HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/10/2012 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board dor(4 :*r,""44. Ac,� PARKS AND RECREATION V BOARD AGENDA 1,141 CI'T'Y OF COLLEGE STATION :.;.:.� REGULAR MEETING 7:00PM, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 1015 Colgate • College Station, TX 77840 I. Call to order and Roll Call, 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. 3. Hear:visitors. . Consideration, possible approval, and discussion of minutes from the meeting of December 13, 2011. . Consideration,, review and discussion concerning the park land dedication ormnar . 6. Update on the Mayor's Council on Wellness. 7. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board :. Goals for FY12. 8. Report and discussion concerning teen issues. 9. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvements Program Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of January 2012. 10. Presentatioh, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subjectfor which notice has not been given, statement of specific factual hormion or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Next Regular Meeting tin February 14, 2012, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 11. Adjourn. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available, Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(9 79) 764-3517 or(TOO) 1-800-735-2959. Agendas may be viewed on www.cstzgov. Notice is hereby given that a Regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of College Station, Texas will be held on the 10th day of January 2012. For the meeting to begin at 7.00 p.m. at the Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek, 1015 Colgate, College Station, Texas, 77840. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of ---- , 2012, at p.m. City of College Station, Texas BY: Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas and on the City's website, wwv ., c., , The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times, Said Notice and Agenda were posted on at , and remained so posted continuously for at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: b Dated this day of , 2012. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS BY: STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY F BRAZOS Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of 2012. Notary Public—Brazos County, Texas My commission expires: (Or44*4 PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD : CITY OF COLLEGET €'I ' QrV 4'##i °iF REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 7:00PM, Tuesday, January 10, 2012 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 STAFF PRESENT: David Schmitz, Director; Amy Atkins, Assistant Director; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; Kelly Ke b*y, Recreation Supervisor; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent BOARD PRESENT: Jon Denton, Chair; Shane Wendel, Ida Bellows, Susan Fox, Sherry Ellison, Shawn Reynolds, George Jessup VISITORS: No visitors present. 1. Call to order and Roll Cali: The meeting was called to order with a quorum present at 7:00PM. 2. Possible_ action_ s i requests for absences of members: Billy Hart sent in a request for absence. Shawn Reynolds made a motion to approve the absence request submitted, and Sherry Ellison seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. George Jessup rriv d at 7: M 3b Hear visitors: Hearing none, this item was closed. 4. Consideration ' i t ,:: ' royal and discussion of minutes from the meeting of December 13, 2011: Shawn Reynolds made a motion approve the minutes as submitted, and Sherry Ellison seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 5 Consideration review and discussion concernin. the 'ark land dedication ordinance: David Schmitz, Director; reported on this item, explaining that the park land dedication ordinance needed to be updated. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. . U date on the JAM,:g_cla_11 W a 11 ev Amy Atkins, Assistant Director, reported on this item. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 7. Discussion and :possible action concernin' the Parks and Recreation Advisor B r G 2: Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 8. R , ort and discussion concernin teen issues: Kelly K l ly, Recreation Supervisor, reported on this item# Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 9. . •fort. :'kossible action and discussion concernin.;: the current Ca Kai rover4 Amy Atkins, Assistant Director, reported on the Capital Improvement Project Lists. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. • Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of January 2012. 10. Presentation. ;' ssi action and iscussio on future a s erg ria items: Board Member may inquire abort a subiect for which notice has not been iven. A statement of s• cific factual information or the recitation existin. » iic:: ma :i An rat n shall be limited to a proposal place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting: Next Regular Meeting — February 14, 2012, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek • Park Maintenance Standards > Establish a sub-committee for the Senior Games 11. Adjourn: Susan Fox made a motion dj rr the meeting, and Shane Wendel seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 7:42PM. 2 January 10, 2012 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes ORDINANCE NO. 3139 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 9, "SUBDIVISIONS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, BY AMENDING SECTION 10, "PA R]ki LAND DEDICATION", BY AMENDING AND ADDING NEIGHBORHOOD MP—COMMUNITY —PARK *LAND - DEDICATION - AND DEVELOPMENT FEE REQUIREMENTS, BY CHANGING FLOODPLAIN DEDICATION RATIOS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART : That Chapter 9, "Subdivisions", of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit"A", attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty Five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance,being a penal ordinance,becomes effective January 1, 2009. PASSED,ADOPTED and APPROVED this 11th day of Decetpber 2008. ATTEST: APPROVED: CITY SECRETARY MAYOR APPROVED. IL A OP A CITY/WI 0'7 Olgroupfiega liordinanceiamendmenYhrm,doc Approved by the Parks&Recreation Advisory Board on November 78,2008 ORDINANCE NO.__ 3139 Page 3 The acquisition and development of the"basic"infrastructure and facilities for the usage of these .,.>. y • i: h parks should'bebased,upOn te, Vm am fom- e.v a# � ilts is-' serve. Therefore, the following requirements are adopted to effect the purposes stated above. 10-B ' 'ty, This section applies to a landowner who develops land for residential use located within the City or within its extraterritorial jurisdiction. 10-C Requirements. 1. General. The City Manager or his designee shall administer this Section with certain review, recommendation and approval authorities being assigned to the Planning and Zoning Commission, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board and various city departments as specified herein. Generally, the developer of residential property must address the following requirements. pursuant to this section: dedication of land for neighborhood park use or payment of a fee in lieu thereof, dedication of land for community parks or payment of a fee in lieu thereof; payment of a development fee for neighborhood parks or construction of the neighborhood park improvements to which such fee relates, and payment of a development fee for community parks or construction of the community park improvements ents to which such fee relates. Requirements herein are based on actual dwelling units for a.n entire development. Increases or decreases in final unit count may require an adjustment in fees paid or land dedicated. If the actual number of dwelling units exceeds the original estimate, additional park land and additional park development fees may be required in accordance with the requirements in this Section. The schedule of fees and required land dedications is attached hereto as Appendix I and incorporated and made a part of this Section for all purposes. The identification of park zones for neighborhood parks is as shown City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan referenced herein and incorporated by reference. 