HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/2007 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (3) PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING 7:00 PM, Tuesday, July 17, 2007 Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center 1015 Colgate College Station, Texas ? Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant; Curtis Bingham, Recreation Superintendent; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; Marci Rodgers, Senior Program Coordinator; Sheila Walker, Programs and Special Events Supervisor; Scott Hooks, Parks Operations Supervisor, West District Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Joan Perry; Jody Ford; Gary Erwin; Kathleen Ireland; Gary Thomas; Harry Green; Shawn Rhodes; (John Crompton had been voted onto the City Council and was no longer on the board.) Members Absent: All members were present Visitors Present: Andres Vela, Summit Crossing Development; Michael Davis, Summit Crossing; Joe Schultz, Civil Development, Ltd. (Summit Crossing); Paul Lindall, Representative for Brandon Heights Homeowner’s Association; Joel Mitchell, Mitchell and Morgan Engineers Call to order: 1. Jodi Warner, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with a quorum present. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members 2. . All members were present. Hear visitors. 3. Paul Lindall was there to ask for feedback from the board and to present an informal proposal, on behalf of Brandon Heights Homeowners Association, to develop the water drainage overflow area off of Welsh Street into a useable park. The homeowners would be willing to participate in a modest way with the upkeep of the park. This item would be placed on a future agenda for discussion by the Board. Hearing no further visitors, this item was closed. Consideration, possible action, and discussion of minutes from the Regular Meeting of 4. June 19, 2007. Jody Ford moved to approve the minutes as written. Shawn Rhodes seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the minutes were unanimously approved. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Wolf Pen Creek Amphitheater 5. operations and projects ~ Sheila Walker. Sheila reviewed the information report distributed to the board. Policies and operations issues were addressed and recommendations were discussed. A draft proposal would be brought back to the board at the August meeting. No action was taken. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding playground conditions and 6. replacement schedule ~ Curtis Bingham. The purpose of this item, brought back from a request made at the July meeting, was to give the board an update regarding current playground conditions and the replacement schedules for seven parks. Discussion followed. Kathleen Ireland made a motion that, due to liability issues, City Council should be made aware that some playgrounds would need replacing before they were scheduled. Joan Perry seconded the motion and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. Report, possible action, and discussion regarding agency accreditation ~ Steve Beachy. 7. An update was given regarding the CAPRA team’s site visit and their recommendation to accredit the department. There were a few standards that the department did not meet however, none were fundamental standards. This was an informational item only and no action was required. Gary Thomas wanted to vote a resolution of thanks to the department for their effort in this endeavor. Gary Erwin seconded and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Senior Advisory Committee 8. member appointments ~ Marci Rodgers. Four applications were presented for approval and appointment to serve three years on the Senior Advisory Committee. Kathleen Ireland moved to approve appointments as recommended by the Senior Services Coordinator and Jody Ford seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Kathleen Ireland move to accept the recommendation for Robert Meyer to serve as Chair and for Raymond Reed to serve as Vice Chair of the committee. Gary Thomas seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Hearing no further discussion, this item was closed. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding potential park land dedications. 9. ? Ramada Inn Conceptual Plan for Tract Redevelopment ~ Park Zone 6. The required dedication for this was less than three acres, but since it was a planned development, it needed board approval. Staff was recommending the cash dedication of $123,848. Gary Erwin moved to accept staff’s recommendation and Shawn Rhodes seconded. The vote was called. All were in favor and the cash dedication was accepted. ? Aggie Place Apartments ~ Park Zone 15. Staff was recommending acceptance of the cash donation of $177,184 in lieu of the 3.136 acres. Discussion followed regarding taking the cash versus the land. Gary Erwin moved to accept the staff recommendation and Kathleen Ireland seconded. Hearing no further discussion the vote was called. All were in favor and the cash dedication was accepted. ? Summit Crossing ~ Park Zone 4. The board had previously taken a tour of this property. Due to the new alignment of the borders of the park being proposed by the developer, staff was recommending that the board take another look at this property. Visibility and accessibility could affect the usability of the site as a park. A motion to table this item pending a site visit was made by Jody Ford and seconded by Gary Erwin. Discussion followed. The vote was called. The motion to table the item carried unanimously with a site visit to be scheduled. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding the proposed fiscal year 2007/2008 10. through 2012/2013 Capital Improvement Plan; and report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvement Program. A report had been distributed in the board members’ packets. The projects were briefly reviewed and many had been discussed previously, however, none had been prioritized. The Board would see the list in the future in order to identify and prioritize potential projects in preparation for the upcoming bond election. Current Capital Improvement and Park Land Dedication Project Lists had been included in the board members’ packets. This was an informational item only and no action was required. ?Dedications of Less than Three Acres: No action was required. Horse Haven Estates, Phase 4 ~ Park Zone 4; o North Forest Estates (Developer re-submittal) ~ Park Zone 8; o Cambridge Lofts ~ Park Zone 3; and o Stoneleigh Development ~ Park Zone 1 o Report, possible action and discussion concerning Board Goals, Departmental Goals and 11. Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. Updated lists had been included in the board members’ packets. The park land dedication ordinance would be brought to council the following week. No action was required. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: 12. A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. ? August Regular Meeting ~ August 14, 2007, Wolf Pen Creek Hospitality Center ? Brandon Heights would be placed on a future agenda for discussion. Staff would look at the proposal and bring it back to the board. This was an informational item only and no action was taken. Adjourn. 13. A motion was made to adjourn by Jody Ford and seconded by Gary Erwin. The vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.