HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/06/2001 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board ***—
e n tiroaolRegular meeti n,g
Tuesday,march 6 2001
Conference Room A
Steve B Present: eachy, Dire ctor Krenek oTsa.panRdoRaedcreation; Eric pioeger, Assistant
Director; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary.
Board Members Present: Glenn Schroeder.' 1311 Davis; Glen Davis; John Crompton,
Alternate; Laura Wood,l Alternate.
Board Members Absent: Chris Barzilla, Chair. George Dresser, Co-Chair; John
Nichols; Jon Turton.
Guest: Jeff Kersten, Director of the Office of Management and Budget.
Visitors: Larry Farnsworth, 4012 Hunter Creek, College Station.
21" Hear
to order: The meeting was called to order at 7°04
ear visitors: No visitors spoke at this time.
3. Pardon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: John
Crompton made a motion to accept the absences of Chris Barzilla' Georg
Dresser, John Nichols, and Jon Turton as excused. Glen Davis seconded thee
motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
4. Approval of minutes Regular Meeting of February 13, 2001: John C.
made a motion toapprove frproovme the minutes from regular February 13,
2001® Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were meeting of in favor, and the motion
passed unanimously.
5. Di*
scussion, consideration,
and possible action concerning the Parks and
Recreation Board Fiscal 2002 budget issues and to
d priorities: Steve stated
that for the Fiscal Year 2001, the Board had beenasked give its inputn to the
budget process and that
it was time to seek input
again for the upcoming budget
process. He introducedJeff Kersten, who is responsible for the fo ation of the
City's budget.
Jeff handed out a list of the budget issues and concerns that the Parks
Recreation Board had voiced for Fiscal Year 2001 (see attachment). He stated
that from those concerns, several items had been approved and incorporated into
Parks and Recreation Board
Regular Meeting
Tuesday,March 6,2001
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the current Fiscal Year 2001 budget (i.e. A&M Consolidated High School Tennis
Court Lighting and Soccer Field Renovations). Glen D. asked what the time
frame was to come up with a list of key issues. Jeff responded that the Budget
Department would like to have the Board's feedback within 30 to 60 days. He
stated that the information would be given to the City Council to review during
their annual strategic planning retreat in May. They would consider advisory
board input along with their strategic planning priorities during the retreat.
Steve stated that City Management had attended several presentations by the
Budget Department concerning the five-year financial forecast for the City. There
are concerns that over the next couple of years some of the known impacts on the
budget may make requests difficult to fund, particularly requests on items that
would have on-going operational costs. Jeff added that a slowing in the national
and state economy would affect revenue forecasts for the future.
Steve stated that usually each year, there are some funds available for one-time
cost items. He suggested several areas such as the Urban Forest Management
Plan, a joint project with the College Station Independent School District to repair
the surface of the jogging tract at Jack and Dorothy Miller Park, and a possible
joint project with Texas A&M University for improvements to Hensel Park.
Glen D. suggested distributing last year's budget issues along with the current
Board goals and the City Council Strategic Issues to the members of the Parks and
Recreation Advisory Board for their review. He also suggested putting this item
on an upcoming agenda. Steve agreed and stated that the Board is scheduled to
have a joint meeting with the City Council on April 26, 2001.
This item was for discussion only, and no motion was made.
6. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning the User Fee
Study: Steve stated that this item was to update the Board concerning the User
Fee Study of the Parks and Recreation Department that was conducted by a
consulting firm (DMG Maximus). Steve stated that the Department did not have a
recommendation at this time, but had received an initial report back from the
consultants. He went on to say that the Department sent the report back to the
consultants for some revisions and should have a final report soon.
Steve stated that there would be a meeting with the Fees Subcommittee, the
consultants, and Parks and Recreation Department staff on Tuesday, March 20,
2001, at 2:30 p.m., to review the report. There would also be a special Board
meeting on Monday, March 26, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., to consider any fee
recommendations. He went on to say that the recommendation of the Board
would then go to the City Council for consideration on April 12, 2001.
