HomeMy WebLinkAbout- Ordinance - 11/08/2000 11/08/00 18:04 0979 764 3513 COL STA CONF CTR [,?1002 CONSTITUTIONAL BY-LAW S OF THE CONFERENCE CENTER ADVISORY COMMITTEE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION,TE 1 S THE COMMITTEE S LL BE GOVERN ED BY CITY 0 'NANCE NUMBER 2009 These by-laws incorporate specific rules and regulations of the "College Station Conference Center Advisory Co ittee", hereinafter referred to as the Committee. These rules and regulations are in addition to the guidelines set forth by the City of College Station in Ordinance n ber 2009. Any points not addressed in these by-laws are under the guides of the previously mentioned ordinance. TICLE 1-RULES OL THE COMMITTEE Section L Termination Any committee member appointed by the Parks and Recreallion Advisory Board shall forfeit that membership if absent for more than three (3) consecutive meetings,, in one (1) appointment year, unless the absenteeism is for medical reasons. Absenteeism may also be excused by the Committee or by the Parks and Recreation Board. If a member goes beyond this absenteeism limit, the Parks and Recreation Board shall be advised to declare the position vacant and appoint a now member to fill the vacancy. Section 2®Limit.tions The Committee shall not be authorized to incur on behalf of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION any expense incident to the operation of said Conference Center, un less expressly authorized to do so by the CITY CO CIL. The Committee shall not knowingly conduct business that has been assigned by ordinance to any other governing or advisory body of the CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. 11/08/00 18:04 979 764 3513 COL STA CONF CTR 1421003 ARTICLE ETINGS Section 1.Regular Meetings The regular meeting shall be held on the 2nd Tuesday of eaeh month at the hour of 5:15 p.m. at the Conference Center. Section 2.Notice of Meetings Notice of all regular meetings shall be delivered to each member of the Committee at least five (5) days prior to each meeting. Notice of all meetings shall be poKed at City Hall and delivered to the news media in compliance with all state and local laws. Section 3 Special Meetings Special meetings may be called at any time by the Chai of the Co ittee or by three (3) members of the Committee. The Notice of Special Meeting shall state specific items to be discussed. No items other than those designated in the notice may be discussed. Section 4® Place of Meeting The place of the meeting shall be the Conference Center unless othe ise stated in the call. Section 5 Quorum The Committee consist of five (5)members, and a maximum of two alternates, therefore, at least three (3)voting members shall constitute a quo . Section 6.Rules of Order General parli entary Lies, as given in Robert's Rules of Order, as modified by the rules and regulations of the Committee shall be observed in conducting meetings of the Committee. Section 7. Order of Business The following shall be the Order of Business of the Committee, but the rules of order may be suspended and any matters considered or postponed by action of the Co ittee. 1. Call to order. 2. Roll call. 3. Consideration of minutes of last regular meeting and of any special meetings held subsequently and their approval or amendment. 4. Petitions or co unication from visitors. 5. Reports. 6. Committee concerns. 11/08/00 18:05 C1979 764 3513 COL STA CONF CTR j004 ARTICLE III-OFFICERS AND EX OFFICIO MEMBERS Section L Duties of the Committee Chairman The Chai an of the Co ittee shall preside at the meetings of the Committee. Section 2®Duties of the Vice-Chairman The Vice-Chai an of the Co ittee, in the absence of the Chai an, shall perfo all the duties of the ChaiT an of the Co ittee. In the absence of both tho Cha ' an and the Vice-Chai an, the Committee shall elect a Chai an pro tempore who shall perform the duties of the Chai an of the Co ittee. Section 3.Duties of the Conference Center Supervisor The Conference Center Supervisor, or his/her designees, are ex officio member and shall attend all regular meetings and participate in discussions,but shall not be enitled to vote. Section 4.D ties of the Conference Center Liason This individual is a i• ber of the Parks Board who shall attend all regular meetings and participate in discussions, but shall not be entitled to vote. This individual will be appointed by the Parks Board. Section 5.Alternate Members These embers are approved by the Co ittee and assi special duties. They are asked to attend all regular meetings, but shall net be entitled to vote. if there is no quorum, the alternate members will be authorized to vote on items presented during that meeting. TICLE