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City of College Station
Parks& Recreation Regular Board Meeting
Parks Conference Room
Tuesday, May11, 1999
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Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation; Eric Ploeger,
Assistant Director; Linda Waltman, Recreation Superintendent; Curtis
Bingham, Operations Superintendent; Jana Wood, Kids Klub
Supervisor; Kris Startzman, Board Secretary.
Board Members Present: Chris Barzilla, Chairman; Glen Davis; John Crompton;
Susan Allen; John Nichols; George Dresser; Sarah
Guest: Dr. Scott Schaeffer, Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences,
Texas A&M University.
The meeting was called to order at 6:50 p.m.
1. Approval of Minutes from April 13, 1999 - Glen Davis made a motion to table
the minutes and move the item to the next Board meeting. The motion was
seconded by John Nichols. The motion passed 7-0.
2. Hear Visitors - There were no visitors.
3. Discussion and Resolution of support for Texas Parks and Wildlife trails
grant application - Steve Beachy said that this is an opportunity that is
available through the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department. There is a grant
application that is currently available with a deadline of June 1st. This grant is
related to two trails, and the construction and development of trails that is
separate from the grants that are filed for the development of parks. He went on
to say that this is a 4-1 match, up to $100,000. The Department feels that Lick
Creek Park would be most appropriate for this type of grant. When the bond
issue was passed for Lick Creek Park, there was $400,000 in there. There was
about $800,000 projected to develop the park, with the understanding that the
Department would try to get matching grants. He said that Dr. Scott Schaeffer
from the Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences agreed to work
on this as a class project. Scott divided his class up into teams and let them
look at the Lick Creek Park Master Plan to develop different scenarios for parks
grants. Steve urged the Board to chose the best approach, and pending the
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May 11, 1999
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approval of the Parks Board, submit it to Parks and Wildlife. Dr. Schaeffer laid
out two maps and discussed different approaches to recreational trails. The first
approach would include three different zones: The first zone - no use; the
second - multi-purpose use (including equestrian); and the third - conservation
and education with foot-only traffic. The student estimates ran about $111,000
total, $90,000+ of which would come from federal funds. One concern was
voiced about whether bikes would be allowed. The second approach was to
have two loops with connectors between the two. One loop would be for multiple
use, including horses, bicycles and pedestrians. The second loop would be for
education and conservation, with foot traffic only. Potentially, it would include
four bridges. The estimate for the total of the second approach ran about
$85,000 to $122,000, around $97,000 of which would be from federal funds.
This proposal was the more expensive, because it included four bridges,
whereas the first had only one. Steve said that he prefers the second plan
because it is easier to adapt to present circumstances. John Crompton made a
motion to submit a grant application to construct bridges as the first priority, and
then include as many other priorities as can be fitted into $100,000. George
Dresser seconded the motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed
4. Discussion of proposed FY2000 surcharge fees - Steve said that this item
was brought back from the last meeting. He said that last year, the Board
passed a motion that would apply a 25 percent surcharge to adult softball fees,
to become effective in fiscal year 2000. Glen Davis asked if the Board could
make the $5 surcharge fee uniform, across the board. John C. explained that
this is what was discussed during the last user fees meeting (see Athletic
Renovation and Improvement Funds policy statement draft). (In this draft, it was
suggested charging $5 per person, per team). Glen asked the $5 fee would
apply to both youths and adults. Linda Waltman said it would include Little
League, Youth Soccer, Swim Team, and anyone that uses a City facility.
John C. made a motion to collect $75 per team for softball, soccer and flag
football, excluding special tournaments. He moved for approval of the draft, and
forwarding it to City Council with recommendations. John N. seconded the
motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed 7-0. Steve said that the
Department will include this as part of its budget submittal.
6. Status report and discussion of Kids Klub program - Steve said that this
was a question that came up during the last Board meeting and it was asked that
the Department give a status report. Two items that were discussed were the
levels of support for those children that are receiving subsidies from our
Community Development Program and the Enrichment Program (Kids Klub), and
what is done in those areas. Jana Wood, the program administrator for Kids
Klub, described the enrichment program as a joint project between the College
Station School District and the Parks Department. The Parks Department is
responsible for the administration of the program, the hiring, the training of the
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May 11, 1999
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staff, and the development of the curriculum. The School District is responsible
for the maintenance of the financial end. Jana talked about the Kids Klub
Enrichment Program. She mentioned that there are approximately 720 children
enrolled in the program, with approximately 120 of them on reduced tuition. Kids
Klub is self supporting and it operates mainly off of parent tuition fees. She went
on to say that no one participates in the program for free. This year, regular
tuition is $75/month. Reduced tuition participants pay $20-$40/month. Jana
discussed a typical day at Kids Klub. John C. asked about the evaluation report
that came out a few years ago. He said that one of the concerns was that the
program was not reaching all of those underprivileged families of the community
that we should be. He said that in the last few years, there has been substantial
growth to the program. He asked Jana if that growth in the program reflects
success in reaching more of the underprivileged children, or is there still a
problem? She said that right now the program is doing okay, but some of the
problems that they are facing in the future are inflation, rising costs of salaries
for staff and equipment, and the possible necessity of reducing the ratio between
staff and children. Community Development funds were discussed as a source
of funding, but it was pointed out that they are not a permanent source of cash,
but only "seed money". John C. made a motion that the Parks Board
recommend to the City Council that they provide supplemental funding to
support each of those children in the Kids Klub (Enrichment Program) who are
on reduced tuition. Chris Barzilla added that since the School District also
benefits from the program, the School Board should also be petitioned. George
) Dresser seconded the motion. The Board was in favor and the motion passed
6. Discussion of Greenways Report—from Public Hearing on April 29, 1999 -
Steve said that this did pass and it will go to the City Council for their approval.