2. Land Dedication. a. The amount of land to be dedicated for neighborhood park land purposes and for community park purposes shall be as set forth in Appendix The total amount of land dedicated for the development shall be dedicated to the City in fee simple: 1) Prior to the issuance of any building permits for multi-family development, 2) Concurrently with the final plat for a single phase development, 3) For a phased development the entire park shall be either platted concurrently with the plat of the first phase of the development or 4) The developer may provide the City with financial security against the future dedication by providing a bond,irrevocable letter of credit, or other alternative b t :I roupla r xli or legal r vt w inprogress#f1 -11-081park land dedication ordina. e a d ents -proposed city of college station park land dedication ordi an ad 11/24/08 ORDINANCE NO. 3139 Page 5 b. Dedications of less than'five acres not including floodplains or greenways. For any proposed neighborhood park land dedication less than ilve (5) acres of land or the payment of a fee in lieu thereof, for any proposed required community park land dedication less than five (5) acres of land or the payment of a fee in lieu thereof, or for any proposed land dedication containing floodplain or greenway, the City Manager or his designee is authorized to accept and approve same if the following criteria are met: 1) The proposed dedication or fee provides a sufficient amount of neighborhood park land existing in the park zone of the proposed development for required • neighborhood park land dedication, or the proposal provides a sufficient amount of community park land existing for the proposed development for required community park land dedication, whichever applies; • 2) Where the proposed dedication is insufficient for a neighborhood park site or for a community park site under existing park design standards, some or all of the dedication requirements may be in the form of a fee in amounts as set forth in Appendix I; 3) Determination of acceptability of a proposed neighborhood park land dedication and for a proposed community park land dedication is based upon the City of College Station's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan, as may be amended from time to time; and 4) The proposed development of the neighborhood park or community park is consistent with College Station's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan, as may be amended fomi time to time. In making his decision, the City Manager or his designee may choose to submit such application to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board for its recommendation. In such event, the City Manager shall consider such recommendation but may make a decision contrary in accordance with the criteria set forth herein. 6. Park Develo•ment Fee. In addition to the land dedication requirements for neighborhood parks and for community parks, there are also park development fees established herein sufficient to develop neighborhood parks and community parks in ways that meet the City of College Station's Manual of Park Improvements Standards, The amount of development fees assessed to a developer subject to this section for neighborhood and community parks is as shown in Appendix I. The process for the approval and collection of development fees shall be the same as for the park land dedication requirements to which the development relates, and shall be processed simultaneously with the park land dedication requirements. 7. Construction of Park Im irovernents in Lieu of Develo iment Fee. A developer may elect to construct required neighborhood park improvements and/or required community park improvements in lieu of paying the associated development fee as set forth herein. In such event: a. A park site plan, developed in cooperation with the Parks and Recreation bgiFigrouplagen-calfor legal reviewlin progress#11/2-1/-081park land dedication ordinance amendments\2-proposed city of college station park land dedication ordinance.docx 11/24/08 ORDINANCE NO. 3139 Page 7 8. Submittinfee, Any fees required to be paid pursuant to this section shall be remitted: PriörtthèissñcfEifibuiiding-petraits formulti-family dvelopment;' •-• - b. Upon submission of each final plat for single family, duplex or townhouse development. 9. Use of fees. Fees may be used only for the acquisition or development of park facilities to which they relate. For fees in lieu of neighborhood park land dedication, fees may only be used for purchase and/or development of neighborhood parks located within the same zone as the development. For fees in lieu of community park land dedication, fees may only be used for the purchase and/or development of community parks. 10. Reimbursement for Cit A suired Park Land. The City may from time to time acquire land for parks in or near an area of actual or potential development. If the City does acquire park land in a park zone for a neighborhood park or acquires parkland for a community park, the City may require subsequent dedications to be in fee-in lieu-of-land only. This will be to reimburse the City for the cost(s) of acquisition. 10-D Prior Dedication or Absence of Prior ,edication., If a dedication requirement arose prior to enactment or amendment of this Section 10, subsequent development for the subject tract to which the dedication requirement applies may be subject to vesting as set forth in Chapter 245 Texas Local Government Code. Depending on the circumstances, additional dedication may be required for the increase in dwelling units from what was originally proposed. 10-E Comprehensive Plan Considerations. The City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan is intended to provide the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board with a guide upon which to base its recommendations. Because of the need to consider specific characteristics in the site selection process, the park locations indicated in the Plan are general. The actual locations, sizes, and number of parks will be determined when development occurs or when sites are acquired by the City, including by donations. Park zones for neighborhood parks are established in the City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan as a component of the City's Comprehensive Plan, and indicate service areas for neighborhood parks. Zone boundaries typically,follow key topographic features such as major thoroughfares, streams, city limit and EMT boundary lines. New park zones may be created or existing zones amended pursuant to procedures for amending the City's Recreation, Park and Open Space Master Plan as land acquisitions or other circumstances dictate. 10-F Special Fund; Right to Refund. 1. All neighborhood park land dedication fees will be deposited in a fund referenced to the park zone to which it relates. Community park land dedication fees will be deposited in a fund referenced to community parks. 2. The City shall account for all fees in lieu of land and all development fees paid under this bglpAgrouptagen-califor legal reviewlin progress itiii2-If-08ipark land dedication ordinance amendnients\2-proposed city of college station park land dedication ordinance.docx 11/24108 ORDINANCE NO, 3139 Page 9 subdivisions, access ways may be required to facilitate public access to provide public Access to p,.1-ks., •,• • - • . 9. It is desirable that fifty percent(50%) of the perimeter of a park abut a public street. 10. Community Parks should be accessible from major arterial streets so as to be accessible by large groups of people from large surrounding areas. 10-H Warranty Required. 1. All materials and equipment provided to the City shall be new unless otherwise approved in advance by the City Manager or his designee and that all work will be of good quality, free from faults and defects, and in confoiniance with the designs, plans, specifications, and drawings, and recognized industry standards. This warranty, any other warranties express or implied, and any other consumer rights, shall inure to the benefit of the City only and are not made for the benefit of any party other than the City. 2. All work by the developer or landowner not conforming to these requirements, including but not limited to unapproved substitutions,may be considered defective. 3. This warranty is in addition to any rights or warranties expressed or implied by law. 4. Where more than a one(1) year warranty is specified in the applicable plans, specifications, or submittals for individual products,work, or materials,the longer warranty shall govern. 5. This warranty obligation may be covered by any performance or payment bonds tendered in compliance with this Ordinance. 6. If any of the work performed by developer or landowner is found or determined to be either defective, including obvious defects, or otherwise not in accordance with this ordinance, the designs,plans, drawings or specifications within one(1) year after the date of the issuance of a certificate of Final Completion of the work or a designated portion thereof, whichever is longer, or within one(1)year after acceptance by the City of designated equipment, or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special warranty required by this ordinance, developer shall promptly correct the defective work at no cost to the City. 7. During the applicable warranty period and after receipt of written notice from the City to begin corrective work, developer shall promptly begin the corrective work. The obligation to correct any defective work shall be enforceable under this Code of Ordinances. The guarantee to correct the defective work shall not constitute the exclusive remedy of the City, nor shall other remedies be limited to the terms of either the warranty or the guarantee. 8. If within twenty(20) calendar days after the City has notified developer of a defect, failure, or abnormality in the work, developer has not started to make the necessary corrections or adjustments, the City is hereby authorized to make the corrections or adjustments, or to order the work to be done by a third party. The cost of the work shall be paid by developer. 9. The cost of all materials, parts, labor, transportation, supervision, special instruments, and supplies required for the replacement or repair of parts and for correction of defects shall be paid by Developer, its contractors,or subcontractors or by the surety. bgip:groupiagen-callfbr legal reviewtin progress itit12-1 i-081park land dedication ordinance amendnients\2-proposed city of college station park land dedication ordinance.docx /1/24/08 ORDINANCE NO. 3139 Page 11 APPENDIX m.... PARK LAN* DEDICATION AND DEVELOPMENT FEES NEIG111301WOOD AND COMMUNITY PAW A. Dedication Requirements for Neighborhood Parks 1. Land dedication per Dwelling Unit(DU) $ g1Y: One(1)Acre per 102 DUs Multi-Facey: One (1)Acre per 125 DUs 2. Fee in lieu of land dedication per Dwelling Unit(DU) � k - ' . ., $314 per DU Multi-Family; $256 per DU 3. Park development fee per Dwelling Unit(DU) Single Family: $764 per DU $622 per DU 4. Total neighborhood park fees per Dwelling Unit(DU) F . $1,078 per DU I1 B. 7edication Requirements for Community Parks 1. Land dedication per Dwelling Unit(DU) Sb___IgY Fly One (1)Acre per 105 DUs One(1)Acre per 129 DUs 2. Fee in lieu of land dedication per Dwelling Unit(DU) JgIeFami1y: $305 per DU Multi7Fpniti $248 per DU 3. Park development fee per Dwelling Unit(DU) �� per DU $ 20 per DU 4. Total community park fees per Dwelling Unit(DU) b,givIgrouplagen-califor legal revievAinpro ress#1‘12-11-081park land dedication ordinance am . nts -proposed city of college station park land dedication ordinancesdocx 11/24/08 } APPENDIX PARK LAND N AND DEVELOPMENT FEES Effective Januar , 2009 NEIGHBORHOOD AND COMMUNITY PARKS A. Dedication Requirements for Neighborhood and Community Parks I. Land Dedication per Dwelling Unit (DU) Neighborhoodcommune SjqI F rnil a One (1) Acre per 102 DUs ± One (1) Acre per 105 DUs Mi-Fan1!y. One (1) Acre per 125 Dus One (1) Acre per 129 DUs 2 Fee in Lieu of Land Dedication per Dwelling Unit (DU) Neighborhood Cm Total aingisiLaykily: $3I4perDU $305 per DU $619 M - mita $256perDU ± $248 per DU $504 3. Park Development Fee per Dwelling Unit (DU) Neighborhood Community Total Single " mil $764 r DU $638 per DU $1,402 $622 per DU + $520 per DU — $1,142 . Total Neighborhood & Community Park Fees per Dwelling Unit (DU) Np_ig4borhood Community � o ami $1,078 per DU $943 per DU $2,021 Multi-Fan $878 per DU + $768 per DU $1,646 0:\Parkland Dedication rd a \PARK LAND DED ORDINANCE2009 Revisions Multi Family Fee = $ 256.00 (Land Acquisition) + $ 622.40 (Park Development) = $ 878.00 per Dwelling Unit 9/22/08 DRAFT Multi Family Community Park Fee $ 248.00 (Land Acquisition) + $ 520.00 (Park Development) = $ 768.00 per Dwelling Unit Combined Neighborhood Park and Community Park Parkland Dedication Fees: Single Family = $ 1,078.00 + $ 943.00 = $ 2,021.00 per Dwelling Unit Multi Family = $ 878.00 + $ 768.00 = $ 1,646.00 per Dwelling Unit 9/23/08 DRAFT ity ()liege Station Parks an. Recreation - ,epartment 'ark . roements Standards Park Develotment in Lieu of Fee Approved April 11, 2006 L Site Plan Development A. Park site plans will be provided by the landowner (the term landowner means the owner of the land or an agent of the landowner who has been duly authorized to act on behalf of the landowner in writing) or his authorized agent, with input from the Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) staff. B. Site plan development requires a public hearing before the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. All site plans require Parks and Recreation Advisory Board approval. C. The park development budget is required to be equal to or greater than the Park Development Fee required in Chapter 9, Section 10-B of the Code of Ordinances. Budget estimates will be approved by the PARD staff. Amounts over the park development fee are not transferable to other projects. IL Park Furnishings A. In order to maintain consistency with other parks, park site furnishings require approval from the PARD staff. A list of approved items will be provided by the PARD staff (see Appendix 1). Alternates or substitutions must be submitted to and approved by the PARD staff in advance of construction (see attached list of approved site furnishings). Specifications of all park furnishings will be provided for approval by PARD staff. B. All items will require a one (1) year warranty from the date of issuance of a Certificate of Acceptance by PARD. C. All park construction will be reviewed by PARD staff and inspected for quality control. III. Construction Documents A. All construction documents must be sealed by a licensed design professional.. B. All construction documents must be submitted to and approved by PARD staff before construction. OVParkland Dedication Ordinance/Park Land Ded Ordinance/Neighborhood Development Standards/Neighborhood