HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/14/2012 - Regular Agenda Packet - Parks Board (A,"/"44 CAPRA PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARDj' )31 AGENDA '111k40:' CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ,11 4dR.croeckiA REGULAR MEETING 7:00PM, Tuesday, February 14, 2012 The Green Room at Pen Creek 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 . Call to order and Roll Call. 2. Possible action concerning requests for absences of members. . Hear vi itor . . Consideration, possible approval, and iscussion of minutes os from the .meeting of January 10, 2012. . Consideration, review and discussion concerning the park land dedication ordinance. . Update on Park Maintenance Standards Quarterly Report for FY12. `. Update on the Mayor's Council on Wellness. 8. Discussion and possible action concerning the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Goals for FY 2. 9. Presentation, possible action, and discussion concerning Field Use Schedules. 10. Discussion and possible action concerning establishing a Senior Games committee. 11. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the current Capital Improvements ro rar • Capital Improvements and Park Land Dedication Project Lists of February 2012. • Parkland Dedications of less than Five Acres ▪ Castlegate II, Sec 2, Bik Park Zone A ▪ Lakeridge Townhomes,es, Phase 2A Park Zone ▪ Lakeridge Townhomes,es, Phase 2B Park Zone 12. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on future agenda items: A Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. The building is wheelchair accessible. Handicap parking spaces are available. Any request for sign interpretive services must be made at least 48 hours before the meeting. To make arrangements call(979)764-3517 or(TOO)1-800-735-2989. Agendas may be viewed on w .c tx.gov. Next Regular Meeting — March 13, 2012, The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 13. Adjourn. Notice is hereby given that a Regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation reation Advisory Board of College Station, Texas will be held on the 14th day of February 2012. For the meeting to begin at 7:00 p.m. at the Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek, 1015 Colgate, College Station, Texas, 77840. The following subjects will be discussed, to wit: See Agenda. Posted this the day of ---, 2012, at p.m. City of College Station, Texas BY: Sherry Mashburn,hbum, City Secretary I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that the above Notice of Meeting of the Parks and Recreation on Advisory Board of the City of College Station, Texas is a true and correct copy of said Notice and that I posted a true and correct copy of said notice on the bulletin board at City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, in College Station, Texas and on the City's website, www.osfx.ci v. The Agenda and Notice are readily accessible to the general public at all times. Said Notice and Agenda were posted on , at , and remained so posted continuously or at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. This public notice was removed from the official posting board at the College Station City Hall on the following date and time: by Dated this day of. .- , 2012. CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF BRAZOS Subscribed and sworn to before me on this the day of , 2012. Notary Public—Brazos County, Texas My commission expires:. ----- /4' 7"'t (4," PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD CAPRA' CITY OF COLLEGEST TI ''# e4,.;t'°'' REGULAR MEETING MINUTES 7:00PM, Ty, February 14, 2012 The Green Room at Wolf Pen Creek 1015 Colgate College Station, TX 77840 STAFF PRESENT: David Schmitz, Director; Amanda Putz, Board Secretary; David Gerling, Recreation Superintendent; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent BOARD PRESENT: Jon Denton, Chair; George Jessup, Shane Wendel, Ida Bellows, Susan Fox, Billy Hart, Shawn Reynolds, Sherry Ellison, Fred Medina VISITORS: Mary Rich, 1817 Langford, College Station, TX Anna Moreno, 1198 Jones Butler Rd., #206, College Station, TX Brad Janke, 1209 Boswell, College Station, TX Gary Erwin - Sunset Advisory Commission 1. om i sion M _order and Roll Calle The meeting was called to order with a quorum present at 6:59PM. 2. Possible action concerning reguests for absences of members: There were no requests for absence. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 3 trytsitors: The visitors reported on their attendance purpose. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 4. C r i i i_ppis I ., AX app_' rr_ -- _CijSCUSSiQ --- _minutes from the meet_ f r r 10 2012E Shane Wendel made a motion to approve the minutes to s submitted, and Sherry Ellison seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. S. gp„ A_"YKWr j " -1--r vi anddic,tssircncemi n the park land dedication ordinance: David Schmitz reported on this item. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. gdate on Park Maintenance Standards • uarterirlRe:•ort for FY12: David Schmitz, Director; reported on this item. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 7. Udate on the j l n s : Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent, reported on this item. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 8. Discussion and .ossible action concernin. the Parks and Recreation Advisor Boar. Goals for Y 2: Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 9. Presentation iossible action and discussion concernin. Field Use Schedules: Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; reported on this item. Discussion followed. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 10. Discussion and 'ossible action concernin. establishing_ gpFnes S r Q committee: Jon Denton, Chair; reported on this item explaining a brief history of the Senior Games. He recommended that the committee be composed of seven members, consisting of four board members and three outside members. His recommendation would be that Marti Rodgers be an outside member,er, s she possesses knowledge and experience ithin the Senior Games. Discussion followed. He requested that the Board members consider being a Senior Games member. Fred Medina, George Jessup, and Jon Denton volunteered to be a part of the committee. Billy Hart said that he would help anywhere that he could. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. 11. Report, possible action and discussion concernin. the current Ca ital roam Pro ram: • � I l m r v m r and Park Land Dedication rLists offbrua!y ,ZQi2I David Schmitz, Director, reported on the Capital Improvements Project Lists. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. • Parkland Dedications of less than Fire Acres: David Schmitz, Director; reported on the Dedications of less than Five Acres. This was an informational item only, and no action was required. • Castlegate II, Sec 2, Bik ry Park Zone • Lakeridge Town or es, Phase 2A Park Zone ▪ Lakeridge To nhor es, Phase 2B Park Zone 12. Presentation. :tossible action and discussion on future a.: d items: Board d Member'* ma in.uire about a sub-sub-ect for which notice has not been leen. A statement of . cl i factual in orm ion or the recitation of existin. :.olic: ma :r:iven. An; deliberation sha l be limited to ro.'osal to •lace the sub-ect sub- on an r.enda for a subse.uent meetin. • Maintenance o Parks - Home Owner Association's within the park land dedication ordinance, Neighborhood associations • Placing a Board standard that 20 of the fields be open during the down months, make it a policy. (Rotation tion schedule) • Event Advertising • Christmas as the Creek 2 February 14, 2012 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting Minutes Lick Creek Trail Project George made a motion to move the March meeting to March 20th, and Billy Hart seconded the motion. The vote was called, All were in favor, and the motion passed unanimously. 13. Adjourn: Sherry Ellison made a motion to adjourn the meeting, and Shawn Reynolds seconded the motion. The vote was called. All were in favor, and the meeting adjourned at 8:05PM. 3 February 14, 2012 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Meeting irr Minutes City Vision Statement .........:.......................................................................................... station, tat on : .. :. ..: : : ` a :.: . .........:. .university.. : ..:.. :..:.:...........:...:..:.......'...:...:':::....:..:.: ............................................................... . ....................... o ..................... the:heart'. f:t s r :Valle: illi a a f war . . .. .. .... ... l e s est ...................:.......................................................:...............................:............................ thinking,:'l .. asrt'..: �: .: .... ...... .:........... ...:.................... . . ...:.::. ......:....... ........ ............ f qua li .:life.:for':'ts..citizens::.....:.....:....:.'...::'.....:.:.:.':.........::::......:..:...::.:':.::.:'::':.:.....:...:..:.':.:..:. . Ensuring safe :;tranquil,: :: . healthy. neighborhoods: ....: : ::.... :':::::::............'::: .........:. ......... :'....: .. .... withenduring::character,...:..':: • l r si :.. mai ai lr t mobility::. .:: le :s i citizens through a we irt ::: ' r ns�. rsystem,a io .. '. ':'.':. ... ::. ".........:.. '.::.::.'.'.'.:::.....:.:.:...........: :..'.'.........:....':'.'..:.'.'::.:::: • .r sensitive. . development nd:: a a rent ofthe :.. .. built and .:environment:. .:... .........:' :....... :''' ;:...........:..:..:.:: rt : :'rrl n I' '..:': nd. :. . st .r:al r'. • Valuingour '::a ..: historical. ...:: r • l :maintainingqualityf lcommunity : ......................................facilities:.:infrastructureand r ices which...:ensure r c• P c iv andwell: connected,� and, - tiv l r tin and maintainii7g:economic and educational opportunities.f r a :citizens,.`::''.:.'`::.'....'..:::.:.::..'..:.:.'