HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/09/1997 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD REGULAR MEETING DECEMBER 9, 1997-- 7:00 P.M. COLLEGE STATION COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1101 TEXAS AVENUE SOUTH MEMBERS: Elizabeth Cunha,Chair; Bob DeOtte; John Crompton; Chris Barzina;; and Mike Manson ABSENT: Debra Anderson,Vice Chair; Gary Halter STAFF: Steve Beachy, Director;Eric Ploeger,Asst. Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Parks Planner;Pamela Einkauf, Senior Secretary VISITORS: A&M Recreation, Parks and Tourism Sciences 102: Scott Shaeffer, Nicole Birch, Donald Norrid, Jamie Lucas, Michael, Patricia Sarkowski; Dick Crux,Judy LeUnes,Julie Gerrard, Mark Shavers ) Called to Order 7:05 p.m. 1. Approval of Minutes: September 21, and November 11, 1997: Minutes were approved as submitted. 2. Hear Visitors: No comments. 3. Public Hearing - Lick Creek Park Master Plan: Nicole Birch stated that her department, in cooperation with the Lick Creek Park Advisory Committee, created a master plan for Lick Creek Park. A copy of the master plan was distributed and Ms. Birch reviewed the plan. Their group established four values of Lick Creek Park: cultural, biophysical, educational, and recreational. Donald Norrid discussed the management issues of the park, which was also included in the master plan hand out. Their group designated three management zones to dictate appropriate use based on resource sensitivity and educational or recreational opportunity. They included a habitat conservation zone, multiple use zone, and an educational conservation zone. Jamie Lucas reviewed the design concept for the park. The design concept included an interpretive loop, multiple-use trail, picnic facilities, and restroom facilities. Also included in the master plan were cost estimates for facilities and Rochelle finished the presentation by reviewing the cost estimates of the facilities and trails. She also reiterated the importance of a management zone to help protect the park resources while promoting desirable education and recreation opportunities. Patricia Sarkowski, who directs the A&M Environmental Interpretation Class, developed some interpretive programming for Lick Creek Park separately from the RPTS 102 Class. They researched on resources of the park so that they could bring citizens and the resources together. Ms. Sarkowski suggested informing the public through brochures or a video on a local program. John asked what would keep bikers from creating new trails and riding and walking trails. Mr. Norrid suggested putting bike racks at the point where the bike trails and walking trails converge. This would encourage bikers to park their bikes and walk. He also suggested having an on-site person to monitor activities throughout the park. Dick Crux encouraged the Board to let Lick Creek stay a "no leash" park. John stated that the advisory committee has suggested that the "no leash" policy stay in effect until a problem is encountered. Steve stated that Lick Creek Park falls under the current City Ordinance that states that dogs must be on a leash in all parks. He said that a request woul4 have to go to City Council for their approval to change the ordinance. Mr. Crux also stated that he hopes alternative development wifi be considered for the parking lot instead of using asphalt and concrete, such as gravel or cedar. Judy LeUnes voiced her support for allowing horses in the park. Julie Gerrard reiterated her support for the no leash policy. She stated that a council member in Canada. sent her some information regarding this issue. The woman recommended posting signs that clearly state that dogs are not on leashes in the area and also suggested fencing off a specific area for the dogs. John recommended to omit the boardwalk that was included in the master plan and replace it with managerial support. Elizabeth agreed and suggested adding the bike racks in the first phase. Mark Shavers stated that the boardwalk they talked about could be constructed much cheaper and would lead to a sedge meadow which can't be seen anywhere else in the area. 4. Discussion and Consideration of Proposed Parkland Dedication in Park Zone 10 - Westfield Addition: John Szabuniewicz stated that his current parkland dedication requirement is 1.5 acres. He is willing to dedicate 4-5 acres to meet his current and future dedication requirements. Steve stated that there is a study that is being conducted for the school district to establish the floodplain in the area. That study should be complete in approximately 30 days. Steve recommended a linkage through the greenbelt system, accessibility to the subdivisions, and the park has to have enough area to develop on and have open space. Steve stated that visibility of the park is also very important. John stated that he feels uncomfortable accepting this dedication for both the current and future dedication since all of the land is not usable. He asked Mr. Szabuniewicz if he would dedicate the 5 acres for the 171 units he's currently platting, not for any future development. Mr. Szabuniewicz stated that he would be willing to wait until the floodplain study is done, and he will not ask for credit for any of that floodplain. Since some of the property has gas pipelines on it, Elizabeth requested staff to draw up a picture that would show the Board what could be developed on the property in question. This issue will be addressed at the next meeting. 5. Discussion of Relationship Between the Parks and Recreation Board and the College Station Independent School District: John mentioned that he was invited to a breakfast meeting with Skip Noe, Jim Scales, Mayor McIllianey, and Mr. Hughes to discuss the issue. The meeting is scheduled for January 8, and he will report back to the Board after that meeting. 6. Review of Board Goals: John stated that he would like to work with Jane Kee on greenbelts and be proactive in pursuing them. He would also like to acquire natural areas ahead of the city's needs so that some land is available in the area when development occurs. He stated that funds can be reimbursed when the actual dedication occurs. This item was postponed until the next meeting due to the absence of three members. 7. Capital Improvement Program Report: Ric reviewed the capital projects. Elizabeth mentioned that the slides are already cracked at Pebble Creek Park. Ric stated that he would check on the problem and see what the warranty is. 8. Committee Reports:a. Parkland Dedication: John stated that he will come back to the Board in January or February with recommendations. He did say that the monetary amount per dwelling unit may go from$225 per unit to$500-600. b. Lincoln Center: Mike stated that it appears that the Committee is looking to Lance to run the meetings instead of the Committee directing the meetings. It was also mentioned that since James Steen is now an employee, he will have to be replaced as a member of the Committee. The Committee also discussed the naming of the ballfields at Lincoln Center. Steve mentioned that, to his knowledge, both the Little League Organization and the Lincoln Former Students Association will be submitting requests on that issue. 9. Board Concerns/Other Business: Chris stated that something needs to be done with the Wolf Pen Creek Lake. Steve stated that he met with the TIF board the previous Friday and received preliminary results from the silt study and they do not have a firm recommendation from the engineering group for the ultimate solution to the silt problem. Steve believes it will not be developed according to the original plan, but will probably be left as a creek channel. They will meet again in January. Steve asked for two members to volunteer to serve on the fees subcommittee to review the department's user fees. John and Chris volunteered to serve on the subcommittee with Elizabeth as a substitute if one of them could not make the meeting. 10, Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m.