HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/15/1971 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board December 15, 1971 illThe Bryan Public Library Board of Trustees held its regular meeting on Wednesday, December 15th at 5:00 P. M. in the Library. The Librarian's annual Christmas reception for the staff and the Board preceded the meeting. Present for the meeting were Dr. Paul Crawford, President of the Board, Mr. W. D. Dunn, Vice-President, Mr. Edsel Burkhart, Mrs.. R. J. Holmgreen, Dr. Tom King, and Dr. Turner Walton, Jr. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. In an examination of the statistics Dr. Crawford asked that the minutes reflect that the total circulation was up more than 27 % over November of last year and thatthe adult circulation was up 50 % over the same period. - Dr. King asked for the approval of the book order. It was approved. The financial report was discussed, and it was noted that the budget was slightly underspent. 11 Under old business the following reports were made on Library Programs: Mrs. Richardson said the Great Books Discussion Group needed new mem- bers and publicity. Dr. Walton agreed to ask Mrs. Myers of the Daily Eagle Staff to write an article. Mrs. Holmgreen made a report on her Family Night Program. She said she had succeeded in getting the Singing Cadets to give a. program in the Civic Auditorium on Friday night, February 11. The program would be free to the public and publicity in every way would feature the program as a project of the Bryan Public Library. A motion was made, seconded, and passed unanimously as the Board's approval of sponsoring the Singing Cadets. Discussion included the financial details. Mrs. Holmgreen estimated the cost of the project at $500. This amount is in the current budget for this purpose. Mrs. Holmgreen 0 said she would speak to Mr. Sandlin about the handling of the financial de- tails, i. e. , getting the City Commission's approval of spending the money for r , the program. Dr. Crawford said he would be pleased topresent the matter to the Commission. Mrs. Holmgreen reported that she• had been contacted by Mr. Boswell Porter who wished to give Mrs. Earl Porter's collection of books at the Caldwell residence to the Library. She said Mr. Porter had placed no restrictions on his gift. Mrs. Richardson said that we would be pleased to accept the gift and that 'she would write Mr. Porter. Mrs. Richardson reported the receipt of the balance of the Summey be- quest ($500) and that it had been placed in the restricted gifts account. Under new business the possibility of applying for L.S.C.A. Title II funds was discussed. Mrs. Richardson read a letter from Dr. Dorman Winfrey in which he said that the Texas Library and Historical Commission had authorized the designation of the Bryan Public Library as an Area Library under the Library Systems Act, 11/ 1969. He further stated that the acceptance of this designation should be made by a resolution or ordinance passed by our City governing body; a copy of this ordinance to be received by Texas State Library no later than Jan- uary 6. It was further stated that our city attorney would advise us as to the exact wording to be used in drawing up the ordinance Mr. Burkhart suggested that Mrs. Richardson ask Mr. Sandlin to put the matter on the agenda for the December 28th meeting of the City Commission. Mrs. Richardson said that the Friends of the Library Executive Board had met with Mx. Glenn McConnell, President of the South Texas Carbon and Ribbon Company, and had agreed to buy the Olivetti copying machine they had placed in the Library in June. The Friends agreed to make a down payment • of $48o and pay the rest out over a two year period. From henceforth the 11/ Friends would receive all income from the machine. The Librarian's report on Personnel included Mrs. Kim's leave of absence for major surgery. Mrs. Kim will return to work _on the first of January. Mrs. Richardson said she had recommended merit raises for the following staff members, effective January 3: Mrs. Eden, Mrs. Bozardt, Mrs. Hauer , Mrs. Griffin, Miss Boxley, Mrs. Halbrook, and Mr. Munoz. These raises were put into the current budget by Mr. Brooks in July. Mrs.Richardson reported on her day's attendance at a meeting for Di- rectors of Size II Libraries at the Temple Public Library. She read a resolu- tion made by members attending, on Reciprocal Borrowing privileges. By the resolution, each public Library in the Austin Major Resource Center area agreed to honor all library cards issued by any other library in the state of Texas. Other business conducted related to plans for helping our Size III libraries. 1 III Five workshops in Bryan were planned for 1972. Mrs. Richardson reported on her attendance at the annual meeting of the of State Library Board/Examiners at the State Library on December 3rd. The meeting ended on a happy note with the Librarian's announcement that the Texas State Library had named Dr. Crawford as Texas' nominee for the A.Z.A. National Trustee Citation. Two trustees from the United States will receive this award. She said she had written a resume of Dr. Crawford's achievements and sent to Miss Eloise Ebert, Chairman of the Citation Committee. Mrs. Richardson stated that whether Dr. Crawford won the citation or not, the Bryan Library felt singularly honored to have one of its trustees the Texas nominee. The meeting adjourned at 6:30 P. M. • President Secretary Approved: Asa F ' � ,CYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCOUNT 4027 DECEMBER 1971 ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET EXPEND ENCUM UNENCUM SAL SUMMARY PERSONAL SERVICES 90,7 68.00 $40,3 26.31 50,4 41.69 SUPPLIES 5.3 08.00 $1, 1 53.44 15.44 4, 139.12 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 21,4 25.00 $ 10,620.29 10,8 04.71 MAINTENANCE 6.400.00 $ 912.92 14.64 5.472.44 CAPITAL OUTLAY 27.6 40.00 $7.986.16 4250 19,6 11.34 TOTAL 151,5 41.00 1 $60,999,12 T 2 7258 T 3 90,4 69.30 • S • BOOK BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY FINANCIAL REPORT FOR December, 1971 IIIP CASH ON HAND 20,00 COLLECTIONS FINES 127.60 LOST & PAID BOOKS 8.86 LIBRARY FEES 3.00 TOTAL 159.46 RESTRICTED GIFTS 4,792.03 COLLECTIONS 652.00 TOTAL 5,444.03 EXPENDITURES none BALANCE 5,444.05. ROUNTREE ACCOUNT 351.40 DEPOSITS none TOTAL 351.40 EXPENDATURES none BALANCE 351.40 RErUNDABLE DEPOSITS 305.00 COLLECTIONS 5.00 TOTAL 310.00 REFUNDS 10.00 BALANCE 300.00 IPETTY CASH 30,00 BOOK BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FOR Deceiiber, 1971 CIRCULATION -.. �1'<i'�;r YEAR.���� � ^� LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Adult Juvenile Non-fiction 5512 5771 5138 4303 Fiction 7559 17301 5723 14571 Pamphlets 1211 12 317 3 Periodicals 398 17 339 28 Framed Prints 97 22 71 30 Pictures 0 0 0 35 Records 150 0 47 0 Slides 0 651 0 0 Total 14927 23774 11635 18970 Grand Total 38701 '0605 SERVICES THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Days open 23 26 New borrowers 139 216 Reference questions 1749 2028 Story hour attendance 215 385 Book reviews, radio programs, talks 42 38 Classroom collections 107 114 Inter-Library Loan 1137 263 Evening visitors 3556 2058 Evening circulation 4682 3638 Overdue notices 467 535 Bookmobile Trips made 31 32 Books carried to schools, parks 4145 2899 Books circulated to schools, parks 20825 14895 Crestview 100 50 Redmond Terrace 308 487 Manor East 52 53 Millican 5 40 Wellborn 7 12 Girls Club' 52 0 Boys Club 0 0 Harvey 0 12 Cedar Grove 205 100 Sherwood 100 40 Youth Center 0 0 BOOK STOCK THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Books purchased - Adult 295 325 11/ Books purchased - Juvenile 117 211 Memorial books 48 35 Other gifts 4 4 Total additions 464 575 Books repaired in Library 316 216 Books withdrawn o 441 Books rebound 70 0 Magazines bound 0 0 MEMORIAL AND OTHER GIFTS FOR DECEMBER 1971 In memory of Mr. and Mrs. George E. Adams: $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mitchell In memory of Mrs. Katie Wilcox Dansby: $5.00 from NIr. and Mrs. R. J. Cardwell $5.00 from Miss Mary Sue McNeil and Roy McNeil In memory of Miss Cora Garth: $5.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson $4.00 from Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Dewey, Sr. and Brownrigg Dewey, Jr. In memory of A. B. Hughes: $5.00 from Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Bock In memory of Mrs. James W. James: $4.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Boyce Olivet In memory of Dr. and Mrs. Harvey T. Kennedy: $20.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John R. Pedigo, Sr. In memory of Reed McDonald: $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wortham $3.00 from Mr. and Mrs. George Mallard $3.00 from Marjorie and Henry Clay $10.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson $5.00 from Ken, Edith, and Penny Sue Menefee $5.00 from Mrs. Tom B. Lyne In memory of Mrs. Earl Porter: $3.00 from Bess and Joe Vincent In memory of Mabel Clare Smith: $5.00 from Mrs. Hazel Adams Richardson 410 $5.00 from Mr. and Mrs. John Sandstedt Ri • BOOK '` - ' i t lc," 4/ela-e-A0-7.--(,) r BRYAN PUBLIC LIBRARY ACCOUNT 4027 DECEMBER 1971 ICCOUNT NAME BUDGET EXPEND ENCUM UNENCUM BAL PERSONAL SERVICES • $UPERV EXEC ADMIN 10,080.00 $5,040.00 5,040.00 KILLED LABOR 69,060.00 $ 7.191.8O 41,8 68.20 LABOR OPERATIONS 11,628.00 $8,094.51 • - 3,5 33.49 TOTAL _ 90,7 68.00 T 1 $40.3 26.31 T 2 .00 T 3 50,4 41.69 SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 3.208.00 $ 921.21 2,286.79 WEAR 1 N APPAREL,DRY GOODS 2 00.00 $ 46.80 153.20 MOTOR VEH I CLE&-GAS,O I L 7 00.00 $ 1 04.43 5 9557 MINOR APPARATUS 300.00 $ 25.95 274.05 LAUNDRY & CLEAN! NG 2 00.00 $ 46.80 153.20 OTHER SUPPLIES 7 00.008.25 6 91.75 OUTSTANDING ORDERS $ 0.00 15.44 15.44 CR TOTAL 5,3 08.00 T 1 $1, 1 53.44 T 2 15.44 T 3 4, 139.12 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES COMMUNICATIONS 1.300.00 554.70 745.30 HIRE OF EQUIPMENT 350.00 230.00 120.00 COURT COSTS,DAMAGES • 50.00 $ 0.00 50.00 TRAVELING EXPENBES 1,2 00.00 $2 08.74 991 .26 UTILITIES 16, 050.00 $8,746.25 7,303.75 MISCELLANEOUS 1,5 75.00 $5 95.60 9 79.40 ASSOC I AT I CNAL DUES 4 00.00 2 85.00 1 15.00 IF F.I LM RENTAL 5 00.00 $ 0.00 5 00.00 TOTAL 21,4 25,00 T 1 $ 10,6 20.29 T 2 .00 T 3 10,8 04.71 MAINTENANCE FURNITURE & FIXTURES 4 00.00 0.00 4 00.00 MOTOR VEH I CLES-T I RES 6 00.00 $ 13.58 4 26.42 OFF ICE MACHINES 4 00.00 $ 197.00 2 03.00 ' BOOKS 8o MAGAZINES 5.000.00 $542.34 (4,457.66 OUTSTANDING ORDERS $ 0.00 14.64 14.64 0 TOTAL 6.4 00,00 T 1 $ 912.92 1 2 14.64 T 3 5,4 72.44 CAPITAL OUTLAY BUILUINUS 2, 000.00 $ 0.00 2000.00 1FURN I TURE,F I XTURES 2431.00 $315.00 2,116.00 OFFICE MACHINES - 250.00 $ 183.00 - 67.00 BOOKS 18,4 59.005.4 4750 13, 01150 MAGAZINES,NEWSPAPERS 4,5 00.00 $2, 040.66 - 2,4 59.34 OUTSTANDING ORDERS - $ 0.00 4250 - - 4250 TOTAL 27,6 40,00 T 1 $7.9 86.16 T 2 4250 T 3 19,6 11.34 •