Park Improvement Stanciards,doc Page 1 of 3 certificate of Final Completion of the work or a designated portion thereof, whichever is longer, or within one (1) year after acceptance by the City of designated equipment, or within such longer period of time as may be prescribed by law or by the terms of any applicable special warranty required by this ordinance, Developer shall promptly correct the defective work at no cost to the City. During the applicable warranty period and after receipt of written notice from the City to begin corrective work, Developer shall promptly begin the corrective work. The obligation to correct any defective work shall be enforceable under this code of ordinances. The guarantee to correct the defective work shall not constitute the exclusive remedy of the City, nor shall other remedies be limited to the terms of either the warranty or the guarantee. If within twenty (20) calendar days after the City has notified Developer of a defect, failure, or abnormality in the work, Developer has not started to make the necessary corrections or adjustments, the City is hereby authorized to make the corrections or adjustments or to order the work to be done by a third party. The cost of the work shall be paid by Developer. The cost of all materials, parts, labor, transportation, supervision, special instruments, and supplies required for the replacement or repair of parts and for correction of defects shall be paid by Developer, its contractors, or subcontractors or by the surety. The guarantee shall be extended to cover all repairs and replacements furnished, and the term of the guarantee for each repair or replacement shall be one (1) year after the installation or completion. The one (1) year warranty shall cover all work, equipment, and materials that are part of the improvements made under this section of the ordinance. at/Parkland Dedication Ordinance/Park Land Oed Ordinance/Neighborhood Development Standards/Neighborhood Park Improvement Standards,doc Page 3 of-3 AREA LIGHTS - Light poles to be direct burial concrete poles 12-16' height above grade. - Manufactured by Ameron or Traditional Concrete, Inc., Lonestar Prestress S resscre e Group, Skycast, black acrylic. - Light fixtures to be an acorn-shape or antique style, 175-watt minimum metal halide lamp. .,... BASKETBALL OR S COURTS To have Plexi ave or equal, acrylic paint surfacing system or equal, on top of concrete. - Color designated and striping to be beige or tan border and goal areas to be maroon, main court area to have white stripes. SHELTERS s to be constructed with galvanized steel columns and framing, painted. Shelters g - Roof to have composition shingles (25-year) with wood decking under shingles. SIGNAGE - Park signs to be constructed of Cylex (concrete/plastic composite material) with etched letters. BRIDGES - Park bridges to be constructed of Corten self-weathering steel with treated pine decking. - Manufacturers: • Continental ▪ Steadfast Bridges • Canyon Creek Iron Works PICNIC TABLES -- Picnic tables to be aluminum, 8' long, heavy-duty frame (can be aluminum color or painted), wheelchair accessible, Gametime #798; Southern Aluminum Company "Southern Piknik"; Kaypark A- 32 A- WC, or equal. BIKE RACKS - Bike racks to be Loop design, painted steel, in-ground mount Gametime #7702 or equal. - Kaypark 2-3/8", 0.D. Loop Style (627 GIG) Appendix I Page ii of f/i College Station Parks and Recreation Department Administrative Approval Form for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres (Based on Revised Park Land Dedication Ordinance of December 11, 2008) Effective January 1, 2009 1. Applicant Name: Address: Phone: E-Mail: 2. Development Name: Development Location: 3. Dwelling Units: Single Family Multi-family Units, located in Neighborhood Park Zone Single Family Multi-family Units, located in Community Park Zone 4, Development Fees and Dedication Requirements: a. Development Fee: Nei Community Total Single Family @$764.°D per DU $ Single Family©$638.°°per DU $ Multi-family t $622°°per DU $ Multi-family @$520.°°per DU $ = TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = b. Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neighborhood communityT,Oal Single Family: One (1) acre per 102 Ws ac One(1) acre per 105 DUs ac ac Multi-family: One(1)acre per 125 DUs • ac One(1)acre per 129 DUs ac= ac TOTAL= Acres Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication tillood Communit Single Family: @$314.00 per DU $ @$305.° per DU $ Multi-family©$256,00 per DU $ @$248.00 per DU $ TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = NEIG Ot 00D PA H:l< COST ESTIMAT!4 S CITY OF(„',01.!F.CP.STATION 1. Six (6') Foot Sidewalk— $5.50 per Square Foot x 1,800 LI' (1/3 Mile) $60,000 2, Handicap Accessible Ramp — Two (2) each $2,000 3. Picnic Unit— Slab,table, trash can, and grill at $4,000 each x 2 $8,000 4. Shelter and Slab—Two (2) picnic tables with trash cans $34,000 5. Area Lights — Twelve (12') LED Lights, Ten (10) @$4,000 each $40,000 6. Two Park Signs— Cylex, 2' x 8' with keystone planter bed $6,000 7. Benches— Painted steel with concrete slab, $2,000 each x Four (4) $8,000 8. Bicycle Racks — One (1) at $1,500 each $1,500 9. Trees —Thirty gallon, installed, 50 trees at $225 each $11,250 10. Specialized Irrigation System 33,000 11. Drinking Fountains—One (1) concrete, handicap accessible, dual height, dog dish ( $6,000 each $6,000 12. One-inch (1") Water Meter $500 13. Electric Meters with Breaker Panels $2,000 14. Finish Sodding, Grading and Seeding $5,000 15. Drain Lines— An average of 100 LF at S20 per LF $2,000 16. Swing Set with Synthetic Rubber Surfacing $25,000 17. Playground with Concrete Base and Synthetic Rubber Surfacing for Children Ages 2- 5 $70,000 18. Shade Cover for Playground for Children Ages 2— 5 $20 000 $304,250 Ten (10%) Contingency $30,425 Project Management Five (5%) Percent $15 212 VA9,,8$7 October 28, 2010 7 F S CITY OF COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREACT1ON DEPARTMENT 1. Basketball Court $40,000 2. 6' Sidewalk @ $5.50 per sq.ft. x 4,000 'init. $132,000 3. Handicap Accessible Ramp x 2 ea. S2,000 4. Pedestrian Bridge (Average 30') wiconc. footing $40,000 5. Picnic Unit (slab, table, trash can, grill) @ $4,000 x 2 ea. $8,000 6. Shelter& Slab (2 picnic Tables witrashcans) $34,000 7. Area Lights 0210 @ $4,000 x 20 ea. $80,000 8. 2'x 8' Park Sign (Cylex) and Keystone Planter Bed $6,000 9. Benches (painted steel) with slab @ 82,000 x 4 ea. $8,000 10. Bicycle Rack $1,500 11. 50 Trees (30-45 gal. installed) @ $350 $17,500 12. Specialized Irrigation System $15,000 13. Drinking Fountain (concrete -handicap accessible, dual ht.,dog dish) $7,500 14. Water Meter 1.5" $1,200 15. Electric Meter/Breaker Panel $2,000 16. Finish Sodding, Grading & Seeding $5,000 17. Drain Lines @ S20 lin.ft. (Average 100 lin.ft.) $2,000 18. Swing Set w/Synthetic Rubber Surfacing S25,000 19. Playground w/Concrete Base & Synthetic Rubber Surfacing $75,000 20. Playground Shade Cover S17,500 21. Galvanized Fence @ $36 lin.ft. (Average 1,500 lin.ft.) $54,000 Sub Total $573,200 10% Contingency $57,320 Total $630,520 July 11,2008 City Vision Statement 41------",.....aggeivIgia,,,ogg.,.,..,.----...,,,,,,,Rograngssmignisilligolikolomini,, ,,"..,-.,,Rkt,,,,,,i,.,30„,,,,„„.,,,,,,..„,0,,,E4mvet,,,m-,,,,04,1,,,,,,,ftrawagov,§,,a,,,.„,,,.. „,,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,„,,,..atIosimmatilifitimoseingetaleaptmeogimasugoitimplamingt„:,,,,„,,,„,,g,,,,ametagesigillotimik istintessiseigitugessainismosonomemmehlisom .....„.,.:,..„:„......„..:.,.:,,,,::„.„4„,:,,,„,:.,.:...,:„..,,.„.,„,.-.,1„,c,„,g,,,„,,,„,,,.,„:„,,:::,,:,,,,,:,,,4,,,,:,.,„,:„:„.