HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-3925 - Ordinance - 09/11/2017 ORDINANCE NO. 2017-3925 RECYCLING COLLECTION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT& GENERAL SERVICE AGREEMENT FIRST AMENDMENT AND FIRST RENEWAL AN ORDINANCE GRANTING CCAA MANAGEMENT SERIES, LLC D/B/A BRAZOS VALLEY RECYCLING ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE FOR THE PRIVILEGE AND USE OF PUBLIC STREETS, ALLEYS, AND PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAYS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION ("CITY") FOR THE PURPOSE OF PROVIDING COLLECTION OF RECYCLABLE MATERIALS FROM DESIGNATED CITY FACILITIES, CITY BUILDINGS, AND SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL HOMES. PRESCRIBING THE TERMS, CONDITIONS, OBLIGATIONS, AND LIMITATIONS UNDER WHICH SAID FRANCHISE SHALL BE EXERCISED; PROVIDING FOR THE CONSIDERATION; FOR THE PERIOD OF THE GRANT; FOR ASSIGNMENT; FOR THE METHOD OF ACCEPTANCE; FOR REPEAL OF CONFLICTING ORDINANCES; FOR PARTIAL INVALIDITY. WHEREAS, the City, by ordinance, exclusively provides all solid waste collection and disposal services for solid waste aggregated from within the City limits including, but not limited to Recyclable Materials; and WHEREAS,the City pursuant to City Charter Article XI, may grant franchises to entities for use of public streets, alleys, and highways for collection Recyclable Materials generated in City limits; and WHEREAS,the City of College Station desires to exercise the Charter's authority and grant a non- exclusive franchise to CCAA Management Series, LLC d/b/a Brazos Valley Recycling for collection of certain Recyclable Materials generated from designated City Facilities, City Buildings, and Single Family Residential Homes in City limits; and WHEREAS, the City by ordinance approved Ordinance No. 2015-3710 for a Franchise Ordinance and Service Agreement for the collection of Recyclable Materials within the City limits; and WHEREAS,the City and CCAA Management Series, LLC D/B/A desire to amend the Ordinance No. 2015-3710 and renew the term; and NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS,THAT ORDINANCE NO. 2015-3710 BE AMENDED AND REPLACED WITH THE FOLLOWING: Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 1 of 26 Table of Contents Article I. Definitions 4 Article II. Recycling Services 5 Article III. Payment and Term 5 Article IV. Grant of Authority and Acceptance 6 Article V. Non-Exclusive Franchise 6 Article VI. Violation and Penalty 7 Article VII. Independent Contractor 7 Article VIII. Insurance 7 Article IX. Indemnification and Release 7 Article X. Disputes and Mediation 8 Article Xl. General Terms 9 Exhibit A. Scope of Services 13 1. Recyclable Materials Collection Services 13 2. Collection Procedures 13 3. Collection and Transport of Recyclables 14 4. Appearance of Equipment and Personnel 15 5. Processing and Marketing 15 6. Reporting Requirements 15 7. Service Adjustments 16 8. Responsibility for Receptacle, Equipment, & Access 16 9. Receptacle Replacement or Repair Cost 16 10. Inspection of Records and Operations 16 11. Complaints Regarding Service 17 12. Termination of Individual Service 17 Exhibit B. Insurance Requirements 18 I) Standard Insurance Policies Required: 18 II) General Requirements Applicable to All Policies• 18 III) Commercial General Liability 18 IV) Business Automobile Liability 19 V) Workers' Compensation Insurance 19 Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 2 of 26 VI) Title 28, Section 110.110(c) (7) 20 Exhibit C. Certificates of Insurance 23 Exhibit D. Recyclable Materials Collected 24 Accepted Materials 24 Exhibit E. Collection Method 25 Exhibit F. Collection Schedule 26 Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 3 of 26 ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS 1.1 Agreement means this Franchise Ordinance and Service Agreement adopted by City Ordinance between City and Contractor for the collection of Recyclable Materials within the City limits. 1.2 Approved Number of Customers means the maximum number of Single Family Residential Homes, City Buildings, and City Facilities served, which is determined by the City's Representative based on Utility Billing Reports. 1.3 Brazos Valley Solid Waste Management Agency, Inc. (BVSWMA, Inc.) or Twin Oaks Landfill means the permitted municipal solid waste landfill owned and operated by a Texas local government corporation. 1.4 City Council or Council means the governing body of the City of College Station,Texas. 1.5 City means the City of College Station, a Texas Home Rule Municipal Corporation. 1.6 City's Representative means the Recycling&Environmental Compliance Manager or their designated appointee. 1.7 Collection means the scheduled aggregation of recyclables by Contractor. 1.8 Contaminated means recyclable materials mixed with solid waste or is altered in a way that has become unrecyclable. 1.9 Contractor means the Contractor who is franchised for the collection of recyclable materials. 1.10 Customers mean the locations designated by the City as a City Building or Facility and Single Family Residential Homes. a. Single Family Residential Home means: i. Each residential unit in a building with less than a total of four (4) attached residential units in a complex that has been assigned a shared automated solid waste collection container, that has not been identified as a multi-family apartment complex by the City, and provided with twice per week garbage collection, every other week curbside recycling collection, and once per week rubbish/brush collection. ii. Each single-family detached residential unit or residential units in a building with less than a total of four (4) attached residential units in a complex where each residential unit has been assigned an automated solid waste container and provided with once per week garbage, rubbish/brush collection,and every other week recycling collection. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 4 of 26 1.11 Receptacle means a weatherproof container easily identifiable and designated for recycling collection. 1.12 Recyclables or Recyclable Materials mean materials recovered from the solid waste stream for the purpose of reuse or reclamation, a substantial portion of which is consistently used in the manufacture of products that may otherwise be produced using raw or virgin materials. Recyclable materials are not solid waste unless they are abandoned or disposed of as garbage rather than reprocessed into another product. Specifically as described in Exhibit A. 1.13 Residue means the materials regularly associated with and attached to recyclable materials, as a part of the original packaging or usage of that material that is not recyclable. 1.14 TAC means the Texas Administrative Code now and as amended. 1.15 TCEQ means the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. ARTICLE II. RECYCLING SERVICES This Agreement is by and between the City of College Station, a Texas Home-Rule Municipal Corporation and CCAA Management Series, LLC d/b/a Brazos Valley Recycling to collect, transport, process, and recycle all Recyclable Materials generated by Customers as described in the Scope of Services attached as Exhibit A. ARTICLE III. PAYMENT AND TERM 3.1 Consideration. In consideration for the services performed in the Scope of Services Contractor's completion of the services in conformity with this Agreement the City shall pay the Contractor not to exceed $880,000.00 or the number of customers times the approved rate per section 3.3 Single Family Residential Home of this Article. 3.2 City Buildings and Facilities. City shall pay Contractor for recycling collection, $3.18 per month per approved City Building or Facility. 3.3 Single Family Residential Home. City shall pay Contractor for recycling collection $3.18 per month per approved Single Family Residential Home. An additional fee will be paid by the Customer to the Contractor for any additional Receptacles requested and provided by the Contractor. 3.4 Payment Application. The Contractor will invoice the City monthly for recycling collection. The City will pay the Contractor's invoice within thirty (30) after receipt according to the Texas Prompt Payment Act. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 5 of 26 3.5 City's Payment and Approval. The City will pay Contractor for the services performed no later than thirty (30) calendar days from the date of the City's receipt of the payment application and the City's approval of the services. If any amount due from the City is not paid within sixty (60) days after Contractor's invoice date, Contractor may, with written notice and without terminating this Agreement, suspend collecting and processing of Recyclable Materials until the City has paid any undisputed amount to Contractor. 3.6 Invoice Requirements. Invoices must state on a form approved by the City: a. The number and type of Customers collected for the previous month b. The per Customer charge c. The total invoice amount 3.7 Term. The Agreement term is for three (3) years. ARTICLE IV. GRANT OF AUTHORITY AND ACCEPTANCE 4.1 City grants Contractor a non-exclusive franchise to operate and establish recycling collection from designated Customers. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as granting an exclusive franchise or right. 