HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/30/1983 - Regular Minutes - Parks Board ......................................... NEIGHBORHOOD ADVISORY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING August 30, 1983 MEMBERS PRESENT: Tom Aughinbaugh, Frank Coulter, Mary Sue Goldwater, Brad Lamb, Joan Lamkin, Ken Livingston, Jim Locke, Chiquita Lofgren, Bobette McFarland, Nancy Morrison, Linda Murdock, Carole Murphy, Marci Rodgers, Lane Stephenson, Helen Pugh, Lucile Keen, Tiny Keen MEMBERS ABSENT: Cheryl Cobb, Nita Hoelscher, Butch Reinke, Richard Talbert, Norm Waggoner STAFF PRESENT: Ann Mallard I. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Linda Murdock at 5:25 P. M. J1 . & III . Roll Call and Reading of the Minutes:. A sign-in-sheet will be passed around at each meeting and all members will sign their names. Marci Rodgers made the suggestion that the minutes of the prior meeting and the agenda be mailed to each member prior to the council 's regular meetings. Members would then have the opportunity to read the minutes and make notes for changes prior to the meeting. Ann Mallard made the motion to approve the May 24, 1983 minutes. Chiquita Lofgren seconded the motion. The motion was approved. IV. Officer's Reports : A. President-Nita Hoelscher was absent. Ann Mallard introduced the new members. Each member then told others something about themselves. B. Vice President-No Report. C. Treasurer-Marci Rodgers reported that the council had a present bank balance of $124.43 . D. Public .Relation-No Report. E. Director-Ann spoke of the dinner which will be held September 13th for the new teacher-in-service training. Any members interested in helping were asked to get with Ann after the meeting. Ann also re- minded eminded members of the workshop being conducted on the A&M Campus for Community Educators . The council has been invited to attend any or all of the workshop which will take place in Rudder Tower. Ann also reported that the fall class schedule is outstanding. Ann spoke briefly on some of the new classes offered this fall . The registration date is Tuesday, September 20th at the Junior High. Any members inter- ested in working registration should contact the Community Ed Office. V. Old Business: A. Standing Committees : 1 . Safety City-Mary Sue Goldwater reported that she was concerned about the fence which was down around safety city. Nancy Morrison said that she would check to see whether or not the fence was pur- chased by the council or if it was the property of the resident next to Safety City. 2. Membership-New members were previously introduced. B. Special Committees : 1 . Scholarship-This .past session a total of $22.00 was granted in scholarship money. $ 2.00 Library Program .$20.00 Read i n s and Math 522.00 Total Tom Aughinbaugh gave a brief hi story on the scholarship fund and its purpose. He explained that Jeff Parker had given $1 ,000.00 to the council to be used for tuition scholarship for Community Education • classes. Tom has been communicating with Dr• Nigh, Assistant Super- intendent of the College Station Independent School District, on setting up a trust agreement. Dr. Nigh should provide the council with a written summary of the agreement with Tom Aughinbaugh on the application of funds . A letter has been composed and mailed to various service organiza- tions which might be interested in donating to the scholarship fund. 2. Survey-Bobette McFarland distributed a copy of the needs assess- ment survey to the members. Each member read over the survey and made comments. The committee is hoping that the survey will be ready by the end of October. VI. New Business: Mary Sue Goldwater would like for City Officials to be notified that the Neighborhood Advisory Council is in favor of the Teen Center . Mary Sue also mentioned her concern for the Bike Lanes and Pedestrian lane which were not being maintained by the City. She had visited with City Traffic Engineer, John Black, and was not satisfied with the answers she was given. chi qui to Lofgren made the motion the bike lanes and pedestrian crossing become a council concern. Nancy Morrison seconded the motion. The motion passed. The meeting was adjoured at 6:50 P. M.