HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/14/2001 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board CITY OF cOLLEGE STATION PARKS AND REcREAT!ON ADVISORY BOARD Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday, August 14, 2001 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas 77840 5:30 pm Staff Pr.:sent: Steve teachy, Director City Hall Council Chaitubers of 1!‘ rks and Recreation; R © Ploeger Assistant I:)irector; Pete \T C& Senior Park PlaHA ler; Peter Lamont, Recreation: Su*erintendent; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Jane Kee, City Plamier, jesxnerson, Staff Planner; Pamela Springfield, Senior Secretary; Kris Lehde, Staff Assistant Iltoard Metroters Presnt: Jolm ict!ols, Chair; Jon Tut ;n; Larry FLO: Glemi Schroeder.,Dori Allison.; Glen ilikavis. toarti Members Absent: Bill Illavis;Laura Wood(Alternate). Workshop: Call to order: The meetm* g was calleii to order at 5:30 p.ni. Hear visitors: There were no visitors preserit at the meeting. 3. Pard*n — Consider requests for absences ftf membersfrom mee_cting: DGlen avm is ade a motion to accept tg he re uest for absences from Bill Day.is and Laura Wood as excused. Qi et:o Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passes! unanimously. 4. tresentation, review, on, and possiitle action corice,Gri.iiing the existiffig Park Landtedication Odnne Sdteve said that the last time the I)ark Land Dedication Ordinance had been revise was January 1999. The direction is that the ordinance will be reviewedvery three years and. updated accordingly. lie said that the Parks and Reocreateion Advisory Board would need to look at the following two items perta'in rtg to the ordinance: 1. The provisions of the cun-ent ordinance; and 2. The fees pertalrCvng to the odinance. Steve said that thePurPthe workshop was educational only, and that staff would not be askingosfi lor clelcIfal action from the load. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Mesday,August.14,2001 Page I of 8 Jane Kee showei a PowerPoint presentation pertaining to the Park Land Dedication••rdinance (see attached present tion). She said that the ,evelopment Services iepartment uses the ordinance on a daily basis, and feels tht staff should pro ably meet more regularly to discuss the authority that the t oard has with the ordinance. Jane stated that the ordinance calls for a three-year review. It was 1, t revised ano would again be presented to the City Council in January 2002 for consideration of any potential fee increases. She explained the sections in the ordinance, and said that primary •iscussion woulo be focuse on the dedication requirement and the specific criteria for acceptance and development. She said that one of the steps that the City will take is to check the current census .ata to deterwne if the number of persons per household may impact the fees. Jolm Nichols asked if the City would be comparing the ordinance to what other municipalities have hnen doing. 'Jane responded that the City has been doing this. Glen Davis asked if a fee could oe assessed for coninerciai properties for a community park. Jane replied that she wasn't sure if this could te alone through the park land e,o'ication process, but it could possibly be lo iske in csrrelation with the user fees. She said that this topic would need to be researched and iscussed with the City's attorneys. She added that the City could not use impact fees to get park land. Jane explained that tie Park Land Dedication Ordinance is a chapter *;• the Sus.ivision egulations. These regulations are tool's that are used to implement the C.11ez-e Station comprehensive PitNn The Comprehensive Pinis the document that the ?ianning nd Zoning Con mission and City Council have adopted as a guiding policy statement that includes the Land Use Plan, Thoroughfare Plan, ;larks md Open Space flan, and Water n id Wastewater Lan (see attached sectisii of Comprehensive Plan as it relates to Parks and Recreation). John N. asked if the Comprehensive Plan was directly related to the Recreation, :$4rk, md Open Space Master Plan. Jane said that the Comprehensive Plan was adopted first, and the Master Plan was .levelopeol based on the Comprehensive Plan. Jane said that the eve/opment Services 1 epart ,,ent is responsible for reviewing plats and plans, anal administering the regulations for development, and would like to nike sure th4 they are doing this in accordance with the wishes of the 'arks and Recreation Advisory li:oard. She ached that the oard has more broad power with the Park Land Dedication ird' .nce than they may think. Glen D. said that one of the challenges in the past has been that most plats an.' plans are presented to the loard late in the development process. This makes the oard the problem if they make too many recommendations that could affect the process. Jane said that this situation occurs in the Development Services Department as well. She went on to say that the City will be trying to fix this situation with the Unified Development Code I II,C) by making requirements for certain steps Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regulo r Meting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 2 of 8 before development can start. One of the steps would be a requirement for developers to have their development master plans reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board before levelopment Services will process them. Steve said that overall the Park Land Dedication Ordinance is a good document. The actual process is the main problem area. This problem needs to be reviewed at tith the staff and oar levels. Jane added that currently, Development Services holds predevelopment meetings, 'c'ut the meetings are not required. It is being proposed that the 1 ifiC require these meetings during the master planning stage of development. Jane said that under the current statute,the ilevelopment Services Department has thirty days to approve or disapprove a plat. They would like to incorporate in the *It C the stipulation that the thirty-day timeline won't start uitil after the Parks and