HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/11/2017 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board, ... A�-.. """' PARl<S AND RECREAnON ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA TUESDAY APRIL 11, 2017 REGULAR MEETING IN 7:00PM Wolf Pen Green Room 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 1. Call to order and Roll Call. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear visitors. 4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the March 14, 2017 meeting. 5. Presentation, discussion and possible action on Nantucket Park (Nantucket HOA). 6. Presentation, discussion, and possible action on Parkland Dedication Ordinance. 7. Lick Creek Park update presented by David Schmitz. 8. Fun For All Playground update presented by David Schmitz. 9. Update from members on assigned parks. 10.Strategic Planning: Short and Long term. l> Parkland Dedication Subcommittee formation. 11. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Parks Projects Summary and Dedications of Less than Five Acres from Rusty Warncke. ;.. 400 Poplar )> Falcon Po int 4 l> Falcon Point Bu ilding S l> Indian Lake Phase 20 l> Petterak l> SOCO Apartments )> University Heights Apartments l> Wall Place 12.Presentatlon, possible action, and discussion on future agenda Items: A Board Member may Inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual Information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. l> Next Meeting: May 09, 2017 13 .. Adjourn This bulldli.g 11 wheelchafr &O::UC!bte.. �ons with cl$al>!!i.tles who plan to ltt#CI 1to111 rrw:eung ind who may need ilCCDmmodatklc'I;, au-llla'Y •Ids, or 5ervtce5 sueft as Cove of Nantucket Park Request for Information Information seeking meeting for members of the Cove of Nantucket Homeowners Association Friday, February 10, 2017 Cove of Nantucket Members Attending • Bernita M Clark: Board of Directors for Cove of Nantucket HOA 1733 Twin Pond Circle (979) 450-7851 • Laurel Hargis: Board of Directors for Cove of Nantucket HOA 1703 Parkland Drive (281) 639-2497 • Gay Dunn: Member of Cove of Nantucket HOA 1738 Parkland Drive (903) 746-1484 • Jerrod Lane: Member of the Cove of Nantucket HOA 1732 Parkland Drive Who we Are • We represent the homeowners in the Cove of Nantucket Homeowners Association. • Our subdivision borders the 3.9 acre Cove of Nantucket Park. • Construction of the 66 homes that make up the Cove of Nantucket is now complete. • The majority of the homeowners in the subdivision are over age 55. • About one out of five of the homeowners in the subdivision is a single or widowed woman living alone. • Young families with young children share the subdivision with the predominately retired homeowners. ·� , I' k ' Existing Challenges • Parkland Drive is a narrow, curvy residential street with high density single family detached housing. • It is a major entry point from Highway 6 to the Cove of Nantucket and Nantucket subdivisions. • The private Qroperties are crowded, leaving few legal means for residents of Parkland Drive and their visitors and service providers to park. • People frequently park on Cove of Nantucket Park, leaving a bare, scarred surface.on the ground, and preventing the park vegetation from recovering. • Sometimes, it is not possible for an emergency vehicle to move through Parkland Drive to serve elderly occupants of our small subdivision in the event of a medical emergency. • Mailboxes set into a concrete sidewalk would prevent emergency vehicles from using it as an emergency route around parked vehicles. Proposed Remedy • We request the use of two areas of land, approximately 1000 square feet each, in the Cove of Nantucket Park. • Each area would be 8 to 10 feet wide, and about 100 feet long, to accommodate parking for approximately five cars. • We propose to use permanent paving standards that are acceptable to the City of College Station. • We will abide by all requirements of the City of College Station in construction and use standards. • We will avoid any area near a fire hydrant, a storm sewer opening, or anything else the city of College Station wants us to avoid. Proposed location of one of the parking areas is at 1737 Parkland Drive. This Google Earth picture was taken over a year ago. There is more damage now. The picture on the right depicts our proposal for the location of paved parking. � ��y l �' �.'i�. � ��-�--:::-=-, .. ... ,_ Proposed location of one of the parking areas is at 1719 Parkland Drive. This Google Earth picture was taken over a year ago. There is more damage now. The picture to the right depicts our proposed paved parking spaces. Can the City Assist Us? • Can the city bear the cost of construction of the parking spaces? • Will maintenance of the parking areas be the responsibility of the Cove of Nantucket HOA or the city of College Station? • Will the land used for parking still be a part of the Cove of Nantucket Park or will it become part of the Cove of Nantucket? • Are there requirements regarding the kind of vehicles that can be parked there or the length of time they can be parked? Damage to the Cove of Nantucket Park • The enclosed pictures demonstrate some of the damage the park has sustained from building and development around it. • The park is an important noise barrier between the Cove of Nantucket subdivision and Highway 6. • As the only public park in zone 12, the Cove of Nantucket Park provides important enhanced quality of life for residents of the area to exercise and relax in a natural environment. • The vegetation still remaining in the park is native to the Brazos Valley. .;. , � #_. ,, -.l·J.: .... r "i·. ,, .. - � . . ,. !'!'.­� .... : ... �..a ll. .. ..-. '.J: . . �r t;'J ' :: ""' �� .. :t .•• l 11 � • 1 ,__,..�� . ).......t,�; "f,: .� .___. ;-I . ..,. .... -.. ....... .. '\... ·' . .,, . .I � '/ . .,. ,-� ...,..._.....,. , I <: ���·_....,_Rr, "-�,..;.--� �-� .-_ .. .. � , . .../.• .. ---:v . 'T . .,-..... .... /t , ..!'