HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/12/2010 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (3) C*1"4" CAPRA PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARDTAccut,*iiit ' • CITY OF COLLEGE STATION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 7:00 PM, Tuesday, October 12, 2010 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 1015 Colgate College Station, TTX 77840 STAFF PRESENT: David Schmitz, Interim Director; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary, Curtis Bingham, Park Operations Superintendent; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; David Wood, Parks Planner BOARD PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Chair; Shane Wendel, George Jessup, Millie Burrell, Douglas Becker, Jon Denton, Gerard Kyle, Billy Hart, Susan Fox VISITORS: Ronald Price, Budget & Management Analyst Carol Thompson, Budget Manager Scott Miller, 306 Pronghorn Loop, College Station Jared Quirk, 107 Fraternity Row, College Station Will Davis, 13239 Hunters Creek Road, College Station Henry Davis, 13239 Hunters Creek Road, College Station Tom Davis, 13239 Hunters Creek Road, College Station Justin Stephens, 601 Luther St., Apt. 722, College Station Michael Murphy, 1007 Harrington Ave., College Station Joe Schultz, 3208 Innsbruck, College Station Heath Phillips, 3302 General Parkway Dusty Phillips, 4490 Castlegate Dr., College Station Wallace Phillips, 4490 Castlegate r., College Station Kent Laza, 13858 Apricot Glen, College Station 1. Call to order and - I __Call: The meeting was called to order with quorum present at 7:02 p.m. 2. Possible ac_jjgnmicendsinrequests for absences of members: There were no requests for absence submitted. Hearing none, this item was closed. 3. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Consideration discussion and :' sada action of minutes from the rrim , .. 4, 2010: Billy Hart made a motion to approve the minutes s submitted, and Millie Burrell seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. The Board requested that there be more detailed information in the minutes on specific requested items. 5. Presentation .ossible action and discussion concernin. . track: Scott Miller and Justin Stephens explained the concept of pump track. They gave a presentation over the track stating the activity and the advantages of the track. A pump track is circle track that bikes cycle on recreationally. The pump track activity is a great full body work-out. They suggested three different parks in College Station that could be appropriate for a pump track. There suggestions were: • Hensel Park • Brothers Pond Georgie K. Fitch Park Of the three parks, their first choice was Georgie K. Fitch Park. They showed the location in the park where a pump track would be ideal. They explained that they would like to build the track around the natural environment. They explained that they would do the labor themselves on the track. They explained that they would do the regular maintenance on the track. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 6. s i------ .ossible action. and discussion concernin. velo Wallace Phillips explained the Castiegate development, and presented the site. He reported that he wants to take the park that is already located in Ca tleg to and use it as a city park. He wants to include 3 - shelters/gazebos, and also include a 6 foot walking path around the pond. Furthermore, the spillway that is located there could be enlarged for a skate park. Their proposal is to use the park land dedication monies to further improve this current park facility. Discussion followed. Billy Hart made a motion to move forward with the planning of this project, and George Jessup seconded the motion. The vote was called. The motion passed with a vote of 8 to 1. (Douglas Becker in opposition) 7. Discussion and .ossible action concernin . develop ment The Barracks: Wallace Phillips explained The Barracks, a 4 1/2 acre lot on school land. He explained that he could place a park on the land and then use it as 2 October 12, 2010 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes a city park. Then the city would be in charge of the maintenance nan operations of the park. He lain d that the Parks and Recreation department, school, and developer can work together on this development. After the construction of the park, the park would then be leased back to the city. However, the school has not approved the plan at this time, so Mr. Phillips said that if need be he will use other land for the park, if the school does not commit to this plan. Mr. Phillips explained that using the other land, is not feasible due to the amount of money r acre that he aid to purchase the land. Joe Schultz reported that this is coming back for approval of their concept lan. We cannot approve the land portion of this because the city does not own the land. If we lease this land from the school district then we have some responsibility. Wallace Phillips agrees with developing this park on the school land, if the school district agrees, and then giving it to the city, while also still owing the Park Land Dedication Land Portion to the City. Jon Denton made a motion to approve this plan in this subdivision, and Billy Hart seconded the motion. The vote was called. The motion passed with a vote of 8 to 1. (Millie Burrell in opposition 8. Presentation discussion and possible action concernin. the newl r4 Recreation Find: Carol Thompson, Budget Manager, explained the newly created Recreation Fund. Ms. Thompson also reported on the reason for its' creation. The Recreation Fund was created so that the funds could be closely monitored, and decisions could be made over the programs. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 9 Discussion and :' sada action concernin. the a .'ointment of a Vice Chair for the Board: Gary Erwin reported that the Board was in need of a Vice Chair. Mr. Erwin suggested that George Jessup fill the position as Vice Chair. Millie Burrell made a motion for George Jessup to serve as Vice Chair, and Jon Denton seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 10. Discussion and possible action concernin • the a . :.'ointment of members to the Parks and Recreation Advisor Board Sub- committees: u - m rr s: Discussion followed. All of the Board members bers rill review the sub-committees and contact the Board Secretary with the sub-committee(s) of their choice. This was an informational ational it r only, and no action was required. 11. U date on uarterl Park Maintenance Standards a 'ort: Curtis Bingham, Park Operations Superintendent, reported on the Quarterly Park 3 October 12, 2010 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Maintenance Standards. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 12. Discussion and :possible action concernin . the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for 0: Gary Erwin reported re uested that the next meeting o scheduled for 6 p.m. so the Board can have their Goals Workshop rior to the regular meeting. He asked for everyone to make e changes to the Goals before the next meeting. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 13. Presentation discussion and ':ossible action concernin.:: the current Ca ital Pro rani: Ca:' m:' rovements and Park Land Dedication Pro"ect Lists o October 2010: David Wood, Parks Planner, reported on the Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. Dedications o Less than Five Acres: David Wood, Parks Planner, reported on the Dedications of Less than Five Acres. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. Lakeridge Townhomes, Phase 1 Park Zone Richards Subdivision, Phase Park Zone 3 14. Presentation •ossibie action and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member ma inuire about a sub-ect sub- for which notice has not been •iven. A statement of s'ecif c factual information or the recitation of existing • l c ma e :•igen. An deliberationshall be limited to a grogosal to :glace the sub:- c on an r g endo for c se re meeting: ing o Goals Workshop and Regular Meeting, November 9, 2010, 6:00p.m., Wolf Pen Creek Green Room w o Present the new business model to the Board after it is completed. 15. Adjourn: Jon Denton made a motion ion to adjourn the meeting, and Millie Burrell seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 9:16 p.m. 4 October 12, 2010 Parks nd Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes