HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/23/2001 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board (3) 1c**Minuteg*** Memorial for all Veterans of the Brazos Valley, Inc. Regular Meeting Monday9 April 239 2001 - • , _ • •_, • . ..• . _ r • . • Suite2501 Texas Avenue S„:, , - - L Roll Call: The meeting was called to order at 12:05 p.m. Present at the meeting were: Craig er; Travis S .11; John Velasquez; Henry Hill; Steve Beachy; Mn in Whttaker; P. David Romei; Daniel Frank; Daniel Powell; Calvin Boykin; David Marion; Paulette R t; Deborah Jasek; Richard Aguire;Kris Struru .r, 2. Reading of minutes from Monday, March 12, 2001: A motion was n.de to approve the u.tes from March 12, 2001. The motion was seconded. All were ® favor, and the motion passed aniiously. 3. Reports of Committees: Design Co,,cmittee: P. David, the Charmw of the Design Co: stated that the Lapel Pins had rrived. He went on to say that they would be given to those who contribute $1,000 or more to the project. P. David informed the Board that the judging for the memorial would be on Friday, May 4, 2001, from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., at the Arts CAy cil. He ed that the public was welcome to attend. P. David reco, : ended that the Design Co: ttee disperse after the artist for the memorial is chosen. Craig added that typically, most veter - - org.- -*:-ations hold their o event on Memorial Day. This year, he is tr ng to urge the org. •tions to come out to Vete, . Park and Athletic Complex for the unveiling of the-.Teter: Memorial instead of holding a separate event. FundRaising Committee: Craig filled in for L S- Chari an of the F ridRaising Co ttee. He asked Steve to fill the Board in regarding the st. of the : ed Forces Day Celebration that will be held on Saturday, May 19, 2001, at the Wolf Pen Creek phitheater. The theme of the celebration 11 be a USO show, and the band that will be perfo: * :g is called "The Sent* ental Jo ley.” The concert will be an all day fa *ly event and is free to the public. However, donations will be solicited, and any proceeds for the concert will go to the Veterans Memorial. Steve added that in the event that it rains, the concert would be moved to the Lincoln Recreation Center G asium. Page 1 of 3 Memorialfor all V ans of the Brazos V • ,Inc. Craig added that Travis would be making the ope • g remarks, and P. David would be serving as the Master of Ceremonies. Craig introduced Daniel Frank and Daniel Powell with Company "C-2" at Texas A&M University. Craig explained that Company "C-2" would be holding a T-shirt sale to raise funds for the memorial. He went on to say that the T-shirts would display the veterans memorial on the front, and an image of World War II soldiers on the back. John asked what the st was of purchasing recognition bricks for the memorial. He stated that people had asked him for prices and he wasn't sure what the to tell them. ". David stated that the Finance Co ittee would have to work on this subject, and added that no decision could actually be I .de about the type of recognition and its associated costs til after the artist is chosen to design the memorial. Deborah reported that she had received a couple of fund-raising/publicity offers from the Hollywood 16 Movie Theater. She . ed that the theater is promoting the movie "Pearl Harbor" on Memo * l Day weekend, and added that the n. er of the theater had suggested having the Veter. Memorial Co ittee set up a booth in the theater lobby, play the memorial promotion video, d out flyers, and promote the memorial. She added that Circuit City could possibly lend the large-screen televisions and set them up to play the video. Steve suggested that s s pie could work s s s, and asked Deborah if she could set up t° e slots for people to work. Deborah said that she would. There is also an opport ety for screen te e at the