HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/2011 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board _ AGENDA • BRYAN+COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY,JUNE 21,2011 5:15 p.m. LARRY RINGER LIBRARY 1818 HARVEY MITCHELL PARKWAY SOUTH COLLEGE STATION,TEXAS 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS 4. PREVIOUS MINUTES—MAY 2011 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS—MAY 2011 6. OLD BUSINESS • 7. NEW BUSINESS A. MONEY HANDLING PROCEDURES 8. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT ON LIBRARY ACTIVITIES 9. REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR JULY 19TH, MEETING AT THE CLARA MOUNCE LIBRARY 10. ADJOURN Please notify the Adm.Asst.Laura Mills,209-5614, if you are unable to attend. College Station Board Members should also complete the absence request form and submit to the office of the College Station City Secretary one week prior to meeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD OR OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR, LARRY KOENINGER AT 209-56111 PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED. • Koeninger, Larry _ From: Larry User[tarry@gcevaluators.com] Ikent: Monday, June 20, 2011 12:36 PM o: Koeninger, Larry; Mills, Laura E Subject: Taxaide data Larry & Laura, I received some data from the district coordinator as follows Number of current year filings, prior year fillings, and amended returns: LJRPL - 763, CBMPL - 1401 Number of Q &A only: LJRPL - 159, CBMPL - 249 The CBMPL figures may differ from what you got from Bobby. 'Ole count above is slightly higher than the count of customers (by day of week)that I got from the site coordinator. My motto: When in doubt,use the whichever figure helps you the most. Larry • • 1 CLARA B.MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: May,2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open I 2341 28 Meeting Room Usage Ij 351 41 0 Patrons Registered j 339 384 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years j 18,243 16,545 Overdue Notices 1,571! 1,399 Holds Filled 1,763' 1,892 #of People Visiting Library 18,594 18,642 #of Checkouts 25,765 26,230 #of Checkins j 23,2311 24,396 In House Use 4,2751 4,52.7 I CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: I I Story Hour/Attendance I Teen Program/Attendance 1/81 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance1 1/82 Special Programs/Attendance 18/84817/7,799 Reference Transactions 4831 799 Summer Reading Club Registered thismonth — - I 771 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 771/0 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S/READER S ADVISORY: , Adult Programs/Attendance j 1/1650 Interlibrary Loan Received j 30 47 Interlibrary Loan Sent Reference Transactions 635 757 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 ink Technology Classes/Attendance 4/7 4/7 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): I Adult Books 658 597 Juvenile Books 3381 347 Adult Media j 501 _ 58 Juvenile Media 8111 j Videos ` Microforms ) 55 I 47 I 'CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR I Adult Juvenile (Other Adult Juvenile Other 1TCILL 1 ; 2,328 2,403 Books 8,851 9,9611 8,750 10,384 Periodicals I 346 371 5681 80 Paperbacks 8691 1 8471 Media 7981 4031 643 369 DVDs { 1 j 4,428 4,070 Videos ( 1 1 17 j I 317 Wireless Internet 1 527! 297 'Internet Computers ' 4,390 I I 4,465 ILL 30 Reference 66 4 48 2 TOTAL 10,9301 10,405 11,720 10,8561 10,835 11,552 'GRAND TOTAL 33,055 33,243 • Prepared by Approved by 'LARRY J.RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: May,2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open 278 3,0 iiiI Meeting Room Usage 9 13 - Patrons Registered 292 361 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 16,390 15,083 Overdue Notices 1,544 1,022 Holds Filled 3,615 3,470 I #of People Visiting Library 12,850 , 21,535 • #of Checkouts 25,765 30,711 #of Checkins 23,231 31,123 In House Use 4,065 4,977 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 3/237 0 Teen Program/Attendance Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 3/38 Special Programs/Attendance 0/0 2/260 Reference Transactions 455 433 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 0 498 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion 0 498/0 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance 1/922 Interlibrary Loan Received en 8 20 Interlibrary Loan Sent 10 Reference Transactions 1210 1340 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 5/68 Technology Classes/Attendance 0/0 111, COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): Adult Books 345 406 Juvenile Books 34 50 Adult Media 13 10 Juvenile Media 6 1 Videos 8 24 Microforms CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other TCILL 926 1,003 Books 10,726 14,181 11,606 13,333 Periodicals 452 136 514 89 Paperbacks 775 668 Media 814 393 818 309 DVDs 3,766 2,899 Videos 281 368 Wireless Internet 573 387 Internet Computers 3,075 3,245 ILL 25 20 Reference 15 0 22 45 TOTAL 12,782 14,710 8,646 13,628 13,776 7,922 GRAND TOTAL 36,138 35,326 • Prepared by Approved by I CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: May, 2011 YEAR YEAR • SERVICES: Days Open 145 hours 21 Patrons Registered Total Active Patrons 6 6 #of People Visiting Library 1,051 751 #of Checkouts (Internet PCs plus renewals) 6 #of Checkins 235 REFERENCE/GENEALOGY INFORMATION: Interlibrary Loan Received 3 Reference Transactions 46 54 Visits &Tours/Attendance 1/8;1/12;1/5;1.4 Special Programs/Attendance 1/6, 1/10. 3 of 22 Outside Programs/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books 4 15 Juvenile Books Adult Media Microforms Periodicals 4 5 Discarded CD's 474 IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Computers 36 44 CD-rom Computers Books 203 200 Rare Books 14 12 History Books 17 11 Files 7 3 Photo Files 6 5 Microfilm 13 23 ILL 2 History Lab Maps 3 3 Microform Machine Use 20 18 Periodical Use 11 2 CD's Not in Database New Scans 5 Photo Collection Use 7 5 Wireless Internet 87 22 • TOTAL In House Use 431 348 Prepared by Reviewed by • Library Advisory Board June 21,2011 1. Money Handling i. All money is handled by two staff ii. Money is checked out by the clerks from the office.One clerk is responsible for the bag. Other clerks must give their receipts to the clerk who has the bag key. iii. All cash reports must be completed at the close of each day. iv. Cash reports are numbered. v. Cash reports are compared to a printout from Polaris. vi. Funds are deposited to City. 2. Branch Manager i. 9 applicants ii. 2 possible 3. Budget i. Working on IGC payment from Ringer ii. Balancing a possible 3%merit pay increase with other budget requirements iii. No Loan Star Library Grant funds 4. Safety Manuals 5. BTOP Grant 9i. Computers are-SD-Fps) 'osedfyotde-r&d- ii. Me nce-#as4e-eeived-tntTrtitors-and-a-few-pefipher-als. iii. f]ing bas-arrived or •