HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/13/1999 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board ..........:. t'r'y:�; �;�•;�:..:. ......... ••••••••••....••••••••••••••••••••••••.•...•••••••••••._.•••••••••.••••_•••••••••••••...••••••••••............. Staff Present: Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation; Curtis Bingham, Operationsp Parks Superintendent; Kris Startzman, Board g Secretary. Board Members Present: Sarah Birkhold; John Nichols;Bill Davis; Glen Davis; John Crompton, Alternate. Board Members Absent: Chris Barzilla, Chair; George Dresser, Co-Chair; Susan Allen. Guests: Ray Holliday, 1700 Emerald Parkway, College Station, Texas. In the absence of Chris Barzilla, the Board nominated Sarah Birkhold as Chairman. 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. Hear visitors: Ray Holliday introduced himself as a Landscape Architect in College Station. He mentioned that he would like to become more involved in the community and wanted to sit in and listen to the board meeting. 3. Pardon — Consider Request for Absence of Members from Meeting: John Crompton made a motion to accept, as excused, the absences of Board members, Chris Barzilla and George Dresser. John.Nichols seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. 4. Oath of Office for New and Returning Park Board Members: Bill Davis and John Crompton took and swore to uphold the Oath of Office to the Parks and Recreation Department. Note: Chris Barzilla and George Dresser will be sworn in at a later Board meeting. 5. Approval of Minutes from Special Meeting of Tuesday, May 25, 1999, and Public Hearing/Regular Meeting of Tuesday,June 8, 1999: John Crompton made a motion to approve the minutes from. Special Meeting of Tuesday, May 25, 1999. John N. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. John. N. made a motion to approve the minutes from Public Hearing/Regular meeting of June 8, 1999, pending the correction of the spelling of the name of one of the visitors, Kathleen Kenefick. Sarah Birkhold seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,July 13, 1999 Page 1 of 5 I j 6. Discussion and Possible Action for Community Park: Eric said that this was an item from the 1998 bond election at which $500,000 was approved for a possible community park. There are no specifics as to what would be put in the park or where it would be, but because of population growth to the south, the south is the area the Department is considering. The Department also has between $250,000 to $300,000 for an additional cemetery site. Eric said that the goal was not to pick out a site that night, but to get the disposition of the Board. The Department will have a staff meeting with the City Manager and department heads later in the month, and expects to go to the City Council in August with a recommendation to the Council. Eric went over the map of potential community park sites (see attachment). Bill asked if the Department could use park land dedication funds for this project. Eric answered that this would be a community park and that the Department would not be able to use park land dedication funds according to the Park Land Dedication Ordinance, those funds can only be used for neighborhood park projects. The sources of fundingfor this project would be by bond issues and/or by matching grants from the state. John N. asked if the Board would be involved in the discussion of a cemetery. Eric said probably not the City has a Cemetery Committee that reports directly to the City Council. Eric said that he tried to keep the park's criteria within the City limits. He went on to say that if none of the sites presented worked out, the Department may look at purchasing land outside the City limits. The Department has bought parks this way in the past (for instance, Southwood Athletic Park was outside the City limits when it was purchased). Bill would like to see the Department's efforts be complementary with the Greenways Master Plan. Eric instructed the Board to look at the potential sites and give its input. Based on the discussion, potential park sites B, D, and H were options that the Board wanted to look at. Potential park sites D, C, A, 0, and F may not be options because of their distance from sewer and utility lines. John N. would object to the Department looking further south than Greens Prairie Road (outside the City limits). Eric will relay the Board's suggestions to Steve Beachy and the City Manager. 7. Discussion and Possible Action Concerning Madeley Park: Eric said that there were two pieces of property that the Department had been considering purchasing for Madeley Park (in the Chimney Hill area). He mentioned that Steve had gone to the City Council in July and presented the possibility of buying one of the pieces of property. The City Council had indicated to him that they weren't interested in buying the land. Eric said that the City had $150,000 of Community Development funds to buy additional property, but it will not be used to purchase this land for Madeley Park. John.N. asked what would happen to the Community Development funds. Eric said that they would probably be redirected into other uses. He went on to say that there was also $50,000 approved in the 1998 bond issue for the development of Madeley Park. From the perspective of the Finance Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,July 13, 1999 Page 2 of 5 Director, the bondro osals may be written so that the money can be p p redirected—possibly to another park. John N. suggested that the Board revisit p Y this issue on a future agenda. He asked about writing a letter to the Madeley's (who donated Madeley Park) to inform them that the Department will not be developing the park. Eric said that the Madeley's were no longer living, but after five (5) years, if the Department doesn't develop a park on this land, it will (5) contact the A&M Methodist Church. (Note: this land was donated to the City on the contingency that if the City didn't develop it in five (5) years time, it would become thep roperty of the A&M Methodist Church). Eric will discuss this with Steve, and it will be on a future agenda. 8. Discussion and Possible Action on the Surfacing of the Jogging Track at Rock Prairie Elementary School: This was an item that was discussed during the April Board meeting. Eric said that the Parks Department has not heard anything from the School District yet, but has decided to go forward with putting in concrete on the areas that are badly eroded. The Department will try to complete this project in August, before the school year starts. Eric said that the p � Board had talked about doing a shared project cost with the School District. The Board talked about alternatives to putting rubberized cushioning on the track. Eric stressed that the Department is only looking at replacing the areas that have erosion problems. He said that putting concrete down does not close the door to the possibility of adding rubberized surfacing at a later date. John N. asked if the School District would share the cost. Glen asked what the cost would be to place rubberized surfacingon the areas of erosion. Eric said that he would have to ... calculate the costs. Bill asked if the agreement that the Parks Department has with the School District is in writing. Eric said that there was an agreement for the development of the park, but he is not sure if it covers maintenance. Bill said that if the Department decides to repair the track, it should go over the agreement with the School District first. Eric said that he would look into this and come back to the Board with a report. 