HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/19/1987 - Regular Minutes - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE BRYAN LIBRARY BOARD August 19, 1907 1 . On the 19 of August, 1987, the Library Board of the City of Bryan, Texas, convened in regular Session in the regular place in the Reading Area of the Library 8uiJdiRg at 5:05 p.m. and the following members were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Member Present # of meetings # of meetings Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Ed Madeley, Pres. P 35 3� Mrs. Donna Ford A 3 J Mrs. M. Gibson A 35 24 Mrs, Carolyn Alford P 15 13 � Mrs. Mildred Thomas P 15 44-15 Mrs. Janet Lamountt P 8 6 Mr . Robert Orozco P 1 1 Also present were Mrs. Clara 8. Mounce, City Librarian; Mrs. JeriJynn Milliams, Associate City Librarian, and Mrs. Laura Mills, secretary. 3. No visitors were present. 4. The minutes for July were approved as presented. 5. Statistics for July were discussed. The bookmobile showed a decrease in circulation due to elimination of the K-Mart stop since the branch library opened.- The overall statistics showed the largest circulation for the summer months. 6. There were no committee reports. 7.and 8. In the Librarian 's report, Mrs. Mounce informed the Board of the resignation of Mrs. Charlie Craig, / Branch Librarian, effective August 31, 1987. Mrs. Carol Elmore has accepted this position . Mrs. Mounce reported that other changes in Bryan staff have resulted from the elimination of 40 hours of clerical staff/ personnel . Budget Cuts for FY 87-88 have decreased the Library 's budget by 16% from last year . However, money has been allocated to repair and modify the air conditioning system for $10,000. Public facilities will improve a drainage to eliminate water in the basemeot . 9. In new business, Mrs. Mounce announced the appointment of Mr . Robert Drozco, a local attorney, to the Library Board. Also in new business, Mrs. Williams presented considerations for changing the procedures in conducting storytime in the Page I __ ________ - _ -' - _ children ' s Jzhrarv. 7he Board endorsed the new procedures which will require pre-enrollment of children in an 8-week session on either a Mednesday or Thursday or Friday group. Enrollment will be limited to 30 children in each group. ��� Mrs. Ni2liams e�plained that by redefining the storytime . ���K procedures, a more positive learning experience can be accomplished. 10. There were no requests for items for the agenda. 21 . The meeting adiourned at 6 ,130 p.m. �� � . . �� �� 6�Z�~�_ L,� ,�5;�v� v�,�c/°~ eil �_.~��______._____ ~^____� Edward Madeley, P ident Mrs. Clara Mounce, / City Librarian ' ��0�� �� �� � Page 2