HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrozd Blk1 Lt1A API U_L 5M i?RB8 DR . VICINITY NITY MAP :: 14 00 600 60 120 180 Feet 60 0 60 120 180 Feet STATE _. . HIGHWAY 6 FRONTAGE ROAD STATE IRt�AY 6 FBONTAM READ R.O W) (300' iZ;Q.W) _ - -- — - - S 47°04'24" E _ 5_02 - _ - -- 20' P U E VOL. 63. ; PAGE 212 (CALLrD 18_DS DESCRIPTION METES AND BOUN {CA"W!,S 47804'24" E 185 027 S 49°22'34" E' 184.94` VOL. 631, FADE 212G.T.E. 20' ESMT. ACRES ---^-------- P UE - G -----DROZD SUBDIVISION - 2W ' � VOL.. 666, PAGE 315 __ --- E YOL 5 , S 49°22'34" E. 184.94' - - 2486 . CITY OF COLLEGATIOON i _ _ 20' F.U. - 89, _•.. __-.- .-r-�--- -SCO 20 'P.ILE .OIL 559. , PACE -22635_2 ROM. - PAGE 226 , i ' LEGAL ' X. ---- ' BRAZOS LINTY -. r i �� ItESC:R1FTiQN ------- --- r OF LOT 1 1 i e remainder of Lint 1 of the l�zd ' ' ' 2486 acres, and being m Subdivision in the City of College. Station, Brazos County, Texas, as r in Vol. 2976, Rage N 37, of the'Brazos Comity Official Records (B.C.OIL). All bearings of this survey alta r� 10 . the Texas State Plane Coordinate System, Central Zone, NAD83(2011 Epoch 20.14, aid bcidacy STATE VENTURES INC. A to 5/8" Iona rods found as noted on tine previous recorded plat, and as s eyed.ou the 1'7 w ' and on Tune ?.9th, 2017. This. descriptton:is also rsfr need to the plat prepared by ATM Swww STATE VENTURES INC. ACRES . 1.70 ACRES M VOL.VOL1196, }SAGE 782 S I Project No. 2017-0241, and benig mare particularly described as follows: VOL. 1196, PAGE 782 ' I' BEGINNING at a 518" iron rod found for the east e<unar of this tract, also being the north gamer of w z i I. the Rust Baptist Church, called 4.09 .acre tract, as recorded in Vol. 2121; Page 291, of the H.C.O.It„ and also Y y Z i being a pointl,along the southwest right line of State Highway 6 Fmmage Road (300' R.O.W.); THENCE South 41 °45'07" West, a distance of 412.08 feet along the common line between this v : 3tract andsaid First Baptist Church to a 5/8"iron rod found for. the south corner of this tract, also northeast 0 being the west comeraf said First Baptist Church tract, and also being a pointrig the m line of the Shenandoah Phase 2 subdivision, called 12.176 acre tract, as recorded is Vol. 1196, Page 782 of the B.C.OJL; WILSON SUBD1VL4ON \ �-- ' r THENCE Naath 47°12'42" West, a distance of 564.98 feet along the common lie hetuieea this /— .f — - !' b y 5 45°41'52" E 165.007 r+ r . , " 1.00 ACRES �' (CALLED r tract and said Sbenandoah Plim 2 subdivision to a 1/4 metal tack set m for the west VOL 1985, PAGE -199 WILSC}N SUFI i3EVTSION S 48°09'59" E 165.03' corner of this tract, also being the north comer of said Shenandoah Phase 2 Subdivision, and also (CALLEL.S 45°41'52" E 165.00) GG11 ,r I d VOL.1 ,AGE 199 soiltheast y o S 48°09'59" E 165.03' I +J 100 ACRES '� v being a point along the nght,, wa line f Ban: m Road (80' ILO W.). IFN - i „ �- I o o C 985 > THENCE North 42°05'39" East, a distances of 29.74 feet along the common line between this tract N gip, �. `cw I a+ o �r" p a. C � o � � � � � � ••� � � . � • � . • I:' c I °g o � � � N iT � a , and said Haaon Road"tA a 1/4" metal tack set in concrete for a north Garner o£tblis tract, alert? being . �1 �+ I . , Wilson Subdivision called 1.00 acre tract, as recorded in VoL 1985, Page 199 �5 qui the west comer of thel .� .' w N 04 r of the B.C.O.R• '��+ �• I a 4 LOT 1A r W ' , ca 2.48 ACRES. o, U rrQ.� file 2.