John N. made a motion to adopt the minutes as they were distributed. George
D. seconded the motion. The motion passed 7-0.
7. Discussion of Parks Master Plan - Steve said that good progress is being
made on the proposed plan. He went on to say that a draft of the plan will be put
together and sent out to all of the Board members in ample time for them to
review it before the Special Board meeting on May 25th. He went on to say that
he spoke with a representative from Texas Parks and Wildlife to let the
Department know that a copy of the plan will be submitted to them for
preliminary review. He said that after the Board reviews the plan, at least one
public hearing will be held and then it will be submitted to the City Council for
consideration. The public hearing will be held on June 8th with the Board's
regular meeting. This will be held in the Council Chambers at City Hall.
• Regular Meeting
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8. Discussion of Parks and Playground Safety - Steve said that this item comes
from a student report done at Texas A&M that identified some deficient
playgrounds. Steve said that the Department had some key staff members go
through a Certified Playground Inspectors course that is administered by the
National Recreation and Parks Association. He went on to say that three people
on staff have passed the course. Curtis Bingham talked about the playgrounds
that he inspected, which are mainly the wood structure playgrounds. He pointed
out that some deficiencies noted were manufacturing deficiencies that the
Department had no control over. Some deficiencies Parks can take care of,
such as separating children swings from infant swings, and making sure that tire
swings have enough space between them. He mentioned that some of the main
playground units that he looked at were Merry Oaks and Lions Park, Georgie K.
Fitch, Brothers, Raintree, Lemontree and Gabbard Park. A lot of these units are
going to be addressed by CIP (Capital Improvement Program) and are
scheduled to be changed out by the end of 2001. John C. mentioned that he
wanted to make sure that by 2001 Parks is in total compliance with the
Consumer Product Safety Standards. Curtis said that they do give a
reasonable amount of time to bring all play units up to standard. John C. asked
about the $50,000 replacement fund. Curtis said that this was a one-time
$50,000, approved by the City Council to repair or replace things like playground
equipment. The Department is hoping that this will become a permanent fund.
Eric Ploeger thinks that the Department is in pretty good shape, as long as this
fund continues. There was some discussion regarding how much full
) compliance with standards would protect the City against future lawsuits. It was
pointed out that even total compliance doesn't completely protect the City, but
that the courts do refer to the standards when considering lawsuits. These
safety standards are not the law, but recommendations and guidelines to make
play structures safer.
9. Discussion of additional lights at A&M Consolidated High School tennis
courts - Steve B. said that he did not have much information on this item.
Currently, there are nine tennis courts at the high school, three of them are lit.
He mentioned that some of the courts looked as if they were designed for adding
lights later, but he did not have cost estimates on adding additional lights at this
time. Chris B. pointed out that he feels that the City needs additional tennis
courts, which could be remedied by working with the School District. George D.
asked if the courts could be used by the public, when they are not being used by
the school —this would give the City additional courts to use—and asked if this
was something that could be discussed with the School District. Chris B. would
like to get a feel of what it would cost to add lights to these courts, and take the
cost to the City Council for approval. Steve B. will follow up with this and put on
a later agenda.
10. Discussion of Richard Carter Park Landscape Volunteer Program - Steve B.
said he did not have much information on this item. He is meeting with students
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who started work on this project a couple of months ago. They are using
Richard Carter Park as one of their project sites. Steve will have more
information on this for the next meeting.
11. Wolf Pen Creek Update - Steve B. said that Parks has begun working with the
Public Works Department, trying to figure out what to do with the old lake area.
They have cut a drainage ditch around the current overflow area so that the City
can start working on the creek bottom area. He said that the ditch did draw the
water down, and at this point, they have accomplished what they were trying to
ido, but there is still some water around the amphitheater that they haven't been
able to drain. He said that signs have been put up, stating what is being done,
why it is being done, and when it is being done. The Public Works Department
will follow up with news releases. There is a phone number available in case the
public has questions. The work is being done inhouse.
12. Consent Items:
Capital Improvement Report -
John C. asked Steve B. if he had a status report on the meeting with Gary
Seaback. Steve said he has met with Mr. Seaback. Mr. Seaback had voiced
some concerns, but that he was generally favorable to what the Department
wanted to do. John C. asked what would happen next. Steve said that Parks
will have staff meetings with Public Works, Public Utilities and Development
Services and then go to the City Council this month to request permission to
begin negotiations with Mr. Seaback. He mentioned that at this time, price has
not been discussed -the Department will also request permission to secure
Madeley Park- Chris B. wanted to know the Board's position on the
purchase of this land, so that the Board can go to City Council and ask their
permission to acquire the property. Steve said that the reason the Board visited
the site (before the Board meeting) was to determine if the Board wanted to
pursue the acquisition of this property, or if they had any reservations. Steve
asked: if the owner doesn't want to sell the property, does the Board want to go
as far as condemnation? Eric Ploeger said that he thinks that Shabeer Jaffar
(the owner) is interested in selling, but agreeing on a price might be difficult. He
went on to say that condemnation is always the last resort. Steve B. said that
any decision would have to go to the City Council for approval. George D.
made a motion to proceed with steps for acquisition, short of condemnation. The
motion was seconded by John N. The Board was in favor and the motion
passed 7-0.
Discussion of next meeting date and agenda -
o John C. would like to see the archeological study of Lick Creek Park put on
the next agenda.
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13. Adjourn - John N. moved to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Chris B.
The Board was in favor and the motion passed 7-0. The meeting was adjourned
at 9:27 p.m.
Chris Barzilla, Chair
Kris Startzman
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May 11, 1999
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