·"" . .._-.; -. ,r-1.'"' �-..,, . ...,. This is a current picture of the Cove of Nantucket Park. Substantial loss of vegetation has occurred in the park. _, • . , �, �ra '�.I <!J ., " ·�I i1r • �� f . � ·� ' ' l �1 " "') I < • 'f'.· ! ,(, ' . "' r>' 1 , ,. ·� • l ; i t, • I< �,. . . ., , L4 l J ,t :' � j .• ,. ... , .. j '•!;.1 .1 � ' ,, . Proposal for Damage Repair • We request that the City of College Station re-plant bare areas in the park with plants native to the Brazos Valley to enhance the existing natural environment. • Since there is no water supply in the park, we need plants that will thrive in the existing environment without substantial help with irrigation. • We would like to focus on plants that attract and/or sustain wildlife, such as butterflies and birds. • Can the city guide us to resources that can advise us about the best way to repair and enhance the park? • Can the city provide funds for planting costs or provide park benches or other amenities to upgrade the existing walking path? Summary 1. Additional parking along Parkland Drive • Are we allowed? • Would the city fund? • What would be requirements, maintenance, etc.? 2. Park and Walking Path Enhancements • Replant and/or add native trees and plants • Plant markers • Benches CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS ANO RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Kelly Templin, City Manager; Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager David Schmitz, Director of Parks and Recreation Parkland Dedication Ordinance Update-March 30, 2017 Recently there have been several issues that have come up related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. In reviewing the ordinance, it ls apparent that it is time to revisit some of the current time restrictions on the expenditure of funds as well as the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundaries. There ls a need to reflect the City growth and development changes that have taken place since 2008 (10 yr.), which was the last time the Park Zones were addressed. The rapid growth of the City has shown a need to adjust the Park Zone boundaries to better reflect where housing Is being constructed. We also need to be cognizant of what the City's future growth may be. The upcoming expansion of the ETJ will also need to be Included within the Park Zones. Currently we are experiencing issues with funds being collected In Zones with few or no parks. This Is problematic especially for Community Parks which are larger and more costly to develop. This Issue is directly related to the time frame of live years, in which the ordinance states that funds collected must be expended or the developer who paid the fees has the right to request a refund. While we would like to buy park land or develop new parks, o�entlmes the five year time frame is too short to accumulate enough funds to do so. We have had our first developer inquiring into the possibility of refunding Parkland Dedication fees that were collected but not spent within the five year period. 111 this case, the funds at risk from several Park Zones, totals more than $240,000. We will be addressing this topic with the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. We wiU be looking at: • Re-mapping the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundilries • Adjusting the time frame for expenditure of fees collected to be either a longer time period or removing the requirement from the ordinance Related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance discussion, the Parks and Recreation Department, with the help of the City's Land Agent (Mark McAuliffe) is actively searching for possible additional park property in Community Park Zones A & B. We are close to an agreement on 111 acres of land in Zone B (weSt of the railroad tracks, along N. Dowling Rd.), and are beginning the search in Community Zone A (basically the Wellborn area to HWY 6). Attachments: Map of Park Zones Map of future needs for park land Parltland Dedication Fund balances (as of 12·2016) �David CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS ANO RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Kelly Templin, City Manager; Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager David Schmitz, Director of Parks and Recreation Parkland Oedi..ition Ordinance Update -March 30, 2017 Recently there have been several issues that have come up related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance. In reviewing the ordinance, it is apparent that lt is time to revisit some of the current time restrictions on the expenditure offunds as well as the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundaries. There Is a need to reflect the City growth and development changes that have taken place since 2008 (10 yr.), which was the last time the Park Zones were addressed. The rapid growth of the City has shown a need to adjust the Park Zone boundaries to better reflect where housing is being constructed. We also need to be cognizant of what the City's future growth may be. The upcoming expansion of the ETJ will also need to be Included within the Park Zones. Currently we are experiencing issues with funds being collected in Zones with few or no parks. This is prob le ma tic especially for Community Parks wh ith are larger and mo re costly to deve top. Th ls Issue is directly related to the time frame of five years, in which the ordinance states that funds collected must be expended or the developer who paid the fees has the right to request a refund. While we would like to buy park land or develop new parks, oftentimes the five year time frame Is too short to accumulate enough funds to do so. We have had our first developer inquiring into the possibility of refunding Parkland Dedication fees that were collected but not spent within the five year period. In this case, the funds at risk from several Park Zones, totals more than $240,000. We will be addressing this topic with the Park.sand Re<:reation