„„,.,„:„,.,,.,,.,„:„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,z,„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,e40,,,,,,,,a,,,golgegoomeammem,gillineganiftlp41.1111100siongst ;;;;...11.,„,..,.,:,,.:,,,:,::,„:.,..,,„,.,„,„„„,;,:„„,,r,.,10.,„, r”,..'......i.,,,:,,.„:,1,r,.,,,:,,:',i4:,,„,,.,,,i„.{;,i.1,,,„;,i'N:i'd';'N''hiritiiiiiii'ifi9:lig'ill t';64:jd':'r'il.:ll!':'''.'-.''1!.:1!6!ia.'b.lt:iib:,:0'):::li:'.'Of 1 ' i P .A4...4: Ut.agNigingftgb§fillOWZiittiftleiteSiga:j;,444*&(:4MtatISMN 1:1 4?r ° 8t;ii'4'";etl;:;;.;;;;;;;;;;;; 1} } ; g s 1 rillk..,...:.,-tg„,iI.,-;,,hiliigl!::tggi",Rk:..iji,tu, I ififilingS6OXASiiitiigiilitilialliiiiillitalen c ase 11:11$btrthja f e } 4,w40,84ftltiosegalsofainagengtommagatalitry nitytydssommos c. i }litYti n 3 d °s. w> itag,Lieggi„,,,'„,„,,,,t„:ii.,,i,„.,i).„.;:tmmtirioriiTrIniiii$1,,,kiiiimikiiii..06.,,:univii,40.40..:,,,.46piipitiaragli[iiiiiii a ...„'L„,:::.,i,,,:,:i.,:„.„„i.,,,g,,:,,..,.:::;.:::;,;:ii:t.h,'.,;(7..,,,i,:ii,,,,;',..4.::..i.i...,.-;....s_1,-..::::',:toi.:!,,i!,,,i!),,,,,,!,-",,,•!,.:7;,:.!:11.0!!!...,jp;:,:pjj!!,:irkii,,,,p,,,..9,..,,::,,,„-,..,,,!„,_1,-4!,1,:rill,,mg.,0„!!,,g,„1,11,,.1,,,I,I,!!!„1:11!„-!,,,11,11..1.!1.,1,.j.,51,1,!!!..0,!!!!!!:,!!!', „.........-.-,....,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,r,*.r,,,k,.....--t...,:::,!;:.i.li...!!!!!!.10.!:.lopipoptliwivaifotto.f. ...1;:..7..,,J.'!..,!.:.,7;....!!!!! r !!!!..„:„1,,,,,,,:;4..!:1..,..!..,i,!...,.:,....!..!!„,!.,i.!i:[.,,i!.:,i1,i!.!!.,,,.,,:,:::,:.:,,,',.[:.4.,:i,„,..i.:,..1,:i,:,.!!;",'.1,'„f.,,.ti,,:.!1...,iti.,;:i,,i'i:::',,',Ii.ii:iii,,.-r:!;;I 7 :4,..-.1"'„,,..m.,,,,,,i,,,,i1,%.-41f,bigil,,k'8.,,i.,,it,,,,:,4e.b,,,,h1§Ntag.:tg.44,44..ai,,,,,,11,:„4.11111,,,1114,,,..,6„1„. .,y ,lA y "f.a0s f k u !S 7 o # I 1 ''''''-'""1:"'":'''rl'' kl r >ff l w r '*� I L rt-'46:1h,......Ji,,,i,,,,,,_iQmk.,,,,Itigg:%angegiRsitigignigMlintaiggitaglintaiiiingssitigign ierm: i';'''.0'1,-;-;'''''''''''''''':-L14.1*"iifiir 5 Yf .. �, ry F V "ameginisstsigimm,:ownetigaltatmatminsiammawiopeastita MENSEMNNNINIMSMRINlgNeStNILRgaPgerjttittlAPIEtk'itttogki.N.UIMNM-SMEMNN .i.,t::.',i:!.!.,t4,:ik,alg:4(11„ti$lggaTjkiP.,aa„PeAtfritl194P).4.3Mg„,:$ijEi!:-ip4gOgPinladhiMMMMM,fagNNMgaMMVNM-1nMka 1 ' 11 .-jr:-'1'111-"-::'4;alii .:TriAtatittra.k.:,;.:,:„,44:KtivotAidgeitgektaiNgEN$MINftgaggaliketaniaRINtififtgiRiM'iMAigt. :Nr',!::jiziissh-i,-o,,kigi,iliiiggoir,k,kgili-Jiltiihil,J::.,.,-..:§i-,I ' k I 11114110100g6;:LV d i k R l v +1 C k A Nitgol'igl"'g4"''"'"'"'"m46'"''''""'j'i"4EtogeikiktW,Etilil,,HgRliO ' . - J iValuing Y ;5 gri,.::, °l $ :Y V; } 7 $ 2x I tinehitoii�f .,&,:„..,,,..„,...,„,,,,..t.„0.„..--,i,i .„..,..".„,....,„"...",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,oem,,,,..,,,,,,,,,:5,,,.,,:,,,.„.,.,,,,,,:,;,1„,„„,,,„,„.,,„,,,„,„,„„,-,,.„.,,,,,:,,:,,„,t,,:,,,,:,. .OgileENMENVISIMONEN-NINIVANIMEMOIRMONaggISSLINTWitgli { a;NISSIMMINNONIERM£q �S� I�J ariallielliiiiiiiiMPINIPPIIIIIMMb°WittUftttIMPAIRRA40012401 1,111 } P d ,i:,:.:f:i...g4g,,.:,i..nr.,z. 8 } I ,t I illi,111e z ....::7,4,:t,ft 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 w { e r dot4 g,..gtg,„i&s!xwtygte!!,f,..!.:.,:„t,,igz,,!,g,,.t,L"ii-i"g,,.a.At.,g,,Ri.ivg,sigii,m,kvfwgtt,tvrFmga,LIkNg-!.5,g,,,A,!g,,,:.,,t,.,!,,,T6gu,v!!.„§eftmoa,A!s,kot.,,g,,o,, n,".,R,emigjtg!ig!g!!fw!m!gLiktigu,1"o1N,.!m l.!..!.: .b n ,y I �CS�MY* �'4 h } a� fi 5 }'V p� '. n r y 4 i imaintsimumpl 2 t 9`f F I }o *vimilfir.igli }off. 1 ti:.n e I �,' N ■■ :!.:::,!,.,,,i a° l Nc. z'i c r z r I a :' f i gyallommipogif0o,"NQiimmeiseiggl-g rilmost responsivet N #; +y and demonstrated na �S IIIII L }.. 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Key: Incomplete • In Complete. : : :::: Strategies Resource Conservation &Cit Character • Greening the City through park restoration, plantings, streetscape, etc. ▪ Preservation of open spaces through acceptance of land dedications and acquisition • ▪ Support Sustainability practices and Green parks and recreation design and operations 0 Support the Grimes County Regional Park initiative Health &Wellness • Support a Senior Center initiative and program • Support the Mayor's Council on Wellness ss ▪ Promote active Recreation programs for all ages Economic Sustain HH y • Identify and support one or two signature events within the community 11 Ensure that parks, preserved open space, greenways, etc are located within close proximity to residences • Support and recommend capital improvement programs and projects in park and recreation facilities ▪ Develop CSPARD partnership/sponsorship opportunities Conduct annual review and update user fees for facilities and programs Connectivity & Mobility ▪ Link parks to larger transportation system • Link parks to greenway system • Use parks to further implementation of the City's adopted Plans (Comprehensive Plan, neighborhood plans, thoroughfare plan, bicycle, pedestrian, and greenways plan,etc. • Coordinate with Greenways coordinator, make suggestions, and comment on the Master Plan, and Hike and Bike Trail System Parkland Ilei hborood Character ▪ Renovate and enhance existing parks and facilities • Meet future parks and recreation needs through a diversity of context-based park types (such as regional parks, community parks, neighborhood parks, linear parks,etc.) • Provide open space and parks in close proximity to residences • Preserve open space areas that contribute to the character of neighborhood or contain significant natural features ▪ Promote safe and well-maintained park and recreation facilities for all to use as needed. 0 Review the Park Land dedication ordinance and provide recommendations to City Council (as needed). Diversity..in.... ereation and Cultural Programs IN Provide inter-generational facilities in all parks and facilities IZI Develop a community senior centerwithin the City Ei Provide high-quality youth programs and facilities El Continue development and programming of the Wolf Pen District as a unique facility that protects significant natural features, offers gathering places for the entire City, and offers opportunities to celebrate our City's diversity in the arts and culture Ei Promote and support family and youth oriented activities (For our reference:Continue from this point forward—Next Board meeting) Responsible Governance, countability-and Communication Identify projected O&M costs for facilities and programs and identify revenue sources to meet r : oathese needs Seek out and implement partnership opportunities with CSISD, private recreation providers, private developers, land trusts, and others Develop an effective communications and marketing plan MI Support Staff and Citizens in the endeavors to make the parks and recreation system a quality based department in everyday operations and customer service Park Land Dedication Pro, c s . . ...... .... ... . . ... ............... ........... ............... ........ ... . .. . ...... .. ..... . .... .. .. ........ ......... .:...... ... ....................... ............:... ............................................................................. ........ ............. . .. .........................................................................:..:............................:... ... ........ ...:....................... ... ... ......................... .......... ..................... ............................. ... .......... ........... ............:. .:.. ............... . ParkLand . Completion. - . :un...:..::.:.......i.....: . . : . . . . F . . . Projects Fri a + Man.a9Or . Sourc0 gxpectediumctuai iiiiO4,,' -- -------IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ZONE 2-$29,629 'llIlIllIllIllIll.lhlIllIll.1=Idimmm .:.:.:.... .. :.:. ZONE 3. 17, Central Park Rainwater Harvesting In Design Pete V./CP P I $50,600 Zone 3 1111111111111.111111111 ..:.......... . ............. Carters Crossing Park Development In Design Pete V. P 1202 $36,000 Zone 4 8/12 Southwest Hike&Bike Trail,Phase 1 In Design CP&Pete V. P1(0806 $263,000 Zone 6 4/12 .