W SUB-CO ITTEES Section 1.Appointment of Special Sub-Committees Special sub-co ittees shall be appointed by the Chain an for consideration and study of any matter not covered by the Committee du g regular or special meetings. The Chai an or Vice Chai an are ex officio members and shall attend sub-co ittee meetings and participate in discussions. The special sub-co ittee shall report their findings to the Committee. TICLE V-AMENDMENTS 11/08/00 18:05 Ci 979 764 3513 COL STA CONF CTR a 005 Section L Amendments These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a majority vote of the members present, provided previous notice of the nature of any groposed amendment shall have been given at least one (1) regular meeting before the action thereon shall Le taken. The by-laws' amendments must be approved by the Parks and Recreation Board. APPROVED: Mollie Guin, Chair Date Attest: Kim Fox, Committee Secretary Date Approved by College Station Parks and Recreation oard on the day of 1999. • Chris Barzill a, Chair Parks and Recreation Board Date Attest: Kris Startzman,Board Secretary Date 11/08/00 18:06 0979 764 3513 COL STA CONF CTR Z006 ORDINANCE NO. 2009 AN ORIPINANCE ANI N DG CHA PTER 1 SECTION 28, OF TI F CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THIN CITY OF COLLEGE STATION. WHLNREAS9 the City Council of the City of College Station has decided that the Conference Center Advisory Corn nTttee should advise and recornrnend to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; and N hiAS, the City Council desires that the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station reflect this; NOW, THERFORE,BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THIN CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: I. Chapter 1, Section 28, of the Code of Ordinrices of the City of College Station, Texas is hereby ended to read as follows: "SECTION 28: CREATION OF A COLLEGE STATION CO { NE CENTER AlP VISORY CONrnIIITTEE A. PURPOSE The College Station Conference Center is an establishment owned, operated, and maintained by the City of college Station for use and enjoyment by the visitors to this City, and also by the residents of this corn rnunity. It is therefore to the advantage of the City of College Station that a citizens' co tee serve to advise the City Council in matters relating to said Conference Center. B. The corirnmittee shall consist of five(5)members, to be appointed Isy the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. C. TERM OF OFFICE The term of office shall be for two (2)years and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board shall appoint members on a staggered basis with three(3)terms expiring in odd nu bered years and two(2)tem expiring in evennumbiered years. 11/08/00 18:06 0979 764 3513 COL STA CONF CTR a 007 e • ORDINANCE NO. 2009 Page 2 A member of the Corn rn Itee shall be appointed nually by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board to serve as corrrmttee chairman for a term of one year. A vicechrrnan shall be selected by members of the Committee. A vacancy occurrng on the committee prior to expiration of the term of office for that position shall be filled by appointment by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board. A member so appointed shall be designated to serve the ren mai nder of the term of hisfher predecessor. D. DUTIES AN* RESPONSIBILITIES The duties of this committee shall be to advise and recommend to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board on matters relevant to the operation, use, and promotion of the College Station Conference Center. The committee shall also cirry out other duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board or other City Departments. E. MIFETINGS The Conference Center Advisory Committee shall provide for regular and special meetings as necessary to cxr7 on its business, and is authorized to establish its omn rules, regulations, and by-laws subject to ratification by the Parks and Recreation Advisory oard" This ordinance shall become effective from and after its passage in accori ance with the City Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED, and APPROVED this APPROVED: Lynn McIlhaney,Mayor ATTEST: City Secretary , _ tart fa GO a 11 D Xp- no-CM&Lei)" st c.s, krtlai - tali 0 9 A 0 0 1. Implementation of the approved Capital Improvement Program 2. Implementation of the Wolf Pen Creek Master Plan 3. Investigate the feasibility of cooperative ventures with CSISD 4. Incorporate public art into the park system "'Pah 5. Enhance the public perception of the Wolf Pen Creek Corridor 6. Encourage the early development of the folli,er landfill site on State Highway 6 7. Support