HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/08/2002 - Regular Minutes - Conference Center Advisory Committee CITY OF COLLEGE STATION CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE Regular Meeting Tuesday, January 8, 2002, 5®15p®me College Station Conference Center MINUTES Staff Present: ace Calbert, Conference Center E acility Supervisor Members Present: Mollie Guin(Chair), Ed Holdredge, Glenda Elledge Members Absent: Eileen Sather, Fran Lamb (Vice Chair) Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 5:50 p.m. Pardon—Consi er requests for absences of members from meeting: None 3 ear visitors®None Approval of the Minutes: Ed Holdredge made a motion to approve the minutes for November 13,2001 as written. Glenda Elledge seconded that motion. There was no meeting in ecember due to no quorum. Revenue Reports: Revenue reports were reviewed for November 2001. Revenues for November 2001 were $10,911.95 versus Nove ober 2000 of$12,830.84. Number of clients served November 2001 were 6936 vs. November 2000 of 8540. Revenue reports were re viewed for ecember 2001. Revenues for December 2001 were $6,744.38 versus December 2000 of$10,387.52. Number of clients served December 2001 were 4557 vs. December 2000 of 7183. Adjourn: Guin asked for a motion to adjourn. Ed moved the meeting to be adjourned and Glenda Elledge seconded the motion. The Meeting was adjourned at 6:40 p.m. The next meeting will be held at the College Station Conference Center on February 12, 2002, at 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Nita Hilburn, Recording Secretary STRATEGIC PLANS IMPLEMENTATION CALENDAR 2002 1 1 ' , JULY AUG,,.'.,A' ,, „, ,,,.'.,,SEPT '.,, ,':',OCT, '.`.'.„,„.NOV ,'.' ' '..'‘-,DEC:, IMp,„1,,PL'AN,''.' 'SUBtlEpf.„,:„,',,:"Tpt)VI.':',.::,,:;,JAN FEB, , '..",.F,Efr:- - .* _,:,,IVIARCR-:::.:'',-',',.' 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I VS i ,park connectivity section in demonstration project Rio ItemItem Will not be completed-grant turned down. _ Ap,ledfor 4/25 ' Improve VS 4 communication ':::::::::::::::::::::::11W4Alt0:641:::::::: ::::::. Presentation S 8.a between Parks Boardrelated to Parks, Steve iiiiiiiiiiiiilL01:1: :".:iliiiii::::, Council,P&Z Strategic Plan - , NOTE: Shaded items have been completed. *Brison,Gabbard,Merry Oaks,Madeley,Woodway,and Spring Loop arks Revised April 5,2002 Cl.‘Cfrmfarlir Dlortninti/Iplort Poleznig.re')11(Y)/Tirrtealirta lrin-7 Ann -,. , T...:,. .,, .„., :„- I ,..., /,-.9- --fi- te, 7:—?7) ,., 6/ ,,,,, (7,2,, ton ,_ 61,2-,_ „). aA 7 k_ /eicltratito.417 I; / . , ailf iFoOlNi ::' ' - d - WHEREAS: The City of College Station has a strong commitment to the provision of high quality parks and leisure services; and .,.. ,,. WHEREAS: The City has been fo ate to have talented citizens serve as members of the Parks and R w eation Advisory Board to assist in that effort; and WHEREAS: Dr. John Crompton fa' ity served for many years as a member of that Board; and WHEREAS: Dr. Crompton was instrumental in providing his expertise and leadership in the suips, ssful passage of numerous legislative, ., programmatic and capital issues during his tenure; and -.....,, WHEREAS: His efforts have made a significant impact upon the lives of many Americans at the local, state, and national level. NOW THEREFORE, I, Dr. John Nichols, as Chair of the College Station Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and acting on behalf of the members of the Board, do hereby designate DR. JOHN CROMPTON COLLEGE STATION PARKS AND RECREATION ADVISORY BOARD EMERITUS" "MEMBER , . in the City of College Station and urge the appropriate r- gnition thereof. 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