HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/08/2009 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board
Regular Meeting
7:00 PM, Tuesday, September 8, 2009
The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek ~ 1015 Colgate
College Station, TX 77840
STAFF PRESENT: Marco A. Cisneros, Director; David Schmitz, Assistant
Director – Operations; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary;
Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Gerling,
Special Facilities Superintendent; Marci Rodgers, Senior
Services Coordinator; Venessa Garza, Greenways
BOARD PRESENT: Gary Erwin, Chair; Glenn Schroeder, Jon Denton, Douglas
Becker, Donald Williams, David Scott, Gerard Kyle, George
VISITORS: Joanna Yeager, 100 Mortier
Les Fiechtner, 1213 Baywood Court
Bruce Sanders, 4907 Bay Oaks Court
Gregg Bennett, 1203 Windrift Cove
Tim Johnson, 2401 Crown Court
Ray Lucas, 4203 Camber Court
Bruce Smith, 4216 Camber Court
John Crompton, City Council Member, Place 1
Ron Silvia
Kevin Hodge
1. Call to order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order with a quorum
present at 7:00 p.m.
2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of
members: Jody Ford had sent in a request for absence. Glenn Schroeder made
a motion to approve the absence request as submitted, and Jon Denton
seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion
passed unanimously.
3. Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed.
4. Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the
meeting of August 11, 2009: Glenn Schroeder made a recommendation to
list David Gwin as being a visitor on the minutes instead of a Staff member.
Glenn Schroeder made a motion to approve the minutes with the change, and
David Scott seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and
the motion passed unanimously.
Skipped to Item # 8
5. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning an update
regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan: Venessa
Garza, Greenways Coordinator, gave a presentation regarding the Bicycle,
Pedestrian and Greenways Master Plan. Discussion followed. This was an
informational item only, and no action was required.
6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning a
reconsideration of the Proposed PARD Schedule of Fees for FY10: Marco
A. Cisneros, Director, explained each page of the Proposed PARD Fiscal Year
2010 Fees. He explained that changes had been made since the last Schedule of
Fees was brought to the Board at the July meeting. One change was a 30% fee
adjustment across the Board to Regular Rates. Other additions made included a
new implementation for adult leagues to “Pay at the Plate”, and have the
corresponding lower fees for league play. A 5% Fitness Boot Camp Services
Commission Fee, and a $10 Adult Outside League, Per Game Contract Fee. Staff
explained the “Pay at the Plate” implementation for games. Discussion followed.
There was some confusion regarding the “Pay at the Plate” implementation, and
also some opposition to the implementation.
The following concerns were expressed by the visitors present:
The $25 Season Youth Baseball Field Redevelopment Fee proposed is too
much for families.
Concern was expressed that one child would have to pay more to use the
fields than other children based on the group they belonged to. They felt
it was unfair.
George Jessup moved to approve the Proposed PARD Fiscal Year 2010 Fees as
presented by staff, and David Scott seconded the motion. Discussion followed.
Glenn Schroeder stated that he was against the “Pay at the Plate” fee, adding
that he believed it was an improper way to charge fees. The vote was called.
Glenn Schroeder, Jon Denton, and Doug Becker were in opposition to the
motion. The motion passed with a vote of 5 to 3. (Jody Ford being absent).
7. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the Athletic
Facility Priority of Usage Policy and Board Rankings: Marco A. Cisneros,
Director, explained the description of the Priority of Usage, the different tiers,
September 8, 2009
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
and what groups are encompassed in those tiers. An explanation of why the tier
system was developed was given. This item was on the agenda because a Select
Youth Baseball Group was asking that their group be classified the same as Little
League in Tier 1 and not the Tier 2 ranking they currently had. Discussion
Being a Tier 2 Group, how can I achieve Tier 1 status?
Little League should definitely have priority over fields
Concerns that some children will have priority on the fields (Little League
children) over other children.