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Regular Meeting
Tuesday,March 6,2001
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Steve stated that once the City gets the information back from the consultants, it
would need to be applied to the Fiscal and Budgetary Policy Statement, Appendix
"F." He went on to say that there are three levels of fee support:
• Full fee support (80-100%) will be obtained from enterprise operations such
as utilities, sanitation service, landfill, cemetery, and licenses and permits.
• Partial fee support (50-80%) will be generated by charges for emergency
medical services, miscellaneous licenses and fines, and all adult sports
• Minimum fee support (0-50%) will be obtained from other parks,
recreational, cultural, and youth programs and activities.
Glen D. asked if the Fees Subcommittee would receive a copy of the report before
they met. Jeff stated that it might be possible to receive the Executive Summary
prior to the meeting.
This was an informational item only, and no motion was made.
7. Discussion, consideration, and possible action concerning Veterans Park and
Athletic Complex: Steve stated that the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex
Subcommittee met the previous week and reviewed estimates from O'Malley
Engineers. He stated that cost estimates were high for street and utility extensions
due to the fact that they have to be oversized to accommodate the future growth of
the park. The engineers have also given a recommendation to go from a 4" to an
8" base soil mixture on the soccer fields. Steve stated that as a result of the
estimates, several alternate plans were recommended for the Phase I development
of the park.
Steve showed the Board a promotional video created to help raise funds for the
future veterans memorial that would be the centerpiece of the park. He stated that
three artists had been selected to begin work on designs for a memorial, and one
winner would be chosen to build the actual memorial. Steve added that once the
memorial was built, Veterans Park and Athletic Complex would not only be
utilized for athletic purposes, but would also become a special place in the
Eric Ploeger took the floor. He stated that the Department had received three
price scenarios from the engineers, and had narrowed them down to two
(alternates one and two). Alternate one would include four full-size soccer fields,
two adult softball fields (no lights for either soccer or softball), restroom facilities,
parking, street and utility extensions, landscaping, and an entrance area. The cost
for alternate one was estimated at $1,936,790.
Eric stated that there is approximately $1,850,000 available for the Phase I
development of the park. He stated that even without lighting, the cost for
development of alternative one would be approximately $100,000 over budget.
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Regular Meeting
Tuesday,March 6,2001
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Alternate two would include six full-size soccer fields (two lighted), restroom
facilities, parking, street and utility extensions, landscaping, and an entrance area.
The cost for alternate two was estimated at $1,549,800. Eric stated that the cost
estimate for alternate two would bring the project within budget by a considerable
amount of money, which would mean that:
• The Department would be confident that there is a project available when it
goes out to bid;
• Alternate two adds two soccer fields; and
• It gives the Department the ability to do more landscaping.
After some discussion, Glen D. made a motion to recommend that
• alternative two be the Phase I development for the park;
• the first item in the next bond election be a five-field softball complex; and
• the subcommittee work with the staff to enhance the project's landscaping
with the remaining funds available from the project.
John C. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed
Steve added that consideration would also be needed for an ent ay to the park.
The Board agreed to wait to see what the design of the memorial would look like,
so that it could possibly be enhanced with the entryway. No motion was made.
John C. suggested the possibility of working with Dr. Scott Shafer to apply for a
trails grant for the park.
Steve added that he had recently received word from the Development Services
Department that the Planning and Zoning Co ission had discussed the
Highway 30/60 Corridor Study, and had recommended putting additional
north/south connectors through Highway 30 to Highway 60. Several options that
the Commission had discussed could possibly affect the memorial site area.
Steve stated that the recommendations would go to the City Council for review
on March 22, 2001, and that he would send the Board any information as he
receives it. Glen D. asked Steve if the Board could be sent a copy of the
approved master plan for the park. Steve said that a copy would be mailed to the
Board. This was an informational discussion only, and no motion was made.