Advisory Board. We will be looking at: • Re-mapping the Neighborhood and Community Park Zone boundaries • Adjusting the time frame for expenditure of fees collected to be either a longer time period or removing the requirement from the ordinance Related to the Parkland Dedication Ordinance discussion, the Parks and Recreation Department, with the help of the City's Land Agent (Mark McAullffe) Is actively searching for possible additional park property in Community Park Zones A & B. We are close to an agreement on 111 acres of land In Zone B (west of the railroad tracks, along N. Dowling Rd.), and are beginning the search in Community Zone A (basic.ally the Wellborn area to HWY 6). Attachments: Map of Park Zones Map of future needs for park land Parkland Dedi..ition Fund balances (as of 12-2016) �David •••kl•nil comm� Bud St' Zone ll>l•noe commllle<t Funded Un<11,..,,ltttd "°' "''"'16 GIA Pr ...... < a.tine. ZOrtt 1 f417 U ' 497.1)44 l,210 495134 1�; � 1.:.� 12: ·Un v '?;ri S w n1' Se� A:ep.af ;PX :S jlJ 21,j(;.j 40,906 4 31 n.0001 U6l Zone 2 (41 7 1 ) -Pa'" S\lnOlllP IPK 1707) 1,soo I I 7 ,500 ! �zone 3 {4 113) .. Fun Foi All Park tP K.1 4 09) 195 .000 I 135,000 I s,101 j zone 3 [417ll -CV MlUer P\ Otlftkltut Fo v n ta!n (P1Cl701l 3 .SOO 143,11.18 131 I 3,50 0 I Zc:ne .t (41 7 AI Crf'\C.ent !>o'nt Pert (PKJ 601} 1 -� 85.327 Z OtlE � • \'rl·c .. IC C-tl P•"k :=-t::S0::-1 I 1 9 ZO-J 204,.1 11 461 19,200 <,333 one 4 -R i [ntree PJr t l l'.!'.!Prov11me n1s (Pta.7111 95,000 �s.ooo Zone S · Edi!�I\\ •';tft Trash Cans (!)(l�l GOO 600 zone 5 • lOft"""lft! P�n1, Units tPK1606) J,000 7,878 :Z,000 218 !Ione S -Pirk Slp a -1PIU7DB' S.000 S,000 Zono6 I -l f5,6l61j I ·I 1s.636lj � 6 • Pvk Sl�--e f PtC17XXI I • I I ·I ?one 1 -Zone 7 P a rk CPICOOS1) . 440,164 l I . i 1n.i21 I Zo11e 7 -Crompton P;fk 1merovem.,,ts .{!Kl 703) 105,000 1,837 1 105,000 I zone 8-S,.V,dno""• P.u k Uertls.t Station (f'K1 U17) I 9.8001 22 I 9,8001 3.602 lone S. Pir� .. .._._ • PKl 709') I s .ooo; JS.424 I S,0001 '"ne9 I • I ' ·I Zone 9 � Woodlancl Htlh Parle lmpravtmtnti tPJCl 704] 23.000 59,686 99 23.DOQ I l6.S87 ' zone 10 -Cislf.eroc.k Pk Swing Set & Resu1f.,ruc (PK1S02) 27/JOO . 27,000 Zone 10 -Son om it i•;uk (Pt<l603} 141.87$ lal,426 218 141.81S 4•,718 Zone lD ·Reau a Part 1 1>K1602! 160,275 1 60,27 5 Z::·e :� · �t"t•r Oil!!:..S t '(JS::!!' 7,:!00 1.�00 zcne: 11 . f9.87tl!I . ' -1 19.8?0H Zone 12 . 25,419 I I . ; Zont 12 • c� or N1n1uctet Tr<3ill 11-.u (PICl?OS� :IA.000 104 1 2•,ooot l,!IJ5 :W t: 13 • Cisi te1r.11 e Pk Sv;il"S set & R:e-s .. rf"< n g {Pl<jSC!) 27.000 27,000 b:l"e :l -Stl\l,t:.i."C.JoC:J P�"t.·'.=>>::Sl'! �oo.x-:. 175.Bll 173 100.000 3.638 zone l .i • c..sdeot .. A.t�tor (Pr.l609t M OO 5,000 Zon.c ll -Clsrl�tt Tennis Court LlghtS lflkl10 6) 40,000 40,000 Z.ne1A . 92.SU I 3 89 i . ' 9l,12A I one 15 · Slua""• Ptrt !Pl(l.5221 778,000 1.205 .JZ.5; 3.3621 6 91,767 ; St0.196 I ZDoe 18 I .1 661 I • I • I 6411 zone 19 l .. • • .15 2 . 4 1521 zone: 21 j . 1,099 ' . 10991 Zone .2A . lS,6171 6S I . 35.552 i Zooe 26 I ·I 3,312 I • I • I 1.912 I Communlry Zont A £4160) l ·I 568112 1,4!0 56 5 .6921 Communi t y Zone: ft (.4 161} ; .. l,885.0U 10,802 2,974 2 1111 Zone Cl4ll>ll ·Play Fat Aft Potli IPl>lCO!ll I 365,000 llUU 454 i 1n.u21 '9.9161 Ccmmunlt'< Z.ne D 141611 I • I 38 llO . .. ill1!1C ; �ZoneA �ZoneB �ZoneC :=J Zone D _ J Neighborhood Zones CS City Limits • Parks 0TAMU --Streets ./ J 23 A Community and Neighborhood Park Zone Map NORTH RACCOON RUN E A r; L � fJ f> A l L J J � 0-J i­hnprovements' ongomg n1 Lie Creek Park R ece11t1y, !here has b41an concern elllreSsed about chllllllH to the trail sur­ r.aoes In Ude Creek Park. Dia to the ougol.l:le main­ tenance llDd lmproveml!llt projects within the )'6tk -recent brtdge construc­tion. trail repairs, dead � l"emOllll]s, IMlel'tll cleaning up of the park -there was a need to inlprove a short eection al trail U...truns from the equestrian park­ing Jot to the main trail. 'l'h8 equestrian parking lot ls the only parking lot availalile to access Iba rnaill trail. 'lbe other Plldl:iDe lot currently is Closed to allow fllr!Mocastructionor the Lick Creek Park Natur o Center. 'nle cJfy statflnstalle4 some old roadway mllllngs so that the constructtan WOrlt would not completely destroy the existing trial. This aerol-all-wealherroed will allow construction workers to continue to get vehiclee md equipment Into the park to perfurm maintenance and repaia. 'l'h1.s ls curren tly the only vehlde aQ:ess 110lllt tor the Pllli<. The atatr am still !Q Ille PfllC&'5S of ftniablng the natural tnp layar or the trail wttb mulch that will covvr th& tolldway mmtnp BlANCHE BRICK band, and they used this to prevent more expensive Bhort-term solutions for the construction vehicles to use. Allbou&h the park im­provements are underway: !be park remll!Jls open. YoU slill can enloY the park's natural deslen. but P1•ase be cautious and obey signs noting oonstruction and clo5ed areas. Lick Creek Park is this at1!1i'a Prrunlernature preserve. We apologize for the lDoo nvenieru:e lbe present C<Jmtrucllon. WOllc cn!Oted for park vf &ltors, but J))ease know that the clt;y or Col­ lege Station is committed to aialdng it even bolter when these improvements are completed. Other lmprovements UckCreek Nature Center The sis.acre piUlt on East Rock Pralrio Road is tmdergoini: extensive lmproY<>ments, including tile construction of a Jong. swa!tcd Dabinl cen11:r. abuadant milkweed-the butterilY's host plant­ and other .nectar-producing plants. The site will be a prime spot to watch the mon· uehs' llllD.ual nticrallon and mewnorphosl&. In the zoos bond elactfon, rosideuts of College Station OV!!twhelmlng!y apprnved the $2.1 mllllon Lick Creek Parle Nature Center. 'l'be df!8ign WllS approved Jn 2014, but oonstrucljon was d�d until an adequate water lhte could be lnstalll!d for fire protection. 