HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/2001 - Special Minutes - Parks Board ---- willibb-- ,rttqiiRtpoltabN.-- a„igTi . , n6r1P4Iiiilibliirlsof!'"'''''' NeMitlitlilAillitlr!"7T-_ :„.3,6,eisoou-Tli!"Mr14t1"P;"FUot111124''''''''''''' llliatooIDIoj'ilihl-rtQillrllttllh'''''''''''' PottiobN' imovirroimomiopu ,„:„A"._ ...,„,: ,,,„:„...e,„,, ---','daYM -,' ttllg' ' IV:ft'''''''''' -----,Fr: , ,6ferIRo:#.;iw,,,----- Dioeger, kg—mCou1,1.4P,L,45,,'"'''''''''-' E ic i of p.4rsiLkrt.HP!:i::;lar04!::,::!.::::,,,,,,,,,_ on; _r . ector 1 00,0ki„,4.!!Ri‘, ipLMA",„.„,„„,,,,‘ di Recreau way, Dff kr,ment uwwitm:12 4,--' it„ an- calla- -,eve F -anis Tirn ' ,,,,„,lor 1 j f r - t; j I, Sell if ss :ojenze park L ,,,er; a . .t stevei Lehde, ity r Nal,' T Tu.-- ' 11 fr. prese-,-: . Kris _e Kee, - n; -o Allis° itv ta-- Direcak: ,,s; Jan Don sSsistant nt servic'c s, chai ; - . tese IlLvelopme i im Nich°1 ,,,„ ,,,,, & Assocla nca piarmen present: (-A?Itemate). A ,,,,,,e iate, "u II a .1 „m titers ' wood k ,,,,_nior tAis-a- t e i_ Laura __iiaterizsc hi) sw°11n; n f ittroject man 12:08 Plin° chairma - c)to 4ns we orders the t moving t. Lee El rton- Li.itittty ,as called t° whitewi'i He is Georgetaof on field. osed visitor- _ri_r: T e"117 troduce the CitY md Recre i the Pr7 CRY call to ° it't _ti \t„tthite mard for , e parks tt eming "tains ' e as ti _ visitors:106eiecnreatioanB2terest in tn rdinanc actiOn hat this 1- -ision ° pcs). jml heaL,,,,ks and , it io has m D ssible stated t- p subchv 1 pr Or-'A by the 2. the r— stat--n an and -°BeachY - rove ti!*-- „prom t-n askeu ;ices ollege v#4c amP „cation :had bee .onal ser . e_ n alscu it, rode. trate& 7_ nd dea' „tment _ofessi r1N. Th. ntatitt_9 men. - jiti.4, stt_ idnii, itu. " ji"rese7; at seek Pi Co (1-31:4'17,marilY ment C -_,nces, P'. ciates, 0* Un,fieutii vision k land ioDcevelov'euest forL DeveloL-nt ortna; & Ass:orking tion and fi-t serviceros C0'-';',,,tes to Pa that tile her a Reg f a Intl . devel°13 my Dun ve been it r" stated t toget i prnent 0 ent Ian Austin fitird they ha CallawaY cil to Puue develoihefr CUrr :DC, an a and CitY Cr-city in til review Illation t of the larmin' * e aid tie ked tp 0 tision regi „men i h the P- + recelv to as bdiv develoi' vil rio 4,0 been e e als° and SU ..ith the ni ting ry Boa - has w_r . -----ee so-, firm _ ens. posal to s milt tn. Advl The _., elita zLed to he,1,over a j there wa kerreati°- pr°ject staff allueurrently was_mte project la' per ago, ii(s and kr into the, services_cii are ssociates n h il ut a Yti the Pal tied (we lionimentei:tv C°1111ean & Ah duled to c) said that a:Lion anut was can:from, Devaenicir thenZanj d Dunde is sc-e a co fl''''3,' input ttlyi,,,_ input,i,,...,, issiOnthe new e itt44.. of the ci) se alL eri:i pei 1.!, and ge 1,1.1., ,_ g co- .,, aft o. relea dr genking it and i7n'put ori a Adr p u b 1 lc wii°r Nam;'---7,1 iving ---ftor them Trie 7 jor am.. gonses reviewirrng resP is PrePar 1 of 4 Page ..z„, Recreatwn Bwrd ar— meeting 2001 sypeca.'August 10, FridaY, come out by August 20, 2001, and copies will be made available to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. J.m went on to say that the Council would also like to have a planning workshop with the Plan ing and Zoning Comndssion to take a look at the public release draft before it goes out. Once this draft is out,there will be a 50-day public review period before the Planning and Zoning Commission will schedule any public hearin s for consideration. Lee Einsweiler said that Duncan& Associates has been charged with two p *- ary responsitilities, which have nothing to do with the substance of the regulations for the City of College Station. Those responsibilities are 1. To combine all of the rules for develo, ment into a single document—this is what the UDC is all a•out. It allows for consolidation of definitions, elimination of conflicts between zoning and sub.:ivisions, and smoothes out the bumps in the development process by streamlining procedures. 2. To improve the look and feel of the doe e t. This includes the for int, the user-friendliness, and the readability and understandability to the average person that is affected by land .ievelopment in College Station. In addition, as the City has indicated a desire for it, 11, man ;- Associates is changing the policy for the City pertaining to how it develops in the future, as compared to how it has developed in the past. They have identified certain areas that the Parks an Recreation Advisory Board may need to look at once the public review draw becomes available. One of the jsrh nary suggestions they have is a change in policy that would have a n nimum open space requirement for all residential subdivisions. This requirement would not just include the dedication of recreational land, 'tut would also include an actual minimum amount of open space requirement for every residential development that will most likely be used for passive recreation, retention, and detention. By making this open space requirement an element of sesigning subliivisions, the City would bring forth an improved ability to make linkages between subdivisions and implement the City's Greenways Plan. In order to mike the Greenways Plan work, the firm is also suggesting that the clustering of developments i allowed for sn niller lots. There are also pro I sed changes to standards that may e'ect how the City gets park land, and how much other open space is on the property. Some of the proposed standards are as follows: A standard for the implementation of a Zero Rise Rule, which is a scheme for designing storm water management on the site. A standard stating that developers cin not do any filling in the floodplain or in the floodway. Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Friday,August 10,2001 Page 2 of 4 > A standard describing what acceptable park land dedication is. This is an attempt at getting away from the problem of being given the most useless portion of the site as the park land dedication. > A standard for the amount of the dedication and the way that the dedication plays out. Mr. Einsweiler stated that mechanically, the system that the City has for park land dedication is working fine, so it is unlilcely that there will be any significant changes to it. However, it my not be providiaenough park land. He went on to say that the actual rate at which park land is dedicated will be the City's decision. Jon Turton asked what would happen if the City were to adopt an open space requirement as part of the DC. Mr. Einsweiler responde* that he suspects that the City would get Diproved park land, even if it did not change the park land dedication requirement This is because the open space requirement and the recreational space requirement are two separ,e requirements. He added that developers would need to meet both of those requirements. Steve said that the City Council has directed staff to develop some type of incentive for land dedication. Keeping this in mind, the City is trying to incorporate money into the Fiscal Year 2002 budget that could be applied to trying to iprove the type of land that is being dedicated,. He said that right now, there is no structure for how this will be incorporated. Jim added that he believes that the intention of this m.iney would - to Improve the location, quality, and quantity of land t is being de:icated. Steve asked Mr. Einsweiler if he had any ideas on how to approach this Mr. Einuweiler responded that he felt that this is a good idea, but did not feel that the City should mandate the quality oF the land icing dedicate.% -John Nichols reminded the 21.`,oard that the Park Land Dedication d' ‘nce gives the Parks and Recreation Advisory oard the authority to retise land. weiler added that n indating pre-application meetings might also affect the process. The clearer the standards are for the public to read and res,eond to, the easier it will be to get the right thing the first tin e arounsi. John N. asked if the Zero Rise Rule would apply only to evelopment in the floodplain. Mr. Einsweiler responded that it would refer to the impact of the development on the floodplain. Jane asked what would happen if there was a development that has floodplain and there is an open space requirement for it. Would the code encourage runoff or detention, and would it impact the floodplain and be contrary to the Greenways Plan? She asked if there could be language in the code to ensure that this does not happen. Steve asked what steps the Parks and Recreation Advisory oard needed to take next. Jim stated that copies of the public release draft would be distributed to the Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Friday,August 10,2001 Page 3 of 4 Board after August 20, 2001. He added that the -aioard should mainly look at the areas pertaining to park land location and design. Plami g and Zoning will need the it oard's input before the public hearings are held. Mr. E° weiler suggested that the Board also write a letter or attend the public hearings when they are held, to go on record that they are either in support of the draft, or that they feel that it needs some modifications. John N. asked if Parks Pia i g Staff would have a chance to review the language of the • aft. Steve said that the language would be incorporated from the Park Land Dedication Ordinance. The Board would be reviewing the current ordinance at the next Board meeting to see what areas may need to be revised. Mx. Einsweiler asked that the Board submit any suggestions they have between August 20th nd up to a week adore September 13th, to ensure that they would be included in the public release draft. He added that the draft could still be mos ified after that time oeriod, but once it goes out to the public it would t7' a lot harder to do. John N. added that it night *- a good idea to offer proactive material to developers to help them understand the UDC. 4. Adjourn: The meeting adjourne* at 1:25 p.m. Parks&Recreation Board Special Meeting Friday,August 10,2001 Page 4 of 4