8. Discussion, consideration, and possible appointment of a subcommittee to
study the feasibility of building a skateboard park: Steve stated that Parks and
Recreation Department staff would be meeting with the Risk Management and
Legal Departments on Tuesday, March 20, 2001 to discuss implementation of the
Glen D. made a motion to appoint Laura Wood, George Dresser, and Jon Turton
to the subcommittee to study the feasibility of building a skateboard park
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Regular Meeting
Tuesday,March 6,2001
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(pending George and Jon's agreement to serve on subcommittee). John Crompton
seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
9. Discussion, consideration, and possible action regarding the College Station
Recreational Sports Association: At the February 2001 Board meeting, there
had been discussion regarding the dissolution of the Recreational Sports
Association due to the fact that it had strayed from its original mission over the
past several years and had become somewhat counterproductive. A
recommendation had been made by the Board to seek input from the various user
groups on the subject before taking any action.
Glen D. said that a meeting date had been set, notification had been sent out to the
various user groups, but only one person showed up for the meeting. He made a
motion to dissolve the Recreational Sports Association, on the condition that
Parks and Recreation Department staff continue to meet with the different user
groups on an individual, periodic basis. John C. seconded the motion. All were
in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
Steve stated that the only real difference now would be that coordination would
become more individualized. He went on to say that he would send out a letter to
the user groups info ing them of the Board's decision.
10. Presentation, discussion, and possible action concerning a proposal for park
land dedication: John C. stated that since the February 2001 meeting, several
suggested revisions had been made to a proposal for park land dedication. He
asked Steve what step to proceed with next. Steve stated that the Planning and
Zoning Commission should be invited to comment on the memo. John C. asked
about the time line to get the proposal on the agenda for their next meeting. Steve
stated that it may be too late to put this item on the agenda, and that it would
probably have to go to the City Council during the joint meeting on April 26th for
their review first.
John C. made a motion to forward the memo to the City Council for discussion
during the joint meeting on April 26, 2001, and to then forward it to the Planning
and Zoning Commission, requesting their comments on the proposal. Glen D.
seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously.
John C. stated that because of the concern that much of the land being dedicated
by developers was in the floodplain and detention ponds, he had asked Dr. Scott
Shafer to look into how other entities have dealt with land dedication issues
during the development process that involved balancing floodplain neighborhood
park needs (see memo). He stated that Dr. Shafer had received a number of
responses. One response that he found interesting (included in the Board packets)
came from Prince William County in Virginia, which had specific rules for park
land dedication, where the standard is that any land dedication has to be 75%
developable. He feels that something similar to those rules should be incorporated
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Regular Meeting
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into the City's Park Land Dedication Ordinance. Steve stated that there would
need to be discussions with the City Planners, as well as the Planning and Zoning
Commission regarding any changes to the ordinance, and suggested adding this
item to the agenda for discussion when the Board meets with the City Council on
April 26th, John C. suggested asking Jane Kee (City Planner) to draft some
language for the ordinance to take to the City Council meeting. Steve stated that
Judith Downs (Greenways Coordinator) should also be involved in talks of an
ordinance revision. John C. suggested putting this item on the next agenda for
discussion, with feedback from Jane Kee and Judith Downs. Eric Ploeger stated
that he had a meeting scheduled to discuss this topic and would obtain a copy of
the park land dedication ordinance from Prince William County.
This was a discussional item only, and no motion was made.
11. Consent Items:
Capital Improvement Projects Report:
• John C. asked for the status of the community park acquisition. Steve stated
that it was not complete. City Council has authorized the purchase to take
place, with the provision that the surface rights are cleared.
Discussion of next meetinl date and agenda: The next Parks and Recreation
Advisory Board regular meeting will be held on Tuesay, April 10, 2001. Several
items requested to be placed on the agenda are:
• Discussion of park locations;
• Discussion of a skate board park;
• Update concerning Wolf Pen Creek;
• Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Fiscal Year 2002 budget issues; and
• Discussion of Park Land Dedication Ordinance revision.
12. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
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Regular Meeting
Tuesday,March 6,2001
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