'lbrrential rains Iaatspl'lng andsummer awsed addl­ ttonal d�. Rerouting and Upgradhtg of trails The rerouting of 0-aiJs will l!Dpmve the Bow uid create a lllajor pathway that connects the nature centnr to the park's west entrance at Pebble Creek Plukway, Which ls the trail­ bead for the Lick Creek Hilm and Blk& Trail that winds more than 5 mDes across town to Creek Vlsw Park 'l'harikfUUy, the nature center's conslluctian Is weU�andls e>:pecll!d to bo llnisbed lhJ.& swnmer: The naturo C811181' soon Will be !be park's fo­cal point and will )lnWide 1"8ld.ents and visitors an edtleationalo� to learn abouttbe nnlmaJs and plants that call the PQlkhome. Features include& i.�uare-foot build· Ing with a meeting roam, restrooins, Indoor and outdoor classrooms, an am­ P1rttltemer and native plant display&. Mayor's Monarch Pledge Trail surfaces also Will be upi:Jaded, and new slg­ cage and maps Vf\ll guide visitors t.brouch the 1rail 6Yl>tem. MeanwhUe, infor­ mational &ignage through­ out the park will tdenttt; trees. plaa1$, birds, Insects, butfedlles. and Wfldllre. Benches along b'alls and at each lnlil iDtersectfan will allow visitors to pause and eajey tbe Parle'& beaulifUI scenery. Blcycte mcks also will be acceselblaattbe fourmajorentry waya to Cl"l!llte a natural-look!ne sw:facefoc park-i:oen; fo use. Tb ey still Will need to driw vehicles Into the PtU'k, howelll?r, as more conlllrtlc­ tioJI continues throughout the park. The asp.bait lllill­ ings were used bc<::ausc the 61atfhad this moterlal on IJck Creek Park disoJays a varit!Y or native plant and llDlmal species, Includ­ ing the l!llliangered NMiiio­ !aLadles Tresses. The park o1fe:8 s miles of raarked trans and PnJVide$ oppor­ lllnilies for hikinc, cycling, bll'd watchlll& ·�strlan activities and nature study. !fa also the city's largoeat nll'·leash dog park. Aa a part or the Mayor's Monan:h Pledge to help save too threatened butter· Uypop111at1on,t11eparkwl11 include a monarcb·lriend!y demonstration garden and a buttelfly 1nUl wJth The cityof ColleceStn­ tlon looJ<s fonvanl to shar­ ing thl8 won!lerful nsource with the citinms of file Brazoe Vn1ley in the yell"S ahead. • BloncheBrkkmve•on�CDl­ lege Sladon Cily COllndt Mif>m 1h!ischa/moanofl1ilfe � 11fot\ GttonwaJJ Committee f! /;JC l. J! / o., •. fifK.Jl.. /.) fi_Q/7 Uck Creek 'improvements' are a waste of our tax doHars Mlkl!Crorum (Eagk, March29) Is correct. Whoever Is in clwie o( the Lick Creek Improvement plan baa d<>ne a_,. poor jobo! plannlngand execution. Jror moN than 10 YHn I baw been ridlne IJlY mowilain bike through Lick Creek Parlt mul­ tiple times per W8ek. The partt uSC>d to be a great natw:e park, with natural trails that meandemd lhro1111h tbe woods, SllMng bofh people and Wlldllre. The lnltfal crushed granite tnlls that ran lhrough center Of the pan: were a wortb- 11/bi!o.!mJ>rovement that allowed fur the natural trails to intetsect With the Jmproved 1ra.U, allow· ing:aa:esslbr hikers lllld. bllrersas Wl!U as walk­ ers and strolleni. The nmstrecent 'lmprovemenf oC Ille main trall fl'om the })aJting Jot l8 a disaster. 'lbe 881· vaiied, asphalt Is Ulleml, dllliclllt to waJJc or Iide on ll!ld ugly. The failure or thb trail ls evidenced by what nature/hum8l)5 an doing-Ibey are i::reattng another nalllral trail parallel to file 'i!uprm� trail by IMlidin& 1t. The tax ®1liu't spent on th1s so-called llnprDVelllent are a com­ plete failure. The .POO<' decision on the l'l!Sllrfadng of this strel!chOf tr.iii Is just one Of many far the whole IJck Creekpzqject TbeimprovemeQ!s are far from belng coinp)e!ed buthSVI! been under Cllll­ slrucllonfbr over a year, wb!ch has resulb!d In about V3 Of the trail system and tbe exi.t!ng Pllidr>glot being unusable to the public. Unfmtuna!ely, this Is an exuiple of what people hale about l!IM!i wnent -ineJ!ielency and waste. Lick Creek Pmit was origlnalJy envisioned as a nttal natural pal1twbere the J>ubllcoould hike on natural trails and see na· l1V1I plants and wildlill!. Insteld it Is being 'Im· P<OWd' !IY la.yen of aspbalt and concme trails that are ellminatlng all nf 113 original charm and lnlended i)l1J'pOSe. BRAD CORRIER College SQtlon - --IJ7i?JK c N � ��df" Iv J 1EOITORIAL BOARD , ' I Cl!YS'llll. DIJPU., Mll:!.a ICZLl.O&OWN,L!l>ot ROaE!O"C��­ leUc�.......,_... uff���EEDITOR Uck Creek 'Improvements' realty don't imp11M anything TI Co!Jep Stalion'• wollsile DOies the Uowing on lmprovemenls being mat.e ID Lick Creek l"arl!: "Trail surlllces wt11 be uJl(l;rad.ed. ••• Iln]1t'OWlllents aJld amoa.itl8s wW maim It more accesslble for ynuna: Bild old al!Jte.n I suggest !he city man�. director of parks and ma,yor visit Lick Creel!: Parltlllld make a dotennlnatton whether 1his stated goal for the 1mproYements actuallY II> bl!ln; achieved. 1'hls woull! require �why a qua.'1ermill> section of Post Oak Trail-or!glnally well seNed by a 9labie, l!llttU:al1y uccaulu,:: � sand trail roughly 1.2. fuel wide -bas been� laid w1lh elllit lBChes of llllvased aspbalt rip.Olp rarQllng from golf l:rall to softball size. Notably, beyondJmt bow ugly and unnatural .., t!le �tt k:olc3. is that most peopie don't use lt;'instead Ibey walk, iolr and pmhstrull· era on a very DGTDW patlr;ir.)y beside Ibo "im­ proved"' trail. The tar-based asvbalt rip-nip road is an unmbl� surface !Or walldng. particulady, quoting the citY. "!Ir young and oldallke.. Moms WithjoGlllng etrollera will not beab1a to U!e ttie lrall � thatjolb lo thlsm:llon. l't>t' those witb walkers and whee1chal:n;, tbl$ !!eC­ lloo ot "llnproocd" Lick Cnlek Pad[ no loDpr will be accessfble. Also, thel1! ls a Jaiiea&pbalt tiP-rap spoils pUa In the llold next to the trail. Wbcevermaee lt.e�dedf.lon that asphalt rip-rap was a trail improwoumt ne.ds to revisit lbls and mt.ore that section cl Post Oak 1'rail to what It was bdbre the S!X:alled � olherwise this quarterrolhtsec· !Ion cl Post Oalt'l'rall if!llatand as a permanent testimony to a very poorly executed project ..... .. . '11KE CRONAH College Station Fun for All Playground Flnonclal I nformallon as of Aprll 4, 2017 Balance as of Mach 21, 2017 Checking $56.801.71 Deposils: 