HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/17/1995 - Regular Minutes - BVSWMAMINUTES BRAZOS VALLEY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT AGENCY January 17, 1995 BVSWMA Crystal Park Plaza Conference Room BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Larry Ringer, Tom Brymer, College Station Interim City Manager, Mark Smith, College Station Director of Public Services, Mike Conduff, Bryan City Manager, Bruce Karr, Bryan Acting Director of Public Works. OTHERS PRESENT: Bill Angelo, BVSWMA Executive Director, Joy Leighman, BVSWMA Staff Assistant, Charles Cryan, College Station Assistant Director of Fiscal/Human Resources AGENDA ITEM 1: Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 1:38 p.m. by Mayor Ringer. AGENDA ITEM 2: Approval of the Minutes from the December 20, 1994 meeting. Mr. Conduff made a motion to approve the minutes. Mr. Brymer seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the minutes. AGENDA ITEM 3: Consideration of a Proposal from K.W. Brown Environmental Services for annual groundwater sampling and analysis. Mr. Angelo gave a brief presentation on the proposal after which he recommended approval to the Board. After brief discussion by the Board, Mr. Brymer made a motion to approve the proposal. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the proposal. AGENDA ITEM 4: Consideration of a Proposal from Environmental Energy International requesting an option on the rights to methane gas generated at the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. Mr. Angelo gave a brief presentation on the proposal after which he recommended against awarding the request. After brief discussion by the Board, Mr. Conduff made a motion to deny the request from EEI. Mr. Brymer seconded the motion. The Board unanimously denied the request. AGENDA ITEM 5: Consideration of a Proposal from HDR Engineering relative to a height amendment for the Rock Prairie Road Landfill. Page 2 Mr. Angelo gave a brief presentation on the proposal after which he recommended approval to the Board. A lengthy discussion ensued between the Board, Mr. Angelo and Mr. Cryan regarding the amendment and our financing options. Mr. Brymer made a motion to approve the proposal. Mr. Smith seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved the proposal. AGENDA ITEM 6: Receive a Report and Consider further action on the Lick Creek Realignment Project. Mr. Angelo gave a brief report on the Lick Creek Realignment Project and then recommended proceeding with the project utilizing in-house resources. After lengthy discussion among the Board Members, Mr. Brymer made a motion to table the item pending further financial analysis of the item from our Budget Department. Mr. Conduff seconded the motion. The Board unanimously approved tabling the item until further notice. AGENDA ITEM 7: Board Member Comments. Mr. Brymer expressed his appreciation for the speed with which Mr. Angelo generated the Life Expectancy Report and the status report. AGENDA ITEM 8: Directors Report. Mr. Angelo briefly discussed the December Tonnage Report. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that BVSWMA received the TNRCC letter from their last inspection and have been found in full compliance. He went on to compliment the landfill employees on their work. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that Christy Corse has arranged a data swap between BVSWMA and the Brazos County Appraisal District which will save BVSWMA several thousand dollars. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that he will be making a presentation on a paper he wrote at the "Options for Texas `95" conference next week. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that he has been invited to critique the TNRCC's course entitled "Full Cost Accounting" in late February. Page 3 Mr. Angelo informed the Board of the Citizens Advisory Committee's Public Forum on Thursday, January 19, 1995, at the Brazos Center. He also gave the Board Members copies of E.Bruce Harrison's mock-up of the BVSWMA Bulletin. These bulletins will be made available to any interested person at the Public Forum. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that BVSWMA will be participating in the Home and Garden Show at Post Oak Mall. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that BVSWMA has purchased 1,000 canvas shopping bags to be used for public relations purposes. He also told the Board that Texas Commercial Waste is interested in buying another 1,000 bags and splitting the cost with BVSWMA. The Board indicated they did not approve of this idea. Mr. Angelo informed Mayor Ringer that TNRCC stated they are willing to change their contact person at City of College Station from the Mayor to Mr. Angelo. Mayor Ringer approved. Mr. Angelo informed the Board that the plaques for Mr. Ragland and Mr. Ilschner are now ready. The Board decided the letter of transmittal should be from Mayor Ringer. AGENDA ITEM 9: Adjourn. Mayor Ringer adjourned the meeting at 2:48 p.m. b—I1t.&o