HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/20/2011 - Regular Agenda Packet - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board (2) AGENDA BRYAN COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY,September 20,2011 5:15 p.m. Larry J.Ringer Library 1818 Harvey Mitchell Parkway South College Station,Texas 77845 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS 4. PREVIOUS MINUTES—August 2011 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS—August 2011 6. OLD BUSINESS—BUDGET A. Branch Manager hires 7. NEW BUSINESS 8. REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR OCTOBER 18,2011 MEE NING AT THE CLARA MOUNCE LIBRARY 9. ADJOURN Please not the Adm. Asst. Laura Mills 209-5614 if ou are unable to attend. Colle.e Station Board Members should also coin'lite the absence r s u st form and submit to the office of the Cone's Station cStajynwekpriortomeeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD R OTHER TRANSLATION OR ACCESSIBILITY INRMAT ION, PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR, LARRY KOENINGER AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS S BEFORE THE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN + COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOA r AUGUST 16, 2011 On the 16TH day of August 2011,the Bryan + College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station,Texas,met in regular meeting at the Carnegie History Center, 111 S. Main Street, Bryan,Texas 77803. 1. Helen Kunz,Vice President,called the meeting to order at 5:15 ,m.and the following were present: Felicia Glover, Sonia Gangotena, Dorothy Hagen, Helen Kunz, Robert McGeachin and Charles Smith. :. 2. ATTENDANCE Name Present of meetings #of meetings Absent € held since : attended since a•.ointment a••ointment Larry Ringer,President A 85 79 Sonia Ganzotena 32 24 Robert McGeachin r , - 1 Helen Kunz p 27 22 Carroll Johnson A44 25 Dorothy Hagen P9 Charles Smith P26 26 Felicia Glover P 1 3. Felicia Glover was introduced as a new board member from College Station. Other attendees were Larry Koeninger, Library System Director and Laura Mills,Adm.Asst. 4.The previous meeting minutes of July 19, 2011 were approved as distributed, 5. The monthly stats for July were reviewed. Dr. Koeninger pointed out that the online registration for the summer reading program was not included in the stats. 6. A. In old business, Dr. Koeninger reported that both Bryan and College Station were struggling with the tax rates. The budget will not be approved until the end of September, but there were cuts in many line items. B. Dr. Koeninger reported that he interviewed one candidate for the Ringer Library Manager and two more are scheduled for August 30th. C.The Ringer expansion project is scheduled to start in 2013. There are no further updates at this time. D. Dr. Koeninger has received a bid for the Mounce remodel that is slightly undr$50,000. An ADA variance may be possible if the remodel is under$50,000. However, if the cost is over, other ADA issues may need updating which will escalate the cost. 7. In new business,the Board agreed that Helen Kunz will continue as the BCS Library System Lay Representative to the Central Texas Library System. Dorothy Hagen will serve as alternate. 8. Dr. Koeninger's report is attached. 9. There were no requests for agenda items for the next meeting scheduled for September 20, 2011 at the Ringer Library. 10.The meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director Library Advisory Board August 16, 2011 1. Branch Manager i. Interviews on July 16 and July 30 2. BTOP Grant L Computers have been deployed at Mounce. ii. CS IT department is working on Ringer computers. iii. Wendell is working n the Carnegie compuers. iv. Wendell will begin repurposing the old public computers to be used as catalogs. 3. eAudiobooks i. 365 downloads ' r June ii. NetLibrary is no longer associated with the eAudiobooks. The current provider is EBSCOHost.The launch of the EBSCOHost website has been extremely difficult and resulted in interrupted service. Issues with logging in and downloading titles are being addressed. iii. Many of the issues seem to have been addressed. iv. Recorded Books will launch their own portal soon. The launch has been delayed due to problems with functions within the portal. v. 174 downloads for July 4. Doak Foundation Grant i. Delivered July 29, 2011 ii. Request is for funding for online services including TexShare, eAudiobooks, and individual databases. Funds were also requested for TexExpress, the ILL courier service. iii. All databases are system-wide s the funds will be accepted &disbursed by Bryan. 5. Texas Library Association Annual Assembly i. Planning meeting for TLA committees, subdivisions, and round tables ii. Planning meeting for 2012 Annual Conference (Houston) iii. Open to all TLA members iv. Meetings 1. Leadership Development a. TALL Texans Institute i. Mentor two 2011 participants ii. Changes to 2012 Institute including reducing the Institute by one day iii. Ways to encourage librarians in West Texas and El Paso area to participate 2. Leaders in Libraries a. Strategies for dealing with funding cuts 3. Public Libraries Division Meeting a. By-laws revision to Operational Procedures 4. District 3 Business Meeting a. Plans for fall meeting b. Areas that the Districts can pick up work previously done by TSLAC CLARA B. MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: August,2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open 251 31 Meeting Room Usage 14 30 Patrons Registered 495 516 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 18,163 17,285 ----------------- O verde Notices _2,052 odd Filled - 2,430 2,447 _ oPeople Visiting Libras 19,852 23,022 of Checkouts28,5 1 8 31,085 ofpec i s µ 30,722 32,160 In House Use5,580 5,761 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 2/67 2/54 Teen Program/Attendance1/6 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 1/34 Special �`ogr�slAtter�da .ce ------ � ..,....�...�.....�,� 1/25 3/152 Reference Transactions490 1018 Summer Reading Club Registered this month w.�. ..m�. .. . .��. 0 580 Summer Readirq.Club Total Registration/Total Completion ��. ..� 1450/363 580/470 ADULTREFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'SADVISORY: .�..AdultPrograms/Attendance �. �. 0/0 Interlibrary Loan Received 55 41 Interlibrary LoanSent Reference Transactions 757 801 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology la e tter d ce 0/0 0/0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): . h. Adult Books ------ ----- . 614 401 JuvenileBooks 122 246 Adult Media56 37 Juvenile Media ..... 2 14 Videos35 56 Microforms CIRCULATION TIES YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile :Other Adult ;Juvenile Other • TOIL 2,528 2,565 Books 9,935 1 1 x33 1' 10,548' 11,563 Periodicals . 41 l 24 Paperbacks843` 1,349 Media994 441 899. 505 DVDs4,443 4,786 Videos ........V...�..T �. � 21 332 Wireless Internet 1,086 Internet Computers 4,132 5,605 55 41 Reference 54 3 49 2 TOTAL 12,237 11,799 12,265 12,845 12,070 13,329'; — e GRAND TOTAL i 36,301 38,244 Prepared by Approved by CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST 1 REPORT : August, 2011 YEAR YEAR SERVICES: Days Open 144h 22 Patrons Flstrd Total Active Patrons 6 9 of People-Visiting Library 1,043 1,030 of Checkouts Internet PCs •i s renewals) of Checkins REFERENCE/GENEALOGY INFORMATION: Interlibrary Loan Received 2 Reference Transactions 80, 78! 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