HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/21/2006 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES REGULAR MEETING ~ 7:00 PM Tuesday, March 21, 2006 The EXIT Teen Center 1520 Rock Prairie Road College Station, Texas ? Staff Present: Steve Beachy, Director; Eric Ploeger, Assistant Director; Peter Vanecek, Senior Park Planner; Peter Lamont, Recreation Superintendent; David Gerling, Special Facilities Superintendent; Vera Solis, Aquatics Supervisor; Pamela Springfield, Staff Assistant Members Present: Jodi Warner, Chair; Jeannie McCandless; Gary Erwin; Harry Green; John Crompton; Gary Thomas; Kathleen Ireland; Carol Blaschke Members Absent: Glenn Schroeder Visitors: Russell Millican, C’aaron Caldwell, Bobby McLewrn (sp?), and Josh Ivy ~ Recreation, Park, and Tourism Sciences, TAMU 1. Call to order. Jodi W. called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. 2. Possible action and pardon concerning requests for absences of members. One request for absence had been submitted by Glenn Schroeder. John C. moved to approve the request submitted. Gary E. seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 3. Hear visitors. Hearing none this item was closed. 4. Consideration, possible action, and discussion of minutes from the regular meeting of February 21, 2006 and the Crescent Point potential park land dedication site tour on March 4, 2006. Jeannie moved approval of the meeting minutes as presented. Gary T. seconded the motion. The vote was called and the minutes were unanimously approved. 5. a. Acknowledgment of Vera Solis and PARD Aquatics as recipients of the Ellis & Associates “2005 Platinum National Aquatic Safety Award”. Jodi acknowledged the department, Vera, and her staff. Vera said this was really on behalf of her staff. The Aquatics staff is audited by Ellis & Associates, a risk management company out of Houston, three times per year. Staff is rated on CPR and in-water rescue skills, customer interaction, guarding, etc., graded, and given a final score. You have to rate in the top 90% to receive a plaque; the Aquatics staff ranked in the top 9% Page 1 of 5 + internationally this year. The pool staff services 166,000 guests per year and ranks 98% on customer service surveys. b. The Texas Recreation and Parks Society “Promotional Award” – Ric accepted this on behalf of all of the department staff explaining that this was an award the department had applied for. It had been awarded for all of the publicity, marketing, flyers, and the annual calendar that are done to promote the department. c. Acknowledgment of Steve Beachy of the Texas Recreation and Parks Society “Daniel Whitworth Fellow Award” – Steve stated that this was really for the entire department and staff, both past and present. It was named after Daniel Whitworth, an exceptional person who was killed about a year after he had become the Parks & Recreation Director in Corpus Christi. 6. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding “Parks and Recreation and Health Issues ~ Where Do We Fit In?” ~ Peter Lamont. This was a follow-up on one of the Board goals in an attempt to determine how the department might be able to take a leadership role and become involved in current health issues. A copy of the presentation along with detailed facts and information were distributed (see attached). Peter’s presentation dealt with obesity trends in the United States along with specific statistics. Several ideas for the role that Parks might play were presented and discussed. These included: taking the lead to begin media efforts with ads and reports on activities; gathering stakeholders together for a meeting that would include medical providers and members from both cities and the university to discuss the role each entity could play; and, analyzing programs for opportunities to increase participant activity, making program changes and adding events to include activities to promote. It was agreed by all that whatever was done needed to be ongoing and a coordinated effort by all the stakeholders. This was an information item only and no action was taken. 7. Presentation, possible action and discussion regarding a neighborhood park enhancement plan ~ Eric Ploeger. Copies of the presentation, along with a Neighborhood Park Enhancements Report, were provided to the members (see attached). It was explained that, while the department has an ongoing budget for replacement, it had been put together several years back. As the inventory of parks in the city has increased, the budgeted amount for replacing items has not kept up with the growth. Costs for the replacement items have also increased. The lists included in the report gave suggestions for enhancements in the various parks. Not all of the items listed would be replaced and the list was a working document that would change and possibly grow as the next bond election moved closer. Steve stated that he would like to go through a process with a citizen group made up of Parks Partners over the next six to eight month period in order to Page 2 of 5 get input on items that staff may have missed. The Board would be involved as the process moved forward. The members were encouraged to create a list of their own ideas of enhancements they would like to see. This was a discussion item only and no action was required. 8. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Advisory Committees for the Conference Center and Lincoln Center ~ David Gerling. A memorandum to the Board explaining the problems these two committees were having, had been included in the members’ packets. David G. stated that the possibility of dissolving the committees was something that staff had been discussing for over a year. Both committees have been inactive. The Conference Center Committee cannot get enough volunteers to serve. The people involved with Lincoln Center still have a lot of energy and there is a lot of support in that neighborhood for the Center, however, the members have a hard time meeting formally with a quorum. The idea came about that instead of having a formal committee, an informal “Friends of Lincoln Center” group could be formed and they could meet without worrying about quorum regulations. The group would provide support and make recommendations that would still come before the Board for things such as fees, etc. John thought that was a terrific idea to build on and create other groups such as a “Friends of Thomas Park”, etc. He added that the Board may get more input from the Lincoln supporters now, than before. Further discussion followed about dissolving the Lincoln Center Committee which had once been very active. David G. said he could have Lance Jackson, Lincoln Center Supervisor and perhaps Kristiana Ford come to the April meeting to discuss this further before a decision was made. John C. moved to abolish the Conference Center Advisory Committee and Gary T. seconded the motion. The vote was called and the motion carried unanimously. A motion was made to table the discussion regarding the Lincoln Center Committee until the next meeting, when they could have representation present. John C. seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion carried unanimously. 9. Review, possible action, and discussion concerning Board and Departmental Goals and Objectives, and City Council Strategic Plan. Updated lists had been included in the members’ packets. ?One of the members asked about the status of the new Cemetery. Steve stated that Council had authorized the acquisition of one of the tracts of land needed – the 25-acre tract known as the Kinman Tract. The contract has been sent. Council has not acted on the A&M property, which is also about 25 acres. If you include the property the city owns, the cemetery will wind Page 3 of 5 up being about 60 acres. This site would be located across from the airport. If the city cannot acquire both tracts, this would not be a very useable site. If council approves the contract with A&M, the next step would be for it to go to the Board of Regents in May or June and the Board will not know until then if that action was approved. There is not enough information at this point to know if there will be a project at that site. ?A VPAC subcommittee meeting would need to be scheduled in the near future. ?A naming request had been submitted and so the Naming Subcommittee would need to meet. Kathleen I., Gary E., and Carol B., said they could meet the following week. Pam would be coordinating a time with each of them for a noon meeting. 10. Report, possible action, and discussion concerning the Capital Improvement Program: The members’ packets included updated lists. A lot of projects are either under construction or in design. ?The bid opening for Lions Park basketball cover and fence improvements nd would be opened on March 22. ?Two contracts – the Lemontree Softball Field Lighting Project and the Bee Creek Playground Replacement Project - would be going before Council for th approval on Thursday, March 24. ?The Zone 10 Parkland Dedication fund was still growing and should be substantially larger by the time the University Park site is ready to be developed. 11. Discussion of calendar, future meeting dates, and possible agenda items: ?Tuesday, March 28, 2006 ~ Edelweiss Gartens Public Hearing. This will be held at the EXIT Teen Center at 7:00 p.m. Jodi would not able to attend. ?April 5, 2006 ~ Dedication ceremony for John Crompton Park at 5:30 p.m. ?April 11, 2006 ~ Regular Meeting. Requests for discussion items for upcoming agendas included: - Discussion regarding a water park – an idea that ranked fairly high on Facility Needs Assessment; - Discussion regarding Botanical gardens; - The possibility of hosting a meeting for Texas Parks and Wildlife; - Discussion regarding potential Park Land Dedication projects - It was possible that the second Edelweiss Gartens public hearing could be th held at the next regular meeting on April 11. - A TMPA site tour was recommended. John C. suggested waiting until fall to include the Council and the press on the tour. The TMPA board should have an amount from the second appraisal that is being done by then. Steve stated that one or two of these requested items could possibly be done in April, with the remainder put on the agenda for the May meeting. Page 4 of 5 ?April 22, 2006 ~ “Trails Go!” – The grand opening ceremony for the Wolf Pen Creek Trails will begin at 10:00 a.m. This is being done in coordination with The Planet Earth Celebration, and includes physical activities (walks and runs), with Trout Fishing in America performing free at the amphitheater that evening. 12. Adjourn. Kathleen I. moved to adjourn the meeting and Jeannie M. seconded. The vote was called and all were in favor. The meeting was concluded at 8:44 p.m. Page 5 of 5