HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/08/2000 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION IIIEIIEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIra,swRrcRgsmkoQAIolnoonwnnow000stoaasnasdaoo IIIIIIBIBIBIIIInotemsoelnomwwiaemietiiteniasi000iussonoiannotiaasns . . .1111111111111111.111111110111•11BENTuesday,AUtuit Si2OWIEEIBINEIBstoisosononn0000 goaouott00000tk000amttsasooParks Conference Room IIIIIIIIIIIIIEEIEEIEIIIIeallrQOINtosiTg*yooegonsstasoansmsoussnoE 7:00 p.m. Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director;Kris Start an, loard Secretary. Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chairman; George Dresser, Co-Chair; John Nichols; Jon Turton; Bill Davis; Glenn Schroeder (arrived late)Laura Wood, Altern4e;Join Crompton, Alternate. Board Members Absent: Glen tavis, Visitors: Kimbrough jeter* 1425 Wolfaren Lane, College Station, Texas. Call to order: The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. 2. Hear visitors: Klmbrough Jeter,the rresident of the College Stati*n Ssccer Club, stated that before he became President a motion was nande by the Parks and Recreation Board to 'impose a sports surcharge of S5 per person or $75 per team, per season. Kirnbrough stated that the College Station Soccer Club was under the impression that this surcharge would be implemented during this fall's registration, Instead of in January when it was actually implemented. Due to this misunderstanding, the Soccer Club had not collected the fees in January. He went on to say that the Soccer Club would like to maintain a good relationship with the City of College Station. Kimbrough saiàl that the Soccer Club had paid $1,799 for a set of adult-sized goals in November 1999, and would give those goals to the City of College Station to help pay off the debt. Also, they would Eke to give the City the money that they had collected for competitive teams that used the fields during the sun-Limier. Iie went on to say that they have clearly outlined the fees in their upcoming newsletter,. shoa,'aiig the fee structure and stating what the fees would be used for, so that there wouldn't be any future m'sunierstandings. Fall soccer registration begins August 19th and finishes on the 28th. They would like to have a check for the City after that time. John Crompton asked Kimbrough for an est ate of how much money he felt the surcharge would have generated if it had been collected in January. Kimbrough responded that appro!aianately 1,104 children had registered at $5 per child, which would have generated $5,500. Steve explained that trying to collect the funds for the past year would be difficult to do. He suggested that brough prepare a letter to the Parks and Recreation Depaalment explaining the situation. Staff would then present the letter to the Parks and Recreation Board for consideration. Page 1 of5 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 8,2000 3, Parcon — Consider requests for absences of members from meeting: John Nichols made a motion to accept the absence of Glen Davis as excused. George Dresser seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the eAtion passed un,n7mously. Approval of minutes from July 11, 2000: George D. made a motion to approve the reG, utes from July 11, 2000. John N. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed e ianimously 5. Discussion, coesideratien, and possUtle action regarding city Council Strategic Issues: Steve said that this item was put on the agenda as a follow-up to the joint n c eting between the Parks and Recreation l'ioard and the Pla ii mg and Zon ng Coe in ission on July 20, 2100. John C. had prepared a draft of a pro o-,.sed action plan from that meeting (which had been included in the Zoard packets) to present to the City Council. He would like for the Parks and Recreation Board, along with the }'laii img and Zon ig Coe ie to review the letter for their input and foe ard it, with signatures from the chairpersons of each toard, to the City Council for their review. George D. suggested that the letter be sent to staff for consideration before sending it to the Pla ining and Zoning Commission and the City Council. He also suggested that the letter mike reference to the City's Comprehensive Plan, as well as the Recreation, Park, nd Open Spice Master Plan. The Board agreed. Steve saii that PA i 11, staff would review the letter and it would be brought back to the 1.;oard. No motion was made on this item. 6. Discussion, consideration, an* possible action regarding a City Ceiler Master Plan: Steve said that this item put on the agenda for discussion only. He went on t. say that a committee has been appointed by the City Council to develop a concept for a City Center plan. Architectural and design services have been hired to work on the project. The design service has ,troduced three concepts and the aRtointed committee has directed them to further define one of the concepts. Steve said that the area that the committee hs recommended for the City Center is between I righway 6 and Texas Avenue, and Krenek Tap Road and Harvey Mitchell Parkway. He went on to say that the concept is to locate City Hall and most of the City services in one general area, combined with some commercial and residential development. John N. has attended some of the co mu ittee meetings. He stated that part of the concept includes almost total renovation of, or change to Central Park. He went on to say that Central Park was built with state funds, nd therefore, could not be changed without litigating equal facilities, space, etc. Therefore, the City would have to obtain permission from the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Steve said that direction has been given to staff to come up with alternatives to the project that would keep Central Park intact and retain ei,ny of its elemeets. This was an info i national item only, and no motion was made. John N. asked for a report at a future meeting. Page 2 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 8,2000 Discussion, considerati.tn, an. vssible action regarding the Kiis Klub Pro ram: Steve said that this item was directly related to concerns that were brought fo; ard by one of tHe City C.Amcil: members regarding