.' College Station will nein among .: iendli i most responsive .: mm niti s: ' r r : : : r.in maintaining and ep : ap in all that is good eb t d i ::t:.:.: ::. .Brazos Valley.:Itwlll:':continue t aplaceh r Texas world .come t learn, live, and conduct:business!. :: Parks and Recreation Department Mission Statement "to provide a diversity of facilities and leisure services which are geographically and demographically accessible to our ctzen iis, r ad n(4,- L:biVed1/4- f ,c,djz. .. - Jj1XQA LWL City of College Station Comprehensive Plan Parks, Greenways & the Arts Goal "...achieve and maintain a diversity of parks, greenways, and the arts for leisure and recreation as well as for entertainment, education, and culture to achieve a high quality of life for all residents and visitors" Proposed Goal and Strategy Categories For College Station Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Resource Conservation &City Character Health &Wellness Economic Sustainability Connectivity& Mobility Parkland & Neighborhood Character Diversity in Recreation&Cultural Programs Responsible Governance Goals Resource Conservation&Cit Character Protected open space, natural features, and natural resources contributing to the unique character desired for various areas of the City and for the City as a whole Health &Wellness Parks and Recreation system enabling residents to attain and sustain an active lifestyle and reduce the economic costs associated with poor health Economic Sustainability Parks and Recreation system that adds economic value to the City through enhanced property values, reduced medical costs, and through attraction of guests and participants to events and programs Connectivity c Mobility Parks and open spaces linked together and to the City's vehicular, bicycle, and pedestrian networks Updated:February 8,2012 Parkland & Neighborhood Character High-quality environments located in close proximity to as many residences as practical meeting the needs and levels of service of those residents Diversit in Recreation &Cultural Pro:ram Opportunities for persons of all ages and abilities and to celebrate the diversity of cultures found in the community Res•onslle Governance Cost-effective system where those generating demand for facilities and programs provide the means to deliver tose facilities and programs and where partnerships are maximized 14 ,41,R -r4 0A';telifir•Wic,',-.;*:.):4 • rys- es,w7 Strategies Resource Conservation & City Character ▪ Greening the City through park restoration, plantings,streetscape, etc. ▪ Preservation of open spaces through acceptance of land dedications and acquisition • Support Sustainability practices and Green parks and recreation design and operations O Support the Grimes County Regional Park initiative Health &Wellness ▪ Support a Senior Center initiative and program ▪ Support the Mayor's Council on Wellness ▪ Promote active Recreation programs for all ages Economic Ssteinl�, It ▪ Identify and support one ort o signature events within the community El Ensure that parks, preserved open space,greenways, etc are located within close proximity to residences ▪ Support and recommend capital improvement programs and projects in park and recreation facilities ▪ Develop CSPARD partnership/sponsorship opportunities IA Conduct annual review and update user fees for facilities and programs Updated; ru r, ,2012 Connectivity& Mobility • Link parks to larger transportation system • Link parks to greenway system • Use parks to further implementation of the City's adopted Plans(Comprehensive Plan, neighborhood plans, thoroughfare plan, bicycle, pedestrian, and greenways plan, etc. • Coordinate with Greenways coordinator, make suggestions, and comment on the Master Plan, and Hike and Bike Trail System Parkland & Nei hb rhood Character• • Renovate and enhance existing parks and facilities • Meet future parks and recreation needs through a diversity of context-based park types (such as regional parks, community parks, neighborhood parks, linear parks,etc.) • Provide open space and parks in close proximity to residences • Preserve open space areas that contribute to the character of a neighborhood or contain significant natural features • Promote safe and well-maintained park and recreation facilities for all to use as needed. 0 Review the Park Land dedication ordinance and provide recommendations to City Council (as needed). Dixt____sity in Recreation and Cultural Pro rams • Provide inter-generational facilities in all parks and facilities El Develop a community/senior center within the City. Ei Provide high-quality youth programs and facilities El Continue development and programming of the Wolf Pen District as a unique facility that protects significant natural features, offers gathering places for the entire City, and offers opportunities to celebrate our City's diversity in the arts and culture El Promote and support family and youth oriented activities esponsible overnance,....Accountability. nd omren nication ▪ Identify projected O&M costs for facilities and programs and identify revenue sources to meet these needs Et Develop and implement the"pay to play" concept for recreation programs and facilities • Seek out and implement partnership opportunities with CSISD, private recreation providers, private developers, land trusts, and others 10 Develop an effective communications and marketing plan • Support Staff and Citizens in the endeavors to make the parks and recreation system a quality based department in everyday operations and customer service Updated::Fe r ary 8,2012 ...'.,...'..... ............�"...'t.._..... .,.."......... ........... {�:��.. ,,."..,... . �.........:..:........""........,...-. .,k-.::,..".........."............. 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MOUNCE PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: November,20 1 This Year Last Year SERVICES: MIN Hours Open 225 240 Meeting Room Usage 36 38 Patrons Registered 257 328 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 'ear _ 17,933 1 7,933 17,7 9 Overdue Notices 1,574 1,875 Holds Filled MEI 1,768 #of People Visiting Library 15,161 17,063 #of Checkouts 21,690 25,129 #of Checkins 20,821 23,908 In House Use 3,443 3,701 MIN CORN'S F NCEI1NF MAT I NI,EADl 'S ADVISORY: EMI Story Hour/Attendance 10/293 6/249 Teen Program/Attendance 6/42 3/30 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance MEM Special Programs/Attendance 3/36 IMES Reference Transactions 419 478 Summer Reading Club Registered this month MOM Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion MIN• ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult Programs/Attendance 0/0 010 Interlibrary Loan Received 65 58 Interlibrary Loan Sent Reference Transactions 563 675 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance 3/6 8/39 .111111 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): 11111111 Adult Books 397 MO Juvenile Books 245 67 Adult Media 19 27 Juvenile Media 3 9 Videos 31 Micro or s CIRCULATION THIS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult Juvenile Other TCILL 2,046 2,244 Books MEE 5,166 8,294 9,695= Periodicals 334 46 519 21 Paperbacks 893 990 111111111111 Media 855 268 742 360 DVDs 3,482 4,454 Videos 111111M 15 MEM Wireless Internet ,. . 2,695 Internet ComputerMIMI4,088 4,709 ILL MIMI 65 58 Reference 43 3 30 TOTAL 9,677 8,483 12,391 10,575 10,077 11,496 • GRAND TOTAL 30,551 32,148 Prepared by ------ Approved by CLARA B. MOUNCE PUBLICLIBRARY REPORT FOR: e em er,2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: !Ma - -. Hours Open 209 247 Meeting Room UsageMEI- - �--� 1 9 Patrons Registered 214 241 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 17,933 17,803 Overdue Notices 1,487 1,690 Holds Filled 1,466 1,671 #of People Visiting Library 11,471 15,661 #of Checkouts Elm 20,606 #of .ec i 19,707 20,267 ------In House Use 3,247 2,769 CHILDREN'S EFE NC /I ' MA' I AD 'S ADVISORY: -- Story Hour/Attendance51157 4/197 Teen Program/Attendance 3/14 3/30 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance Special Programs/Attendance 2/600 2/800 Reference Transactions actin 361 293 Summer Reading Club Registered this month Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total Completion MOO M. , ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: EMI Adult Programs/Attendance 1/14 0/0 Interlibrary Loan Received 46 46 Interlibrary Loan Sent Reference Transactions 455 655 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance 0/0 0/0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): 1111111111111 Adult Books 397 461 Juvenile Books 245 279 Adult Media 19 EMI Juvenile Media - IIIIIIIIE 1 Videos 1111E 42 Microf6rms MEM 111.111.111111. , CIRCULATION MS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult =21111 Other TCILL MEI 1,891 Books 7,412 7,900 7,500 6,934 Periodicals 258 40 390 11111.03 Paperbacks 946 MIN 812 Media 812 295 699 286 DVDs w 3,541 = 3,887 Videos Mill MEI 111111111E1 Wireless Internet MIN 2,841 Internet Computers4,075 4,101 ILS, �� 46 Reference 39 2 lliii TOTAL 9,467 8,235 12,444 9,422 7,248 9,947 GRAND TOTAL 30,146 26,617 Prepared b .-- Approved by- LARRY J.RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT ` November,2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: Hours Open248 258 Meeting Room Usage 10 15 Patrons Registered 209 282 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 16,188 15,976 Overdue Notices 1,468 1,764 Holds Filled 3,460 3,439 #of People Visiting Library 15,610 17,484 Checkouts 28,046 30,008 II of Checkins 26,037 29,061 In House Use 3,331 3,836 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Story Hour/Attendance 10/249 18/91 Teen Program/Attendance 4/31 2/17 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 3/92 Special Programs/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Reference Transactions 654 MEM Summer Reading Club Registered this month th 0 0/0 Summer Reading Club Total Re istrationfTotat Completion 0 0/0 ADULT REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: Adult rogra s/Atte dance 12/109 12/92 Interlibrary Loan Received 28 32 Interlibrary Loan Sent MEM Reference Transactions 931 1,194 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance 0/0 0/0 Technology Classes/Attendance 0/0 0/0 COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): Adult Books 392 1111.511 Juvenile Books 48 118 Adult Media 9 7 Juvenile Media 111111.11111111111 Videos 64 140 Microfonns IIIIIIIIIIII CIRCULATION TIM YEAR LAST YEAR Adult ' I OtherAdult ME=OtherTCI 767_ 920 Books - - 8,943 12,690 10,162 13,539 Periodicals 434 376 IIMMI 515 52 Paperbacks 927 1111111111 620 MediaIIIIIIEM755 326 DVDsMIE ~ 3,549.1111111 ,,,, 3,611 Videos Min310 402 MIIMIEEIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIMIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII 584=11111111111110 536 Internet Computers =ME 2,195 11111111111111= 3,135 ILL 28 IHIIIIIII 32 Reference 6 111.11111111111111.1 1 TOTAL 11,031 13,442 7,433 12,075 13,918 8,636 GRAND TOTAL 31,906 34,629 Prepared by Approved by LARRY .RINGER PUBLIC LIBRARY REPORT FOR: December,2011 This Year Last Year SERVICES: .Hours Open 232 243 Meeting Room Usage 5 13 Patrons Registered 193 201 Total Patrons Active or Expired<2 Years 16,188 16,041 Overdue Notices 1,401 1,508 Holds Filled 2,919 2,910 of People Visiting Library _- 13,308 15,168 #of Checkouts24,356 26,807 ------ ----------- ------ _#of Checkins 24,320 26,407 In House Use 2,981 CHILDREN'S REFERENCE/INFORMATION/READER'S ADVISORY: 1111111111111111 Story Hour/Attendance 119 8/127 Teen Program/Attendanc Class Visits&Tours/Attendanceo 9/160 Special Programs/Attendance Reference Transactions 448 301 Summer Reading Club Registered this month 0 Summer Reading Club Total Registration/Total otal Completion 0• ADULT F N 1INFM.T I NI .. AD 'S ADVISORY: AdultPrograms/Attendance -- - 1/70 2/0 [jhhraiy Loan Received 24 20 Interlibrary Loan Sent 1111101311111101111 Reference Transactions 560 791 Class Visits&Tours/Attendance Technology Classes/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT(Items Added): Adult Books 392 229 ....... Jr venile Books 48 175 --Adult Media 9 21 - ---- --------- - ----------- Juvenile Media Videos 64 29 Microforms 11111111.111111111111 11111.11111111111111.1 CIRCULATION TMS YEAR LAST YEAR Adult Juvenile Other Adult MEM Other TCILL 722 NM 834 Books 8,828 9,573 9,541 10,943 1MM Periodicals 354 26, 306 49 MEM Paperbacks 740 629 Media 694 315. 729 289 DVDs 3,504 3,853 Videos 276 423 Wireless Internet443 473 Internet et Computers 2,117 2,833 29 20 Reference , 21 15 TOTAL 10,637 9,914 7,091 11,220 11,281 8,436 GRAND TOTAL 27,642 30,937 Prepared by �._- �.. Approved b CARNE IE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: November, 201 1 YEAR YEAR 1111111.111111 SERVICES: I ours Open- 128 118 Patrons Registered MIIIIIIIIIIIII Total Active Patrons 11.11111111111 9 of Pe •le Visiting Ll ra 1,035 935 of Checkouts Internet PCs 'Ws renewals of Checkins 11111111111111111 REFERENCE/GENEALOGY IN OI M TON: Interlibra Loan Received Reference Transactions 63 34 Visits &Tours/Attendance 8 of 80 Special Programs/Attendance 6 of 8 3 of 32 Outside Programs/Attendance COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: Adult Books IIIMIIIIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIg Juvenile Books Adult Media Microforms 1111111.11111111111111111111111 Periodicals 11111111111111111111111.1111111111 IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION Internet Coni•eters 30 C -romCora•uters Books 187 Rare Books 8 Histo Books 8 Files 30 Photo Files Microfilm ILL 111111111111111.13 History Lab 31 IVIS s Microform Machine ine lase 18 Periodical Use =I5 CD's loot in Database I New Scans Photo Collection Use 4.11111111111111111 Wireless Internet 992111111111111.11 TOTAL In House Use 1288 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMal Prepared by eview d by CARNEGIE CENTER OF BRAZOS VALLEY HISTORY THIS LAST REPORT FOR: December, 2011 YEAR 1 YEAR 1 '',S EipRoaootootVufffar oi kkee.no, es '" ^�gnvupissti atsseti trri ipennndgt Lr ni • erta PCseflus renewals: 5: _ 3 • COLLECTION DEVELOPMENT: 1, • t .. •# • . A • Books AdultJuvenile Books 8/256: Media IIIII Periodicals , IN HOUSE USE/CIRCULATION sCom'Liters Books143 , Rare Books 1 History Books ' • Files "" • 14 • • MicrofilmIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEI ILL A History Lab Maps Microform Machine Use 10 15 Periodical 5 Database 1 New Scans 5 P • Collection Use ' 4 Wireless Internet • TOTAL in House Use 1051 257 Prepared by Reviewed by College Station Senior Advisory Committee Regular Meeting Monday, January 30, 2012 10:00am Southwood Community Center 1520 Rock Prairie Rd Minutes Members Present: Jon Denton, Frank Duchmasclo, Ann Hays, Susan McGrail, Jerry Markowich, Robert Meyer, Ron Silvia, Pat Vanderboom and Joanna Yeager Members Absent: E.E. Burns and Pearl Robertson Staff Present: Marci Rodgers Call to order The meeting was called to order at 10:00am by Joanna Yeager, Chairman IL Hear visitors No visitors present III. Approval of minutes from regular meeting on December 19, 2011 Frank Duchmasclo made the motion to approve the minutes. Ann Hays seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IV. Discussion, consideration and possible action concerning program sub- committee report regarding upcoming programs and events The program subcommittee met on Tuesday, December 13, 2011 to discuss the February calendar. The committee reviewed the new format for the calendar. Marci Rodgers will take the suggestions and comments to KOH Nesbitt, Marketing Coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department. The program sub-committee will meet on February 14th at 10:00am at Southwood Community Center. V. Update and discussion regarding Senior Advisory Committee Goals (goals attached) The 2012 goals were reviewed and updated by the committee. Action has been taken on many of the goals. Mr. Frank Duchmasclo presented a four page list of discounts available to senior adults. The list will be a great start under Goal: P....Anate Health fifes Lifesie Program. forSQnors. action step d) Develop a list of individual discounts and conveniences offered to seniors by commercial companies. Mr. Duchmasico also reported on Goal: Complete Patio Project at Southwood Center. The Walmart Foundation informed staff that we were selected to receive a S1,000.00 grant for Southwood Community Center Senior Programs. The application for the grant requested funds to purchase patio furniture. The committee would like to be kept up to date on the development of a senior living facility directly behind Southwood Community Center. The developer is interested in building a patio at the center. VI. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Kroger Company Neighbor to Neighbor program Marci Rodgers reported that the Kroger Company will contribute funds to non-profs organizations who have a 501 (c) The City of College Station would not be eligible for this program. Applications will only be accepted in April, 2012. A separate organization with the 501 (e) 3 certificate must be created and not associated with the City of College Station to make a request. :. VII. Presentation, possible action and discussion on Senior Services Coordinator Report regarding comm programs and events (Report.Attached) VIII. Presentation, discussion and ossib action on future agenda items: A Committee member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on n agenda for a subsequent meeting. List of discounts IX. Adjourn r The meeting adjourned at 1 o:5 m Senior Services Coordinator Report January 2012 December Event/Class Attendance Location Bridge 66 Game Day 42 64 Bingo & Birthday Party Sit& Fit 63 Line Dancing 120 111011111111111111111111111 Computer Club 19 CC Training Room Senior Advisory Committee 121111111111111111111111=111111111111111111111111111.11 Lincoln Center 293 Lincoln Center Special Event: Christmas Dance 48 Conference Center Special Event: Senior Pageant 150 Lincoln Center S iecial Event: O•en House 82 Total Pro:rams Offered:12 Total: 928 January • Forbes ranked College Station among the top 25 cities for "working retirement." htt•://www.forbes.com/sitesiwilliam barrett/2012/01/23/to•- laces-to-retire-and-world O Spring Activity Guide now available • Exploring History Lunch Lecture held on the I8th is now on Channel 19 O Registration for Spring Classes began on 17th with new Rec Trac software O Movie Day at SWCC "The Help" with 21 in attendance O Activities at Lincoln Center include crafts, nutritional education, exercise classes, Bible study and health education. New members are signing up for meal program. • Flexercise class begins at 9:00 am on Monday, January 30th 4 week class O The Walmart Foundation notified us that we will be receiving$1,000.00 for SWCC Senior Programs (Patio Furniture) February Transitions of Life 5-week series every Wednesday from 10-12 at SWCC Intro to Photo Editing Class offered on Tuesdays, Feb 7-28 Valentine Dance at Conference Center from 5:30—7:30 pm FREE 13 Six week diabetes class offered on Mondays, Feb 13-March 19 15 Exploring History Lunch Lecture "True Story of the Moon Rock Heist" presented by Dr. Everett Gibson 16 Movie "Moonstruck" 1:00 pm at SWCCC 17 Job request forms due for The Big Event to be held on March 24 22 Writing your family history, SWCC at 9:30 am 23 Lincoln Center day trip to African American Museum, 10:00 am College Station Senior Advisory Committee 2012 Goals The purpose of the Senior Advisory Committee is to address the needs of older adults in our community. The committee offers ideas to the Parks and Recreation Department for programs that will promote the physical, social, educational, recreational and emotional well-being of older adults. Goal: Establish a Permanent Senior Center for Cone.e Station Action Steps: o a) Decide when to start planning o b) Expand Southwood Community Center for senior programs • c) Expand senior programs at Southwood Community Center o d) Decide on location: Southwood Community Center, Southwood Community Center plus addition, Krenek Tap & Dartmouth, or other areas o e) Work with staff to decide on floor plan as presented in previous bond proposal or TAMU Architectural class models o 1) Determine name: College Station Senior Center, College Station Senior/Community Center or Community Center o g) Present Senior Center expansion plans to City Council Goal: Continue to Develo 1• Senior Pro.rams at the Southwood Cornmu.ni Center Action Steps El a) Increase the number and size of various programs IZI b) Increase the senior membership at the Southwood Community Center c) Program sub-committee will continue to meet monthly with staff to set monthly calendar of events d) Collaborate with other organizations to offer quality programs o e) Work with city staff to improve signage for the Community Center Goal: Pi.omote IlealtiLiftanis for seniors Action Steps: o a) Promote hike and bike trails throughout the park system O b) Promote programs on nutrition and healthy diets for seniors o c) Promote lunch seminars on health or financial topics offered by hospitals and Brazos Valley Area Agency on Aging • d) Develop a list of individual discounts and conveniences offered to seniors by commercial companies In progress O e) Recognize senior friendly businesses in the community Goal: Com tete Patio Pro'ect at Southwood Conimuni Center Action Steps: O a) Work with staff and developers on patio project FEBRUARY CALENDAR Parks&Recreation Department I City of College Station FEBRUARY CALENDAR PARKS SPRING GUIDE The 2012 SpringGuide contains detailed information on all youth,adult and senior recreational activities offered by the City of College Station Parks and Recreation department. DOWNLOAD:cstx.gov/parks PICK UP a copy from one of the following locations: City Hall, 1100 Texas Avenue CS Conference Center, 1300 George Bush Dr. Larry J. Ringer Library, 1818 Harvey Mitchell Pkwy S. Lincoln Recreation Center, 1000 Eleanor Rd. Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd. Stephen C. Beachy Central Park, 1000 Krenek k ap Rd. Can't make it out to one of our facilities? Call 979.754.3486. XTRA REGISTRATION BEGINS Registration will continue until classes begin or are filled-There are two ways to register! You can go online at parksweb.cstx.gov or visit the Stephen C. Beachy Central Park Office, Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.—5 p.m.To view a complete list of all Xtra Programs,view the Spring Guide at cstx.gov/parks. For more information,contact the Parks& Recreation Department at 979.764.3486. ATHLETIC REGISTRATION There are two ways to register! You can go online at parksweb.cstx.gov or visit the Stephen C.B a by Central Park Office,Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.—5 p.m. No residency restrictions.To view complete athletic program details,visit cstx.gov/sports. For more information, contact the Parks&Recreation Department at 979.764.3486. Girls Spring Softball I Register Jan. 23—Feb. 10 Ages 5-12. Practice begins late February. Games begin March 19.$60 per child. Spring Adult Volleyball ll Register Feb.27—March 9 Ages 61-.Play begins March 20. TUE-Intermediate,THU-Recreation &Power $210 per team Spring Youth&Adult Team Tennis-Registration is currently open Fee:$70 Resident Fee:$140 Non-Resident *2011 Tennis Lesson Rain Checks accepted for in•-person registration. -- ----- Page I I 2/1/2012 ----- -- FEBRUARY CALENDAR gil-P4' Parks&Recreation Departmen / City of CoHege Station Session 11: Feb. 13—Mar.8 Session 111:Mar. 19 Apr12 Evening M &W classesAdults of all skills Evening T&Th classes:Youth of all skills LOCATION- Southwood Tennis Courts,1500 Rock Prairie Rd. AQUATICS REGISTRATION There are two ways to register! You can go online at parksweb.cstx.gov or visit the Stephen C. Beachy Cntra| Park Office, Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.—5 p.m. No residency restrictions.To view complete athletic program details,visit cstx.goviswirn, For more information,contact the Parks&Recreation Department at 979.764.3486. Junior Lifeguard Registration begins Feb. 1 $75 per person Children will learn water rescues, non-certified CPR, First Aid, lifesaving skills, risk management, how to run a facility, how to test water, how to run safety inspections and more.Registration includes a whistle, lanyard, four-week pool pass and a final class lunch.Classes are 5:30'7:30 p.m.at Adamson Lagoon. Session |:June 4—July 3 *May 29Orientation * Parent Orientation is 6 p.m.at the College Session Session II:July 9—Aug.7 *June 29Orientation Station Conference Center(1300 George Bush Dr.) Ages 9'lI' MON/WED | Ages 12'14,TUE/THU American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Program Registration begins Feb. 1 [ $150 per person(pay in advance) Through videos,group discussion and hands-on practice, students learn patron rescue and surveillance skills, First Aid and CPR/AED. Following completion of the 37-hour course (Session I, II or III),participants will obtain a two-year CPR/AED certification and a three-year Lifeguarding certification. Attendance in the course does not guarantee certification. Requirements are: e Candidates must be at least 15 years old and of mature and dependable character.To work for the City of College Station,you must be at least 16 years old. * Candidates must attend every class and pass written and practical exams. O Candidates must swim 300 yards continuously using the following strokes in order: 100 yards of front crawl using rhythmic breathing(side or front)and a stabilizing, propellant kick; 100 yards of breaststroke using a pull,breathe, kick and glide sequence; 100 yards of front crawl and/or breaststroke. *No time requirement. O ° Candidetesmust,start|nginthevvater,mw\m2Oyardsusingthofruntcravv|orbreasts roke,surface dive7'10feet, retr|ovea1O-poundob|ect, rcturntotheaurface,rwirn2Oyandubacktothestart(ng point while maintaining two hands on the object and exit the water without using a ladder or steps, within 1 minute,40 seconds. For more information on session dates,visit cstx.gov/swim. Page | 2/12012 rfil FEBRUARY CALENDAR Parks&Recreation Department j City of College Station Water Safety Instructor Certification Registration begins Feb. 6* I $150 per person Become a certified Red Cross Water Safety Instructor. Learn to teach children and adults to swim and give water safety presentations to kids and parents. *Registration begins Feb. 1 for College Station Water Safety Instructor Aides O Candidates must be 15 years old by April 1,2012. O Candidates must pass a pre-course swimming skills test(Red Cross Level 5-front crawl, back crawl, elementary backstroke,side stroke, breaststroke and butterfly). O Candidates must successfully complete Fundamentals of Instructor Training(included with fee). O Candidates must attend all classes to receive certification (no make-ups). For more information on session dates,visit cstx.goviswim. Spring Night Water Fitness Registration begins Feb. 13 March 1—May 31(off March 12-16) TUE-THU,7-8 p.m. Natatorium Resident$60, Non-resident$120 CAMP YO! REGISTRATION There are two ways to register! You can go online at parksweb.cstx.gov or visit the Southwood Community Center, Mon.-Fri.8 a.m.—6 p.m. No residency restrictions.To view program details,visit cstx.govisouthwood. For more information,contact the Southwood Community Center at 979.764.6351. CAMP YOl I Register Feb.6 I 5th-8th grade Camp YOl is a"youth opportunity"camp for 5th-8th graders.Camp includes field trips,outdoor education and other fun-filled activities. March 12-16,8 a.m.-6 p.m. $150-or-$35 per day Trips,trips and more trips! SENIOR ADULT PROGRAMS A Matter of Balance Wednesdays 1 Feb. 1—March 21 1-3 p.m. I Free SOUTH WOOD COMMUNITY CENTER:This eight-week fall prevention program focuses on increasing physical activity,overcoming the fear of falling and doing a home safety evaluation.To register, call 979.764.6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov. Page 3 1 2/1/2012 FEBRUARY CALENDAR iN Parks&Recreation DepartmenCity of College Station Transitions of Life Series Wednesdays | Feb. 1-29 10 a.m.-12 p.m. Free SOUTHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTER:This five-week program provides valuable information on local healthcare and other senior adult services.To register,call 979.764.6371 or email QLoy. Computer Club for Seniors The Computer Club for Seniors meets the first Wednesday of each month from 9-10:30 a.m. at the Carter Creek Training Room located at 2200 North Forest Parkway in College Station. No registration is required and it's open to all older adults.The topic this month is"What's new in income taxes"with a demonstration by Roger Koppa. For more information,contact the Senior Services Coordinator at979.764.G37lorx.ApV. Senior Valentine's Dance \ Feb.8 Join us for a night of ballroom dancing at the Senior Adult Valentine's Dance held at the College Station Conference Center located at 1300 George Bush Drive from 5:30-7:30 pm. For more information,contact the Senior Services Coordinator at979J64.637lormrod:ers " cstx.:ov. Better Choices,Better Health: Diabetes Mondays | Feb. 13—March 19 1 1-3 p.m. Free SOUTHWOOD COMMUNITY CENTER:This is a free 6-week workshop for people with diabetes. Improve your help by learning to: m Deal with symptoms of diabetes(including fatigue,pain, hyper/hypoglycemia,stress, and emotions such as depression,anger,fear,and frustration). = Exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance. � Plan balanced meals. O Administer and understand uses of medication. * Work more effectively with health care providers O Prevent or delay complications. To register, call 979.764.6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov. Exploring History Lunch Lecture The College Station Historic Preservation Committee and the College Station Parks and Recreation Department present monthly lectures on the history of our community. Lectures held at the College Station Conference Center located at 1300 George Bush Dr. Lunch is served at 11:30 a.m.with a reservation. Cost|s$5.0O and payable at the door. Speaker begins at 12 noon. Please call 979.704635%ore-mail kke|bk/0postx.govto make your reservation by the Friday before. Free Shuttle offered for senior adults from Southwood Community Center, 1520 Rock Prairie Rd.to Exploring History Lunch Lecture at the Conference Center. Shuttle leaves at 11 a.m. FEB.IS / How to Steal a Moon Rock By: Dr. Everett Gibson I Johnson Space Center Sponsor:Scott&White Health Plans Page 4 1 2/1/2012 ,:'i: ,g'''':Orf.''''''7'1'N FEBRUARY CALENDAR a: Alg Parks&Recreation Department I City of College Station ''t,„,, ,#,I, Writing Family History Wednesday, Feb.22 1 9:30-11:30 a.m. I Free This one day workshop is offered at the Southwood Community nity Center from 9:30-11:30 a.m.at no cost. To register, call 979.764.6371 or email mrodgers@cstx.gov. Scheduled Day Trips Thursday, Feb.23 1 10 a.m. 1 African American Museum, Bryan 1 Free LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER:Only seating for 14.To register,call 979.764.3750. LARRY . RINGER LIBRARY 979.764.3416 1 1818Harvey Mitchell Pkwy South Storytime Jan.23—April 26 30 minutes of stories,songs and bounces. Mon., 10 a.m. (walkers)or 11 a.m. (non-walkers). (off Feb. 27&April 2) Wed./Thu., a.m. (ages 2-3)or 11 a.m. (ages 4-5). (off Feb. 29—March 1&April 4— ) Book Discussion Group Third Thu., 7-8 p.m. I Feb. 16, March 15,April 19, May 17 Origami Worksho Feb. 11 I 4 p.m. 1 Ages 13 and up The Larry J. Ringer Library is offering a free origami workshop taught by Ringer Library Manager, Kathy Nixie i MLS.Ages 13 and up are invited to come learn basic folds,including