theater. In order to get it, Craig would be required to ate a letter, explaa g the Co ittee's intentions, and include info .tion on its non-profit status. The Co ittee would also need to provide slides. The cost is $100 for two (2) weeks ° g, and the theater would those slides before feature presentations. Public Relations/Marketing Committee: Steve said that he and the College Station City Manager visited the Lions Club to promote the memorial. Steve was also interviewed on the Sharon Colson show (he will contact the Board when he knows what day/time the show will air). He also mentioned that the memorial advertisement tape is c ently - showing on the City's access cha el every hour, at five (5) utes after the hour. He went on to say that he and Craig had presented the project to the College Station City Co cit and Joint Relief F 'ding Co at-tee as well. Craig stated that he has also showed the video to several veter org. tions, and will be meeting with the Bryan City Co cit on Tuesday, May 1, 2001. Page 2 of 3 Me , for all Veterans of the Brazos V, • ,Inc Historical Committee: John Velasquez, Chairman of the Historical Committee, stated that his committee has been looking at several computer-generated historical archive programs, and asked the Board for direction. Craig asked John to come back to the Board during the next meeting with three (3) options for the Board to choose from and vote on. John was concerned about suse of the veterans memorial logo, d asked if it could be copyright or trademarked. A motion was .I e to take action to copyright the veter. memorial logo and follow up with a trade k. The motion was seconded. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Richard will follow up on the.trade . k. P. David added that the Board could not copyright or trade . k the logo til it is purchased from the designer. A motion was made to rescind the motion to take action to copyright the veter memorial logo and follow up with a trade . k. The motion was seconded. All were in favor, and the motion passed una J ously. 4. Reports of officers: Treasurer Report: Paulette gave the financial report. She stated that c ent balance was $7,004.92. 5. Old and unfinished business: New business: Henry Hill invited and encouraged the Board to come out to the Air Force Band and Singing Sergeants at Rudder Auditorium on Wednesday, April 25, 2001. He said that The Eagle was offering free tickets to the event. 6. Adjourn: The meeting tjo ed at 1:15 p.m. The next meeting will held on Monday, April 14, 2001, at noon, at the Arts Co cil. Page 3 of 3 Me for all Veterans of Ike Brazos Valley,Inc wo :,,, The 0:: , of. : - ' 1- Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. _..., ..,.. . _ ...„_ Office of the City Secretary. P.O.Box 9960 0 1101 Texas Avenue '8' College Station,TX 77842 0 (979)764-3541 0 FAX:(979)764-6377 www.d.college-station.tx.us CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I received the attache. petition o Friday, June 1, 2001 to name the bike loop in the memory of Wayne Bryan an. verified that the petition contains 150 signatures of registered voters i College Station. t i '-11-1i , ' , I, :,-,' , Co ie Ho.ks, City Secretary Date: i -, 1 - / i Home of Texas A&M University Residents of College Station are pleased that a major section of the bike loop will soon be opened. The attached petition represents their support for a request that the bike loop be named in memory of Wayne Bryan, a local cyclist and businessman who was a member of our community for many years. Bicycles move us in so many ways. Literally, figuratively, emotionally and fiscally. When we were children, it was the bicycle that was the ultimate toy, for it gave us freedom and empowerment as it provided us with hours of enjoyment and a new means of expression. In later years, it became transportation as we took our bikes to school, to our friends' houses