HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/13/2010 - Special Agenda Packet - City Council *„I Crri a u Ccr_i_en I',STXfl(I)N M ayar III Mil iV.Xt iIC'lll U112crsiry' Clciuncilmembeirs Nancy Barry Jess Fields Mayor Pro llem Dennis Maloney Jclhrl C uomplon K aty-Marie Lyles Clityl M anager Davie Rluelsink Glenn Brown Agenda Clity Council Special Meeting Monday, Septenr bur 121, 2010 at 6:(I(I pm Clouncil Clhan ber 11(11 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 1. Call to ordcm. 2. Presentation, possible nation, anc disci.ssior on an ordinance aidoptir g 111-a Clity of Collude Station 20110-201 1 Buc g at; crud piresen t all ion, passible action an d discussion ratitling the property taN rcivanuc! increase fief acted in the budget. 3. Presciritalion, passible act ion, and c isaussion an approval oil an ordinance adopting ill-a Clity of C lallcip a Statiar 2010-3(I 11 ac valorem tax rate aft$0.447543 pier $17 00 a;scissec valuation, the deft t service pore ion being $10.33(I1 cI4 par $17 00 assessed valuation and lll.a opculatians and main lenancei portion being $0.22'1349 per $1100 a:scissec valual ion. 4. Preseirtation, post iblu action, and c iscussiar fiegafiding selection of apipiliaarts to various Citizen Boards arc Committees. 5. Exact tiva Session will immediately follow the workshop meeting in lll-a Administnati' a Conference Roam. Personnel {Gov'll Code elation)-ISI:I.C174}: nassit let action Tlhel City Council may deditemale lhcl apploinrlmenl, employment, evaluatian, reassignment, cu1icl:, di:aiplinel, or di;missal cif a public! officer. After ereaulivie session disaussion, any final aalionl or vole taken will be in pt tlic. 11te lbllowing pudic officicm(Is)ma) be discussed: a. City Atdilor t. Mur iaiplal C ourl Judge c. City Manager c. Council 9cl14EIvaluation 6. Act ion an axeau tiN el sassiar. 7. Adjaurr. PROVED: • y Manager Notice is herd y gin that a mecrtir0 oflha City Caur.cil oflthci Cit)1 oflCollege' Statiar, Texas will be h elc or ill-e :I 3t11 c ay of 9eiptambaii, 2010 al (:00 pn- al C it)1 ofl C ollcpla Stal ion Cou r ail C Nan-h ar, 11(11 Vexes Avar u e, C allege Statiar, Taxas. TN a fbllawing su h cuts will bci disaL ssad, to wit: Sae A ganda. Postec the 1(11 h c ay cal Sept err h ar, 201(1 al _I:(ICI p.n-. By: /Lvc — Shen}I Mash , C iq Secmatany I, tN a undcrsiplr ad, do hemeby cer ify :I N at the above Na1 lac' ofl Maating of ill-e Govcrr.iing E oc y ofl:l h e C ity cal Collega Stal ion, Taxas, is a tru a ar a ccumecl ccpl}1 of said Notiaci ar c ill-at 11 pasted a truci arc acmueal aapy afl saic notice!ar the' h u llatir boauc al C ity Hall, :1 1101 lleixas ANanua, in Collega Statior, llexas, and the City wabsi:la, www.astx.gov . 11he Agar c a arc Native sire raac ily aacassih la to ill-a ganersd pu h lie al all times. Saic Ncrtiae ar.e Agar da ware pasted on Sapltcm ber 10, :CI 10 at `I:CICI p.rr. and rem air ad sa pasted car tin u au sly fhm at least 7: hours ppicaeading tha sch adulad lime afl said m outing. 11h is nu h lic r atice was Him au ed fron :11-a afficiial pasting boaile at the C allcga Station City Nall or the fbllowir g date and time: By . Date this da)l of , 201(1. C:Illy OF C OIJIJEGE STA1111CIN, TIEXA9 EN Subscrihec anc sworr to before mci on this the cay cfl , 20110. Notary Pt.h 1 is—Brazos C au r ty, Texas My commissicr EDpiras: This building is wheialcihair aciciussiblei. Handicap parking spacieis area mailable'. Any ruqu est far sign im urpratti\i a sure lee muss bu made 48 r ciu rs h eftiru meutir€1. la make zuuiangumur is call (979) 7(4-21 5 17I or (TDD) :I-800-721`I••:iciHci. Aga c as ma}I r u viuwud on www.cistx.gov