the Kids Klub Progra P i* staff was asked to develops assessment of the program t* take a look at some of the concerns. Steve felt that it was _st to do an in.;epencient assessment of the progr:,-,t rather than assess it internally. With that in r d, the Department sought the services of Dr. Peter Witt with the Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences Department at Texas A&M University. Infor, -tion F. been obtained from parents, staff, and supervisors of the Kids Klub progt-- Steve said that the report indicated that Kids Klub was a 1:ood, strong program, iut t t the report had several reco- end;lions. Some of the reco ;endations were directed at the management of the program, R.: icularly at ;unications a tween the Progr--- Supervisor and staff The Progr, Supervisor, Recreation Superintendent, and Steve met and developed an action plan that addresses each issue of the report, which will be oticrt aided to the City Council for review. Steve has confidenc, that the progr , will continue and improve. John C. said that he has concerns about the operation of the pro! r,:-, that weren't listed in the action plan. He sait that one of the issues that is not acing addressed is the o:!going dile of reaching low-income and disadv;,,taged fa, After some discussion, the toard asked for information on the following: • The feasibility of t; ing an activity bus that could transport children of low income and disadvantagei fattilies from the program to their homes. • The feasibility of getting private fund support and seeing what woL Id be required to set up a foundation or schoI4,ship. • How '.-ny kids, that are in the Kids Klub age grow, in the School District, that are on the a ee or reduce. 1 nch pro (detre!; ed thr.;ugh enrollment) co are. to how tny kids e enrolled in the Kids Klub pro wam. This was an informational item only, and no motion was made. 8. tiseLssioi, consideratiol, n.J .,ossible action vegarding a roller hockey or skaiebo;;rd park: Steve said th,!t this item was put on the agenda as a follow-tp from the July 11, 2001 meeting, whereat the discussion concerned researching the feasibility of building a roller hockey or skateboard park in College Station. Bill Davis stated that the City of Bryan is getting ready to start building a third roller hockey rink due to the high usage of the two ,,!xisting rinks. Laura W.,od has created flyers directed towar the "skaters" and "bikers" in the co! ; 'unity. She is focusing mainly on the Texas A&M University Hockey Team and the in-I"; skater troups to detet re need. She will post the flyers in the bike shops, on the University campus, and in City parks in order to get feedback. She has also set up .1., e-'1 il address, that she will be checking periodically, directed at answering questions an. co, ,rents. Jon Turton asked if there was a tGreframe in which to do this project. Eric Ploeger responded that the money is in the budget through ilictober 1, 2001. This was an informational item only, and no motion was Page 3 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 8,2000 9® Discussion, consideration, and pissible action regarding a special venue project tax: Steve said that this item was a follow-up to the July 11, 2000 meeting. The letter from the Parks and Recreation oard regarding the s,tecial venue tax project was fo, arded to the City Council for review. This item would be placed on the City Council workshop agenda for discussion on August 24, 2000. This was n informational item only, and no motion was nde. 10. Discussion, consideration, an possible action regarding the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan and the Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Committee: Steve stated that Cs item was a report from the August 7, 2000, Wolf Pen Creek Oversight Co, niittee meeting. He said that the discussion of the meeting centered mainly on the changes that Have tccurred as a result of the relocation of the perfor g arts center and the hotel/convention center®center A subcoi n n°Me has been appointed to look into how the ConiCo nittee needs to proceed with the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan. This was an info national item only, and no motion was made. 11® Discussion, cotsideration, and :,cfssible actipsn concerting the Conservation and Reinvestment Act (CARA): Steve said that this item is an update regarding the status of the Conservation and ieinvestment Act (C is federal legislation tit is used to fund the Water Conservation Fune, the Urban P ,,-k Renewal Fund, ind other conservation-related national incentives, Some of this money has been used locally to build several College Station Parks. Currently, there is more money fundel at the state level than at the federal level. If this legislation passes, it would effectively double the ,,'Lount of federal grant funding available for cities to participate in. Steve stated that C ' has passed through the House of Representatives by a majority vote and has now moved to the Senate for approval. This was an infornniti.nal item only, and no motion was re 12 Consent Items: Capital Improvement Projects Reyort: John C. asked about the status of the bicycle loop project. Steve responded that Phase I of the project, which was basically the striping of the roads, is now in progress. Phase II of the project includes construction of part of the loop. George asked about the progress of Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Eric said that the design company has been given the "go ahead" to start with the design work of Phase I. Some of PA1i1 staff, along with a consultant, visited Fort Hood in Waco to look at a four-softball field complex to get some ideas for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. Discussion if next meeting cl.,te aten*a: The next Parks and Recreation Board meeting will be held on Tuesiay, September 12, 2000. 13, Executive Session concerning the purchase of a future community park site (Government Code Section 551.072): This item was discussed during closed session. Page 4 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 8,2000 14. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:57 p.m. Page 5 of 5 Parks and Recreation Board Regular Meeting August 8,2000