bases for many other models. They will also learn how to make Valentines, boxes,animals,and morel For more information,contact the Larry J. Ringer Library at 979.764.3416 or visit bcslibrary.org. Better Choices,Better Health:Diabetes Wednesdays I Feb.8—March 14 1 6—8 p.m. The Larry J. Ringer Library is offering a free 6-week workshop for people with diabetes. Improve your health by learning to: O Deal with symptoms of diabetes(including fatigue,pain,hyper/hypoglycemia,stress, and emotions such as depression,anger,fear,and frustration). • Exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance. • Plan balanced meals. • Administer and understand uses of medication. O Work more effectively with health care providers. • Prevent or delay complications. For more information and to register for this program,contact Cindy Quinn at 979.458.2237 or Quinn@srph.tamhsc.edu. Page 5 12A/2012 „,60-'- _,E,,o.:ge'u;;,-',,i FEBRUARY CALENDAR ,,,g'7„01.' Parks&Recreation Department I City of College Station SPECIAL EVENTS Aggieland Soccer Classic Feb,4—S The Veterans Park and Athletic Complex and the Southwood Athletic Complex are hosting the Aggieland Classic brought to you by the Aggieland Texans Soccer Club.Teams from around the state will compete in the following divisions: U9 Boys and Girls, U10—U12 Boys and Girls and U12 and Older. For more information,visit texanssocer.cor . Ranger Run Feb. 11 1 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex The Veterans Park and Athletic Complex is hosting the Ranger Run on Nov, 11 at 8 a.m.The start and finish of the 5K and 10K race is next to the pavilion of the Brazos Valley Veterans Memorial Park.The route runs east along Harvey Road to the Copperfield Parkway area then back along University Drive to Veterans Park.The route is beautiful,smooth, and level.The one mile family fun run will use the American Mile-A one mile long history path telling the story of our nation's pastthrough 700 brick pavers embedded in the sidewalk, located in the south east corner of the park next to the magnificent Veterans Wall. For more information,visit rangerrun.org. Aggieland Classic Lacrosse Tournament Feb. 11--12 1 Veterans Park and Athletic Complex The Veterans Park and Athletic Complex is hosting the Aggieland Classic Lacrosse Tournament on Nov. 11-12. There will be 5 divisions of play including: 5/6 Grade,7/8 Grade,Junior Varsity,Dl Varsity and D2 Varsity teams from around the state and one team from Chicago, Illinois.Games will also be played at Penberthy Field at Texas A&M University. For more information,visit aggielacrosse.com. See Spot Run Feb. 18 1 8:15 a.m. I Wolf Pen Creek Wolf Pen Creek is hosting See Spot Run,a 3K and 5k fun run/walk brought to you by Texas A&M Veterinary Medicine on Feb, 1 . For more information,visit vetmed.tamu.edu. Annual Soul Food Luncheon Feb.23 111:30 a.m. p.m. LINCOLN RECREATION CENTER $7.50-$8.50 per plate On Thursday, Feb. 23 from 11:30 a.m.to 1:30 p.m join the Lincoln Recreation Center for their Annual Soul Food Luncheon in celebration of African American History Month.The menu will include smothered pork chops, greens,yams,peach cobbler and more! Lunch prices will range from$7.50 to$8.50 1 meat,2 vegetables, dessert and 1 bread). For more information,contact the Lincoln Recreation Center at 979.764.3779. - Page 6 I 2/1/2012 -- --- - ----- ,,/c.,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,- ,, u APRA: vl # * ),--- ,7„„,,, ,4 ) *J ‘-'a, i J CITY ;? ,f,i '#� ? ,,....-„„,c.,,,,,, ,,,'� none o x., Uri,fixcr3 Parks and a m we .. Maintenance Standards (Revised 10/11) 1.Athletic jilEc iti Fields A.Turf 1. Turf has a healthy dense stand of grass and coverage is no less than 95%of playable area. 2. Play area has a uniform surface and well drained. 3. Turf is mowed at the appropriate height for the type of grass used,the time of the season, and the type of field use. 4. Turf is relatively free of any litter or debris. B. Infields 1. Infields have a uniform surface and are free of lips, holes and trip hazards. 2. Infields are well drained with no standing water areas. 3. infields have proper soil consistency for intended usage. 4. Infields are playable as per Little League and Amateur Softball Association rules and specifications. 5. Bases and plates are properly installed, level, and are at the proper distances and anchored in accordance to manufacturer's specifications and league requirements. C. Soccer Goals 1. Goals are properly installed and anchored. 2. Goal frames show no excessive bending. 3. Nets are in good condition and free of holes, tears, and fraying which would allow a soccer ball to pass. D. Bleachers 1. Hardware is intact. 2. Bracing is tightly connected. 3. Seating surface is clean, smooth,free of protrusions, and have no catch points, exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. 4. Bleacher areas have relatively clean trash receptacles present and are in good condition. 5. Shade structures are secure and free from excessive holes and tears. (where applicable) Lliglin 1. 90%of lamps for each field are operational. 2. No electrical conducting wires are exposed. 3. Ballast boxes and components are properly installed and secured. 4. Lights provide uniform coverage on facilities and fixtures are adjusted to eliminate dark or blind areas. Parks Maintenance Standards Page 2 F. Fencing 1. Fencing material is properly secured to support rails. 2. Support rails are properly connected and straight. 3. Fencing is free of holes and protrusions. 4. Fabric has no excessive bending. 6. Gates and latches are operational. (where applicable) G. Restrooms 1. Restrooms are clean, sanitary; and properly stocked with paper products. 2. Lights and ventilation systems are operational. 3. Toilets, water faucets, stall doors, and hand air-dryers are operational. 4. Restrooms are free of graffiti. 5. Restroom doors are properly marked according to gender. 6. Restrooms have clean trash receptacles. 7. Restroom doors and locks are operational. H. Irrigation athlet c fi l 1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete coverage. 2. System is free of leaks. 3. Heads are installed according to intended use. 4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. 5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste. I!. Playgrounds A, Play Unit uipment 1. Play equipment meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute standards. 2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. 3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. 4. Age appropriateness for the play equipment is noted with proper signage. 5. Shade structure is secure and free from excessive tears. (where applicable) B.Surfacing 1. Fall surface is relatively clean of litter and free of hazardous debris. , Pea gravel/rubber crumb fall surface is loose, level and free from compaction. 3, Fall surface is well drained. 4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of major holes and tears with minimal deterioration. 5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing. C. Decks 1. Planks are intact, smooth, structurally sound and have no cracks greater than Y2 inch. 2. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 3. Planks are level with no excessive warping. Parks Maintenance Standards Page D. Metal Benches 1. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 2. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. B. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. .Wood Benches 1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. 2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 3. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 4. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. B. SyAt: O uwxwM.�. �i--! , Pia E! i•anent 1. Play equipment meets ASTM and National Playground Safety Institute standards. 2. Play equipment and hardware is intact. 3. Play equipment is free of graffiti. 4. Age appropriateness fort play equipment is noted with proper signage. 5. Shade structure is secure and free from excessive tears. (where applicable) B._Surfacing 1. Fall surface is relatively clean of litter and free of hazardous debris. 2. Pea gravel/rubber crumb fall surface is loose, level and free from compaction. 3. Fall surface is well drained. 4. Rubber cushion surfaces are free of major holes and tears with minimal deterioration. 5. Rubber cushion surfaces are secure to the base material and curbing. C. Decks s 1. Planks are intact, smooth,structurally sound and have no cracks greater than inch. 2. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 3. Planks are level with no excessive warping. D. Metal Benches 1. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 2. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 3, Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. E. Wood Benches 1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. , Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 3. Nails, bolts,or screws are flush with the surface. 4. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. Parks Maintenance Standards Page I!k?avilionj1Pter Facilities A. Pavilions 1. Pavilions are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. 2. Electrical plugs, lights, appliances, fans, and hot water heaters are operational and in good condition. (where applicable). 3. Pavilions are cleanly painted with no rotten lumber, no rusted metal, no loose siding and has minimal loose shingles. 4. Pavilions are relatively pest free and regularly treated for ants and wasps. 5. Interior kitchens are equipped with an operational fire extinguisher. 6. Doors,windows, screens, and locks are operational. (where applicable) 7. Water fontains, water faucets, exhaust vent fans, and hose bib connections are operational. 8. Signage with reservation and rules information and emergency telephone numbers is in a noticeable location. 9. Pavilion grounds are mowed and trimmed and free of litter, debris and hazards. 10. Vegetation around pavilions is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress. 11. Pavilion kitchens are free of roaches, ants and rodents. (where applicable) B. Shelters 1. Shelters are clean, sanitary, and free of graffiti. .. Lights and electrical plugs are operational. B. Shelters are cleanly painted with no rotten lumber, rusted metal, no loose siding and has minimal loose shingles. 4. Water fountains and hose bibs are operational. 