 12, 2012.