Recreation Advisory loath has given their recommendations. Steve said that a suggestion would be to have site tours of the proposed plats with the Advisory Board and staff, as well as to ref;uire developers to fill out a checklist that will provide more information about the development. John suggested that staff also give the Board written advice before they meet on park land dedication issues. Steve said that Parks and Recreation, and Development Services staff would need to coordinate in the fixture to try to get the l'toard more summary information to review before the meetings. Jane po:rited out U at Section 10-G of the Sqdivisiin Re;:illations states that iny proposal considered by the lit and Zoning Commission shall have been reviewed isy the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and its reco:ih,-;,endation given to the Planning and Zoning Commission, The Planning and Zoning Commssion may vote contrary to the Parks and ,iecreation Mvisory oard only •-,y a"super majority,"which is the concurring vote of at least five members. Eric Ploeger showed a PowerPoint Presentation (see attachment) pertaining to three specific parks. The following parks all have detention features in con imon: - Edelweiss Parks. Eric said that although there are some features in the park that have not been successful (the parking and the lack of trees and landscaping), tverall, the park has been successful by providing aitequate practice areas. W-todland Hills (originally Pebble Eric stated that there are several problems associated with the park. One problem is low visibility and another is the fact that the park was accepted 4.-fore the revision of the Park Land Dedication Ordin„,:ze, which now states that 51%of the perimeter of the park should abut a public street. Also, a detention facility has en built that has taken up almost all of the usable pro*erty. Eric said that if considered today, the property would probably not be accepted, adding that this type of dedication should be avoided in the Bature. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 3 of 8 Steeplechase. This park has very good street frontage and visibility. There is a creek that goes through the back of the property and there is ample space to add amenities. The detention area is not huge, but it is big enough for someone to go out and throw a frisbee or football. Eric said that this park is a good example of park land dedication that works. Eric discussed some of the land acceptance issues and said that ietentions, floodplains, and greenways are issues that the :oar* and staff have stuggie with. He stated that Park staff have identified areas that could be mproved upon to help the Board make their recommendations: Increasing required backgroun• infor, ,tion by creating a checklist for develo sers; - Providing staff review of information for Parks and Recreation Advisory Board prior to the meeting; and laying potential site tours so that the staff and Board can see what the developer's intentions are. Eric gave suggestions for the *etention, floodplain, and greenways park land acceptance issues (listed in the attache.,presentatio& I Ic said that in September, City staff would ee having a focus group meeting with developers to discuss these issues and potential fee changes before they are presented to the Parks and Recreation Atvisory Board and to the City Council. Eric adced that although it is a requirement that the fees in the Park Land Dedication lirdinance be reviewed every three years,there is some flexibility with the other portions of the ordinance. There was discussion regarding the possibility of creating a subcomftttee of the .oard to review the Ordinance and deteT m e whether a separate Board policy to accompany the ordinance would be necessary. This item will be brought back to the Board as an update du!: g the September 11, 2001, meeting. treak for Iinner: The meeting broke for dinner at 6:50 pm Regular Meeting: The meeting resume at 7:20 pm. 5. Approval of minutes from regular k-eetin-... of July 10, 2001, ..bnd ;July 30, 2001: Glen D. mI.e a motion to approve the iiutes of July 10, 2001, and July 30, 2001. Glenn Schroeder seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 4 of 8 Presentation, discussion, and pose 1..e action concernin: park Mai t-kiicatiou for the Shenandoah Subdivision: Jane stated that this item pertained to a :orior park land dedication. She said that in 1998 the Parks and Recreation Aivisory toard approve.: a I, :s..ter plan fir the Shenandoah Subdivision, Phases 640. Part of that master *Ian included a 12-acre park land dedication. Since that time, the original master plan had expired. The Planning and Zoning Coin mission renewed it on the condition that there e some kind of street connectivity to the east of the .edication. Jane asked the .toard if they had a preference as to where the street should put. After some discussion, John Turton made a motion to convert Lexington Court to Lexington Drive for connectivity purposes. Glenn S. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimiusly. 7, itiscussion, colsiderattin, tnd pssibl, approval of the Parks aniRecreation ie-!i-artment 2101 I ser Steve said that this item was put *n the atenda to update th,!.. loari. Park staff have been working with a consultant to review the user fees, and the sirect and indirect costs associated with the programs that the department offers. A preli:-:i4iy update will be given to the City Council on August 23, 2001, and staff will be presenting their recommendations for consideration on September 13, 2001. A Fees Subco!,-: Ittee meeting was scheduled for Friday, August 17, 2001, at noon. Packets, including the Consu1t4int's revise.i Executive Summary and staff recoin endations and coinnents, will be distributed to the Suite° prior to the meeting. Don Allison mate a motion to delegate the Parks :‘,1 d Recreation Advisory toard's authority to the P7-es Subco,;-,:-Itee, pending the *goat', final approval during the September 11, 2001, regulr meeting. L, Farnsworth seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. L iscussion, consideration, and possible action clacerning City Ctuncil Vision Statemelts: Steve sai. that this would be a standing item on future agendas. > Vision St?:ittfit #3, Strate,,4 #4.2. (levelop an Urban Forest Plan): There was no discussion on this vision statement. • VisVn Statement 4 (Cultural Arts and Recreational *pit 'rtunities): > Strategy #1 (Performing Arts Center): There was no discussion on this strategy. > Strate , #2 (Prk', Maintenance St,:niaris): There was no discussion on this strategy. • Strately N3 (Inter....e:,erationalParks): There was no discussion on this strtegy. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 5 of 8 > Strategy #4 (Comprehensive Parks Planning): There was no discussion on this strategy. • Strategy #5 (Comprehensive Leisure Programs): There was no discussion on this strategy. > Strategy #6 (Enhance Cultural Opportunities Througi, Existing Art Program): There was no discussion on this strategy. • Strategy #7 (Connect Greenwys): There was no discussion on this strategy. • Strategy ir (Improve Communication between toarcls) — Identify rpreas of potential common interest between Parks and Recreation Advisor Board and Planning and Zoning *stow Steve said that the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board had a joint meeting with the Planning and Zoning Comnission in July 2000. There will be another meeting scheduled to discuss areas of common interest between the two Boards. (Update: This meeting has been scheduled Pr Thursday, September 20, 2001,from 5:00 p.m. to 630 p.m)„ The Board identified the following areas of common interest with the Planning and Zoning Commission: Park L.AIDedication; - Ptrk Access; and The Unified Development code. Glen D. suggested , .ving a presentation during the joint meeting pertaining to hikw the development process is supposed to work. Kris Lehde will distribute copies of the July 2000 minutes to the Board for review prior to the joint meeting. This was an informational item only, and no motion was ii de. liscussion, consideratiol, and possible action concerning a retreat to discuss Parks and Recreation kevisory Board Fiscal Year 2102 Goals and Objectives: I 1s item pertains to scheduling a special meetin. of the Board to discuss Goals and Objectives for Fiscal Year 2002. Steve said that the two main issues that will be driving most of the 11,epartment's work are the City Council Strategic Issues and the CIP Program. Jon T. said that the loard should have goals and objectives to follow, but it would appear that the City Council's vision statements are driving the City's activities at the present time. Glenn S. stated that the Board's goals should be done in correlation with the Council's vision statements. Steve added that some of the Board's goals have been made into multi-year projects in the Council's Strategic Issues. John N. reminded the Board not to confuse issues with actual goals. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 6 of 8 After some discussion, a special meeting was scheduled for Monday, August 27, 2001, at 7:00 p.m., "it Central Iiark. 10. Update,discussion, and possibbaction concerning replacement of the :Hensel ?tark playground: Th item is an update from the July 10, 2001, meeting, at which ste was asked to examine options for potential playground and wood decking replacement at Hensel Park. Eric handed out the departmental playground replacement list and cost estimates for replacement of the Hensel Park playground (see attachment). Glen D. asked about the *.tential of additional funding in the budget to replace more playgrounds. Eric said that a budget request was submitted to add an additional S60 to the current replacement account, which woulti :,1crease it to $110,000; however, there is the possibility that the requested amount would decrease or not be funded. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. IL iitiscussion, consideration, an possible altpointsttient of Advisory Boars; 171emly-rs on existing subcoAt;mittees: The consensus was to delay appointing new members t4 the Joint Ventures with CSISD and T , Skate Park, and Lick Creek Park subcommittees until the Board determines what their Fiscal Year 2002 goals and objectives will be. Glenn S. made a motion to appoint Don Allison to the Recreation, Park, and Open S sa.ce Master Plan Subcommittee and to appoint John Nichols as liaison to the Wolf 'ten Creek Oversight Committee (Glenn Schroeder wtuld become alternate). Jon Turton seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. Glen ilk. suggested using the same consultant (Joni taker) who originally worked on the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan to help the Departit tent update it. John N. suggested for: a subcommittee to work with Park staff on strategizing and coordinating the next bond issue. 12. Clarification, liiscussinn, and possible action cncerning direction from the City Council for the Phase t development of Veterans ?'ark and Athletic t?F isle.: This item was put on the agent as clarification of City Council motions pertaining to the development of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Eric passed around copies of the Council minutes from the March 22 and May 10, 2001, meeting which included the actual motions that were made (see attachment). Eric said that the 'inpression that be got from the meetings was that the Council wanted design alternates. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 7 of 8 13. Consent items: — Capital Improvement Project Report: Glen D. asked if the completed items could Ese removed from the list. He requested the Fiscal Year 2002 CIP items. for the special meeting on August 27, 2001, to aid in the discussion of the Board's Goals and Objectives. Next meeting date nd agenda: Glen D. requested feedback on any action that was taken by the City Council pert.:, ,g to the items that the Board had submitted to them prior to their Strategic Pi.nning Retreat in May. 14. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm. Parks&Recreation Advisory Board Workshop/Regular Meeting Tuesday,August 14,2001 Page 8 of 8