3/27/2017 1.000.00 3/27/'1017 3,000.00 3/29/'2017 transfer (1 0.000.00) 3/31/2017 ln19rest 4/3/'2017 transfer 140.000.00) Bolonce as of April 4, 2017 $10,801.71 Club Member Total Cash Club Cash and Pledges Pledge Rec:elved CoDege Sfatlon Noon Uons Club $100.000.00 $56.803.35 College Station Rotary Club 50.000.00 44,775.00 &yon Rotary Club 10,000.00 11.000.00 Bryon Noon Lions Club 4.533.58 Kiwanis Club of College Station 15,000.00 2.060.00 Total Club Pledges $ i 7 5.000.00 $119.171.93 Pledges by Calendar Year 2015 2016 2017 City of College Stotton Portidpatii $500.000.00 Others $65,465.00 Total Othe1 Pledges $500,000.00 $65.465.oo Donations by Level lncludlng Pledges 250,000 100,000 75.000 50,000 25.000 10.000 1.000 1 John David I. Carolyn Oow fleld Total Cash and Pledges: Cash in Bonk: Club Pledges less Cosh Receive· Total Olher Pledges Total Cash e1nd Pledges: $125,348.00 $911,869 .97 68,486.65 565,465.00 $1.545.821.62 0 4 0 l 2 14 66 38 (5.000) 8 Bracelets MoneyMkf Total $850,957.37 $907.759.08 10.000.00 110.89 40,000.00 $901.068.26 $911,869. 97 Member Totals Future Each Pledge Club $45,196.65 $102.000.00 '10.350.00 55,125.00 11.000.00 4.533.58 12,940.00 15.000.00 $68,486.65 $187.658.58 Total $500.000.00 65,465.00 $565.465.00 $300.00 PROJECT UPOAT£ Partcs & Recreation Oepartment I City of College Stltion PROJECT UPDATE AS OF April 4, 2017 P AR K S PROJECTS FOR FYl 7 Total Number of Park Projects this Fiscal Yr. Number of Projects in Progr� __ Number_2.f Projects Completed this Fiscal Year Park Projects managed by Capita/ Projects -5 ADAMSON LAGOON 57 --+-3 9 18 --- • Aluminum Deck Replacement -This project in now COMPLETE • Baby Pool Dl!ck Repairs -Contracts in route for signatures. Construction tlme 7 days • Electrical-Work in progress. Scheduled to be completed by April 7, 2017. • Frog Slide and Spray Feature Replacement-COMPlETE • Stump Sllde Replacement_-COMPLITT BARRACKS PARKS • Addition of three new parks, along with llghts to the existing parks. • Construction moving forward. Project scheduled to be completed Mid December2017. BEE CREEK PARK • Pickle Ball -Quotes coming In. So far just out of budget but do able. BRIOGEWOOO PARK • Installation of park amenities • Contract signed and scheduled to start the week of April 10"'. Contractor has 60 days to complete. BROTHERS PO lllD PARK • Replacement of play unit and surfacing. • Contract fo r sealed drawings in route for signatures. 60days. CASTLEGATE PARK • Swing set surfacing_ -COMPLETE. • Tennis Court light Fixtures-Will request quotes to have all 9 light fixtures and poles replaced with LED fixtures. CASnEROCK PARK • Removal of pea gravel surfacing and replace with bonded rubber. COMPLETE. Pase I CENTRAlPARK PROJECT UPDATE Parks & Rl!(n!•tlon Depattment I City of Collage station • Playground -Play unit is now COMPLETE • Sidewalk Repairs to office -Scheduling pre--c.onstruction m�ting for next week. Contractor has 60 days to complete. • Softball Bleacher Cover-Replacement of all four shade covers. Waiting on one additional quote. • ADA Improvements along front pond. -Engineering firmed hired. 60 days to complete CRESCENT POINT PARK • Design firm working on construction drawings for additional amenltie.s to park �ing Parkland Dedication funds. • Department review complete. Firm will make changes over the next few weeks. CV MILLER PARK • New metal roof for gazebo. Current pricing is too high to move forward with at this time. Waiting to see if any project.s come in under budget before requesting new quotes. EDELWEISS PARK • New swing and surfacing. Scheduled to start second week of April. Project should take 14 days to complete. EDELWEISS GARTENS PARK • Removal of pea gravel surfacing, replace with bonded rubber. • Contract for sealed drawings in progress. 60 days to complete. FUN FOR ALL PARK • Firm making changes to the 95% drawings GEORGIE K FITCH PARK • New playground and surfacing. COMPLETE • Basketball court resurfacing. Still receiving quotes. G.K. FITCH/ RINGER LIBRARY TRAIL • Concrete path connecting Fitch Park to the Ringer Library. • Design firm has start ed. 90 days to complete. JACK AND DOROTHY MILLER PARK • Walking Path· New surfaci11g on track. COMPLETE • Gazebo-New metal roof. Current pricing is to high will wait to see if any other projects come In low before requesting new quotes. P•go2 PROJECT UPDATE Park> & R!crHllon Department I Clty of College Station JOHN CROMPTON PARK • Replacing current park light fixtures with LEO fixtures. Requesting quotes. LEMONTREE PARK • Parking Lot-Removal and replacement. COMPLETE • Play Unit -Replacement of unit and surfacing. Working on sealed drawings. LICK CREEK PARK • Nature Center -Construction moving along. Contractor expects to be finished June/ July 2017. LINCOLN CENTER • Expansion -Work continues as scheduled. Interior work has started. • Swing -New oval swing and surfacing to go in by splash pad. Scheduled to be complete by April 21n. UONSPARK • Play Unit -New play unit and surfaclnc is in. COMPLETE MEMORIAL CEMETERY OAKS PARK • Jewish Section -Requesting quotes. Should have by Friday, April -r•. • Play Unit -New unit is in and rubber surfacing is in. COMPLETE • Sidewalk Rehab -Project in progress. Contractor has till the end of June to complete this project. PEBBLE CREEK PARK • lights -Requesting quotes to remove existing park light fixtures and replace with LEDs, as well as re-plumbing the existing light poles. RAINTREE/ BRIGKT PARK • Play Unit-Replacement of existing unit and surfacing. • Firm working on sealed drawincs. • Sidewalk -Workinc with Capital projects on funding part of this project. RINGER LIBRARY EXPANSION • Design firm working on requested changes to 100% construction drawings. REATTA MEADOWS PARK • Development of Park- • Department review of 95% drawings is complete. Changes will be made over the next three weeks. Paatl SANDSTONE PARK PROJECT UPDATE Porks & ReCTNtlon Deportment I City of Co41eae Statloo • Fitness Unit-New fitness pod. COMPLETE SONOMA