4.2 City grants Contractor passage and rights-of-way on, along, and across City streets, highways, alleys, public places and all other real property for recycling collection. All collection, work, activity, and undertakings by Contractor are subject to this Agreement and City's governmental and police powers. 4.3 By accepting this Agreement, Contractor represents it has, by careful examination, satisfied itself as to the nature and location of the services, character, quality, and quantity of services performed, the character of the equipment and facilities necessary to fulfill obligations under this Agreement, as well as the general and local conditions and all other matters affecting services performed under this Agreement. ARTICLE V. NON-EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE 5.1 This Agreement is a non-exclusive franchise recycling as described in this Agreement. The City many enter into a contract with another entity for the collection, processing, and disposal of solid waste or Recyclable Materials not covered by the terms of this Agreement. If City develops services or programs resulting other materials that may be recycled, including but not limited to multifamily or commercial recycling, the City shall have the option to market those to any contractor. 5.2 If City and Contractor contract for the collection and recycling of additional materials, those terms will be incorporated into this Agreement with an amendment. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 6 of 26 ARTICLE VI. VIOLATION AND PENALTY 6.1 Fine. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision or term of this Agreement shall receive a citation and fine not to exceed $2,000.00 per offense per day. Each and every day a violation continues constitutes a separate offense. 6.2 Complaint Charges. Upon receipt of twenty five (25) Customer complaints within a thirty (30)day period, Contractor shall be assessed a charge of Three Hundred Dollars($300.00). Complaints are to be verified by the Contractor and the City's Representative. The charges shall be deducted from the Contractor's monthly invoice. 6.3 Remedies. In addition to any rights set out elsewhere in this Agreement, or other rights the City may possess at law or equity, the City reserves the right to apply any remedies, alone or in combination, in the event Contractor violates any provision of this Agreement. The remedies provided for in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive; the exercise of one remedy shall not prevent the exercise of another, or any rights of the City at law or equity. ARTICLE VII. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR 7.1 Independent Contractor. The Contractor is an independent contractor retained for the services described in the Scope of Services. The City will not control the manner or the means of the Contractor's performance. The City shall be entitled to a work product as described in the Scope of Services. The City will not be responsible for reporting or paying employment taxes or other similar levies required by the United States Internal Revenue Service or other State or Federal agencies. This Agreement does not create a joint venture or partnership. ARTICLE VIII. INSURANCE 8.1 The Contractor shall procure and maintain, at its sole cost and expense for the term of this Agreement, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property that may arise from or in connection with the performance of the services performed by the Contractor, its agents, representatives, volunteers, employees, or subcontractors. 8.2 The Contractor's insurance shall list the City of College Station, its employees, volunteers, and officials as additional insureds. The Required Limits of Insurance are attached in Exhibit B. Certificates of insurance evidencing the required insurance coverages are attached in Exhibit C. ARTICLE IX. INDEMNIFICATION AND RELEASE 9.1 Indemnification. Contractor shall indemnify, hold harmless, and defend the City, its officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from and against any and all claims, losses, Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 7 of 26 damages, causes of action, suits, and liability of every kind, including all expenses of litigation, court costs, and attorney's fees, for injury to or death of any person or for damage to any property arising out of or in connection with the work and services done by the Contractor under this Agreement. Such indemnity shall apply regard less of whether the claims, losses, damages, causes of action, suits, or liability arise in whole or in part from the negligence of the City, any other party indemnified hereunder, the Contractor, or any third party. 9.2 Release. The Contractor assumes full responsibility for the work to be performed hereunder and hereby releases, relinquishes, and discharges the City, its officers, agents, volunteers, and employees from all claims, demands, and causes of action of every kind and character, including the cost of defense thereof, for any injury to or death of any person and any loss of or damage to any property that is caused by,alleged to be caused by,arising out of, or in connection with the Contractor's work and services to be performed hereunder. This release shall apply regardless of whether said claims, demands, and causes of action are covered in whole or in part by insurance and regardless of whether such injury,death, loss,or damage was caused in whole or in part by the negligence of the City, any other party released hereunder, the Contractor, or any third party. ARTICLE X. DISPUTES AND MEDIATION 10.1 Disputes. If dispute between City and Contractor arises during this Agreement, the dispute shall first be referred to the operational officers or representatives designated by the parties having oversight of the administration of this Agreement. The officers or representatives shall meet within thirty (30) days of either party's request for a meeting, whichever request is first, and the parties shall make a good faith effort to achieve a resolution of the dispute. 10.2 Mediation. If the parties not able to resolve the dispute under the procedure in this article,then the parties agree the matter shall be referred to non-binding mediation. The parties shall mutually agree upon a mediator to assist in resolving their differences. If the parties cannot agree upon a mediator, the parties shall jointly obtain a list of three (3) mediators from a reputable dispute resolution organization and alternate striking mediators on that list until one remains. A coin toss shall determine who may strike the first name. If a party fails to notify the other party of which mediator it has stricken within two (2) business days, the other party shall select the mediator from those mediators remaining on the list. The parties shall pay their own expenses of any mediation and will equally pay for the mediator's services. 10.3 Other Remedies. If the parties fail to achieve a resolution of the dispute through mediation, either party may then pursue any available judicial remedies. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 8 of 26 ARTICLE Xl. GENERAL TERMS 11.1 Performance. Contractor, its employees, associates, or subcontractors shall perform all the services described in the Scope of Services in a professional manner and be fully qualified and competent to perform those services. Contractor shall undertake the work and complete it in a timely manner. 11.2 Termination. a. For Convenience. At any time, the City may terminate this Agreement for convenience, in writing with thirty (30) days' notice. Contractor shall be compensated for the services performed. In the event that the City terminates this Contract for convenience,the City shall pay Contractor for the services performed and expenses incurred before the termination date. b. For Cause. City also may terminate this Agreement if Contractor materially breaches or otherwise fails to perform, comply with or otherwise observe any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, or fails to maintain all required licenses and approvals from federal, state, and local jurisdictions, and fails to cure such breach or default within thirty (30) days of City providing Contractor written notice, or, if not reasonably capable of being cured within thirty (30) calendar days, within such other reasonable period of time upon which the parties may agree. c. Hearing. This Agreement shall not be terminated except upon a majority vote of the City Council, after giving reasonable notice to Contractor. The Contractor will have an opportunity to be heard, provided if exigent circumstances necessitate immediate termination, the hearing may be held as soon as possible after the termination. 11.3 Venue. This Contract has been made under and shall be governed by the laws of the State of Texas. The parties agree that performance and all matters related thereto shall be in Brazos County,Texas. 11.4 Amendment. This Agreement may only be amended by written instrument approved and executed by the parties. 10.5 Taxes. The City is tax exempt and is not responsible for the payment of any taxes. 