HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/11/2005 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES GOALS WORKSHOP ~ 5:30 PM REGULAR MEETING ~ 7:00 PM Tuesday, October 11, 2005 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas ? Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Dana Albrecht, Recreation Supervisor; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Harry Green; Glenn Schroeder; Jeannie McCandless; John Crompton; Carol Blaschke; Gary Thomas; Kathleen Ireland Members Absent: Gary Erwin Visitors: Jane Kee – IPS Group; Veronica Morgan – Mitchell & Morgan L.L.P.; Greg Taggart – Municipal Development Group; Tod Weingand – College Station Little League Goals Workshop ~ 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to order. Jodi W., Chair, called the Goals Workshop to order at 5:45 p.m. 2. Pardon and possible action concerning requests for absences of members. One request had been submitted by Gary Erwin. Kathy I. moved to accept Gary E.’s request for absence. Carol B. seconded and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. 3. Presentation, discussion, and possible action regarding Community Needs Assessment draft report ~ Jamie Rae Walker: Jamie Rae Walker gave a presentation with the preliminary results of the needs assessment that had been done (see attached PowerPoint presentation for details). This was the first time that the Department had done a comprehensive needs assessment. After her draft report was completed, Jamie Rae stated that the response to the survey had been very good, considering that it had been done over the summer. She encouraged anyone who had questions or needed additional information to contact her, adding that she wanted input from staff and the Board. It would be approximately three to four weeks before the report would be packaged and ready to be presented to City Council. 4. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding Board Goals for FY 2006. The Board spent the remainder of the workshop working on potential The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call (979) 764-3517 or (TDD) 1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstx.gov. goals for FY 2005-06. Based on the goals from FY 2004-05, items completed would be removed from the list. Eleven new goals were decided upon. (See attached list of Draft Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY 2005-06). Pam would put a draft list together that would be brought back to the board at the next meeting. A ten minute break was taken at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:15 p.m. 5. Hear visitors. Tod Weingand was present to introduce himself and to let the Board know that he was the newly elected board President for College Station Little League. He stated that he would be handling the business for the league for the next couple of years and he felt that the members should know who he was. Jodi thanked Tod for coming. Hearing no further visitors this item was closed. 6. Discussion, consideration, and possible approval of minutes from the regular meeting of September 13, 2005; and, from the lunch meeting regarding the proposed Park Land Dedication for the Fojtik Subdivision on September 21, 2005. Glenn S. made a motion to approve both sets of minutes as presented and there was a second from Jeannie M. The vote was called. All members were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding potential Park Land Dedication requests: Squid Hill Development ~ Park Zone 15: Ric stated that this was for a single ? family residence on Jones Butler Road. Being that it was single family, the land th dedication requirement would only be 1/100 of an acre, so staff was recommending the acceptance of the cash dedication of $556.00 in lieu of land. Glenn S. motioned to accept the staff recommendation of accepting the cash. Kathy I. seconded and the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Spring Creek Commons ~ Park Zone 9: This was not really a dedication – the ? developer wanted to donate a strip of property that would not be used, which is located next to Woodland Hills Park near the intersection of Highway 6 and Greens Prairie Road. The park property at present does not have good street access. The proposed donation is a pretty piece of property that would give some options for access on Lakeway and make the park safer on the end because of better visibility. The trees that are there would not be dug up and having the property would allow the city to install a drip irrigation system for those trees. Kathleen I. moved to accept the property donation and Gary T. seconded. Hearing no further discussion, the vote was called. All were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. The Woodlands of College Station/Dovetail Development ~ Park Zone 6: ? The latest version of the dedication proposal was presented, which staff considered Page 2 a reasonable proposal. A letter had been included in the members’ packets with approximate figures which had since changed. The latest dedication proposed was: Dedication Request 4.36 Acres Proposed 3.78 acres Remaining .58 Acres Cash Value $ 11,600 Multi-family development Fee $ 159,140 $ 170,740 Southwest Park Total Acreage 8.549 Acres Park Zone 6 Total $ 85,901 If the dedication was accepted, it would allow for an 8.549 acre park. The city would lose access on Christine Lane, but would have a public access easement on the west side. The development would be a 545-unit, residential, gated community oriented to college students, with development slated to begin immediately. With + the development fee, there would be a zone balance of $250,000, which would allow the city to begin doing improvements. The developer was interested in participating in the design process of the park in terms of how they laid out their development. Staff was recommending acceptance of this most recent proposal. Glenn S. moved approval of accepting the park land and the cash dedication that represented the remainder. John C. seconded. The vote was called. All were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. Update on Board decision regarding Fojtik Subdivision – Park Zone 4: This ? was an update in terms of action taken at the special lunch meeting on September 21, 2005. The area was located behind St. Thomas Aquinas and the Board had already voted on this. The park land dedication had been met. This was an informational item only and no action was needed. 8. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of the Parkland Dedication Ordinance revisions. Steve said the status of this was pending and would not be going to council for approval until the wording regarding the appraised value was done. The Board expressed an interest in seeing this done by the end of the year. Kathleen I. moved that the Board submit the Park Land Dedication Ordinance revisions as written to the City Council for approval. John C. amended the motion to include ‘in a timely manner’. The motion as amended was seconded by Jeannie M. The vote was called and all members were in favor. The motion carried unanimously. 9. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding the status of the $200,000 grant obtained by the city for Navasota Ladies’ Tresses habitat acquisition. Steve stated that Kristan Weaver, the Greenways Coordinator, could not attend. This was a follow-up to a question posed at the previous meeting regarding a $200,000 grant obtained by the city for acquisition of 70 additional acres of land for greenways that was a habitat for Navasota Ladies’ Tresses. Negotiations with the owner to purchase the land have not been successful and the city has requested an extension on the deadline for the grant. It was not likely that the land would be Page 3 acquired or if the grant would be extended. This was a discussion item only and no action was required. 10. Report, discussion, and possible action regarding Community Recreation Centers ~ Dana Albrecht. Dana Albrecht gave a presentation on multi-use, multi- generational community recreation centers that she had visited as part of a conference she had attended in Colorado. After touring different centers, one of the most significant items that stood out was that a multitude of community needs - for young and old alike - could be met by pooling resources into one center, with facilities that served many functions, as opposed to having separate facilities, staff, and resources spread throughout the city. (See attached presentation “Trends in Recreational Facilities Design – Something for Everyone”.) This was an informational item only and no action was required. 11. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding existing subcommittees and the appointment of board members to a joint committee with the Planning and Zoning Commission. This was a follow-up item from the joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) to appoint representatives from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to work with representatives from P&Z. Three members would be needed to serve on an ongoing basis for the next twelve months or so. Gary T., John C., and Kathleen I., all said they would be interested in serving on this subcommittee. By appointing three members, Jodi said she could sit in on items of interest without having a quorum present. The Secretary for P&Z, Lisa Lindgren, had called Jodi asking for the names of the subcommittee members because P&Z was interested in getting started. The members chosen would be required to report back to their respective boards from time to time. Subcommittee members also needed to be appointed for the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Subcommittee. John C. and Kathleen I. volunteered. Ric said that Gary E. might also be interested in serving. If he was interested he could be appointed at an upcoming meeting. Four people could serve on that subcommittee. Gary T. said he was also interested in serving. Steve briefly discussed the role the subcommittee would play in the plan update process. Staff would set up the meetings to start after the first of the year. The subcommittee could bring items to the board if necessary. Jodi thanked the members who volunteered. Pam S. would get the list of P&Z subcommittee members to the P&Z Secretary. 12. Review, discussion, and possible action concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and the City Council Strategic Plan. Jodi asked if there was anything related to the 2005 goals to discuss. Hearing none, this item was closed. 13. Report, discussion, and possible action concerning the Capital Improvement Program. Park Land Dedication & Capital Improvement Projects List: A CIP and Park ? Land Dedication Projects list had been included in the members’ packets. The list Page 4 for FY 2005 showed all of the projects that had been completed in 2005. A new list for FY 2005-06 had also been included with the projects that would be done in 2006. The list would grow as additional projects were added. The final project costs for the VPAC & Central Soccer Field Lights and Thomas ~ Pool Collector Tank Repair project had been transposed on the CIP list. The Wolf Pen Creek Multi-purpose Building Project’s scope had increased and ~ the project total had grown to $1 million and would include two buildings. Ric stated that this was an exciting project since staff had been operating out of a trailer for ten years. Glenn S. said that he had assumed that when the water tank came down off of ~ the city property in front of Lions Park, that the property and the park would be put on the market. Steve stated that there were still plans to put the old water tank site on the market. However, there was really no other place to put a park in that zone unless you had a site with a willing seller. You would also have to take it to the public for a vote in order to sell the park property. The Jack & Dorothy Miller Park Basketball Court Cover Project had been ~ completed. Veterans Park & Athletic Complex: This project should go out to bid in ? December. Steve stated that an updated Park System Inventory List had been included in the ? packets. 14. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items: The November regular meeting would be held on November 8, 2005. ? Agenda item requests: ? The City Secretary, Connie Hooks would do a presentation on Open Meetings ~ Laws at an upcoming meeting. A senior facility report should come before the board at the next meeting. ~ 15. Adjourn. Kathleen I. moved to adjourn and Jeannie M. seconded. The vote was called. All were in favor and the meeting adjourned at 9:07 p.m. Page 5