and further than our parents ever realized. The college years found us often on our bicycles, as they were the truest and most dependable means of getting to campus. Many of us have kept riding, but do it now to express ourselves physically, or to share the day with family or friends, or just to clear the cobwebs out of our brains. Cycling gives back so much to the cyclist, whether he, or she, is a curb jumping first grader, a campus bound college student, a two wheeled wild flower tourist, or a racer knocking out the miles. They are all of one family, brought together by their bicycles. A man who brought together, moved and befriended many cyclists was Wayne Bryan. Wayne was killed while cycling on August 10, 1997 when the driver of a car fell asleep at the wheel, crossed the white line and struck Wayne from behind. Wayne owned two bike shops, rode intensely and was as good a man as anyone could meet, on or off the bike. Wayne knew the glory of a hard ride with fast friends, but he also recognized the pleasures of an easy ride with more casual riders. Many of us can't help but think of Wayne, but not of his death, whenever the topic of cycling graces our conversations or enters our days. The College Station Bike Loop is designed to allow children, of all ages, and adults, of all ages, to safely ride their bikes, as recreation, transportation, inspiration or meditation. When completed, the loop will provide greater ease of access to a large portion of College Station. As cyclists, we are excited by the options and opportunities offered by the loop, and as friends of Wayne, we who have signed these attached pages find it altogether fitting and proper that Wayne be honored and remembered by naming the College Station Bike Loop after him. 4 Petition We applaud the City for implementing the College Station Bike Loop. As residents anc.,....1 registered voters of College Station, Texas we request that the Bike Loop be named in memory of Waine Bryan. Waine was an active cyclist and dedicated community worker who truly made a difference. Name (please Print) Address Signature / -...,..- -.1- ----7; ----- ---- - ' --- --4,*---eivi:....,......,- AL..,---,,,,./,---,- ---4- ireitiklr:-.A..rieiiir....qv....rkr * / CI 5,. 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Wayne was an active cyclist and dedicated co unity worker who truly made a difference. ,- 17' fr 4 ame (Please Print) Address 7----- Signa rp .,-. - i , fc--T--— ---- &----,. (kt)CI r - -- - ,-- -------- . - - - - -........- ,,,,-47- -:- ----i_ eZeyfziarsit(-I .C) A . /77 c.„91... AtA/TN E- gkAirra 4 5b3 tui v Icticse......_ rmir70.1wArAi'd:i7j.1.777::::•::::0:71.,"4,11:-'-/wb,'jr--imv," 1, _____111111„,:_,, - I i ' rigrai pr '-'"1 e it titt. 7-17-e 4, grAilli'' d f 114-A-k. simblira, * Ai . /, ' L / 141. - ir, ' # - ,•- b77' //1//19 7,„ tip 2)ts4 / .4 / . ........_:,_ t_., yr /9RA( 1414-41,12 /5-0/ - I ..e. p. 41 / , _,..f.d....d...4 eif.d,,e,„ ,,, , ,„ 4 -- 6328296)# , (--, 4...— .4(. - i,'-if5;z7./9/ 1 . -A ,Alt-- --- -- -1,-- -.-- 1------- i /-) Petition il We applaud the City for implementing the College Station Bike Loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, Texas we request that the Bike Loop be named in memory of Wayne Bryan. Wayne was an active cyclist and dedicated community worker who truly made a difference. me ;Ple s nature r R R �p /res/s/ ie 01 7a9 (7)e11/(111/)7 //eh (1, - /7 it,,,,,,i,/if i 4 t c., x i dr 'I° ' fyy 01 eiv - ----- 4.17""ow r ` ---' 41,11,4 ,-/ /1'4,, I /42---O ), 44-044( '44,e14-11 ,,,, r a F s ' 11•15 F. 43 41ei 841 .is1 Petition We applaud the city of College Station for implementing the CS. bike path and bike loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, we respectfully request that the Bike Loop be named in honor and mory of Wayne 'Bryan' . Wayne was an extremely active cyclist, who owned Aggieland Cycling in College Station and dedicated a lot of personal tii and resources towards the betterment of cycling in College Station. NAME Address Sisnat re c • NOW e‘. eott ifor c to'.0 ? e ) / (sLO t-t; I s 12c 5 # 101::/$17: c Li61/.... tWil/f/0 2 1 4 dee kich iir Ainf 4.66 h e eavt'17.