5. Grounds around shelters are mowed and trimmed and free of hazards with minimal litter and debris. 6. Vegetation around shelters is trimmed back to reduce hazards and does not impede entry and regress. C.Tables 1. Tables are clean,free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. 2. Table hardware is intact. B. Table frames are intact and slats are properly secured. 4. Table seats and tops are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. D. Grills 1. Grills are operational and have minimal rust and metal deterioration. 2. Grills are cleaned out and free of coals. 3. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body and have minimal grease build up. 4. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. 5. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are cleared away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard. ._Trash Receptacles 1. Receptacles are relatively clean. 2. Wood receptacles are painted and free of damage or missing parts. B. Hardware for wood receptacles is intact. 4. Concrete receptacles are intact and free of cracks or damage. 5. Area around trash receptacles is relatively clean of trash and debris. Parks Maintenance Standards Page F. Restrooms 1. Restrooms are clean, sanitary, and properly stocked with paper products. 2. Lights and ventilation systems are operational. 3. Toilets, water faucets, stall doors, and hand air-dryers are operational. 4. Restrooms are free of graffiti. 5. Restroom doors are properly marked according to gender. 6. Restrooms have clean trash receptacles. 7. Restroom, doors and locks are operational. 8. Restrooms are in compliance with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act. IV.Tennis Courts A.Surfa irr 1. Surface is smooth, level, and`w ll drained. 2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. 3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. 4. Worn painted surfaces do not exceed 20%of total court surface. 5. Surface is free of litter,debris,gravel and graffiti. B. Nets 1. Nets are free from excessive tears and frays that could interfere with game play. 2. Nets are properly installed and secured to support poles. 3. Nets have center straps installed at the regulated height and are anchored to the court. 4. Support poles have hardware intact, properly anchored, and installed. C. Lights 1. 90%of lamps for each court are operational. 2. Timers are properly set for specific hours of operation. , No electrical conducting wires are exposed. 4. Ballast boxes are secured. (where applicable) 5. Lighting controls are operational with operation instructions 6. Lights give uniform coverage on facilities and fixtures are adjusted to eliminate dark r blind spots. D. Fencing 1. Fencing material is properly secured to support rails. 2. Support rails are properly connected and straight. 3. Fencing is free of holes, protrusions, and catch points. 4. Fabric has no excessive bending. S. Gates and latches are operational. (where applicable) 6. Windscreens are tightly secured to the fencing and are free of excessive tears. Parks Maintenance Standards Page V. Basketbail Courts A. S rfaw it 1. Surface is smooth, level, and well drained. 2. Surface is free of large cracks, holes, and trip hazards. 3. Surface is painted and striped as per court specifications. 4. Worn painted surfaces do not exceed 20%of total court surface. S. Surface is free of litter, debris,gravel, and graffiti. B. Goals and Backboards 1. Goals and backboards are level with hardware intact. 2. Goals and backboards are painted. 3. Nylon nets are properly hung and are not torn or tattered. 4. Support poles are secure in the ground and straight. . Li hts 1. 90%of lamps for each court are operational. 2. Timers are properly set for specific hours of operation. 3. No electrical conducting wires are exposed. 4. Ballast boxes are secured. (where applicable) S. Lighting controls are operational with operation instructions. 6. Lights provide uniform coverage on facilities and fixtures are adjusted to eliminate dark or blind areas. 7. All light fixtures are intact. C . Court Covers 1. Roofing is intact with no loose panels. 2. Cover supports are well painted with no major.ru st. 3. All anchor nuts and bolts are present and tight. v . Sand : Nei Courts . Nets 1. Nets are free from excessive holes and frays that could interfere with game play. 2. Nets are hung tightly at the specified height. 3. Nets are securely attached to the support poles. n 4. Support poles have hardware intact, properly anchored and installed. B. Surface 1. Court surface is loose sand. 2. Surface is smooth with good drainage. 3. Surface is relatively free of weeds, grass, litter, and debris. Parks Maintenance Standards Page VII. Ponds A. Water 1. Aerators are operational. 2. Pond surface is at least clear of vegetation. 3. Water has minimal trash and debris, 4. Bank areas are relatively smooth with minimal erosion. B. Fishing Piers/Decks ................. . Planks are intact, smooth, structurally sound,free of splinters, and have no cracks greater than Yz inch, 2. Nails, bolts, orscrws are flush with the surface. 3. Planks are level with no excessive warping. 4. Handrails are present and structurally sound. C. Metal Benches 1. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 2. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 3. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. D,_Wood Bendles 1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. 2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 3. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 4. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. VIII. Parks: General Standards A Grounds 1. Grounds are mowed and trimmed. . Park is free of obvious hazards and has minimal litter. 3. Parking lots are relatively clean of litter and debris and striped, (where applicable) R. Drinking_ o ntains 1. Fountains are operational. . Fountains are in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. 3. Fountains are installed on solid surfaces and free of standing water and debris. C. Signage 1. Park identification signs are secure and in good condition. 2. Handicap parking signs are secure and visible. 3. Park Rules signs are secure and in a noticeable location. 4. Restroom signs are secure and visible. (where applicable) 5. Signs are relatively clean, painted, and free of protrusions. D. Ornamental Plants 1. Plants are healthy. 2. Plant beds are free of litter, debris, and weeds. 3. Plant selection is appropriate for season and area usage. Parks Maintenance Standards Page 8 E. villa l lwa s 1. Walkways have a uniform surface and are level with the ground and free of trip hazards. 2. Walkways are free of excessive litter and debris. 3. Walkways have unobstructed accessibility, i.e.free from low and protruding limbs, guide wires, etc. 4. Walkways are clear of weeds and grass growth in cracks and expansion joints. F.TrashFigct tacl rand, 1. Receptacles are relatively clean. 2. Wood receptacles are painted and free of damage or missing parts. 3. Hardware for wood receptacles is intact. 4. Concrete receptacles are intact and free of cracks or damage. 5. Roll-off container and dumpster screens are in good condition. 6. Area around trash receptacles is relatively clean of trash and debris. 7. Area around roll-off containers and dumpsters is relatively clean of trash and debris. G. Cjirm=talltel F n ci n 1. Hardware is intact. 2. Fences are properly installed and anchored. 3. Support rails are properly connected and straight. . Bolts or screws are flush with the surface with no exposed sharp points. 5. Fencing is relatively free of rust and properly painted. 6. Fence has no excessive bends. 7. Gates and latches are operational. (where applicable) H. Chain Link.F nci .. Fencing material is galvanized chain link and is the appropriate gauge wire for specified use. 2. Hardware is intact. 4. Support rails are properly connected and straight. 5. Bolts or screws are flush with the surface with no exposed sharp points. 6. Fencing is free of holes and protrusions. ', Fabric has no excessive bending. !......Wood Fgncing 1. Fences are intact and structurally sound with minimal deterioration. 2. Nails, bolts,or screws are flush with the surface with no exposed sharp points. 3. Fences have no excessive cracks or splintering. J.Concrete Fencing 1. Concrete slats are in place. 2. Support posts are intact. 3. There are no excessive chips or cracks. K. Lights:Security and Exterior Facility Lights 1. 75%of security and facility lights are operational. 2. No electrical conducting wires are exposed. Parks Maintenance Standards s Page L. Bridges 1. Bridges have a uniform surface and are free of trip hazards. 2. Lumber is structurally sound, relatively free of cracking, deterioration, and splintering. 3. Bridges have handrails intact and are properly installed and anchored. 4. Bridges are relatively free of litter and debris. M.Athletic Practice Areas 1. Athletic practice areas are relatively free of litter and debris. 2. Areas are mowed at the appropriate height. . Area has a hazard free surface. 4. Areas have relatively clean trash receptacles and are in good condition. (where applicable) 5. Soccer goals are properly installed and anchored. 6. Soccer goal frames show no excessive bending. 7. Soccer nets are in good condition and free of excessive holes,tears, and fraying which would allow a soccer ball to pass. 8. Backstops are properly installed. 9. Support poles and railings are straight and properly connected. 10. Backstop fencing is galvanized chain link and is the appropriate gauge wire. 11. Backstop fencing is properly installed to support rails and is free of excessive bending. 12. Backstop fencing is free of holes, protrusions and catch points. 13. Bleacher hardware is intact. (where applicable) 14. Bleacher bracing is tightly connected. (where applicable) 15. Bleacher seating surface is clean, smooth, and free of protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. (where applicable) Lijrrigation (landscape) 1. Irrigation system is fully operational with complete coverage. 2. System is free of leaks. 3. Heads are installed according to intended use. 4. Heads are properly adjusted with rotations and arcs set to reduce water runoff. 5. Systems are set to run at specific times to minimized water evaporation and waste. 0. Picnic Units 1. Tables are relatively clean,free of rust, mildew, and graffiti. 