Allow equal access to the fields for all children in baseball
Tim Johnson, 2401 Crown Court - There is not a disagreement that College
Station Little League deserves priority on field use. However, we were bumped
to the Tier 2 level as a Select Youth Baseball team, and the cost has increased
Bruce Sanders, 4907 Bay Oaks Court - The issue is that his T-ball child has
more priority to be on the fields than his 9 year old child due to the tier system,
and that is not fair for the children. He questioned, “Does each of his children
have the same rights on the fields, because both children are College Station
residents?” He wants everyone to pay the same rate and make the fees equal
for all. The issue is getting children away from the television and getting them
outside for recreation. Raising the fees is a big issue for their group due to
possibly not being able to afford it due to the increase in fees. He explained that
in his belief it is not the city’s job to coordinate the fields and push some children
off of the fields due to Priority of Usage. He thinks that it is the city’s job to
provide equal access to all teams.
Tim Johnson, 2401 Crown Court - Why is it a significant increase in fees
between a Tier 1 and Tier 2 level?
Gregg Bennett, 1203 Windrift Cove - He wants to know the logic behind
charging more for his groups.
Les Fiechtner, 1213 Baywood Court – Mr. Fiechtner explained that Little
League has priority over the fields. Mr. Fiechtner explained that after Little
League is scheduled for their use then Staff should coordinate the scheduling of
field usage with the other users.
Several citizens stated that is not fair to charge more if you are playing at a
higher level.
September 8, 2009
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Bruce Sanders explained that the city needs to allow equal access to the fields
for the Little League group and other baseball groups.
Discussion followed. Since the Board did not seek to change the Board rankings
as previously adopted, no action was necessary.
8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the
proposed Interim Senior Center Project for FY10: Joanna Yeager, Vice
Chair of the Senior Advisory Committee, reported on Anne Hazen’s letter
that was included in the Board packet. The letter stated the minimal
requirements that Seniors need for an interim Senior Center. Mr. Ron Silvia,
former Mayor, introduced himself to the new board members while thanking
them for their service. Discussion followed. Don Williams asked for more
information regarding the options available for possible interim Senior
Centers. Gary Erwin was in agreement with the Seniors, and explained to
the Board that Seniors need a space of their own to accommodate their daily
activities. He reported that the Board and Staff need to move forward with
the Seniors on the consensual agreement. This was an informational item
only, and no action was necessary.
9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the proposed
Parks and Recreation Budget for FY10: Marco A. Cisneros, Director, gave an
update regarding the Budget for FY10. This was an informational item only, and
no action was required.
10. Discussion and possible action concerning the appointment of members
to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Sub-committees: The Board
members volunteered for sub-committees.
Sub-committee List FY 09 - 10 (As of September 8, 2009)
Bylaws Review:
Doug Becker, Gary Erwin, Jon Denton
Comprehensive Plan Update Advisory Committee: Omit this Sub-committee
Gary Erwin, Glenn Schroeder, Jody Ford
Field Usage:
Gerard Kyle, George Jessup, Glenn Schroeder, Jon Denton
Joint Parks Planning and Zoning:
Jody Ford, George Jessup, Gary Erwin
Park Naming:
Don Williams, Gary Erwin, George Jessup, David Scott
Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan:
Jon Denton, Gerard Kyle, Doug Becker, David Scott
September 8, 2009
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes
Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee:
Gary Erwin, Jody Ford
The Board decided that alternate positions on the sub-committees could be
omitted, and to stay with regular sub-committee positions instead.
This item will be brought back to the Board at the October meeting.
11. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the setting of
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY10: Staff will include the
Council’s goals in the October meeting packets so that the Board can reference
them while setting their goals. This item was moved to the October Board
12. Discussion and possible action concerning Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board Goals: This item was moved to the October Board meeting.
13. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning the current
Capital Improvement Program: This item was moved to the October Board
Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of
August 2009.
Dedication of Less than Five Acres:
Starfish Development, LLC. ~ Park Zone 7
D.A. Smith Subdivision ~ Park Zone 2
14. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A
Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not
been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation
of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a
proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting:
Next Regular Meeting ~ October 13, 2009, The Green Room at Wolf Pen
15. Adjourn: Doug Becker made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Don
Williams seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at
10:40 p.m.
September 8, 2009
Parks and Recreation Advisory Board
Meeting Minutes