-') rejF-410 8 ejpee..,.C't F6-Cf7---;k4 s 9 --Uccs' /96, /600c Fp-0o Dr Ro be( r 1-1,02 Pr / AD. 011\,. deD 1 (2 0-1_ Ert r 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 \\:\ Petition We applaud the City for implementing the College Station Bike Loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, Texas we request that the Bike Loop be named in memory of Wayne Bryan. Wayne was an active cyclist and dedicated community worker who truly made a difference. /, ame (Please print) Address cSignature \ b) VA T-e2oL9 At.,\)* tNQS--- ( k Ad mc,., \& — 3 c .-.ci.„..,..i,.4- - 4......--- 1464-1 I-L i' 111-J 4 OA-5. oci- i a c SA, .1111 ' \ — , , k , . ‘ 17-11,111 e3o 6-7 636e S-1,--,effrevp .„----) „ide ......, ,,,... * . / ....... Pil APT -It _1.,/,..,, %B RKEP 12. oviA /07,4A„,0Eizeilu tt 515 kift_ ,_ uiv),L, I . ---4-\ A4 I , 441111/11 de 71) Alm.,,,„--f.---zwoi .q......7.7._ ral,,,, 4 4 I! , ) 1ke ATyl 1 I - A ot ...::,pc__Loii 70 _,_ _ .. ,, O(3 , -...... g .5,,....-1- I' 1 , 4,-14 resom........--/ Q.,v, ,, 41 / V , i i ....7 a.1...,_, /Yr 15fack Li 0 o ti 64-1,,,, Pit, .\\ , -1 - , / ) r1 : VLlijr/4471"):'Id 4'''H----74(.-1 9/ i - , • •,,,' ,,,e" -1-74- i,A, / --,L=.,- /7 44 1 7- 1- I' -, die„.q (.0eL.-673(5---- ri--4)e...i, /e,.... C. S. 7177,77Elf, c....51.......,„ ...................._ (1 I m t 7.a , , . / /2 A _.-- .....-7.--7"u-P---- Residents of College Station are pleased that a major section of the bike loop will soon be opened. The attached petition represents their support for a request that the bike loop be named in memory of Wayne Bryan, a local cyclist and businessman who was a member of our community for many years. icycles move us in so many ways. Literally, figuratively, emotionally and fiscally. When we were children, it was the bicycle that was the ultimate toy, for it gave us freedom and empowerment as it provided us with hours of enjoyment and a new means of expression. In later years, it became transportation as we took our bikes to school, to our friends' houses and further than our parents ever realized. The college years found us often on our bicycles, as they were the truest and most dependable means of getting to campus. Many of us have kept riding, but do it now to express ourselves physically, or to share the day with family or friends, or just to clear the cobwebs out of our brains. Cycling gives back so much to the cyclist, whether he, or she, is a curb jumping first grader, a campus bound college student, a two wheeled wild flower tourist, or a racer knocking out the miles. They are all of one family, brought together by their bicycles. A man who brought together, moved and befriended many cyclists was Wayne Bryan. Wayne was killed while cycling on August 10, 1997 when the driver of a car fell asleep at the wheel, crossed the white line and struck Wayne from behind. Wayne owned two sike shops, rode intensely and was as good a man as anyone could meet, on or off the bike. Wayne knew the glory of a hard ride with fast friends, but he also recognized the pleasures of an easy ride with more casual riders. Many of us can't help but think of Wayne, but not of his death, whenever the topic of cycling graces our conversations or enters our days. The College Station Bike Loop is designed to allow children, of all ages, and adults, of all ages, to safely ride their bikes, as recreation, transportation, inspiration or meditation. When completed, the loop will provide greater ease of access to a large portion of College Station. As cyclists, we are excited by the options and opportunities offered by the loop, and as friends of Wayne, we