PARK • Development of Park -Department review is complete. Firm h11s three weeks to make changes. SOUTHEAST PARK • Ball Aeld Desi8J1-Additional Information requested for phasing of project. .. SOUTHERN OAKS PARK • Swing-Replacement of swing and surfacing. COMPLETE SOUTHWOOD/ BACHMANN PARK • Ballfields - • Fencing -Pricing In to remove and replace backstop fencing on all backstops. Requesting clarification on quote. • Shade Canopies -Pricing in to replace torn fabric on certain canopies. • Pool- • Final set of drawings are in for the replacement of piping at the pool. Requesting construction cost. All info will be sent to purchasing by May for construction to start in September. STEEPLECHASE PARK • Swing -New swing and surfacing are to be replaced within the next few weeks. Project scheduled to start mid-March. THOMAS PARK • Fitness Pod -New pod is in. COMPLETE • Pool -Pricing is in to repair/ replace a section of fence around the pool as well the gate from mechanical room to pool. Request for contract has been sent to purchasing. • Tennis Court - UNIVERSITY PARK • Lights -Requesting quotes to remove the e1tisting lights and replace with LED fixtures. • Fence-Replacement of existing chain link with a heavier gauge and replace existing post. Info has been sent to Purchasing for contract. • New surfacing and swing -COMPLETE VETERANS PARK • Waiting on additlonal cost information. WAYNESMfTH • Shade structures (Fabric) -Requesting additional quotes. Page4 WOLF PEN PARK PROJECT UPDATt Parks &R•crettlonD•parttnent I CltyofCollegeSt1don • Parking Lot Striping-Quotes are being requested WOODCREEK PARK • Play Unit-New unit and surfacing. COMPLETE WOODLAND HIUS PARK • Surfacing-Pricing Is In to have the existing pea gravel swing pit replaced with bonded rubber. Sealed drawings have been requested before moving forward. PogeS City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: ___________ _.e"'1u.,•=""'="'ne ... P ... 11.,rt.,.ne""r"'$--------------- Addre&S: _____________ _.2�1-1 B�W=es=t�2�3�W�S�t "'�et'---------------� Phone: ____ __,9u7..,.9·:.i.Z,.0}""6"'1'-'7"'-9 -----E-Mail: chamor@bluutono.ws 2. Development Name:._"'40 ..,0uP :..o..,ol.,.a._r ________________ Projecl#: Res2017..000025 Development Loca1lon : . ...; 4,,o .,,o"'e_,,o .,pl""ar'-'A ;:.;&""""e------------------------- 3. Dwelling Units: _1_ Single Family _1_Slngle Famlly ___ Mulll·famlly Units, locate d In Neighborhood Park Zone _.2�-- ___ Multi-family Units, located in Community Park Zone 4. Development Fees and DedlcaUon R�ulrements: a. Land Dedication or Feo In lieu of Land (Choose Ona): Neiahbomood Communj!y Single FamDy: One (1) acre per 117 DU's ac One (1) """'per 126 DU'a MulU-famNy: One (1) acre por 117 OU's ac One (1) ecre per 128 DU'• TOTAL = -OR- Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication Neighborhood Community Single Family: @ $274.oo per DU $ 274 @ $250.00 per DU$ 250 Multi-family: @ $274.00 per DU $ @ $250.00 per DU $ Total ec= ac= "' $ 524 • TOTAL FEES IN LIEU OF LANO (Nelghbomood and Communi!yj • $ 524 b. Development Fee: Nelohborhood Sfllg'.e Family; @ $382.'°per DU $ 362 Mutti-tamil>f. @ $362.00 per DU $. ___ _ Community @ $375.00 per DU $. _ ___.3"'75,..· __ • $ 737 @ $750.00 per DU$ ____ _ •$. ___ _ TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES (Nolghboritood and Community) = $._.7=3�T __ c ii<: ac Acrn 6. Commen�:. _________________________________ � The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) 1 Units x 1,W =�-----''�2fl�-�1 ____ _ Land Dedication _N:..:.o�n:.:..:e<------- Name Date City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: ___________ __.P""'h'"il,,.io..,Bua ... m..,a,.s'----------------- Address: _______ _..1 .._11 ......,.U,,,.ni"'ve,.,rs,.tt..,y'-'p"'r ...,jv .. e"'E""a"'s"'"'t C"'o"'!"'l e,.ge.....,S,,,1a,,,tio""n"'._,Tu.e,,,x .. as._n=e"'4""0 ________ _ Phone: ____ _.,19"'7"'9"-l-"4,.85-.....,284=•:........----E-Mall: ____ _.p"'h"'Ul "'pb@=.,loh=n s,,,o,,.n ..,p,,.a ce=.cc=m.._ ___ _ 2. Development Name: ______ ""'F""a"'lc,.o"'n _.P _,.o"'"ln,.t.._p"'ha..,s .. e._4:........-----PJOJect #: WPC201S-000002 Devalopment LocaUon:. __ ,_,N,.ea,,.r _,t"'"h""e .:.:n=.ort=he.,a,,s"'t "'ln,.te.,,r.,,,.,,.ec,.,ti,,,·o:.:.n"'o"'f"'O"'a""rtm=o,,,uth=.:.S,,.tr.,.e,,e.:,;t a,,,,n.,,d""H,_,o,..1.,,1e .. m.,,,a:.:.n,.,,D"'r"'lv""'e 3. Dwel!lng Unite: _ Single Family _ Single Family 28 Multl..famUy Uni\s, located In Neighborhood Park Zone __.3._ _ 28 Mutti-ramily Units, localed In Community Park Zone _,,.c __ 4. Development Feaa and Dedication Requirements: a. Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neighborhood Community Single Fammy: One (1) acre per 117 OU's ____ ac One (1) acre per 128 Olls ___ &e = MulU·family: One (1) acre per 117 Olla ac One (1) acre per 128 ou·, ___ ac" TOTAL = -OR- Fee Paid In lieu of Land Dedication Neiahborhood Community _____ ac _____ ae _____ Acres Single Family: @ $274.oo per OU$---­ Muhi-famlly: @ $274.00 pe< DU $ _ __,7"'.6""72...__ @$250,00 per OU$. ____ _ = $. ____ _ b. Development Fee: Neighborhood SlnglG Family@ $36Z."' per OU $ __ _ Multi-family@ $362.co per DU $� @ $250.00 per ou s. _ __,1"'00 ,.,0.__ • $. __ .1o.:14,.e.,n"'-- TOT AL (Nelghbol'hood and Comm unity) • S 14.572 Communi'Y @ $375.co per DU $ __ @ $750.00 per DU $ 21,000 I2lil � s = $ 31,136 TOTAL (Nelg.hborltocd and Community} " $ 31.135 S. Comments: This Fonn Is for Byl!dlnq 4 within the Falcon Point Phase 4 Multi-family Deve lopment. Fees Colle<:led with Bul!dlng Permit The City of College Station agrees lo accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community)� Units x $1,636 Land Dedication _N�o�n�e�------ Name 3 �ert'/. /] Dale City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: ____________ ._p""hi,,,lip """'B"'a�"'g "'as,,_ ______________ _ Addrn&:, _______ --J1c.:1..:.1_.U .. n::..:i v""e...,rsl..,t._y..,O.,..r tv"'e.....,E.,as,,,t"'C.,o ,,,U,.,!l9.,,e'""S"'t,,,a .,t i on=·..:.T,,,e ,,,,xa,,,s,_7.._,7 ... 