2. Table hardware is intact. 3. Table frames are intact and slats are properly secured. 4. Table seats and top are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. . Grills are operational and show minimal rust and metal deterioration. 6. Grills are clean and free of grease build-up. 7. Grill racks are operational and secure to main body. 8. Grills are properly anchored to reduce hazards and theft. 9. Underbrush, low limbs, and debris are cleaned away from grill area to reduce possible fire hazard. 10. Trash receptacles are relatively clean. 11. Wood trash receptacles are painted and free of damaged or missing parts. 12. Hardware for wood receptacles is intact. Parks Maintenance Standards Page 10 P. Metal Benches 1. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 2. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 3. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. R.Wood Benches 1. Slats are smooth and structurally sound. 2. Hardware is intact and structurally sound. 3. Nails, bolts, or screws are flush with the surface. 4. Seats and backing are smooth with no protrusions and have no exposed sharp edges or pointed corners. S. Shade Corers random 1. Support poles are secure and structurally sound. 2. Shade cover and hardware are intact. 3. Shade cover is tightly secured to the support poles. . Shade cover is free from rips and holes. -.,,f,n,,,,,.:k, { 'MR; s''; CA-1r ,*, , 7,- 1,I k5ilirmt,!n7. j t lh.;i' ,-....._-„p CITY OP'=CO'LEGEATro '''%\,/- ;',,e Home of Texas Ad-M thaversio). darks MaintenanceStandards Inspection ,..= Park inspected: Date inspected: Inspected by: District: Overall percentage of standards met: Quarter: Rating scale: Excellent Good Fair-(comments required) Poor-(comments required) Rating Comments Assigned To Completion Date I. Athletic Facilities- Competitio acili i s- o p do 1. Turf 2. Skinned infields 3. Soccer Goals 4. Bleachers 'W S. Lights 6. Fencing 7. Restrooms 8. Irrigation of standards meet Rating Comments Assigned To Completion Date II. Playgrounds 1. Play equipment en 2. Surfacing 3. Decks 4. Benches 5. Shade covers . of standards met Rating _nts Assigned To Completion Date Pavilion/Shelter Facilities Pavilions 2. Shelters i 3. Tables 4. Grills I= 5. Trash receptacles 6. Restrooms %of standards met Rating Comments Assigned To Completion Date IV. Tennis Courts 1. Surfacing 11111 2. Nets 1111.11111111111111111 3. Lights 4. Fencing of standards met Rating Comments Assigned To Completion Date V. Basketball Courts IIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMII 1. Surfacing 2. Goals and backboards IIIMIIIIIIIMIIIM . Lights IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4. Court Covers of standards met 11111.1111111111111111111 Rating Comments Assigned To Completion Date VI. Sand Volleyball Courts IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIII 1. Nets 2. Surfacing IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIMIII of standards met IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIII -- -- ---- --- --- -- --- --aing Comments Assigned To Completion Date VII. Ponds 1. Water 2. Fishing piers/decks 3. Benches of standards met Rating Comments Assigned T. Completion Date VIII.Parks-General Standards 1. Grounds 2. Drinking fountains 3. Signage 4. Ornamental plants111111 5. Walkways 11111111.1111111111111 . e . Trash Ornamental recptacles steel fencing 8. Chain link fencing 1111111 9. Wood fencing 10. Concrete fencing 11. Lights-security&exterior facility lights 12. Bridges 13. Athletic practice areas 14. Irrigation 15. Picnic units =E= 16. Benches 17. Shade covers of standards met ................................................ ................................ SPARKS AND RECREATION OPERATIONS Description&Budget Explanation: The Operations Division is responsible for park grounds maintenance,facilities repairs and replacements,and recreationograms support. Program Name: Parks Operations Service Level: Provide clean,safe and well-maintained leisure facilities and provide support for recreation programs and special events. ........................................ . . ............................................... . FY 12 Performance Measures FY 11 FY 12 Actual Approved 1st 3 Months Effectiveness Percent of overall park maintenance standards met. 87.0% 90.0% 89.0% Efficiency Number of parks maintained through contract 21.7 43 Output - No.of acres regularly maintained, 672 N/A 672 No.of pavilions regularly maintained. 7 7 7 - No,of play courts regularly maintained, 39 41.5 39 No,of athletic fields regularly maintained.tained. 6 46 46 - No.of park lights regularly maintained. 2,379 2,404 2,379 - No.of parks mowed and trimmed. 42 48 42 No.of play units inspected and maintained. 63 66 63 - No,of special event ceremonies supported. 81 90 16 . ............................................ ... PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT CAPITAL 1 M ' M s&PARK LAND DEDICATION PROJECTS FY12 FEBRUARY 1, 2012 *italIm.ru men Pro* c s Capital ' Completion Date ".. ....... ject proj'ect Funding Expected / Actual ..............ImprovementsPro ..... manager ar . . . • g . ::source Final .. ...p... t 1 l 4 , Pr status • ,� ' , �� `� Mr � fi � tW �. 5 t �� i +i f e �' 1' 11;�-ii. 1',§1 `�fi tkIIA { i.:il iiiih hgN -:avg otwo d+ } ' ' ROMMOMOttig r ♦ fi [ h ,:k � .r1 fijsR� scrima ,,� �x $ { � { a a ; � �R # '55 EatapaaMiNgIN �• Z � AmouttpweggoNg:iowil,],,,kitmegimmimairomriguagassism acr ' U � firn ' •r A ' , @ „ * m , pop�1 t t } , ' S ° . . amY Tr - - � " 'oti �mo 4 I - � ' ov• c f * I , ♦ ' I {1 � j ,lC-;r.-,at-5�1'7n.dqhtik.z til' E $ gd r `jry v l * I f fYg ~['' 0i r ': Ti_ � i f y ? r ti } NU itommogemaratig k 1'fa i i7 2{ fr4,�n5' � 'vi,iNfyllS4 G � t . m "i � m� `�a"�mi htv WA ,4 Pftli, Pmr [a, ( S n @ t } ne Q s g�� l ` R� : ' vMi1j'�L 9 4 � � 6 S 0 I iP ,si� } * `; xiY` ` i 1 +, 4 ,o , r t { � ` '" w {ir � 3� i; " mp6 A av ¢ x c" Y l if a ec + sitoisti,,,,,gramargral t s + , w � ao- i { 4 ' � ` MTFn �+ ' Y s m tpa GOBroi imakomifivu 204111011106Stititiltisawicm _ ,,,,,.,._„_.,_ elviv0614fr4o.tatikii EtaitigideAtJ11;w.i6F.ania,,k„i.,„1.,.. ,,,,._,_, „ ...,,_,L,..,..;,,a,„......w..„..,„,, ..- . „ .4,.. '08 neUniversity Park Parking Lot MN '.•• lm•rovements Under Construction CPD 1 Pete V. P1 0410 $100,000 2 Funds Emerald Forest rest Perk lrx#rovetrments Under Construction Pete V. P 071 106,000 GOB`08 /1 2 MI Central Concessions Buiidin. Under Construction CCPD/Pte'V. P 1001 $930,000 GOB'08 6/12 Lick Creek Nature Center lesi.n In Desi•n CP/David ./Am A. PI 110 $100,000 GOB'08 Lick Creek Iron Bride Trail In Desi.n Pete V. P110'# $100,000 08 IIIA II Central Maintenance Shu•Desi.n On Hold CPD/Pete V. P 1101 $200,000 GOB11111111111 Geor! K.Fitch Penin* Council ••royal Pete V. P 1104 $103,500 COBG 1111=111111111 Southwood Picnic Areamion 11111011111 lm•rover ants/ idewalk Re.lacement Out to Bid Pete V. ' P 1(1117 $60 000 Zone B Funds Mill12 ammii WPC Festival Site Re-Bid CPD/David S./Am A. ' P0901 $1,000,000 TIF Funds 9/12 :Project:'T3ta i ::`.: (Excluding On;Hold Projects)::' ,01 ,0 0 On Hold Funds. . : ::::: $200,000 cif?STpt:pl.qi,.....,_,,7.,,,,,:r:-,n,p7,75,347,,,m7:51.7ffl DIMIED1111112162•110404,4#!it:4 Er xx :.� Fk< QUPE + {' i ARANNOMMOatgai,,,,,,L,,,,,,,,„,,,„..a4.,,,„. Pending/On olC Pen it ourJ p at I In Design . Design C .lted 0 Out to Bid Re-Bid 2 Bids Received Pending Design Contract , Pending Contract ' 0 . T No Status Under Constructton Public Hearing Scheduled 0 RFQ's—Design .............. ...... :::.. Total Park Land Dedication Projects Completion Park Land Dedication ProJect Project# Funding Date Final Projects Prioritized Status Manager Budget Source Expected/Actual Cost ZONE 1 ,7$18 158 IIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMIMIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIMMIIIINIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIINIIMI ZONE 2—$29,603 IMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII ZONE 3-$167,163 11.11111111.111111111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111 ZONE 4.$32658 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMI Carters Crossing Park Development In Design Pete V. PK1202 $36,000Zone 4 111111111111 ZONES*$195 IIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIMII ZONE 6—$311,047 111111.111111.1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.11111.111111.111 Southwest Hike&Bike Trail,Phase 1 In Design CP&Pete V. PK0806 $268,000 Zone 6 4112 MUM Lincoln Center Exercise Equipment Pending const.contract Pete V. PKI 210 $6,500 Zone 6 1111=111.111111111 ZONE 7-$195,705 miiimiiimmummimpmplipsilimpippippg igpropf"Fmmquanimagnmfgamonymmimpaonowiranwptionovisutiomoim .,,,..,,I!,,51,,,,,.,1.,..,„;.(1-,i g ,:-,-%2 A...a., :titriltaMtaza.t.AL '-iduAtOakki4 WI&.'.- ,itiAkitiadillahm,,-taalAkt,4, 144.14V4-'21111fi&-'1,404,4,4,4 adA&Ilaxdiadmi10414.e.thrlwa,,,,,,dr,Ip,-gaVe..,,das.40,4 1,,tg.......... ZONE 8-$1,229 -- Emerald Forest Park Playground& Under Construction CP&Pete V. P1(0713 $63,000 Zone 8 4/12 1111111 Improvements ZONE 9.$24,680 IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ZONE 10-$348,292 IIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIEIIIIMIIIIMIIIIIIMIMIMIII.IIIII ZONE 11— ($259) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII ZONE 12'$25944 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIINMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII - , —11111111.111111111.1111111.1111111111111111111.1111111111=1111111111111111.11111111.1111 -$80,224 — ZONE 13 $63503 ZONE 14 IIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIMIMMIMIIIIIIMIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIEIMIMIIIIIIIMII 1111111111111111.1111111111111111111111111.1111111111.1 ZONE 15-$590 446 11111111.111111111.1111111.1111111111.1111 ZONE 16—20 $0 1.11111111111.111111111111111111111111.11111111111111111111111111111.1111111111.11111111111111111 IIMIIIIIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII — IMIIIIII ZONE 21-$1,019 IIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIII ZONE 22-23 -$0 IIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIIIIIIMIMIMIIIINIIIMIIIMIMIIIIIIII _ ZONE 24.