who have signed these attached pages find it altogether fitting and proper that Wayne be honored and remembered by naming the College Station Bike Loop after him. Petition We applaud the City for implementing the College Station like Loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, Texas we request that the Bike Loop be named in memory of Waine Bryan. Waine was an active cyclist and dedicated co unity worker who tally made a difference. Name( \Please sr) Address Signature i / ,/ 4'0:-,-----j I- _ 4 \ 1 ie\ 1 ,0' l il - / IC eik) v..ics , , - i 1-- - Le 0(,)c- ' ;„,,,4pc- 6--ec.L. 1 WA'/C , AOY Pa t /fe 11 g' 3 3/6 Pay.sli , , , , - , fff /7. , . '-'7 if z i fri , -- , ___----------(-->,,,,-// -7,----- / . ,,,,,„„it i ,F,„---?., - . --, i ,. 1 1,1 ‘11 A in I.f&Y7 /190 _ tiale-0/2 (oP 1,,,e14 E-11t 1 1 I'0.11171 ,/a€9,3 rain, fiv „...,\ c"R- \ if S- S t.' 1 7 : Petition We applaud the City for implementing the College Station Bike Loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, Texas we request that the Bike Loop be named in memory of Wayne Bryan. Wayne was an active cyclist and dedicated community worker who truly made a difference. Nam (Pl Nairne , ease Prnt) Address /Signature J., / /1 C _-,-- ''' 4, 1 ' (iti/Z-' 7 1'7 620 47:-C-7- / 4 '"' t< ,1 -c-----4, ("-7- - , ? i 7/ eF/- ) i7 /4 c ' -- -A-- / I .... ,4".. I,,,,,/ ' _ m i , „7,- , ;: Iiirf gal '-- - . - i Le 1. ti itit--e - i-- -) k') ., - - - ,,t, , , t, _.,,,,k ..,,,,,, , , , -' - ' '- - - - -Yr -''''" - -- --1:- ,1 "4 ' "'" i 1, F / 71 1.1 3 I '. i --------- ‘, ,...- rim) i ' --- ( ,0.f'---- ..,- v ,--- - ) ! i _ ... - Petition We applaud the City for implementing the College Station Bike Loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, Texas we request.that the Bike Loop be named in memory of Wayne Bryan. Wayne was an active cyclist and dedicated community worker who truly made a difference. r,. . t , Name(Please Address e_ - d , SignatuT,e 01/ / A i , i , /, / ,. r -- ,...„. -_ ' '; /l8 _. ..,. - - -- 7 _ ' e , / ) i,) . ‘-- i u --- ,,,, , _ Bill) F-43 _ 4111 ga ddA- , _ _ - , Pet/09,n :, We applaud the city of College Station for implementing the C.S. bike path and bike Coflege Station, E loop. As residents and registered voters of the Bike Loop be named in honor and -mory of Wayne 'Bryan' . Wayne was an Station extremely active cyclist, who owned Aggielarid Cycling in College g , a lot of personal time and resources towards the betterment of cycling in College Station. _.„ _,1 1 I 1 ::, ,,,,,, vi 1_c_,,,, ,,, _ _ _ , , i ca,„ ,,,, , , ,\:. :, _,,,,/,,,,c,jcii.c___rn 1 1,,,,,,,,,,,, I._ _,_ 7AME.,,,, , .4,,,.,„ Address ( r,?, e II a {{ tl A '1' 'I' ( '1, ''1''''?IR L---d; --111-L:,, —-'' t: '',)itz--1 , : ) f , ,p , G 111111 r'R f _yu. r - . 1 €'. .. ,,,,,, ,r -:' if x r� — i .. X11 ,, 5 3 ,i4.„ _ . , , - , K 115 -: - do ---„7.-..„- --7.-.. { „--c.„1, „ ot,,_,,,,,, ,_,.___ — ,.77, , , _ _ __ 7. _ _ } g � „,,,. , ,7,- , f w r'2 � g [ I— .— /— e--ece— , e—°— --e, — 1 i r ' 7 L__,,L14,1-,--lift/ ,L--71- / ,/-/-c't„-,,,„%,-0.4.,,i-„,;-;' ----.„,-'------,L„ „.„,, „,,,,t,,;-,4,----„„--6„,rzt-t t,,,._., - ,.----___-,-,„-zt------- --- - � 4 Pe. � w h ., wa 1 ,---- -;0 muk? rte.,;„ , yy,�p "k �r� - i' 4ti` �'"'` .._,., ,. ;a`. '''.tee,,. -.,. - , ry '.._... F,, w U v” e 1 ^^" ii58q r yL ' ., .. . - - ._- - _ _____ , 2® _ ., 22 4.. - { 26 2 __ -^- 4 ..�W�.+«m��+ra-.mw -�+ -a«-. a.,�u...m.,»r�-+...-.w+-,. �+..-... _ +we' »_^-� . .�. +« ..»am..�.0 .�.�.,:. ..,� ..»n-.—+.+tee ,w+.....ww.........w -..a.., xr,- Petition We applaud the City for implementing the College Station Bike Loop. As residents and registered voters of College Station, Texas we request that the Bike Loop be named in _ memory of Wayne Bryan. Wayne was an active cyclist and dedicated community worker who truly made a difference. Name (Please Print) Address -)Signature r---7- 1,Ai e)..„,. .