€ lHerter Exercise Equipment Out to bid Pete V. P1(1210 $5.500 Zone 6 EEIIIIIIIIIIIIM ..................... ............ ............: ..... ;.6e.. '>. ...".x...n "i"i .iiV x <�� . w�„�o." vry �,i . * �xvw o�. ./:,^r.,....w�� .w- ,rw 01013,V h^av " :k �mk vS,�x� "Nu ro?-M`:<n>oxrn� f .i,4,,-', . a”iT�iw,I. : »zx¢ " RF .iw �<:v ` #xx% . v.anarINP,I9147°:alfig'i,'„),11,4firlirliall. ���hiw �w.wce ��9�=.vk3 YkrpM ..:n:�nY. ,.�kt. v- .,;fiw : vx :r.ru'e. x iimmi ZONE 8 Emerald Forest Park Playground& Under Construction CP&Pete V. P 0713 $63,000 Zone 8111111111111 Improvements :'::ZONE:: :- 01 : ::.: .: ZONE 1 'I .:-:$348,604M1':.:::::: :11 ZONE f ::ZONE 13 $54,857 --- ZONE 14-$80,310 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIII=111111==muIIIIIIIIiuim.III .................:.....................:..........................:::.::..::.....:.:.:..:......:.......: ZO NE 1 :-:::$554,181: ::::::::::::: IIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ZONE 1 :$1,078 :::::::::: ::: :11111111111111111.M........mill11111111 11111111111111111111111M111111111111 ZONE 24: .:$17,493 ZONE 25-$0 ------1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111. IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Completed oTotal::.::.` $3,608 Design:: ::On HoldTotal ...... .................... Under Construction Total ............. $63,000 ................. : . � f Park Dedication e#i ry .o : r � '! ' di �x .S,4wn � * ' '�'rarfkv.�� ��i# o , °�?f°.Et ?�' Out to Bid $5,500 �".3n � t ; � � " ° � algiva,,,: w w ,i '-0,.� :i , y{ l� ,,ykMW�Nk 'ha°'° , MYh eY-J „'.� P M�lrmsxe,wa�te - K :d �rx �ryx�5 a1401*,0.r F�mo .v �,�r " v� " s'° ' �x ' { ce "�"w4 � "� ai� a�'.° * 9'0. Y� <;'^ ;k4r3*m�'�. ; ,r� %µ» a.S�Y' � a. ..: Pending /On Hold Co � t :. Community InDesi. 3 M � Zones': Park Funds - Oul to Bid iRe-Bid I ZONE:A : 7d Received W...,.... _, ZONE: ,73 N Pending Construction Contract Y m Pending Design Contract ZONE :.::::::' $69,34 .� Under Construction 1 ZONE: ::::::: _- Under Contract Public Hearin. :.6. :: t Non-Park CIP Projects Projedt.........:.:.....:....::::....:..:.:::......::............ ............ . . ..:.......................... ...... .. ............. .............................. . ............. Funding Completion Date Final ........ ........ .. . ........... .... . . .. .... ....... . .... .. ... .. . ............ ......... . ..... ... ..........:. ............:....:.... .. Source ::::..:.:.::: : .:Expected.: 1. :..:....::.:::::::::. :�.::.....................��.��:..:...................:..........:...................�.....�.:.�...........:�ttus............;...'..Manager... ........P�- Budget ...... ...... ................. ..�. �..:�.�.....��.. ��........:...............:.... .... Cost :.......................... .. ........ .... . ....................... ............. ............ ..... ................................... .. . ......... ...... . ... No ..:...... n..:...- far PActual Barron Road Phase iI Land and In Design Streets Capital 111111 Irri+.ati n Pete V. ST1026 $250,000 Fund Landscape Plan for Electric Design WF0175 Substation Completed Pete 1!. 160/1 $10,000 Electrical .11111 Corn pletj :Tta .. $0 Future ProjectFund:::: :: $260,000 nPark:Summary :,::'..'�"�„n.�,*.,,<s� µtr..-;.x �'���>,��<� fi : �Yv.W h,-,<1,-., „�y }%y,.,.�f-,yb:w+>`�o� i3Lx;,mak.!, *,ifCE. '.}4;.tx ���'M s'�,.,.�.:�'-'�-'•:rxx ��ryS`�."s%.,�,.:.�,:4n:..,w x.:�. ,'.i r<xx's� wv.�: .< <r,� V -0xynxx k�i�•"�� "�. � } �� V s:rxa -..�.,�,-..x ry�c;x" h � ',..>„i*� �S.'n"„};.o-xk'S3�v`n� �� �:�:� �� �: :#'•V*�o ms's}.koY�NN �xx�����',w.'sxx'?".�. yryi:Yx#w�'_�xs....{.ih:'i.t"M1t. .[ w In Des's Desi•n Com•Ieted Out to Bid 0 Bids Received 0 Inspection 0 Pending Construction Contract Under Construction Thongs for (hoard Mem•• • •• • • • ••••• •• • • • •• •• • • ••••.• •.. bers o viet� ire their °perspective 1�arKs 1. Broken equipment (playground structures, swings, barbecue pits, picnic tables, water fountains, athletic equipment, etc.) 2. Holes in the ground 3. Consistent Puddles (leaks) 4. High Grass - an area that needs more maintenance 5. Pests of any sort 6. Trash — if there seems to be a consistent amount of trash occurring in a park (Littering, dumping, etc.) 7. Broken limbs, dead trees that may cause a safety risk 8. Vandalism 9. Electrical Lines — safety risks, etc. 10. Questionable Company hanging around parks for periods of time Board members are asked to report anything they feet is necessary. Any guidance or concern is welcome. Any other concern that is not listed above, we urge you to report also. The above table is only a guidance to help address possible concerns or situations that may occur. PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 8e THEIR PARKS IDA BELLOWS &!ANE WEI`I[»L. ❑ OAKS PARK WOODLAND HILLSD SOUTHERN ❑ PEBBLE CREEK PARK CASTLEROCK PARK ❑ COVE UF" NANTUCKET 0 CASTLEGATE PARK SUSAN FCX FRED MEDINA • THOMAS PARK 0 EDELWEISS ❑ GABBARD 0 EDELWEISS GARTENS ❑ BRISON 0 BROTHERS ❑ OAKS 0 JACK & DOROTHY MILLER ❑ RAINTREE GEORGE JESS L.�F' SHERRY 0 ANDERSON 0 CREEKVIEW OLEMONTREE ❑ WINDWOOD Cl BEE CREEK 0 RICHARD CARTER D SOUTHWEST PARK ❑ WA, TARROW BJLLYHART, JON DENTON 0 SOUTHWOOD 0 VETERANSPARK D PARKWAY PARK O BILLIE MADELEY PARK ❑ UNIVERSITY PARK ❑ THOMAS PARK College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, December 19, 2011 0:00am Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd Minutes Members Present: E. E. Burns, Jon Denton, Frank Duchmascio, Ann Hays,Jerry Mar .o is ., Robert Meyer, Pearl Robertson, Ron Sivia, Patricia Vanderboom and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: Jon Denton and Susan McGrail Staff Present: David Gerling, Kelly Kci ly and Marci Rodgers L Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:02 am by Joanna Yeager, Chairman IL Hear visitors No visitors III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on November 28, 2011 Robert Meyer made the motion to approve the minutes. E.B. Burns seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously. IV. Discussion and possible action concerning marketing senior programs. The committee was given a copy of"Stay Informed- Free Marketing" prepared by Kelli Nesbitt, Marketing Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department. Staff explained that all events and programs offered through the Parks and Recreation Department are submitted to the Marketing Coordinator. The coordinator then works with the City Public Communications Department to inform the public. The staff utilizes the City Website, Channel 19, Utility Bill Insert, a monthly newsletter and access to a weekly --Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, lickr, radio, TV and newspaper to promote activities. Public Communications also creates flyers and brochures for distribution. Marci Rodgers announced that the Spring Activity Guide will be available the week of January 9, 2012. The guide will be placed in all city facilities and on-line. Mr. Robert Meyer thanked all those who have participated and supported senior programs. V. Update and discussion regarding Senior Advisory Committee Goals The 2012 Goals were reviewed. The committee asked for information on a Kroger Card that would benefit the center with a percentage of purchases donated to Southwood Community Center. Marci Rodgers agreed to look into the requirements and will report at the January meeting. VI. Report and discussion concerning development adjacent o Southwood Community Center as presented to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Frank Duchmasclo reported on the Parks and Recreation. A visory Board meeting held Tuesday, December 13, 2011. The developer for a restricted Senior living and medical complex located adjacent to Southwood Park presented to the board plans for Phase I. The development includes 96 units for a senior living community. The proposal for a bike pathway located in Southwood Park was accepted by the Board as part of the developers Park land and Community Development dedication. VII. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning program sub- committee report regarding upcoming programs and events The program sub subcommittee met on December 13th and discussed upcoming events. Highlights for January include the Spring Activity Guide with registration beginning on Tuesday, January thThe next meeting will be held on the second Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 9:30 am at Southwood Community Center to discuss the February and March calendars. The committee will discuss meeting every other month. VIII. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding upcoming programs and events (report attached) Marci Rodgers distributed population figures from the 2010 Census. The report showed that the number of seniors 55 and over living in College Station equaled 8,755 or 9.3% of the total population. The committee was also given the population figures for Brazos County. The committee discussed making City Council aware of the number of seniors residing in our city. The Senior Pageant held at Lincoln Center went very well with 150 attending the event. Marci Rodgers thanked those who helped with the Holiday Open House at Southwood Community Center where approximately 82 attended. The Exploring History Lunch Lectures resumes next month and on January 18th, Col. John Vilas will speak on, "The Magic and Mystery of Mi loan". Guests are encouraged to take advantage of the shuttle from Southwood Community Center to the Conference Center. IX. Presentation, discussion and possible action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. • Next meeting: Monday,January 30,2011 • Kroger Card Information X. Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 11:30 am Submitted.by: Marti Rodgers, Senior Services Coordinator Senior Services Coordinator Report December 2011 November ---Event/Class Attendance Location Bridge 68 Game Day 42 48 SWCC Exploring History Lunch Lecture 120 Conference Center AARP Driver Safety Program Bingo & is Party 16 Sit&Fit 81 Line Dancing 180 Computer Club 111.11111111.1111 CC Training Room Movie 11.1111.1111111 Genealogy Gros 24 Senior Advisory Committee 10 Lincoln Center BIENIMill. Lincoln Center Total Pro Prolrams Offered:13 Total: 915 December Christmas Dance at Conference Center 10 Senior Pageant"Age of Elegance"held at Lincoln Center 14 Holiday Open House at Southwood Community Center 23 &26 City offices closed 30 Line Dancers perform at Lady Aggie Basketball Game - Reed Arena @ 7:00 pm January City offices closed Spring Activity Guide available 16 City offices closed 17 Registration begins for Spring Classes 18 Exploring History Lunch Lecture"The Magic & Mystery of Millican with Col. John Vilas 30 Computer Classes begin for beginners and intermediate 30 Flexercise A new exercise class offered on Mon. & Wed. from 9-9:45 31 Email computer Class offered o .Tuesday and Thursday JAY CALENDARjge Y : Parks&Recreation Department I City of College Station JANUARY CALENDAR PARKS SPRING GUIDES HERE The 2012 Spring Guide contains detailed information on all youth,adult and senior recreational activities offered by the City of College Station Parks and Recreation department, DOWNLOAD: cstx.gov/parks PICK UP a copy from one of the following locations: City Hall, 1100 Texas Avenue CS Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. Larry J. Ringer Library, 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy 5. Lincoln Recreation Center, 1000 Eleanor Rd. Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek Tap Rd. Can't make it out to one of our facilities? Call 979.764.3486 XTRA REGISTRATION EG NS Jam 17-There are two ways to register! You can go online at parksweb.cstx.gov or visit the Stephen C. Beachy Central Park Office, Mon.-Fri,8 a.m.—5 p.m.To view a complete list of all Xtra Programs,view the Spring Guide at cstx. ov/parks. For more information,contact the Parks&Recreation Department at 979.764.3486. ATHLETIC REGISTRATION There are two ways to register! You can go online at laarksweb.cstx,gov or visit the Stephen C. Beachy Central Park Office, Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.—5 p.m. No residency restrictions.To view complete athletic program details,visit cstx.gov/sports. For more information, contact the Parks&Recreation Department at 979.754.3486 Adult Spring Slowpitch Softball,Jan. 17-27 Must be 16 years of age or older to participate. Play begins Feb. 20. NO PLAY DURING SPRING BREAK(March 10- 18) $390 per team. NEW: We now have a 16-inch softball division for recreational teams in the Men's and Co-Ed. lowp tc r softball leagues! Challenger Basketball,Jan. 17—27 All PreK—12th grade participants with special needs are invited. Play begins Feb.4. $15 per child. Girls Spring Softball,Jan. 23—Feb. 10 Must be 5—12 yrs old. Practice begins Mid to End of February and games begin on March 19. $ 0 per child. .., ................, .,,..._...................................,................,..,.........,..,..,....,.,...,,....,.....,, Page 1 11/4/201 ,..., ._........,....,...........-............................,.......................,...................................................,.........,..,.,..,,„.,.. •-7N, JANUARY CALENDAR Parks&Recreation Department I City of College Station 40 Spring Youth&Adult Team Tennis- Registration begins Jan. Fee: $70 Resident Fee: $140 Non-Resident *2011 Tennis Lesson Rain Checks accepted for iLtp.trri registration. **Due to the change of registration software individuals will be unable to sign up for multiple sessions until after Jan. 17. Session 1:Jan. 16—Feb. Session II: Feb, 13—Mar. Session ilI: Mar. 1 —Apr. 12 Evening M &W classes: Adults of all skills Evening T&Th classes:Youth of all skills LOCATION- Southwood Tennis Courts, 1600 Rock Prairie Rd. SPECIAL EVENTS Jan 4-Computer Club for Seniors The Computer Club for Seniors meets on the first Wed. of each month from 9- 10:30 a.m. at the Carter's Creek Training Room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station. No registration required. The topic is "How to Find Programs and Apps' with John Rinker. For more information,contact College Station Parks and Recreation Department,Senior Services at 979.764.6371 or ..micAgirecspc,g9v. Jan. 14t Annual MLK Jr. Musical Tribute and Celebration 5A5 p.m. College Station's Lincoln Recreation Center presents its Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Musical Tribute on Saturday, Jan. 14 at 5:45 p.m,The event commemorates the legacy of Dr. King's work to make a difference in the lives of all Americans,and showcases the theme derived from Dr. King's own words: "Faith is taking the first step when you don't see the whole staircase." Guest speaker will be College Station native Zaisha Heardmon,on,a senior at Howard University in Washington, D.C. Heardmon is a former Lincoln Recreation Center youth and a 2008 state finalist for Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year.She will share her perspective on the life and service of Dr. King. Performers include: * College Hills Missionary Baptist Church Choir(College Station) • End Time Evangelistic Pentecostal Church Choir(Bryan) •The Jones Girls 0 Song and dance tribute to Dr, King from Lincoln Recreation Center youth 0 The Razz Band The Lincoln Recreation Center is located at 1000 Eleanor Street in College Station. For more information, please contact Lance Jackson at 979.764.3779 or at lja ,ksori@ t