the implementation of the Greenways Master Plan 7 , 14-::TiOr! 8. Establish an on-going re-appraisal of existing parks, facilities, and sei-v°,ces offered by the department 9. Encourage arboretum/garden parks and color emphasis in existing parks 10. Develop an Urban Forestry Plan for College Station H. Investigate the feasibility of cooperativeventures with TAMU on facilities and programs 12. Explore the feasibility of a commercialice skating facility / Completion of the Recreation, Park, and Open Space Master Plan Emphasize Lincoln Center leadership development and program enhancement / Completion and dedication of Edelweiss Park The search for alternative financing for regionalparks A Working on numerous other projects from rtinthe Parks to a Urban Forestry Plan Completion of the Veterans Park and Athletic Complex Master Plan f7,01•111111111151II,777,,... IBIEIIIIItttrntetfMgMlt0*Mfa.- SgettttllttaEW-Artmf. P a rt15 atlttlgMiSttig2a4AMSMW-nlr qccreation ismer, City of College 3ttion Revised November 7,2000 PARKS & RECREATION DEPARTMENT CI FROJECT LIST FY200I Revised Noviii 0 er 9, 2000 PROJECT FUNDING PRIORITY& PROJECT STATUS NUMBER BUDGET SOURCE 3 Brison Park improvements PFC0100 $54,600 `98 G.O. 1 Brothers Park improvements In Construction PK0084 $32,000 `98 G.O. 1 Business Center Landscaping Project In Design $250,000 G.O. 2 Castlegate Park Design 1 Cemetery Land Acquisition Underway GG9905 $275,000 `98 G.O. 3 Genteel Park improvements PK0101 $17,000 `98 G.*. 2 Community Park acquisition Underway PK9948 $520,001 `98 Bond 2 Gabbard Park improvements PK41 02 $78,000 `98 G.O. 1 fiallaran Pool Filters & Coating (FY`01,i In Design PK0106 $120,000 ' FY `01 2 High School Tennis court Lights (FY`01) $91,500 FY '01 Indoor Grant Application for Joint CS6SD Project Suspend 1 Lemontree Park Pile •round In Construction PK0066 $22,000 '. `98 G.O. In Progress I Lick Creek Grant Application Due 1/01 '98 G.O. Grant $126,265 C.D.B.G. 2 ' Lick Creek Trails Grant Project Approved Funds 2 Lincoln improvements $90,000 FY ` 1 1 Madeley Park Gate Project PK9706 '98 G.O. I Merry Oaks Improvements PKOI 03 $37,000 '98 G.O. Replacement 1 Merry Oaks Playground Replacement in Construction PK0088 X25,000 Funds 2 Millenium Winds improvements (F1' '01) X7,195 FY '01 2 Oaks Park Bridge PK0067 $28,000 '9E C .O. 1 Parking Garage Landscape Plan, In Resign C.O. 1 Raintree Park Improvements In Construction PK0068 $44,000 '98 G.O. 3 Shenandoah Park Development $48,000 Ded PRIORITY& PROJECT STATUS PROJECT BUDGET FUNDING NUMBER SOURCE Southwood Soccer Field 1 Renovation (FY'01) In Design FY '01 I Thomas Park Improvements In Construction PK9931 $84,000 '98 GO. 2 Thomas Pool Improvements PK0104 $19,000 '98 G.O. Thomas Pool Leak Investigation & Repair(FY'01) Underway PKOI 07 $25,000 FY '01 Veterans Park Phase I In Design PK9941 $2,120,000 '98 G.O. 2 Veterans Park Water Feasibility (FY'01) Underway $25,000 FY'01 West District Maintenance Shop In Construction PK9927 $501,000 '98 GD. I Willow Branch Tennis Courts In Construction PK0074 $125,000 DED 2 I Woodway Park Development $468,600 OTHERS I. City Center Concepts Underway Waiting on I City Hall Atrium Funding George Bush at Wellborn Road to Texas 3 Avenue Medians 2 Northgate Park (FY'01) 2 Raintree Land Acquisition 2 Venue Tax Issue 1 Wolf Pen Creek trails In Design October 20-21., Wolf Pen Creek Design Charette 2000 ? WPC TIF PRIORITIES - In progress currently or will be in progress before January 1, 2001. #2 - in progress before August 1, 2001 #3 In progress after October 1, 2001 0:/parks/ProjectsfCIP/cip2001.doc . _ IIPA6 _0001 COLLEGE STATION P. 0. Box 9960 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, TX 77842 Tel: 409 764 3500 MEMO ND TO: Tom Brymer, City Manager FROM: Att eve Beachy, Director of Parks and Recreation DATE: 1 October 10, 2000 SUBJECT: City Council FollowUp Information Attached are reports that list the c ent fund balances for the P DEDICATION 1 and for the RECREATION SPORTS FACILITY REPLACE I NT F I. This information was requested during the workshop meeting on September 28, 2000. The P " , A I DEDICATION F I is established according to specific "park zones" in accordance with ORDIN A CE K ER 2368. A park zone map is attached that illustrates the bo daries of each zone, Any funds generated in aparticular zone must remain in that same zone. Also, interest generated by these funds is allocated back to the respective zone that generated the income. The RECREATION SPORTS F I was established in 1999 to provide a means to generate funds for facility replacement. Youth sports leagues are assessed a $5/participant surcharge and adultsports are assessed a $75/te surcharge for any league that uses city=o ed recreation facilities. The funds are tracked by usingproject numbers for each activity. The intent of the fund is to develop a I.?ng- e method to finance facility replacement andrenovation. It was not established for "routine" maintenance operations. Thisfund was actually brought into effect in FY00 and, therefore,the current balance is relatively modest. Please contact me if additional infor tion is required. cc: Gie Bro Assistant City Manager Parks and Recreation Advisory Board Attachments: College Station Park Zone Map Park Land Dedication Fund Balance Recreation Sports Facility Replacement Fund Balance Home of Texas A&M University GM200107 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10/05/00 Project/Account Inquiry 15 : 33 : 31 T ount number 138-0000-441 . 00-00 Position to : Project Type options, press Enter. 1=Select Opt Project Description Year to date Project to date PK0082 Adult Soccer 2, 475 . 00 2, 475 . 00 PK0090 C S Little League 5, 300 . 00 5, 300 . 00 4. PK0091 CS Youth Soccer Assoc . 00 . 00 PK0092 Brazos Magic Soccer C . 00 . 00 PK9810 Adult Flag Football 740 . 00 740 . 00 PK9811 Youth Flag Football 1, 010 . 00 1, 010 . 00 PK9819 Summer Swim Team . 00 . 00 PK9828 Girl ' a Softball 1, 705 . 00 1, 705 . 00 PK9943 Adult Softball 34, 655 . 00 34, 655. 00 2000 Ytd total: 45, 885 . 00 Ptd total: 45, 885 . 00 F3=Exit F12=Cancel 100100 , , Park Land Dedication Zone Funds Current Balance October 11, 2000 Zone 1 $51,498 Co ents: Traditions Don owes an additional$92,960 Zone $15,708.32 Zone3_..................-__..._____._..__........._...._........._.........__124,247.65 Co u ients: Budgeted for Wolf Pen Creek Zone Zone5._...................._................_..............._...._.................._.___$2,488.62 Zone $58,902 Co ents: $12,000 Budgeted for Gabbard Park Tree Replacement in FY01 Zone $478,300.76 Con ents: Dedicated for Woodway Park Development Zone 8 $640.80 Zone 10, $61,444.60 Co ents: $48,000 budgeted for Shenandoah Park(FY01) GM200I04 CITY OF COLLEGE STATION 10/05/00 Fiscal Year 2000 Account Balance Inquiry 15 : 33 : 12 - ccount number . : 138-0000-441 . 00-00 Fund . : 138 PARKS PROJECTS FUND Department . : 00 Division . : 00 Activity basic . : 44 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Sub activity . : 1 PARKS AND RECREATION Element . : 00 Object . : 00 Estimated revenue . 0 Actual receipts - current . 5 . 00- Actual receipts - ytd 45, 885 . 00 Unposted receipts . . 00 Total receipts . 45, 880 . 00 0 . 0% Unrealized revenue . 45, 880 . 00- 0 . 0% F3=Exit F7=Project information F10=Detail transactions F12=Cancel F20=Imaging F24=More keys 1- LIN .-•= ----w.\ ,,,,,, 0 A 4, TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY College of Agriculture & Life Sciences Department of Forest Science Room 305, Horticulture/Forest Science Building http://forestry.tamu.edu 2135 TAMU October 112000 E-Mail: forest@forestry.tamu.edu , College Station,Texas 77843-2135 FAX: (979)845-6049 (979)845-5033 Mr. Ross Albrecht , Department of Parks and Recreation P.O. Box 9960 College Station, TX 77842-0960 Dear Ross: Thanks for providing my Introduction to Forestry class with an urban forestry field trip today. As usual, the day was excellent. Both the material and the level at which it was presented were just right for the class. I really appreciate your willingness to give your time and the time of your crew people. I know that you and they have much more to do than give demonstrations. The demonstrations were outstanding, and your crew was very helpful and professional. Please pass along my thanks to them for their patience and willingness to demonstrate their craft. Thanks again and please call if I can somehow return the favor. Sincerely, . - Michael G. Messina Associate Professor xc: Mr. Ric Ploeger Mr. Steve Beachy V . - A Member of the Texas A&M University System and Its Statewide Agriculture Program October 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Kris Startzman FROM: Patrick Hazlett RE: '99 NFL/GATORADE Punt, Pass & Kick Items of Interest HISTORY '94 '95 96 '97 '98 '99 '00 # of Participants: 77 102 68 87 89 107 80 (Local Competition) # of Participants: 58 35 36 33 45 62 43 (Sectional Competition) The NFL/Gatorade Punt, Pass and Kick is conducted twice in College Station. Once for the College Station local competition and the other time is for the Section 12-area competition. This is a free competition and is for kids 8 to 15 years of age. Each participant is allowed one punt, one pass, and one placekick as part of his/her competition. Each participant receives a certificate for participating. Some participants have a chance to go to a NFL playoff game to showcase their abilities.