• V-Q.,c---- _.*)\,1 \ .,e....._..--(0„:5 i-V,,,,---Q ‘ (. i k \,(-* St-c O.\,,,SA C,...-'( ---2-OS A f.4,; ,...k,„,,i, I A Alck r \c( r.,--).,,, /Mil Ilk 1 lc l' yiki 4 tifrL$' 0 22,cc, Do ,4-0,,,„..II, st---1a 4 - i A,444 4. \ , il\A„Alt (..., A,LA S ki A r ' _ tr, 7—il di I-1 e, _ut LI 1 (- 36t71 b(Live _)-1- c, (---',- bRKEP(A,12.DAIA -- 107/4./b0E12. 0./Li i.---J-\5 --(-( r\f"- /- / c /1/6 4'4' (1-1 I 4e 14-•-.1 t 3, \ /o7 g ity il, _ icA i 14) " , ,,z;‘,.7) aim _ ZWINIMINWASIIII - CNr' "I.' Cira rc OP" dr" e-6, ... , . (c.\\ 0, sp • -— A -N\ --Ao (..-" ct...-A4, -e) - ---\---, , - / IV c 15(ack Li Jo ----- , /44:17/(ii d/f L. , 1 3(s— r,--cecill /e,..„( C s af 77E-K.) /-w4 14 4 iii The Ci, - of a 3. - e „lion Tex - s Eri/tniacin: the Past, Explorin: the Future. Office of the City Secretary P.O.Box 9960 0 1101 Texas Avenue 0 College Station,TX 77842 0 (979)764-3541 0 FAX:(979)764-6377 www.ci.college-station.tx.. CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I received the petition supporting the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex streets and facilities on Monday' June 18, 2001 and verified that the petition contains 28 names of registered voters in College Station. 1 Connie Hooks, City Secretary Date: / 0t Home of Texas A&M University • &will, The City of IP College Station, Texas Embracing the Past, Exploring the Future. Office of the City Secretary P.O.Box 9960 G 1101 Texas Avenue e College Station,TX 77842 e (979)764-3541 e FAX:(979)764-6377 www.d.college-station.bcus CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I received the petition supporting the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex streets and facilities on Wednesday, June 6, 2001 and verified that the petition contains 21 names of registered voters in College Station, 1111 Co ii ie Hooks, City Secretary Date: # 7. 5/ Home of Texas A&M University PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED NAMES FOR COLLEGE STATION VETERANS PARK & ATHLETIC COMPLEX STREETS AND FACILITIES We, the undersigned registered voters from the City of College Station, support the proposed names herein attached for the streets and facilities to be located at the Veterans Park & Athletic Complex. Printed Name Si.nature Address Telephone Number 6,q 3 - 03 43 i's1441!' 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Atli BA-5/4 4f 4 14 l'-d•P‘wi a 4 ,f 4 /, - / ordf ,41,./76, 577- zee) • Ci162 i de ft l A al, v omehror...E.1... - ---- 4 ,addiPkyari,,,mimu' -......... al 1115411.me .1 .,.......,,,, , iii IFM•IP P spa allavikw litlip v /Ailt4 A A.... , i ' 7e.A.,k,„(-of 1 , \, • - a of ri .46, • , i lao yikito\k) uoop to tie)Acii 5 ' I, ax-t kc .rt 4A(fide-- • t (A) F.. A..) 6—oo 7 ///q/12-Ees 1-4/'-' 117 Azo 6/-91'1-67' i . c/ 4.4...t.„..„_ 35E7 e(26Ait46- ,s- cl„ t**,-*%5 6 50-----r7cir) Page 2 Petition for Naming Veterans Park&Athletic Complex Streets&Facilities Printed Name Si.nature Address Te/e'hone Number A174 111 A a ' rill ill ‘11 A IA " .4' .4 :Al A - ,...' P Er.. ..... i km... - tie PETITION FOR APPROVAL OF PROPOSED NAMES FOR COLLEGE STATION VETERANS PARK & ATHLETIC COMPLEX STREETS AND FACILITIES We, the undersigned registered voters from the City of ollege Station, support the proposed names e er I attached forte streets and facilities to be located at the Veterans Park Athletic Complex. Printed Name Si•nature Address Telephone Number --b 44 a1 11 j lc if £ifs ►� t 8 • - O3 4(3 ci n A 3.- vs"--/—rz A\os , s , , L , R. .‘,..„/.. . AL d' ,',9 /001 • NT)1,4 6'77,NI,..ba, b. i (o-4 3 S/ 1" . ks3 kl>.(--"RO -t t� .f Cif.) C. , 7X Cp.9(2-*/0 JP t°1 -""Ce( kt---°1-4--- C M , 1,,_,‘ ,..., te,„ /".23 ,,Al s ilLte4 'c'c-- '' - „i c'51/c-r SI,....f-t C5 try 6,TE.._5---(q.7 y v,! 1 -C)13?-1:C1., 4.41-411/4.1%) a'tc,C9t „,. -44."\-.1- of ,._,. . , f g,.. ”,. F�-»,� ti � � g�,.'"°�,�'. 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