c. ov. JANUARY CALENDAR ( 4,,,r 40— ...q..Ni:,,,4 Parks&Recreation Department l City of College Station ar Exploring History Lunch Lecture The College Station Historic Preservation Committee and the College Station Parks and Recreation Department present monthly lectures on the history of our community. Lectures held at the College Station Conference Center located at 1300 George Bush Dr. Lunch is served at 11:30 am with a reservation. Cost is$5.00 and payable at the door. Speaker begins at 12:00 noon. Please call 979-764-6351 or e-mail kkelbly@cstx.gov to make your reservation by the Friday before. Free Shuttle offered for senior adults from Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd.to Exploring History Lunch Lecture at the Conference Center. Shuttle leaves at 11:00 am. January "The Magic and Mystery of illic n" COL John Vilas Sponsor:Waldenbrook Estates LARRY J. RINGER LIBRARY 979.764.3416 1 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South Storytime I Jan. 23—April 26 (off Feb, 27&29 and March 1) 30 minutes of stories,songs and bounces. Mon., 10 a.m. (walkers)or 11 a.m. (non-walkers). Wed./Thu., 10 a.m.. (ages 2-3)or 11 a.m. (ages 4-5). Book Discussion Group Third Thu.,7-8 p.m. 1 Jan. 19, Feb. 16, March 15,April 19, May 17 For more information, contact the Larry J. Ringer Library at 979.764.3416 or visit b sli rary.org. „„„„„ „,,,,„,„ ......... .......................................,.......................,......,..........,.,.,....,.....................,......,,,,,.,, Page 1 2012 ..,..,,,,_._,,,._,...._..,,......._,..,.,..,..,.........,.,...,,.,.,..,....,.,............,.....,..,.....,..,..,..,.,.,..,........,.......,........,....,„„„„.,,..,........,,.,,.,,,, SPRING GUIDE I Ar Parks&Recreation Department ent 1 City of College Station .-:,.., ,,,„or SPRING GUIDE TOPS PRINTING • 15,000 guides-$7,022 00 o Fall Guides-12,000 for$5,278.00 • Postcards-Cost TBA after bad addresses are eliminated. POSTCARDS • Mailed out the first week of Jan.to 5,977 addresses from ALL RecWare participants from Fall 2010- Summer 2011.The mailing/printing company will weed out repetitive and bad addresses. • 200 extra to be placed on bulletin boards around town. WEBSITE • Virtual Guide has been posted to cstx.goviparks. DISTRIBUTION i Friday, Jan. 6 This is a starting point;facilities will be restocked as needed. • CSISD Elementary&Middle Schools-8,813 guides(Jan.9) O Stephen C. Beachy Central Park-1,000 • Southwood Community Center-500 guides • Larry J. Ringer Library-1,000 guides • Conference Center-100 guides is Lincoln Recreation Center-500 guides • Adamson Lagoon-300 guides • • `rocas Pool-CLOSED • Natatorium-300 guides • • Southwood l allara Pool-300 guides • Kid Klub Office-100 guides O City Hall-200 guides • Police Department-50 guides • Utility Department-50 guides • Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau-50 guides • Municipal Court-50 guides • St.Joseph Safety Circus-300 guides • EXTRA= for facility replacement/around town .......................................,.,........ ,,.,.,,.,.,...,.,.,.,,...,...,..,.. Page I I 1/4/2012 ...........,..,......,..,.,,....,....,..,...,,....,...,.., .,.,,..,,,...,,.,.,...,.......,.,..,.,..,,...,.,.,.....,......, .............. AGENDA BRYAN COLLEGE STATION LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MEETING TUESDAY,JANUARY 17,2012 5:15 PM CLARA B. MOUNCE LIBRARY 201 E.26TH STREET BRYAN,TEXAS 77803 3 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL OF MEMBERS 3. RECOGNITION OF VISITORS 4. PREVIOUS MINUTES—NOVEMBER 2011 5. MONTHLY STATISTICS NOVEMBER,DECEMBER 2011 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS . LIBRARIAN'S REPORT T . REQUEST FOR AGENDA ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY 21,2012 AT THE CARNEGIE HISTORY CENTER 10. ADJOURN Please notify the AdmAsst Laura Mills,209-5614 if are unabletoattend. College Station Board Members should also complete the absence request form and submit to the office of the College Station City Secretary one week prior to the meeting date. FOR INFORMATION ON SIGN LANGUAGE INTERPRETATION, TDD, OR OTHER TRANSLATION N R ACC SSI IL IY INFORMATION,PLEASE CONTACT THE LIBRARY SYSTEM DIRECTOR, LARRY K ENING R AT 209-5611. PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT THE ABOVE PERSON AT LEAST 48 HOURS BEFORE R E TRE SCHEDULED TIME OF THE MEETING SO THAT YOUR REQUEST MAY BE ACCOMMODATED. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD NOVEMBER 15,2011 On the 15TH of November 2011 the Bryan College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station,Texas met in regular meeting of the Carnegie History Center, 111 S. Main, Bryan, Texas 77803. 1. Larry Ringer,President called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. and the following were present: 2.ATTENDANCE Present/ # of meetings # of meeting NAME Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Lar in:er, President 88 82 Sonia Gan:otena =EMI 26 Robert McGea hin 10 Helen Kunz P30 1111111E111111111 Carroll Johnston A. 47 Dorothy H a:en A 12 Charles Smith 29 29 Felicia Glover P4 3. Other attendees were Dr. Larry Koeninger, Library System Director; Kathy Nixie, Ringer Library Manager; and Laura Mills,Adm. Asst. 4. The previous meeting minutes of October 18, 2011 were approved as distributed. . The monthly stats for October were reviewed. 6. There was no old business. 7. In new business, Dr. Koeninger reported that the COB Legal Department was reviewing the contract with Overdrive for ebooks. The library will provide publicity when the ebooks are available. 8. Dr, Koeninger's Librarian's report is attached. , There were no requests for agenda items for the next meeting to be held on January 17, 2012 at the Clara Mo nee Library. 10. The meeting adjourned at 5:45 p.m. Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director Library Advisory Board November 15, 2011 1. eaudiobooks 2. Grants a. Plass Foundation 1. Friends 2. $2,000 3. Literacy b. Doak Foundation 1. Library System 2. $18,000 3. Databases c. Community Foundation 1. Friends 2. $627.00 3. Ebooks 3. ILL-Navigator a. Must complete conversion by August 2012 b. First steps completed c. Staff is preparing forms d. Next step will be uploading library catalog and patron database 4. Overdrive a. Friends have agreed to provide funding b. Create an ebooks collection of approximately 400 titles($4,647) c. Integrate Overdrive with Polaris to provide authentication of cardholders d. Library staff will be able to access user stats to determine if multiple copies should be purchased 5. Pay Pal Bryan 4. College Station c Library System Library Advisory Board 1/9/2012 an Name Address IeI x a Appo,intukcillt Expiratin 2105 Hollow 979 776-4075'lace l� l� ' e � Jan-12 Bryan,TX 77802 di .pe en • blinn.edu Place 4 Helen Kunz 7101 Oak Forest Drive 774-7595 Jan-08 Dec-09 Bryan,TX 77808 Dec-11 hickunzNICIM@veri . e Place 6 Sonia Ga gote a 3803 S n y oo 820-1242 Jan-07 Dec-08 Bryan, TX 77803 Jan-09 Dec-10 mgangotena@bfinn.edu Jan--1 Dec-12 Place 8 Dorothy Hagen 2605 Priscilla Ct 731-8989 Jan-11 Dec-12 Bryan ,TX 77802 Zees © . o r QQilege Station Name Address TelephoneExpiration Place 1 Larry Ringer 4717 St. Andrews 690-7047 Jan-98 Dec-99 President College Station,TX 77845 Jan-00 Dec-01 rig e _ s a . amu. Jan-02 Dec-03 Jan-04 Dec- Jan-06 Dec-07 Jan-08 Dec-09 Jan-10 Jul-11 Aug-1.l Jul-13 Place 3 Felicia Glover 822 Nimitz 820-4486 Aug-11 Jul-13 College Station, TX 77840 gl ver 2.5 o,aolhcom Place 5 Dr. Robert McGeachin 1208 Glade St. 764-2038 H Mar-Il .ul-12 College Station,TX 77840 862-1066 w r-mcpagbin tarlu.eclu Place 7 Charles Smith 2004 Angelina Circle College Station, TX 77840 693 - 7474 Feb-08 Dec-08 crsmith2Qahotmail.cornJan-09 Dec-10 Jan-11 Jul-12 Shelly Major told me these dates of term expirations on July 27, 2011.