�i8$ ASS � THENCE along the r,ommon line between link tract and said Wilson Subdivision, tract, for w I E" O a p - " ; . M � x o following calls' r dam. as I r? as O ,a a South 47°06'55" East; a distance of 213.58 fed to a 1/2" iron rod with a mart plastic cap marked . °Q. n v a > "ATM SURV RPLS�: 6132" set for an internal corner of this tract, also being the:south . of o x i . ; N • N ;� (CALLEIa S 44°46',t6" E) u I �psaid Wilson Subdi�nlsvaa tract, r W ' S 47°06'55" E 21-3.58' 30' ACCBSS ESMT.(VOL. 2976, -PAGE 37 PLAT)-- -- _ - -- -- -- ' ZSR' . °i- OALLFD S 44°4 Ab" E 217.707 , . p a �a - - -- -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - -- - - - - - . E 5893 North 4l°53'57" Eas ; a distance of 127.59 f� to a KERR for a north comer oft be tract, also being,, }- 5 47°06'55" E 217.70' 30' ACCP EWr.(VOL.. 29`16, PAS 3.7rFLAT) , j I o0q'29 f roe„'.. 5. Inc 1.70 11 , = N •--•-----•--•--•----- -- -- -- -- -- ---- --- - - ---.,-•,_- -- -: " 5893 o i ' CUNG.D&1VE , o, 4%�'f!b'S5"'E 1 gp04`29 58 off the B.Ccomer O 1 State Venture called 17 acre tract, as recorded in Vol Page 782 ,4.12' ,� _ " ("ANC. DRIVE , ; x o ' S 4229 9 T' w e� State V Inc . , Z SAME AND I)C:EPTRD {N 4 D4,2N" 1'0.98' ----- T' the Gammon litre between this tract armd said entnrea •tit, for the following N 47°12'42" W N 47"'12'42" W Sti8:04 0 0-M ACRS IN VOL. SHENANDOAIi 3.06' (CALLED N 44a51,0�4" 5AC587 S>3EI►T E 11(4,1C)AS v U, . 7T 2, RAGE 241 PHASE TWO didence of 165.03 fat to a "�" in concrete set for an inG l:eelln t of this Z the of said Salic . Ventures Inc. trach Saandn - SAVE AND EXCEPTED 0.0025 ACRES � TWO 12.176 ACRES 4$°49'59" East; a ' r � 1N VOL. 7712_ FAGR mi 12:1%6A ES Vint I a nc u,Ar_u �being .r . FINAL PLAT o CERTIFICATE OF OWNERSHIP AND DEDICATION C f)I;ATE OF CITY PLANNER CERTIFICATE 0 E F THE COUNTY CLERK . S?lA7Ei OF TEXAS I . , ' r Y1 ��+ 1 Cify Planner of the City of College Station, Texas. _ mu OF BRAZOS h 1A LOT m tkue Subdryiawn .Plat conforms to thei re_quir�ements of the STATE OF TEXAS 4 5ytragion fFdegylsrtioats.of thRi,�aly of Eolln9e Station. COUNTY OF BRAZOS _ _ Vol �`g Y We, Victor and Mork Drazd, Owners and developers of the land shown on this plot, and (; f 1 _ _ _ designated herein as Lots 1A. Block 1, of the Drozd Subdivision to the City of College E, i, aY� t-<<- t�e� County Clerk, in and for sal! county, do hereby certify ���c F�1 ` f�lvr l�4 Do E 9 Station. Texas, and whose name is subscribed hereto, hereby dedicate to the use of the that this plot together with its rl1-1. 6 public forever all streets, alleys, parks. greeAways, infrastructure. easements, and public places c filed r din y BLOCK 1 the -man shown for the purpose and consideration therein expressed. All such dedicationsertificates of duthent(cation was ed for coat m afHee the shall be in fee simple unless expressly provided otherwise. l �*� day of l�eCember 2D� +. in I�l38le V4 4 Filed _ i n: Planner the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, in Volume Page f' c Vie' C! r n =t�� Being a n A`e n n Plat of City of Collage Station $RA'cO•, tir��l�{T`i — - - iFll g LH WITNESS my hand and official Seal, at my office in Bryan, Texas. _ On-' Dec O1 r?±Ol r at __r PLdTTBfa � r -- ,teats Owner -Victor Dra Owner - Mark Drazd As 'Z Lot e 1. �: I - , laGs • C (�tL4Yl Document Number:W" dft-MMW D;mOZD SUBDIVISION STATE OF TEXAS �I '. County Clerk tom- (.� A 1�8 R'U&Pi9STF.9Fd(r-RPf461 STATE OF TEXAS TE:OF CITY ENGINEER Brazos County Texas •Geta 6c-! .— AtA,]Un COUNTY OF BRAZOS COUNTY OF BRAZOS I, 73.lii1 L2" l�DW!!L!&Q�1eP S7 F 41418 ►9s BL46iat2-ATd[3fArV�S87 w i tofte Cit Engineer. of the Clty of College Station. Texas. u iE P1�•Y Before me the undersigned authority, on this. day personally appeared ark,Drozd;.kno n Y �U4dl8TALTAIlr!l8B8AS4+Rrl X,lii Before me the undsrs' ned authority, on this da. nally appeared Victor and Mark Bef g Y In ,;ants of the ivialon Recei a -618218 Ba �9 Y Y Pereo as names are subscribed to the foregoing ., stnament, and Hereby certify that this Sbdvlaian coaforma to the regy. em Subd _ Ph7 known to me to the - on whose names are subscribed to the foregoing to me to be the :person who 9 •9 (r , ,,,, ... L{C�h'fi 5111'Vey NO#�'' VOL's ' 29765 PAGE 3 instru kna be para for the purpose and acknowledged to me that they executed the same for the purpose grid eonedaration Etegulatlona of the City Of' College Staticin, Texas. instrument. ti and acknowledged sd to ma that They executed the same,p rpose n stated. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEYOR b ofthi8_ By aM-ondwTfAfas.St�iePb= there( ata ::. - Dabble Baker consideration therein stated. STATE OF TEXAS t1,� Syakom, CAaW Zma, NADW2011) ESI 2010,,=d i f da of NOK4f6_ ' 20 -LZ Given under my hand and seal on this day of 2D -- - _ - 518 as noted -on previati8 COUNTY - OF BRAZOS Ugjr rid to " irOm 2[ida >i� Given under my hand and seal on this y T r t `I I; Adam Wallace. RegistereFl Professional Land Surveyor No. 6132, in the State of �IATt OR TELA i:i�li¢{{`Y [IF °RA=1Ju ply, . Texas. hereby,eertify, that this 'plat is true and correct and was prepared from an actual I het etre _8i 1 #{ h� 1 h l3 !n tt s!hlent Wn= 2)•IDrawiogt3caleie 1 v s R., purvey of the property and that property markers and monuments Were placed under my f tial ]n the �i3?fie Fln,j iiale 5;rtrRa_rj hafia,]n hiy De _ su rvision on the;"round. on November 1 t; 2017. nntj , r am ).Draaraby AdmnWellaca g was t rl- fi---fiz]ed !n otic ,fnl>rme ,,n Raga TY, TEXAS the 100 > COLLEGE... TION, BRAZOS COON City Engineer ]f the Official - records 4). Said oataFpeartDi>s ycarfluodplain, h_ O,f r_rnl Publi,_ � > LEG STA OA b Pe_Ql d� ]f_ theTedwal on ,l'11:S1bY `t3�Y Ai3fY :n.. _ S .. - No. iCti310F atiectwa OaA2 2(114 A U g U t i 2 �,1 %... - v-. : •.PltbHc,� fie�es f � .::. -x. •_, .,:: . , .. _ _ :. - - - -- =.:.. _: �. I� ,, .- .. � • � -. ., e�Y Faasl 4&I4 date, _ � f RAZOS 1. rr r `t _ ... _ £ s C int Tbxas R ,rc. Brazos County,} Texas r �: .. tar .:_ku� Braze a Y. , .. ( �. _ r .,, - . B Faaementta�amdedinVoL 508, 323, Vol. 187,E - - . N - �: � � ; ,. I�,Af _ �� A-. ' _ �. , - • , :.:. , ,. r'�- .. � - : �''�. stamped ' 265. STREET ADDRESS: SOUTH HIGI�WA FRONTAGE ROAD ..... . lis nePeOn be. iib, zoned GC - General Ccmial. 'n. Thaw p is r :- VOL,, r. � a.'.Re�d�a;�v�s�, 26 :C.DR.),saa> ..SCALE: 1 60' Adam WOAC�e �- � a e a;� �Pi !_r i -t!! Texas Registered Profession i • b records does not apply thisSURVEYOR:. 16132 n _ i Lan Surveyor, Number 6132 . , Survey r N m m to �, 323. F Land a 73, Page 262 of the 13razoa _• ' lot. Karen �i,_r ,�aen Brl?ia �n 9). Blw*d in V L 508, R ; rc be amand'doni: loth Wallace, �� •, �� ; i:n, �� l,�r OWNER/DEVELOPER ATM nd MARK DRO am .� �� _ _�tt VICTOR DROZD a ZD -- � _ °� .� 9 --- — - 1403 Lemon Tree. • •;, ,. _ _ -_:- ,�� � ,, - y� .. � _ D/B/A DROZD PROPERTIES ! ' 77840 Filename: 17193 -BARON RD AND HWY 6 FR4ITAGL.DW�i Y ATM Surveying 4236 BOONVtLLE RD. College Station TX P.O.Box 10313,ColkVStadMTX77940 (979) 209-9291 Plot date: 07/01/17 BRYAN TX 77802 Revised: 11/01/17 PHONE.{979)2(19-9291 email: Adam(a)A 'i ,. wvew.ATMsury coma -FIRM #1017