HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/28/2011 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, March 28, 2011 Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd 10:00am MINUTES Members Present: E.E. Bums, Jon Denton, Anne Hazen, Jerry Markowich, Robert Meyer, Ron Silvia and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Frank Duchrnasclo, Dorothy Hernandez, Colleen Risinger and Dorthea Robinson Staff Present: David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent, Kelly Kelbly, Recreation Supervisor and Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:00 am by Joanna Yeager, Chairman IL Welcome guests and visitors No visitors present III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on February 28, 2011 Jerry Markowich should be added to the Members Absent list on the February 28, 2011 minutes. Anne Hazen made the motion to approve the corrected minutes. Jon Denton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. Consideration, discussion, and possible action on recognition tiles for donors to Southwood Community Center Marci Rodgers reported that the recognition tiles have been ordered from Awards and More with the names of the individuals or organizations who have donated to Southwood Community Center. The tiles should be ready this week and installed on the donor wall. V. Presentation, discussion and possible action concerning Seniors of Southwood Community Center upcoming fee implementation (Notice of Fees Attached) Staff reported that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee met on March 8, 2011 and approved the recommended $20.00 annual membership fee for seniors. Kelly Kelbly distributed a copy of the letter that explained the fee and said that the seniors are starting to purchase the membership cards, VI. Presentation, discussion and possible action concerning program committee report on summer activities for Seniors at Southwood Community Center Joanna Yeager reported that the Program Sub-Committee met on Tuesday, March 22nd at Southwood Community Center. Members attending the meeting included: Dorothy Hernandez,, Robert Meyer, Joanna Yeager, Tomasa Harris, Suzanne Shepherd and Gerry Waddell. The sub-committee discussed activities for the summer months and reviewed the April calendar. Suggested activities for the summer included classic films and a western theme for movies with refreshments, a variety of tournaments,ent lectures, Sit & Fit exercise class, concerts, bingo, day trips and a July 4th celebration. The sub-committee will meet monthly. VII. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator report regarding upcomingprograms and events. (report attached) Marci Rodgers reported on the highlights for this month and distributed the April calendar. This month at the Lincoln Center Birthday Celebration, Ms. Odessa Lott was honored as she celebrated her 100th Birthday! Classes starting next month include: the AARP Driver Safely Class, Photo Editing, Genealogy and the Lunch Lecture topic is The Life and Times of Bob Wiatt, FBI. The Seniors Expo will be held on Wednesday, May 25th from 9:00 — 3:00 pm at the Brazos Center and the State Senior Games will be held the first two weeks in June. VIII. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • State Senior Games utilizing Southwood Community Center as Headquarters and Packet Pick • Sign- .p for volunteering at Seniors Expo • Program committee report • Update on Southwood Community Center front porch expansion and cabinets installed in game room. IX. Next meeting: Monday, April 25,2011 X. Adjourn The committee adjourned at 10:55 am Minutes submitted by, Marci Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator