HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/15/2012 - Regular Minutes - Bryan College Station Library System Advisory Board MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD MAY 15, 2012 TH On the 15 day of May, 2012 the Bryan College Station Public Library System Advisory Board of the cities of Bryan and College Station, Texas met in regular meeting at the Carnegie History Center, 111 S. Main, Bryan, Texas 77803. 1. Larry Ringer, President called the meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. and the following were present: 2. ATTENDANCE Present/ # of meetings # of meeting NAME Absent held since attended since appointment appointment Larry Ringer, President P 92 86 Sonia Gangotena P 39 28 Robert McGeachin P 14 13 Helen Kunz A 34 28 Edith Pequeno P 4 4 Dorothy Hagen P 16 14 Charles Smith P 33 33 Felicia Glover P 8 8 3. Other attendees were Dr. Larry Koeninger, Library System Director; Kathy Nixie, Ringer Library Manager; David Gerling, City of College Station; and Laura Mills, Adm. Assistant. 4. The previous meeting minutes of March were discussed. A correction was made in the second sentence of the bylaws. Motion made by Charles Smith, seconded by Dorothy Hagan, the minutes were approved. 5. The monthly stats for March and April were reviewed. The statistic for wireless use at the Mounce Library is somewhat inflated since library card authentication is not required. The wireless use stats records use of nearby laptop users and smart phone users, not just those in the library. 6. In old business, Larry Koeninger reported that he met with Joey Dunn, Eddie Hare (ADA consultant) on the revised ADA guides. With the revision, the Mounce building meets the guide of having one ADA compliant restroom (both men and women’s) in the building. There are some other issues in the building and grounds that may not be in compliance. If a complaint is made about the facility’s ADA accessibility, the library has 90 days in which to address the complaint. It was decided by the group to hire Architek Studio to study the building and prepare a report on ADA issues. The study will cost $10,000. After the study is completed, the City of Bryan will ask for a variance to proceed with the second floor remodel that would move the meeting room to the north side of the building and increase the size of the children’s area. Larry Ringer reported that he met with some representatives of the City of College Station and the Capital Improvement Projects about the Larry Ringer expansion project. He stated it was an unsatisfactory meeting because the City keeps postponing the expansion project. The board members from College Station were encouraged to make arrangements to speak at the College Station City Council meetings, not to represent the Library Board, but to represent their personal viewpoints on the library expansion project. 7. A. In new business, Dr. Koeninger stated the Summer Reading Programs will kick off in late May. He distributed flyers of the events. B. Regarding the library’s accreditation with the Texas State Library, our system fell short of the required expenditures due to vacant staff positions not filled by the City. Larry Ringer, Charles Smith and David Gerling will write letters of appeal to Chairman Mitchell of the Library Systems Act Advisory Board of the Texas State Library. 8. Dr. Koeninger’s librarian’s report is attached. Kathy Nixie stated she will coordinate a Proclamation from both cities for September as National Library Card Sign up Month. She will request the strd proclamations from the councils at the August 21 meeting in Bryan and the August 23 meeting in College Station. 9. Next meeting on July 17, 2012 at the Mounce Library. 10. The meeting adjourned at 6:00pm. __________________________________ __________________________________ Larry Ringer, President Larry Koeninger, Library System Director Library Advisory Board Library Advisory Board May 15, 2012 1.Overdrive (eBooks) i.Use Stats as for March-April 2012 1.See Attached 2.244 Gutenberg downloads ii.Friends have added an additional $1,000 for the collection iii.$250 donation 2.Dollar General Grant i.Received by Ringer Youth Services ii.$1,200 iii.Book discussion group for kids 3.Barbara Bush Literacy Corp i.Received by Ringer Youth Services 1.$3,000 2.Big Books and Read-Alongs ii.Received by Mounce Youth Services 1.$2,800 2.Adult Literacy program BRYAN COLLEGE STATION PUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM ADVISORY BOARD Adopted January 20, 1998 Amended October 19, 2010 Amended March 20, 2012 Corrected May 15, 2012 MEMBERSHIP The Board shall be comprised of eight members. Four members from Bryan shall be appointed by the Bryan City Council and four members from College Station shall be appointed by the College Station City Council. All terms will be two-year terms. COMMUNITY LIBRARIAN The Library System Director shall be an ex-officio member of the Board. The Library System Director, or the Director’s designee, shall attend all Board meetings. DUTIES The Advisory Board shall perform the following duties: encourage the development of the library system; recommend to the city councils policies and programs for the advancement of the libraries; cooperate with all other public and private groups in advancing the best interests of the library system; render to the city councils all recommendations it considers advisable regarding the library system. OFFICERS Officers of the Board shall be chosen at the first meeting of the year and shall be: president and vice-president. Officers shall serve for one year. The president shall preside at all meetings, appoint special committees as needed and authorize calls for any special meetings. The vice-president assumes the duties of president in the absence of the president. COMMITTEES Special committees may be appointed by the president. Such committees are to serve until the completion of the work for which they were appointed. All committees are expected to make a progress report at each Board meeting. MEETINGS The Board shall meet every other month beginning with January. The Library System Director shall provide a secretary to keep a permanent record of the meetings. The Board shall comply with the State of Texas Open Meeting Law and other laws of the State and the Cities of Bryan and College Station. Special meetings may be called by the president, or upon the request of four members, for the transaction of only that business stated in the call for the meeting. Notice of special meetings shall be sent at least four days in advance. QUORUM A quorum for the transaction of business shall consist of five members of the Board. AMENDMENT OF BYLAWS These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Board when a quorum is present by a unanimous vote, providing the amendment was stated in the call for the meeting. When a unanimous vote is not obtained, the proposed amendment may be placed on a future agenda at which time a majority vote is required for passage.