64"'0.._ ________ _ Phone: ____ ..,!9,_,,7 ... 9l .... 4,,8,,,5w·2,,,8"'44"-----E-Mall: ____ __.ph=ir,.,m.,,b@"""t o""h"'n"'so,..n ... oa_ce,., .... ro..,m.L:... ___ _ 2. Development Name: _______ Fwa..,1,....co.,,n'"'P'"'o"'in "'lu.P..:.h,,,a"'se"-"-4 _____ _ Project#: wpc201e-000002 Dev o lop men t Loe atlon :, __ ,,,N.::,ea..,r...,l.,h=.e,,.n.,.o....,rl::..:h=.aa,.,a.,t.,.ln,.t .,.e .... rs .. e .. c'"'tf"'o n,_,_,,o,_f =D=-a rl=m:.:o:::ut:::h.:..S"'l"'re"'e,,,,t..,a,.n ..,,d"'H...,o.,,11 .,,o .. m...,a"'n...,D,,,,rl"'v""e 3. Dwelling Units:_ Single Family _Single Family ......,e.__ Multi-family Unit s , located in Neighborhood Park Zone --'3,,__ 8 Multi-family Units, locate d in Community Park Zone _ _,,c'--- 4. Development Fe88 and PedlcaUon Requirement&: a. Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose On.a): Neighborhood Community Single Family: One (1) acre per 117 OU's ____ ec One (1) aue per 126 OU's ___ ac • Mut�·lamtly: One (1} sere per 117 OU's ec One (1) sere per 128 OU's ___ aa = TOTAi. • -OR- Fee Paid In Lleu of Land Dedication Nelg hborhood Community _____ ac _____ ac _____ Acre& SingleFamily: @$274.00perDU$ ____ _ @$250.00 per OU $, ____ _ • $. _____ _ Multt-family: @l $274 ... p&r OU$ _ _.2 ...,1,,.92 ..__ @$250.00 per DU $, __ 2,...,.,0QQ.,.___ • $, __ ... 4..,.1 .. 92..__ TOTAL (N•lghborhood and Community) = S 4.192 b. Development Fee: Neighborhood Single Famlty@ $362.'" per OU$ __ _ Community @ $375.00 per OU $ __ Tolal = $ Multi-family @ $362.°" per DU $ 2 ,896 @ $750.°" per ou $ _ __,,a.,o .,,,oo><.... = $ 6,696 TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) = $ B.896 5. Comments; This Fonn is for Building 5 within the Falcon Point Pha s e 4 Mul!i-Eami!v Development. fees Collected with Building Permil The City of Collage Station agrees lo accept: GRANO TOTA.L (Neighborhood and Community)!! Units� $1.636 = $ 13 088 Land Oedicallon _N.,,o,,_n.,,e ._ _____ _ 17 Name Date City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Lass than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name:. ___________ ---'T"'ra.,v...,ls"'M"'a"'rti'"'ne,.k._ ______________ _ Address:. _________ �3l!Q"""'8 �Ea&lei;�29"'""-'5"2!l.Se���·�su�ft�e�1�00�B�l)lll""'-"�T�"""...,.sw7���802,..._ _________ _ E-Mail: lta!!1s@c1a1kewyndbam.com 2. Development Name: Indian Lakes SubdMslon Phase 20 Pro)ecl #: FP?.017-000003 Development Location: ___ _.So=y ..,th'"'o"'f'""l"'nts=rs..,e,,,,c"'tl"'o""n_.o,_I "'C"'ha,.c..,o,_C:;a :::n,,,y..,o..,n ...,o..,r,.lve=a::.n,,,d"'C"'h"'e:.:v-=e-"yo�c,.o"'ve=------ J. Dwelllng Units:� Single Family __ Mulli-famlly Bedrooms, located In Neighborhood Park Zone __ _ __ Single Famlly _ Mulll-family Bedrooms, localed in Community Park Zone 4. Development Faes and Dedication Requirements: a. Land Dedication or Faa In Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neighborhood Community Single FamWy: One (1) acre per117 DU'1 ____ ac One (1) Bent per 128 DU's ___ ec= Mu.!U-famliy: One (1) acre per 117 Olis ac One (1) acre per 128 OU's ___ ac = TOTAL : -OR- Fee Paid In Lieu of Land Dedication Neighborhood Community _____ ac _____ .., _____ Acre3 SlngleFamlly: @$274.00perOU $ ___ _ @ $250.00 per DU$ ____ _ � $ ____ _ MIJltt.famlly: @$115.00 per BR $ ----@$1mi.00 per BR$, ___ _ � $ _____ _ TOT Al FEES IN LIEU OF lAND (Neighborhood and Community) • $ NIA b. Dev•lopmen.t Fee: Neighborhood Single Family: @$362.""per DU S ___ _ Mi.1t;.fam0y: @ $152."' per BR $ ___ _ Community @$375.00 por OU$. ____ _ @ $315.00 per BR$----- =$. __ _ TOTAL DEVELOPMENT FEES (N•lghborhood and Community) • $ NIA 6. Comments: Tills deye!opmeo! is vested lo 2000 subdivision rooul atiaos, Al the !!me of vesl!rn! parldand c!edicatioo was not assessed for prclecls located In the City's ETJ. The City ol College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood a.nd Community) 12 Sing le-Family Lot11 x =------'"'A"'------ land Dedication --------- • Name Date / '7 City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: ___________ __,P'-'hJ!Jll,.I DuB.,a.,;!!!,.,a.,s ,__ ______________ _ Addresa: _______ __,_11.._1�u�nwlv�a�ra �i�1 v�D�n�·ve"'-"E�a�st....,.C�ol�leg""'e�S"'tm..,..�...,n-T�e�•�a�s �7�7 8�4�Q.__ _______ _ Phone:. ____ �1�9.._79�l�4�85"""'��84�4"------E-Mall: ____ _.p.,,,h..,!U"'ob ,.,@....,lo.,,hc:.:ns,,,on=p .. a,..c a.,,.co=m"----- 2. Development Name:. _______ P._.e .. 1.,te...,raJc..,_.M"'u"'lt:.:.i-.._F"'am=l!v._ ____ _ Project#: SP2016-000061 Development Location : ______ 1..,n.,,te.,rs,,,,e.,c.,,t l,,,o,,.o_,o .,,f_.W.,e :!ll ,,.b,,o,_,rn.._R,_,0,.1,.,d._a"'n"'d._L .. u,.,1,,,,h ,,..er,_St:ow.re"''"''-------- 3. Dwelling Units:_ Single Family Units 342 Multl-famny BR's, located in Neighborhood Park Zone __,6'--- - Single Family Units 342 Multi·family BR's, located in Community Park Zone _,,,,,B __ 4. Oavalopment Fee5 and Dedication Requirements: a. Land Dedication or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose Ona): Neighborhood Commun!!v Single Family: One (1) acre per 117 DU's ____ ac One (1) ecre per128 OU'•---ac• _____ ac MUll�l•mlly: One (1) aae per 117 Olfs ac One (1) acre per 128 Dlfa ___ ac• _____ ac Fee Paid In Lieu of Land Dedication Ne!ghllorflood Single Family: @ $274.00 per DU $ --- MulU-ramlly: @ $115.00 per BR S 39 33Q TOTAL = -OR- Communl!y @$250."° per DU$. __ _ @ $105.00 per BR$ 35.910 TOTAL (Nalghbomood and Community) b. Development Fee: Neiahborhood S1ngle Family @ $362.00por OU $ ___ _ Mutt£.lamly @$152.'°perBR $ 51,1!81 Community @ $376.00 per OU $ __ _ @ $315 ... per BR s --"1.,.0.:.,,Z "'730"'-- TOT Al {Neighborhood and Comm unity) _____ Acns1 = $. ___ _ � $ 76240 = $ 75.249 •$ ____ _ 8 $ 158 ZJ4 � $ 15!!J14 s. Comments: This Form is fOf the MulU-Famitv portion or the petterak Development. Fees collected with Bu!ldlng p . The City or College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Co mm uni ty) 1!il BR's K $� •$� __ __,234""',�9�5 4�·�00=------ Land Dedication -'N"'o..,n..,e._ _____ _ Name Date City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Appllcaot Name:, __________ -"Al,.s,..,se,.t,_,P_,1,.,us"'C"'o"'m.upa.,,.,n ,,,ie,.s,_ ____________ _ Address: ________ __,6..,7_,,5'-'B"'e"'r1"'no,._,,O'"'r iv,.e .,.._,,S,,,utta,,,._.,.200=H '-"ou=st..,o ... n ... _,_TX"-'-7_,_705=7'---------- Phone: _____ 7�1�3�-Z�B ..,2�-5""'8..,0=o ____ _ E.-Mall: ____ -'m"'l.,..ln.,.d�!e ""y@=a"'s s�e..,tp.,lu,.s"'co=m �.co.,...m�---- 2. Development Name: ____ _..S,.O :..C:>:Oul_,,T"'aw"'e"'r'-'P'-'o"'in,,.t\,_,Ap""'a"'r!wm..,.e.,,n"'ts,_ __ _ Project#: SP2016-000062 Development Locatlon: __________ --'4"'34=0-=D..,e..,c=al:::U :.:.r.=D :.:.ri,...v,,.e ___________ _ 3, Owelllng Units:_ Single Family 456 Mull!-family Units, located ill Neighborhood Par1 < Zone A _ Single Family 456 MlllU-lamily Ull�, located in Community Park Zooe 10 4. Development Fee& and Dedication Requirement$: a. Land Dedication or Fae In Lieu of Land (Choose Ona): Netohbomood Single Family: On� (1) sere per 117 OU's MIAll-famlly: One (!)acre per 1170U'a Fee Pa Id ln Lieu of Land Dedication Neigh borhood Single Family: @ $274.00 per OU $ MulU-fam!ly: @$115.'°perBR $ 52440 b. Oevalopment Fee; Neighborhood Single Fam'ly @ $362."'par DU $. ___ _ Mulli·famlly @$162.00 per BR $, ___ _ Communttv Total ac One (1) ac"" per 128 DU's ac• 8C One (1) acte per 128 Olis "c � TOTAL • Non� -OR- Community @ $250. 00 par DU $ � s @ $1 05."' per BR $ 47880 � $ 1Q0320 TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community)= $ 100 320 Communjtv Single Family@ $375.°' por DU$ � $ 1.71Q 53 Mulli-family@$315.'1'pe<BR $ __ = $ ___ _ TOTAL (Nel9hb0<hood and Community) = $ 1.710.53 ac ac Acros 5. Comments: P ark & Rec Advisory Board 11 0/11 /16 ) approved !be use of all par!< dellelopment fees forthe conslructlon of lhe muffi-use oalh on !he sile. Based oil lhe trail cost estimate a difference of $1.710.53 is owed In Com munlly Perts Development Fees. The City of College StatJon agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) Land Dedlcatron None Name Date .. $ 102.030.53 ---�=--��'---� 17 ' City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name:. ___________ _.,Ke,,,n"'-n!.ly_.M.,,e.,,tes...,,k,_y ______________ _ Address: __________ __.P_O..._.B�o�x�5�0�5�Mwl�!llc�a�n�.�T�exa,,..s�77-'-"'B 66,,,,,, ___________ _ Phone: ____ _..19"'7'-'9"'!""'58,.7._-,..2.,2 7..,5._ ___ _ E-Mail ._; ___ __,k,.e .,,nn,..y.,ta>km==cu,,,s,,,tom.,,..,h.,o"'me=s,,.com""".__ __ _ 2. Development Name: Universi ty Heights Apartmenls Project#: SP2016-000054 Development Location; Intersection or Keny<m Drive and Los Portales Drive. west of Holleman DrlvQ South 3. D�lllng Units;_ Single Family Units _.1,..6 __ MulU-famJ1y BR's, located ln Nelghbmh o od Park Zone 15 _Single Family Units 16 MulU-family BR's, located In Community Park Zone _ .. e __ 4. Development Faes and Dedication Requirements: a. Land DedlcaUan or Fee In Lieu of Land (Choose One): Nelahborhood Community Single Family: One (1) acre per 117 OU'•----ec One (1) acre per 128 OU's ___ ac= _____ ae Mufti.family; One (1) acre per 117 Olfs ac Ofle (1) ecre per 128 Dlfs ___ ac" _____ ae Feil Paid In Lieu ofl.and Dedication Ne!Qhborllood Slrigte Family: ® $274.00 per OU$ ___ _ Mutt\.tami!y; @ $115.00 per BR$ 1 840 TOTAL = -OR- Community @ $250.°' per OU$,.__ __ _ @ $105.'° par BR$ 1.680 TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) b. Development l'ee: Nelahborhood Single Family @ $362.00 per DU $ ___ _ Mulll-famlly @ $152.00 per BR $ 2 432 Commynllv @$375.'° por OU$---­ @ $315."' per BR $ _ _.s .... 0 .. 10._ TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community) _____ Acrn g $'------ = $ 3,520 = $ 3.820 =$ ____ _ = $,___.7,,;:4"'72._ __ "$ 7472 S. Comments: This Form Is for the Mulll-Eamilv oortlon of th e University Heights pevetopment Development Fees col!ect�d with Buildino Permit. The City of College Station agraes to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Nelghbomood and Community) 16 BR's x $§87.00 •$ _____ 1�0�9�9�2 '------ land Dedication _.N.,,11,,,n,..,e._ _____ _ Name Cfty of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applfc;onl Na.m•: ____________ Wa=,,,_ll .r:P ,..ro<>l!e!!jes""-'.""'---------------- Addras11: ________ ..;a..,60.,..2_.Be.,.,.IJ,.,e ,_fo""n"'t""ai,,..n,.,e_,,S,.,,tre .. e,.,tw.H,,.o,,.u,.sto,,.n ... ""r...,e"'x'"'es"-'-77""2"'0"'5'----------- E-l\tall: ____ _Jhi!.lwwali!!111@wa='1.!ll!<!o!.!ro!l'pe"-rt!.1Jl.,es 11.·J.!Jne5!1�---- 2. Development Name:. ______ _.Wa=llc:.P_.l ac"""e""s .. u,,.bd.,i.,,vl .. s,,.!o .,.n _ Project #: f P2016·000036 Development Location: Near the lnteraectlon of Eleanor St and Edward SL east or Wellborn Road. J. Dwelllng Units: _1_ Single Family _1_ Single Family ___ Muh!-faml!y Units, locate d In Neighbomood Park Zone _,6'-- MulU-famlly Units, located In Communily Park Zone _,..B __ 4-Development Fee9 and Dedication Requirements: a. Land DedlcaUon or foe In Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neiahborhood Community Single Fam!ly: Ono (1) acre por 117 OU's ___ _ ac One (1) acre p&r 12e OU'• Mufli-famM)': One (1) acre por 117 OU's ___ _ ac One (1) acre per 128 DU's Total ac5 ac• TOTAL = Fee Pald In Ueu of land Dedication Neklhborhood Slngla Family: @ $274."" per ou $ _ _,,2""74,__ __ MunHamUy: @ $274.°' per OU $ ----- -OR- Community @ $250.'° per OU$ @ $260.00 per DU $ 250 � $ 524 = $ TOTAL (Nel9hborhood and Community) " $ 524 b. Development Fee: Ne lg hborhood Single Family@ $362."' per OU s _ _.,36.,,2� M�lti-famlfy @ $382."' per OU $ __ _ Community @ $375.'° par DU $ 375 @$750.00 par DU$ __ TOTAi. tNelghborhood and Community) = s __ ""n,..z'--- = s ____ _ $ 737 ac ac Ac JOI 5. Comments: This Form is tor the Wall Pla ce Su b d ivi sion. The oarkland Is du� to the creation of a 3'" lo! Imm two e!ds!ing building plots The Citf of College Station agre� to accept: GRAND TOTAL (Neighborhood and Community)! Unit x $.1.lli = $ 1 261 Land Dedication .... N.,;o,.n..,e._ _____ _ ( Nam e Dale s A,Rr1L I 17