$17,477 ---- IMIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIII.111111.IIIIIIIIIIIIIMIINIIIMIIMIII ZONE 25-$0 — IIMIIIIMIIIIIIIMMIIIIIIIMIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIMI ZONE 26-$3,251 111111.111111111.111111111111.111111111.11111111111.111111.11111111111111.11111111111.111111111 ZONE 27-29 $0 —IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Completed Projects Total $3,608 Design&On Hold Total $304,000 .0 I. Under Construction Total $63,000 Park Land Dedication Summary Out to Bid 11111111111.11 .tf,ir&k.',?i-..!'':,',0t-Pgge.&4,v4t5.1.„-K,„..e„Im:_ ,AITm*!1'n:g!)::z.,iii•'',:,;;1.-,,If.,!0,i:,,,l'.,;:':;,.:,,' _,,,,,,,,,„,,,,,,,,,pippl,,,,,...t 6,4[-..:,A 1,..,(0,1,1 f i,...,4:If f e 1 kriA.,,,!1V-, 1•1,,i -':' '',I.-r',ii..-,'-`iir r:-I',..''-..,-:.,,',:''',:,-.P4 WiliSINCO;;':*VNAZWVV:WTE:dMait:figir- AZ.,:il'El:L.f.A Pending I On Hold 0 In Desi.n 2 _ , Community Community Out to Bid/Re-Bid 0 .....,.. Zones Park Funds Bids Received 0 ZONE A $113,293 Pending Construction Contract 1 ZONE B $554716 Pending Design Contract 0 Under Construction 1111111111111111.111111111111111111 ZONE C $69,316 — Under Contract 0 ZONE D $0 Public Hearin. 0 5 Non-Park CIP Projects . . ...... ..................... .. ... .. . ....... . ...... ... . .. . ... ....................... ............... ... ... . .. . .... ...... . ................................................ ....... ..... ... . .......................................................... Funding Completion Date�::�'.�:���:���:���:������ inal��������::��� ....... . . . . ..... ....... .. Project ................. ............... .......... ............ .. .................. ..................................... . ..... .......................................... . ............. . park .. ... P .:.racts :....:.. Status.. ..............:.:.....:.... .........................:..:::. ...... .......... ..................................:.................:....................... ................................... Source. td. . ............................. ................................................. .... : .. ... :.. ::�........:...........�....:...:: � .. . ..... ..... . .... :..... Barron Road Phase II Land and In Design Streets Capital Irri«ation Pete V. ST $250,000 Fund Landscape Plan for Electric Design WF0175 Substation Completed Pete V. 160/1 $10,000 ::..: Completed Prj c `o $0 FutureProject. : . :Fund $260,000 Non........... : :'S : ............. ktffigi26721:110-Mitjelifikal ZIrld.-thEkagiagiri aVA.o4'AittrA iL.TAatoi,m..i;.r, ...... ..... In Desisn 111111111111111111111 Desi•n Corn.I t d Out to Bid 0 Bids Received 0 Inspection Pending Construction Contract Under Construction City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: - 3-D i •vent LLC-Wallace Illi i IV Address: __ -- Phone: 979-229-4850 E-Mail: dust • llli.s 2• ahooicom 2 Development Name: Castle'ate II Sec. 200 Blk 7 Lot 1R-8R Blk1R- 6 Lot 1R Project : 11-183 Development Location: 4300 H dl i•h Lane&4298 W.S. P illl.s Parkwa in Castles ate II 3. Dwelling Units: 8 Single Family 0 Multi-family Units, located In Neighborhood Park Zone 13 Single Family 0 Multi-family Units, located in Community P rl Zone A 4. Development Fees and Dedication Requirements: a. Development Fee: • Neighborhood Community Total Single Family @$764,°°per DU $ 6_,112----- - . Single Family @$63e°per DU$ 5,104.__. Multi-family @$622.°°per DU $ 0 Multi-family r per DU =TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) unity) ............. ------�-�- b. Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neighborhood Community Total Single Family: One(1)acre per 102 Dl's ac One(1)acre per 105 DUis ac= ac Multi-family: One acre per 125 DD's -�----ae One 1 acre per 129 DU' ,-- ac= ac TOTAL Acres Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication Nei lorl o community Single Family:@$314,°°per DU$ 2,512 - - @$305.°°per DU - 2,440 -- 4,952 Multi-family .°° per DU $ 0 @$248,°°per DU$ 0 TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = 1 . Comments: none -- ------ The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TQTAL(Neighborhood and Community)8 Units 021, = 16,168 Land Dedication Name Date '-'1'..''''' ---) ' ...of 1391,''2! ,...,{ ,,k ..... rj k J 1 N • 's fi `{CciC3�'i 7ii��,i 715.'t C 1 �"��`tir"�'.�. f +;9 S �y . a J��' !e tYex�[f;�e±n S{wi'�::[r.P�JC t 0. \ 1 `" .. 5 f."..��J.--1_1,��- .........+.. }--".-.,.,.F:-�,..�-- , ""._a.-u,-�..,.�....�. _•.+"+�•.--s-... ""-„_____„•„.... 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ER,11. 5-.3Cn ACRES-4 LOTS #a17tr.r T Cr env 0.1rLS _� se}',r BEING A REPLAT E THE CASTLEGATE II •Lrs .crcterky .r eu�rtbr ,77s A*�o*x a� .r 73..' :ar aaaVICINITY UBC I SECTION200 vt'q.!c*f 5,.5,......+r� naa .J>i7.--'a4'4 4.31, AG7,LOT t AND BLOCKCONLMON ARE[ a• ,)baa•i.18...'VI, #TQ•14 ..'vN (Vol.10392,Page 260) 677F.#ir�" u iusr,74,sr e�'w 1 sr 7....,-,_ssor rs �` RO$4T5TEVCNSON LEAGUE,A-54 A ac.m.us y* i rt COL GE SsATiO,BRAZOS 3 F',-= :, ; istY gar r ee Fu twe [xs + k 1+:�'err a fr,rc j '�� ', :: t n,lEknw. oPm �, .etnti r>F ura Ftkp 414 Yes��Ca�.bdou e1� -::,:d::: v s1.Y�.r sr u� =� ]-d bestr �i,C C:1Y{f Cot.,nm.l�taxi....-f tdK}ti..casc.ts,,,se.,#rlX q•'r4 trl if3 a Y 4.r #' mi GS+T+�-�r4w R i4r_,� •--- {Ft�ri.,ra*l�Y s.+'[ � 3 rix:4uat]d.�� aC�kYli 3;;? PHILLIPS u.b 1431`.4,rY mY15'. k. R .2.A.M. EtfaiNE �#N. R ti.r �adlCear, S #97p €as3+ve+Oht �ilr»a 1 {29.iC`a�+'4E•RAT-i`CPY�W FFR 3D!1 �Cis.alswu7�7lTiS FT.�h ECY l:n+ir,rt6 C�[{ +aa x Y{W.� F.�^7.�'!`_DfL'�SSG F.ml, vz Far Tlrog. t lF.... City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than Five Acres 1. Applicant me: - Mitchell & lJ an, ... Veronica Morgan Address: 511 Universit Drive East Suite 204 Phone: 979,260.8963 I -Mair v mitdiglimplingrgan.com 2. Development t ent f lame: Lakeridile Townhomes s Phase 2A---- Project ; 11-129 Development Location: 1198 Jones Butler Road � 3. Dwelling Units: Single Family 31 Multi-family Units, located in Neighborhood Park Zone 7 Single Family .31 Multi-family Units, located in Community Park Zone B-- .. 4. Development Fees and Dedication Requirements: a; Development Fee: 1\lei oc Community Tot l Single Family @$764,°"per Dl ' Single Family @$638,°°per DU $ = Multi-family c$622.°°per DU $ .�., „ .._._ Multi-family @$520,60 per DU $_iJ Q = $ 35,402.00 TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = $. --35 442 00 13, Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Land (Choose One): 1 1 1'r or c Community Total Single Family: One(1)acre per 102 DIA • ,ac One(1)acre per 105 DU'DU's ac --- ac Multi-family: One(1)acre per 125 D ' - ac One acre per 129 ac ac TOTAL = Acres - OR — Fee Paid in Lieu of Land Dedication Neightpli3pQd. 22nituuAly Single Family:@$314.a°per DU$ ©$305,°°per DU$ - $� M ltd tamily @$256.° per DU $.,,,,,... _--� $248.°°per DU$ 7, -� $ 15,624 TOTAL(Neighborhood orhood n omr nity) W . Comments: ‘• ._. �. .-. .. The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL FA L(Neighborhood and omm ni y)31_Units x$'x,646 = $ 61 026 .,.: Land Dedication f/(1(1 Name • Date MOW 43E] 5C S111.....04 TJa G..All....L ,.,,:..... \ \ �, t1 MITCHELL .>2ft#3[24=/4]e'r .$,-#!,7*iCi #9.}eY+3#..2.. �f .r AI # -- ... F r Ir.,,,,,w, . , \\\ nn ill JJf A�`` aipoi ` tir- : „..,....-........-a-.- (/ _ 4444. ; }l! �J� �� � � , Y�r 41\00... Wil`� � % 2�ikilia.' ,til 1�'''��l tif�l4l AN ]�. . \ \ :/colk j ,,,- 4 .;.„,.--:<41,40, 44 / `. c • 4. .. 0As* Are3'.}79.260.6963a ide , ,.,.„-- -,:::,,,,iik n .% __. .#1,41‘ 'll.trak.: ; ri-MIA.,-1.443 l • #.,. -- 'L fir/ I{ , ' ; 4,t,eirca]i}Y Lave€.. : iNi \NI 0,.441: A P/E 1_" };"4as JJ, ' x4,[tr. 74 '' 1"' '- 4 4V2 /CT-_&' /._ -17:,) tiAkr4\. 0 +.... \ r', ......, -'. , .... 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PARTIAL SITE PLAN :0...34 P. sr pm i31K tfCXCr cp.do. 1 l.,awq Etat..171,71,-o 1e xO-7,4 s..... r4 iss 9.44x.1,mom.Om..s..+.. iii I� • City of College Station Administrative Approval for Required Parkland Dedications of Less than{Five Acres 1. Applicant Name: Mitchell& Morgan, LLP C/O Veronica Moran Address.- 1 University di East. $Po e: 979.260.6 63 E-Mail: v rnit ell r_ t or orr 2. Development Name: Lakerid.a Townhomes PhaSe 2B Project#: 11-148 Development Location: 1198 Jones Butler Road 3. Dwelling Units: Single Family 3' Multi-family Units, located in Neighborhood Park Zone 7 Single Family 31 Multi-family Units, located in Community Park Zone 4. Development Fees and Dedication Requirements: a. Development Fee: Neighborhood 2rnrniy Total Single Family @$ ' ,°°per Single Family $638.°°per Multi-family @$622.°°per DU $ , 19,282,00 M t f @$520.°D per DU $6 Q = TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) b. Land Dedication or Fee in Lieu of Land (Choose One): Neighborhood Community Total Single Family: One(1)acre per 102 DUs ac One acre per 105 D `s a T .�._ac Multi-family: One acre per 125 DUrs ac One(1)acre per 129 DUPs so ------ - .ac TOTAL = Acres Fee Paid in Lieu f Land Dedication Neighborhood borhood Co m ity Single illy: a@$314,00 per DU @$305.°°per DU$,- $_ - ---- Multi-family @$256,°° per ,- ' r . - c$248.°°per DU$ 7,688.00 _ # , .Q0 TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community) = 15 5. Comments: The City of College Station agrees to accept: GRAND TOTAL(Neighborhood and Community)3' Units 1 $ 51,026 Land Dedication 0 • Name Date f7 WC...94tsrF Gal,0,..C.Ca.#...Di + '-Jr / .- ', .,. II ir, '':ear -IFIc...,.._ +ogg t 4, (iNi Sr% • "V' 4 0VA '`:/-1--- ---4wro — ,... *oil Ph."\iti,AL \ \ A 0, ME. \„ . 4111-P ,VA, 10. •trik* %a.© 1 Adat *IV A ,..„,.........., .1 * f \ ,:// I '''' ,. 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SIGN—IN SHEET TUESDAY, February 1.4„ 2012 Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Regular Meeting VISITORS PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY! inittlpip.4.,,,mc-,. .,4iiir42.4".zgos.,:::75,ffir..w.c.:..;Tw:Avo,.:....-.-,?,-„_:; ,00s,..,--..-a.....-,,,,,,,--4,-wZ•--4'S'','::q'.'''smi§We'''''''''''''''''V''''*'45-‘-'•-•.'''&.---''vt.24.--\'''a..'•-''.-; 'W'':'''''.'''•-''''''- ' ' Ai—• - —'---- '—'•- - 1,1-Wip,, -190...Aik7,./ ..:;.•-•wifi„,:, i,..'ip..--I01.4(i..;,--p-,:• =1*.,,,e0 T,.',.-:,',':.*‘:,..,;..;'..:',4bli...,,..i 1,..4:,.,::-•,,-ir:7Atigi.,',:,:x4._.:1,i.:4,21 ..:t-....,10,_:',i,..*0!:::,..,,i:•••47,3. -44:;,,'•-,--"ivie•A:4.4 4:-2:14,44r.,,,,%•*-k,-.;;4tka,l'-•:..0;:,6K'.:-W,...e.',•f;,,,..1.,',,f.'1: .;.•,-A., .,14.:•,•i•- :,.,..:syze,„,k,,,,,:-',:;y_s„ .-).."....:,-.•, ii.:13,,,WC a:414i.'?.-:,140.P41.!.*tr:%3:01100:5::***:*,-"ye;.,:-.r4-:•0-4.ii„YizOtP.iiie 1, bSrs,,**4N r...-- :INiii ;t4014. ,1',P.,,V..-''-..lii..i." 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