9. Discussion of the Amount of Tax Dollars that go to Economic Development: Eric said that this was an item that Chris Barzilla had requested to be on the agenda. John C. made a motion to table this item until the next Board meeting. Bill D. seconded the motion. All agreed, and the motion passed 5-0. 10. Discussion and Possible Action on Additional Lights at A&M Consolidated High School Tennis Courts: Eric said that this was another item that Chris Barzilla had requested to be on the agenda. Eric has been in contact with Larry Patton with Britt Rice Electric Company, who is working to get cost estimates for six(6)tennis courts. Eric should have these estimates by the next Board meeting. 11. Discussion and Possible Action on the Design Process for Veterans Park and Athletic Complex: Eric said that it has been the Department's intention to start working on a Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan effort once the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan was complete. He mentioned that .-........ Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,July 13, 1999 Page 3 of 5 the City adopted ado ted this Master Plan at the July 8th Council meeting. Eric said that the Department is ready to start work on Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. He said that the Department has met with City Council member James Massey to discuss the property (the old Texas Instrument plant) to the east that is owned by Texas A&M University. The Department has talked about the use of thisp roperty. They discussed the possibility of having the facility set up for the public to visit some of their wildlife collection materials. They would also like to put upa fence that would allow public access to nature trails. The Department has also met with a group of veteran organizations that have decided to put a memorial at Veterans Park and Athletic Complex. John C. asked about the timetable for the project. Eric responded that Glen and John N. were appointed to the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Naming and Conceptual Plan subcommittee at the September 1998 Board meeting. John C. asked to be placed on the subcommittee as well. Glen made a motion to add John C. to the subcommittee for the Veteran's Park and Athletic Complex Conceptual Plan. John N. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. Glen asked if the Department needed to bring in other people and organizations to serve on the subcommittee, or if these people should come as representatives from their respective areas. Eric said that it would be the role of the subcommittee to appoint members. Eric said that with this master plan, there would be no consultant involved, but the Department does have funds to hire a design firm. The subcommittee will decide when this needs to take place. John N. added that there would be a committee formed, consisting of several groups, to come up with some conceptual ideas. 12. Discussion of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan: This was discussed in item#11. 13. Presentation and Discussion of the NRPA (National Recreation and Park Association) Agency Accreditation Program: Eric said that the Parks Department has contracted a summer intern, who is a Recreation and Parks student, to work on the feasibility of the Parks Department becoming an accredited Parks and Recreation Department, a program through the National Recreation and Park Association. The intern will submit a report to the Department of her findings. Eric went on to say that the City of Piano is the only accredited parks department in the state—there are only 21 parks departments that are accredited in the nation. Eric said that this would help the Department locate areas that need improvement. John. N. would like the report to include some of the benefits of becoming accredited. Eric said that the completion of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan is critical to the success of accreditation. 14. Discussion of Jim Baker's Property in Conjunction with Parkway Park: Eric said that there was a letter from the City Manager concerning this item in the Boardsa ackets. He went on to that this item was originally discussed in the P y Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,July 13, 1999 Page 4 of 5 September 1998 Board meeting. It was put on the current agenda to keep the Board informed. Eric went over a mapshowingthe Baker properties. He said p p last September, Mr. Baker wanted to sell several lots adjoining Parkway Park, including his home, to the City to add to the park. There was question as to the ownership of the north end of what has been presumed to be part of the park. The Board had then voted not to accept his offer. Mr. Baker was notified of this, and has continued his claim of ownership to the property. The City has decided that 1) if Mr. Baker will release all claim to the portions of property in Parkway Park, the City will work with him to allow a right-of-way through one of his remaining lots, so that it can be sold, and a house can be put on it; and 2) work be done to subdivide a corner of the property so that it can be sold as a separate lot. Bill asked what the basis of Mr. Baker's ownership claim was. Eric said that the City's legal staff has looked into it, and other than the fact that Mr. Baker had claimed to have paid taxes on the property, they couldn't find any evidence that the property was owned by Mr. Baker. Eric said that the City is trying to resolve this for everyone's benefit. 15. Consent Items: Capital Improvement Report: Eric said that the new Teen Center is coming along well and is expected to open September 1t. Discussion of Next Meeting Date and Agenda: John C. would e to review the draft budget before itgoes to CityCouncil for approval. John N. would like to g have a Veterans Park and Athletic Complex report. John N. and Bill will not be able to attend the Board meeting on August 1011-Kris s will call Board members for a quorum or suggest alternative meeting dates. John N. would like to revisit the D ep artment goals on a future agenda. 16. Adjourn: Glen made a motion to adjourn. John N. seconded the motion. All were in favor, and the motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Parks&Recreation Board Regular Meeting Tuesday,July 13, 1999 Page 5 of 5 Startzman- Pardon ................ .......... ..............."............ . .........Pagel r, si From: "Dresser, George" <g-dresser@tamu.edu> To: 'Kris Startzman'<kstartzman ci.college-station.tx.r r Date: Thu, Jul 8, 1999 5:13 PM Subject: Pardon I request a pardon (excused absence) from the Parks and Recreation Board meeting of July 13, 1999. My wife and I will be on an extended trip to Turkey from July 13 to July 27. Please thank the Board for their consideration of this matter. George B. Dresser, July 8, 1999. ........... . ......... . JUL.-13-99 TUE 12: 16 P. 02 • •WALLER COUNTY APPRAISAL DISTRICT !