11.6 Compliance with Laws. The Contractor will comply with all applicable federal, state, and local statues, regulations, ordinances, and other laws, including but not limited to the Immigration Reform and Control (IRCA). The Contractor may not knowingly obtain the labor or services of an undocumented worker. The Contractor, not the City, must verify eligibility for employment as required by IRCA. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 9 of 26 11.7 Waiver of Terms. No waiver or deferral by either party of any term or condition of this Contract shall be deemed or construed to be a waiver of deferral of any other term or condition or subsequent waiver or deferral of the same term or condition. 11.8 Assignment. This Agreement and the rights and obligations contained herein may not be assigned by the Contractor without the prior written approval of City. 11.9 Invalid Provisions. If any provision of this Agreement shall be held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining provisions shall continue to be valid and enforceable. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds that any provision of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, and if limiting that provision the Agreement may become valid and enforceable, then such provision shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. 11.10 Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire and integrated agreement between the City and Contractor and supersedes all prior negotiations, representations, or agreements, either written or oral. 11.11 Agree to Terms. The parties' state they have read the terms and conditions of this Agreement and agree to the terms and conditions. Contractor shall evidence its unconditional written acceptance of all the terms and conditions of this Agreement by the execution of this Agreement. 11.12 Effective Date. According to City Charter, Section 105, after passage, approval and legal publication of this Agreement as provided by law, and provided it has been duly accepted by Contractor as herein above provided, this Agreement shall not take effect until sixty (60) days after its adoption on its second and final reading. 11.13 Notice. Any official notice under this Agreement will be sent to the following addresses: City of College Station CCAA Management Series, LLC d/b/a Attn: Heather Woolwine Brazos Valley Recycling PO BOX 9960 Attn: Blake Brannon 1101 Texas Ave 1555 Highway 36 North College Station, TX 77842 Brenham,TX 77833 hwoolwine@cstx.gov bbrannon@premiermetalbuyers.com Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 10 of 26 11.14 List of Exhibits. All exhibits to this Agreement are incorporated and made part of this Agreement for all purposes. A. Scope of Services B. Insurance Requirements C. Certificates of Insurance D. List of Recyclable Materials E. Collection Method F. Collection Schedule 11.15 Public Meetings and Readings. This Agreement was passed adopted and approved according to Texas Government Code Chapter 551. a. First Consideration &Approval on the Otl— day of ��, ._ 4�, 2 b. Second Consideration &Approval on the 1 f day o Ss � II/yii.I,, O1PI2 Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 11 of 26 PASSED DOPTED, and APPROVED by the City of College Station City Council on the //0 day o 2017. CCAA MANAGEMENT SERIES, LLC D/B/A BRAZOS VALLEY RECYCLING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION By: 0fBy: /,. .diI rf`Ii M. ,.r Printed Name:if c Wi2im/nos, Title: Rr'CSVA-,--74Date: '' Date: 0/z/iI ATTEST: ( 4 / Ci// 51--- City Se r tark Date: V'/ -12 APPROVED: illir 40 r,, iir,., City Mana er Date: 7 vz'/7 AfIA-C-C4Ak ttorney Date: --(a,n Assis\( ) a t y Manager CFO Date. °r`( Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 12 of 26 EXHIBIT A. SCOPE OF SERVICES 1. Recyclable Materials Collection Services a. Services. Contractor shall collect, remove, transport, process, market, and recycle all Recyclable Materials generated by Customers according to Exhibit D. b. Receptacles. Contractor shall provide at the Contractor's cost and use collection receptacles with the approved specifications in this Agreement. Contractor shall maintain an inventory of at least 300 receptacles at Contractor's facility. c. Duties. Contractor shall provide all reasonable, adequate, and necessary supervision, supplies, materials, equipment, labor, insurance, licenses, and permits to fulfill all obligations under this Agreement. 2. Collection Procedures a. Notification. The City shall be responsible for educating Customers on recycling collection procedures. Notification materials shall be provided at Contractor's expense. b. Placement of Receptacles. Under no circumstances shall receptacles be placed on public streets, alleys, or thoroughfares without the City's Representative's approval. Contractor shall provide receptacles to Customers within one week of receiving an order request from a Customer or the City Representative. Contractor shall remove receptacle(s)within one week of receiving an order request from a Customer or City Representative. c. Collection. Contractor shall collect the receptacles containing Recyclable Materials placed on the curb in Customer location. Contractor shall use open bed trucks, trailers, compaction trucks, fully automated, semi-automated, or any combination for the collection of the Recyclable Materials. d. Collection Schedule. Contractor shall collect Recyclable Materials according to the Collection Schedule attached in Exhibit F. The Collection Schedule must be approved by the City. Contractor may only collect Recyclable Materials according to the Collection Schedule, unless a change is approved in writing by the City's Representative. If change is approved, Contractor must provide notice to each designated Customer at its expense and in a manner approved by the City's Representative. e. Collection Times. Collection of Recyclable Materials may not start before 8:00 a.m. and must complete collection by 5:00 p.m. In no event shall Contractor perform collection activities between 8:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. Contractor shall notify the City's Representative within one (1) hour of any delay in the collection process. Notice of a Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 13 of 26 delay must be accompanied by Contractor's proposal foompleting the scheduled work within a reasonable time. The proposal must be approved by the City's Representative. f. City Holidays. When scheduled collection day falls on an official City holiday recognized by the City's Sanitation Division, recycling collection may be postponed by one (1) day. When a scheduled collection is postponed due to the observance of a holiday, the City shall notify the affected Customers of the holiday and shall notify the affected customers of their make-up collection date. Notice shall occur no less than forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the observed holiday and shall be approved in advance by the City's Representative. A holiday collection schedule shall be provided six (6) months in advance to the Contractor. g. Force Majeure. Neither party shall be liable or responsible to the other party for any delay,damage, loss,failure,or inability to perform caused by Force Majeure.Such request shall be accompanied by Contractor's proposal for completing scheduled work within a reasonable time frame. Said request shall be subject to approval by the City's Representative. a. The term Force Majeure shall include the following: an act of God, strike, act of a public enemy, war, mines or other items of ordinance, blockage, public rioting, lightning, fire, storm, hurricane, flood, explosions, inability to obtain materials, supplies, labor permits, servitudes, or rights of way, acts or restraints of any governmental authority, epidemics, landslides, lightning storms, earthquakes, washouts, arrests, restraints of rulers and peoples, civil disturbances, breakage or accident to machinery or lines of equipment, temporary failure of equipment, freezing of equipment, and any other cause, whether of the kinds specifically enumerated above or otherwise, which is not reasonably within the control of the parties and which by the exercise of due diligence could not reasonably be prevented or overcome. Events reasonably within the control of the party having the difficulty shall not constitute "force majeure" and shall be remedied with the exercise of due diligence. 3. Collection and Transport of Recyclables a. Transport. The Contractor shall only transport collected Recyclable Materials for storage, processing, disposal, or other necessary handling to locations in a manner permitted by the terms of this Agreement as well as federal, state, and local law. This Agreement does not authorize Contractor to utilize the streets, alleys, and public ways to dispose of municipal solid waste intended for disposal or any other type of waste from any other project. b. Cover. During transport of Recyclable Materials all vehicles shall be covered to prevent release of litter. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 14 of 26 4. Appearance of Equipment and Personnel a. Equipment. Contractor shall ensure all collection equipment and vehicles are attractively painted, well maintained and are in good working condition. Equipment must be washed at least one time per week. Equipment and vehicles must have sufficient carrying capacity for safe and efficient Recyclable Materials collection Customers. The City shall have the right to inspect and approve the appearance of recycling collection equipment. A standby vehicle shall be available at all times for Recyclable Materials collection. b. Signage. Contractor's vehicles shall at all times be clearly labeled with Contractor's name and phone number in visible letters and numbers not less than three (3) inches in height. Signage must be on both sides of the vehicle and placed in a conspicuous place. Only labeled vehicles shall perform collection activities under this Agreement. c. Personnel. All collection personnel shall wear a City approved uniform to include, at minimum, matching labeled shirts with denim jeans or other standard work pants. 5. Processing and Marketing a. Marketing and Processing. Contractor is responsible for the marketing and processing costs/returns of all Recyclable Materials. All Recyclable Materials must be processed at certified, registered,or permitted recycling vendors, processing facilities, brokers,toll end users, material recovery facilities, or recycling manufacturers.. b. Disposal. In no case shall any uncontaminated Recyclable Materials be disposed in a landfill. Contractor shall dispose of contaminated materials at Twin Oaks Landfill, billable to the City. 6. Reporting Requirements a. Activity Report. With the monthly invoice Contractor shall provide a Monthly Recycling Activity Report, on a form approved by the City, summarizing the previous month's collection. Contractor's report shall include the following information: i. The Customer collection count, itemized by customer type, collection day, and route ii. Total tonnage of all Recyclable Materials collected, itemized by type of material iii. Total tonnage of all Recyclable Materials collected, but not sold due to rejection and the disposition of those materials iv. Copy of weight tickets from all forms of processing site(s) in accordance with "5. Processing and Marketing" Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 15 of 26 v. Reports of all complaints and investigations concerning the collection of Recyclable Materials and the actions taken by Contractor in response to complaints vi. Any other information concerning the recycling collection as required by the City's Representative 7. Service Adjustments Changes in service including the type and size equipment, the frequency or service type, and rates may be amended in writing by the parties. The Customer may request from the Contractor additional Receptacles and/or extra collections by a separate agreement between the Contractor and Customer. The fee for any additional Receptacles and/or extra collections will be invoiced to the Customer by the Contractor. The invoice will be paid directly by the Customer to the Contractor. 8. Responsibility for Receptacle, Equipment, &Access Contractor furnished receptacles or equipment will remain Contractor's property. Customers shall only use the receptacle(s) for its proper and intended purpose and shall not overload (by weight or volume) or alter the receptacle. Customers shall provide safe and unobstructed access to the receptacles or equipment on the scheduled collection day. 9. Receptacle Replacement or Repair Cost If the Customers' receptacle is lost, stolen, damaged, or destroyed, Contractor will determine the repair or replacement cost based on new model prices. The repair or replacement cost will include all part(s), decals, complete container(s), repair, and labor. If it is determined a Customer intentionally or negligently damages or loses the Contractor's receptacles or equipment then the Customer may be invoiced by the Contractor for the damages. It is the Customer's responsibility to file police reports for stolen or vandalized containers. 10. Inspection of Records and Operations a. Facilities. The City shall have the right to inspect the facilities, equipment, personnel, and operations of the Contractor to investigate compliance with this Agreement. b. Records. The City shall have the right to inspect Contractor's records, receipts, and all documentation relating to the performance of this Agreement.Those records include, but not limited to information concerning the quality and quantity of Recyclable Materials collected,processed,and sold; number Customers served,gross amounts paid to and paid by Contractor from the sale/processing of Recyclable Materials, as well as amounts paid by Contractor for recycling collection equipment. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 16 of 26 c. Records Retention. Contractor shall retain all records associated with this agreement for a period of four (4) years. City shall have access to information regarding Contractor's markets and prices paid for each type of material's return/cost; all information obtained by City shall remain confidential according to the Texas Open Records Act. The City agrees to notify the Contractor at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to such inspection of operations and/or records. 11. Complaints Regarding Service a. Intake. Contractor shall make practices and procedures for receiving and resolving Customer complaints and collection issues. Any complaint received by the City shall be forwarded to the Contractor within one(1) business day of receipt. Any missed collection, whether real or alleged, shall be the collection responsibility of the Contractor. b. Response. Contractor shall respond to all complaints within one (1) business day of receiving a complaint from a Customer or notice of complaint from the City. Regardless of the nature of the complaint, Contractor shall report the action taken to the City in accordance with section "6. Reporting Requirements" 12.Termination of Individual Service In the event that Contractor wants to terminate service to any Customer, Contractor must send a written request and state the reason for termination to the City's Representative. The City's Representative shall have the right to review such request for a period of five (5) business days. The City's Representative shall make the final determination regarding any termination of individual service. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 17 of 26 EXHIBIT B. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Throughout the term of this Agreement the Contractor must comply with the following: I) Standard Insurance Policies Required: A) Commercial General Liability B) Business Automobile Liability C) Workers' Compensation II) General Requirements Applicable to All Policies: A) Certificates of Insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or its authorized agent. B) Certificates of Insurance and endorsements shall be furnished on the most current State of Texas Department of Insurance-approved forms to the City's Representative at the time of execution of this Agreement; shall be attached to this Agreement as Exhibit C; and shall be approved by the City before work begins. C) Contractor shall be responsible for all deductibles on any policies obtained in compliance with this Agreement. Deductibles shall be listed on the Certificate of Insurance and are acceptable on a per-occurrence basis only. D) The City will accept only Insurance Carriers licensed and authorized to do business in the State of Texas. E) The City will not accept "claims made" policies. F) Coverage shall not be suspended, canceled, non-renewed or reduced in limits of liability before thirty (30) days written notice has been given to the City. III) Commercial General Liability A) General Liability insurance shall be written by a carrier rated "A: VIII" or better under the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide. B) Policies shall contain an endorsement naming the City as Additional Insured and further providing "primary and non-contributory" language with regard to self-insurance or any insurance the City may have or obtain. C) Limits of liability must be equal to or greater than $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage,with an annual aggregate limit of$1,000,000.00. Limits shall be endorsed to be per project. D) No coverage shall be excluded from the standard policy without notification of individual exclusions being submitted for the City's review and acceptance Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 18 of 26 E) The coverage shall include, but not be limited to the following: premises/operations with separate aggregate; independent contracts; products/completed operations; contractual liability (insuring the indemnity provided herein) Host Liquor Liability, and Personal & Advertising Liability. IV) Business Automobile Liability A) Business Automobile Liability insurance shall be written by a carrier rated "A: VIII" or better rating under the current A. M. Best Key Rating Guide. B) Policies shall contain an endorsement naming the City as Additional Insured and further providing "primary and non-contributory" language with regard to self-insurance or any insurance the City may have or obtain C) Combined Single Limit of Liability not less than$1,000,000 per occurrence for bodily injury and property damage. D) The Business Auto Policy must show Symbol 1 in the Covered Autos Portion of the liability section in Item 2 of the declarations page E) The coverage shall include any autos, owned autos, leased or rented autos, non-owned autos, and hired autos. V) Workers' Compensation Insurance A) Pursuant to the requirements set forth in Title 28, Section 1 10.1 10 of the Texas Administrative Code, all employees of the Contractor, all employees of any and all subcontractors, and all other persons providing services on the Project must be covered by a Workers' Compensation policy, either directly through their employer's policy (the Contractor's or subcontractor's pol icy) or through an executed coverage agreement on an approved Texas Department of Insurance Division of Workers Compensation (DWC) form. Accordingly, if a subcontractor does not have his or her own policy and a coverage agreement is used, contractors and subcontractors must use that portion of the form whereby the hiring contractor agrees to provide coverage to the Subcontractors' employees. The portion of the form that would otherwise allow them not to provide coverage for the employees of an independent contractor may not be used. B) Workers compensation insurance shall include the following terms: 1) Employer's Liability minimum limits of liability not less than $500,000 for each accident/each disease/each employee are required 2) "Texas Waiver of Our Right to Recover From Others Endorsement, WC 42 03 04" shall be included in this policy 3) TEXAS must appear in Item 3A of the Workers' Compensation coverage or Item 3C must contain the following: "All States except those listed in Item 3A and the States of NV, ND, OH, WA, WV, and WY" Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 19 of 26 VI) Title 28, Section 110.110(c) (7) A) Pursuant to the explicit terms of Title 28, Section 110.110(c) (7) of the Texas Administrative Code,the bid specifications,this Agreement,and all subcontracts on this Project must include the following terms and conditions in the following language, without any additional words or changes, except those required to accommodate the specific document in which they are contained or to impose stricter standards of documentation: 1) Definitions: (1) Certificate of coverage ("certificate") - An original certificate of insurance, a certificate of authority to self-insure issued by the Division of Workers Compensation, or a coverage agreement (DWC-81, DWC-83,or DWC-84), showing statutory workers' compensation insurance coverage for the person's or entity's employees providing services on a project for the duration of the project. (2) Duration of the project- includes the time from the beginning of the work on the project until the Contractor's/person's work on the project has been completed and accepted by the governmental entity. (3) Persons providing services on the project ("subcontractors" in § 406. 096 [of the Texas Labor Code]) - includes all persons or entities performing all or part of the services the Contractor has undertaken to perform on the project, regardless of whether that person contracted directly with the Contractor and regardless of whether that person has employees. This includes, without limitation, independent Contractors, subcontractors, leasing companies, motor carriers, owner-operators, employees of any such entity, or employees of any entity which furnishes persons to provide services on the project. "Services" include, without limitation, providing, hauling, or delivering equipment or materials, or providing labor, transportation, or other service related to a project. "Services" does not include activities unrelated to the project, such as food/beverage vendors, office supply deliveries, and delivery of portable toilets. 2) The Contractor shall provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, that meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401. 011(44) for all employees of the Contractor providing services on the project, for the duration of the project. 3) The Contractor must provide a certificate of coverage to the governmental entity prior to being awarded the contract. 4) If the coverage period shown on the Contractor's current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project, the Contractor must, prior to the end of the Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 20 of 26 coverage period, file a new certificate of coverage with the governmental entity showing that coverage has been extended. 5) The Contractor shall obtain from each person providing services on a project, and provide to the governmental entity: (1) a certificate of coverage, prior to that person beginning work on the project, so the governmental entity will have on file certificates of coverage showing coverage for all persons providing services on the project; and (2) no later than seven calendar days after receipt by the Contractor, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project. 6) The Contractor shall retain all required certificates of coverage for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter. 7) The Contractor shall notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 calendar days after the Contractor knew or should have known, or any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project. 8) The Contractor shall post on each project site a notice, in the text, form and manner prescribed by the Division of Workers Compensation, informing all persons providing services on the project that they are required to be covered, and stating how a person may verify coverage and report lack of coverage. 9) The Contractor shall contractually require each person with whom it contracts to provide services on a project, to: (1) provide coverage, based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts and filing of any coverage agreements, that meets the statutory requirements of Texas Labor Code, Section 401.011(44) for all of its employees providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (2) provide to the Contractor, prior to that person beginning work on the project, a certificate of coverage showing that coverage is being provided for all employees of the person providing services on the project, for the duration of the project; (3) provide the Contractor, prior to the end of the coverage period, a new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project,• (4) obtain from each other person with whom it contracts, and provide to the Contractor: (a) A certificate of coverage, prior to the other person beginning work on the project; and (b) A new certificate of coverage showing extension of coverage, prior to the end of the coverage period, if the coverage period shown on the current certificate of coverage ends during the duration of the project; Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 21 of 26 (5) retain all required certificates of coverage on file for the duration of the project and for one year thereafter; (6) notify the governmental entity in writing by certified mail or personal delivery, within 10 calendar days after the person knew or should have known, of any change that materially affects the provision of coverage of any person providing services on the project; and (7) Contractually require each person with whom it contracts to perform as required by paragraphs (a) - (g), with the certificates of coverage to be provided to the person for whom they are providing services. 10) By signing this contract, or providing, or causing to be provided a certificate of coverage, the Contractor is representing to the governmental entity that all employees of the Contractor who will provide services on the project will be covered by workers' compensation coverage for the duration of the project;that the coverage will be based on proper reporting of classification codes and payroll amounts: and that all coverage agreements will be filed with the appropriate insurance carrier or, in the case of a self-insured,with the Commission's Division of Self-Insurance Regulation. Providing false or misleading information may subject the Contractor to administrative penalties, criminal penalties, civil penalties, or other civil actions. 11)The Contractor's failure to comply with any of these provisions is a breach of contract by the Contractor that entitles the governmental entity to declare the contract void if the Contractor does not remedy the breach within ten calendar days after receipt of notice of breach from the governmental entity." Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 22 of 26 EXHIBIT C. CERTIFICATES OF INSURANCE Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 23 of 26 DATE ACC0REA® CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE MIDD/YYYY) 8/3/2013/201 7 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). CONT PRODUCER NAMEACT Amanda Villanueva Higginbotham Insurance Agency, Inc. PHONE 800-247-0712 FAX 817-347-6981 500 W. 13th Street -t .,-�,Ext) (Ax Ne) Fort Worth TX 76102 E-MAILADDRESS'avillanueva@higginbotham.net INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE _ NAIC# INSURER A:Texas Mutual Insurance Company 22945 INSURED BCSSTI INSURERB:United Fire&Casualty Co. 13021 CCAA Management Series, LLC INSURER C: See desc of ops for complete named insureds INSURER D 8825 Stewarts Meadow College Station TX 77845 INSURER E: INSURER F: COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 191802880 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUBR POLICY EFF POLICY EXP TYPE OF INSURANCE LTR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER (MMIDD/YYYY) (MMIDD/YYYY) LIMITS B x COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y 85322229 5/27/2017 5/27/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $1,000,000 DAMAGE RETED CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR PREM SESO(Ea occurrence) $100,000 MED EXP(Any one person) $5,000 PERSONAL&ADV INJURY $1,000,000 GENL AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $2,000,000 POLICY X JECT X LOC PRODUCTS-COMP/OPAGG $2,000,000 OTHER: $ B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y V 85322229 5/27/2017 5/27/2018 {Ea eBI EeDt )SINGLE LIMIT $1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALLOS/NED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY(Per accident) $ NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE $ HIRED AUTOS AUTOS (Per accident) B X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR Y Y 85322229 5/27/2017 5/27/2018 EACH OCCURRENCE $5,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $5,000,000 DED RETENTION$ $ A WORKERS COMPENSATION y 0001298422 12/27/2016 12/27/2017 AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY X STATUTE OTH- ER YN ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE NNIA E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED'? (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,may be attached if more space is required) Supplemental Named Insureds: EMBASSY Record Management&Storage, LLC CCAA Management Series, LLC dba BCS Stop N Go Potties The General Liability and Automobile Liability policy includes a blanket automatic additional insured endorsement that provides additional insured status(including completed ops)and a blanket waiver of subrogation endorsement to the certificate holder only when there is a See Attached... CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE City of College Station THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN PO Box 9960 ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. College Station TX 77842 AUTHORIZEDDREPRIVE J� ©1988-2014 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2014/01) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: BCSST1 LOC#: A$RD ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page 1 of 1 AGENCY NAMED INSURED Higginbotham Insurance Agency, Inc. CCAA Management Series, LLC See desc of ops for complete named insureds POLICY NUMBER 8825 Stewarts Meadow College Station TX 77845 CARRIER NAIC CODE EFFECTIVE DATE: ADDITIONAL REMARKS THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORD FORM, FORM NUMBER: 25 FORM TITLE: CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE written contract between the named insured and the certificate holder that requires such status. The General and Auto Liability policies have a blanket Primary&Non Contributory endorsement that affords that coverage to certificate holders only where there is a written contract between the Named Insured and the certificate holder that requires such status. The Workers Compensation policy includes a blanket Waiver of Subrogation endorsement that provides that coverage to certificate holders only where there is a written contract between the Named Insured and the certificate holder that requires such status. Umbrella is follow form and sits over General Liability and Automobile Liability. ACORD 101 (2008/01) ©2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD EXHIBIT D. RECYCLABLE MATERIALS COLLECTED Accepted Materials 1. Aluminum Beverage Cans 2. Catalogues 3. Cardboard (OCC) 4. Glass: All Colors 5. Newspapers and Magazines/Ad Slicks 6. Mixed Paper 7. Plastic HDPE—high density polyethylene (all types and colors) 8. Plastic PETE—polyethylene terephthalate (all types and colors, not to include bags) 9. Shredded Paper, bagged 10. Steel Cans 11. Telephone Books 12. White Paper Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 24 of 26 EXHIBIT E. COLLECTION METHOD Customers will be serviced bi-weekly (every two weeks), using two (2) side-load automated collection vehicles, Monday-Friday. Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 25 of 26 EXHIBIT F. COLLECTION SCHEDULE Recycling Collection Franchise Ordinance &Service Agreement Page 26 of 26 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) 12th Man Cir. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesda Abbey Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Aberdeen PI. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Addison Ct. Spring Creek Gardens/Townhomes Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Adrienne Cir./Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Agate Dr./Ct. McCoullough Tuesday Friday Tuesday Airborne Ave. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Airline Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Alexander Valley Ct. Sonoma Subdivision Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Alexandria Ave. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Alford St. Bridgewood Tuesday Friday Tuesday Alison Ave. North Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Alnwick Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Alpine Cir. Parkway Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday Amber Hill Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Amber Ridge Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Amber Stone Ct. Stone Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Amberley PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Amberwood Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Amethyst Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Amherst Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Amy Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Anderson St. Anderson Thursday Tuesday Thursday Angel Fire Ct. Kyle View-Capstone Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Angelina Cir./Ct. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Angus Ave. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Anna St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Antelope Ln. Steeplechase Monday Wednesday Monday Antietam Dr. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Antone Ct. Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Apple Valley Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Appleby PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Appomattox Dr. Emerald Forest/Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday April Bloom Spring Loop Wednesday Monday Wednesday Arboleda Dr. Great Oaks Estates Monday Thursday Monday Arboles Cir. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Arctic Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Ardenne Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Arizona St. McCoullough Thursday Tuesday Thursday Armistead St. Redmond Terrace Thursday Tuesday Thursday Armored Ave. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Arnold Rd. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday (Arrington Rd. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Arroyo Ct. N/S Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Arundel Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Ash St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ashburn Ave. College Hills Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ashford Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Ashford West Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Ashley Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ashley Stone Ct. Stone Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979 764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Aspen Heights Blvd. Capstone Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Aster Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Auburn Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Augsburg Ct./Ln. Edelweiss _ Monday Wednesday Monday Augusta Cir. Pebble Creek _ Tuesday Friday Tuesday Augustine Ct. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Aurora Ct. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Austin Ave. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Autumn Chase Lp. Autumn Chase Thursday Tuesday Thursday Autumn Cir. Spring Loop Wednesday Monday Wednesday Autumnwood Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Avenue A Eastgate Monday Monday Wednesday Avenue B Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Axis Ct. Steeplechase Monday Wednesday Monday Ayrshire St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Azalea Ct. Eastgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Aztec Ct./St. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Bahia Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Baker Meadow Lp. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday kBallybunion Ln./Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Ballylough Ln. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Bandera Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Bandon Dunes Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday IBanks St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Barchetta Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Barron Cut-Off Rd. Thursday Thursday Thursday Barron Rd. Thursday Thursday Thursday Bay Oaks Ct. Pebble Creek _ Tuesday Friday Tuesday Bayou Woods Dr. University Oaks Wednesday Monday Wednesday Baywood Ct./Ln. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Beacon Ct. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Beckley Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bee Creek Dr. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Bell St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Bellerive Bend Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Belliser Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Belsay Ave. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Belvoir Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Benchmark Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Bent Oak St. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Bent Tree Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Berkeley St. Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday Bermuda Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Bernburg Ct./Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Berry Creek Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday 1 Berwick Pl. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday I Bethpage Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday I Bird Pond Rd. Bird Pond Estates Friday Friday Friday Birdie Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Bittern Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Blackhawk Ln. Summit Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Blackjack Dr. Carter's Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Blanco Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Bloomfield Ln. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Blue Jay Ct. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bluefield Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bluestem Cir./Dr. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Boardwalk Ct. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Bogey Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Bolero Ct./St. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Bolton Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Bosque Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Boswell St. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Bougainvillea St. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday 1 Boyett St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Bracey Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bradley Rd.W Carter Lake Friday Friday Friday Brazoswood Dr. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Breckenridge Ct. The Reserve Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Brentwood Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Brewster Bridgewood Tuesday Friday Tuesday Briar Rose Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Bridgeberry Ct. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bridgewood Ct. Bridgewood Tuesday Friday Tuesday Bridle Ct. Bridle Gate Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bridle Trails Ct. Bridle Gate Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Bright Cir. Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Brittain Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Brittany Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Brooks Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Brookwater Cir. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Brookway Dr./Ct. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Brothers Blvd. <2500 Monday Wednesday Monday !Brothers Blvd. >2600 Monday Wednesday Monday I Brougham Pl. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Brunswick Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Brussells Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Buckingham Cir. Westminster Thursday Thursday Thursday Bucknell Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Buena Vista Summit Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Buffalo Creek Lp. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Bulle Rock Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Bunker Hill Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Burgess Ln. Monday Monday Monday Butler Ridge Dr. Southgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Buttercup Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Caddie Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Cain Rd. German Acres Monday Thursday Monday Calico Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Callie Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Camargo Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Camber Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (Bl-WEEKLY) Camellia Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Camille Dr. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Camp Ct. Krenek Crossing Thursday Tuesday Thursday Campbell Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Candace Ct. Spring Garden Townhomes Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Candle Stone Ct. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Caney Creek Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Canterbury Dr. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Capistrano Ct. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Capps Dr. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Cardinal Ln. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Carisbrooke Lp. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday !Carlisle Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday CarlI Ln. (PVT) Friday Friday Friday Carmel Ct./Pl. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Carnation Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Carnes Ct.S Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Carolina St. West Knoll/McCullough Thursday Tuesday Thursday Carter Lake Dr. Carter Lake Friday Friday Frida Carter's Cv. Carter's Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Cartington Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Cascades Ct./Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Castlebrook Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Caterina Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Caudill St. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Cecilia Ct./Lp. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Cedar Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Cedar Run Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Celinda Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Chadwick Ln. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Chalet Ct. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Chantal Cir. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Chappel St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Charles Ct. Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Charleston Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Chenault Ln. Lake Placid East Friday Friday Friday Cherry Hills Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Cherry St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Chesapeake Ct./Ln. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Chestnut Oak Cir. Carter's Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Cheyenne Dr. Shiloh Thursday Thursday Thursday Chillingham Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Chimney Hill Cir./Dr. Chimney Hill Wednesday Monday Wednesday Chippendale St. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Church Ave. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Church St. Wellborn Thursday Thursday Thursday Churchill St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Cimarron Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Claremont Dr. University Heights Monday Thursday Monday Clear Meadow Creek Ave. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Clearwood Ct. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Clement Ct. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Clipstone PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Cloisters Dr. Carter Lake Friday Friday Friday Cloverdale Ct. Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Clovis Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Coachlight Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Coastal Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Cochise Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Cody Dr. Shiloh Thursday Thursday Thursday Coeburn Ct./Dr. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Colchester Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday [Cold Spring Dr. Spring Meadows Tuesday Friday Tuesday Colgate Cir./Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday College Main Northgate Monday Monday Monday Colonial Cir. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday 4. Colorado Ct. Capstone Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Colton Pl. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday II Columbia Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Columbus St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday „ , Coma!Cir. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Commando TrI. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Commonwealth Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Concho PI. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Concord Cir. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Congressional Ct./Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday _ Conway Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday ; Cooner St. College Heights Wednesday Monday Wednesday ''I !Coral Ridge E/W Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday ,' Cornell Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Coronado Dr. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Corporal Rd. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Corregidor Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Cortez Ct./St. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Cottonwood Creek Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Cougar Ct. Cat Hollow Wednesday Monday Wednesday Cranberry Dr. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday 'Crayke PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Creek Meadows Blvd. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday ,Creekside Cir. Lakeside Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Creekview Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Crepe Myrtle Ct./St. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Crescent Pointe Pkwy. Crescent Pointe Wednesday Monday Wednesday Crescent Ridge Dr. Crescent Pointe Wednesday Monday Wednesday iCrest St. Richards/KFO Thursday Tuesday Thursday Crested Point Ct./Dr. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Crestmont Dr. Barron Crest Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Cripple Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday `_.� Crooked Creek Path Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Crooked Stick Creek Meadows Tuesday Friday Tuesday __.. Cross St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Cross Timbers Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday i PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (Bl-WEEKLY) Crosswater Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Crown Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Crown Ridge Ct. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Crystal Dove Ave. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Crystal Downs Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Cullen Trl. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Culture Ln. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Cumberland Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Cypress Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Dallis Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Danby Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Danville Ct./Ln. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Davidson Dr. _ University Heights Monday Thursday Monday Dawn Lynn Dr. Spring Creek Gardens/Townhomes Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Dayton Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Deacon Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Deacon Dr.W The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Decatur Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Deep Stone Ct. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Delrey Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Detroit St. West Knoll/McCullough Thursday Tuesday Thursday Devrne Dr. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Dexter Dr.S/W Thursday Tuesday Thursday Diamond Ct. Stone Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Dogwood St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Dominik Dr. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Double Eagle Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Dove Chase Ln. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Dove Crossing Ln. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Dove Hollow Ln. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Dove Landing Ave. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Dove Run Trl. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Dove Trl. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Dover Dr. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Dowling Rd. N Tuesday Tuesday Monday Downton Abbey Ave. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Dresden Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Driftwood Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday_ Driver Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Drogo Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Dunlap Lp. Bridgewood Tuesday Friday Tuesday Durango St./Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Durban Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Durrand St. Great Oaks Estates Monday Thursday Monday Eagle Ave. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Earl Rudder Frwy. Tuesday Friday Tuesday Ebbtide Cv. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Edinburgh PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Edward St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Egremont Ct./Pl. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Eisenhower St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Eleanor St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Elkton Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Ember Glow Cir. Chimney Hill Wednesday Monday Wednesday Emerald Dove Ave. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Emerald Pkwy. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Encinas PI. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Essen Lp. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Essex Green Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Estes Park Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ethic Ln. Heritage Townhomes Wednesday Monday Wednesday F&B Rd.S Monday Monday Monday Fable Ln. Heritage Townhomes Wednesday Monday Wednesday Faimes Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Fairfax St. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fairhaven Cv. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Fairview Ave. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Falcon Cir. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fall Cir. Spring Loop Wednesday Monday Wednesda Fallbrook Lp. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Farah Dr. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Farley Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Faulkner Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fawn Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ferber Cir. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Ferguson Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fern Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Fernhaven Cir. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Fidelity St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Fields Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fieldstone PI. Sonoma Subdivision Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Fincastle Lp. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Finney Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fireside Cir. Chimney Hill Wednesday Monday Wednesday Firestone Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday First St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Fitzgerald Cir. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Flagstone Ct. Estates of Royder Ridge Friday Friday Friday Flint Cir. Creek Meadows Wednesday Friday Wednesday Flint Hills Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Flying Ace Cir. Friday Friday Friday FM 158 Monday Monday Monday FM 2154 Thursday Thursday Thursday Fontaine Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Fore Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Forest Dr. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Forest Oaks Dr. Carter's Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Foster Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Fox Cir. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Foxfire Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Francis Cir./Dr. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Fredrick Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Freneau Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Friar Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday 1 Front Royal Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday I Frost Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Gail PI. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Ganton Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Gardenia St. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday General Pkwy. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday George Bush Dr. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday George Bush Dr. E Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Georgia St. West Knoll/McCullough Thursday Tuesday Thursday Gettysburg Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Gilbert St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Gilchrist Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ginger Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Glade St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Gleeson Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Glenhaven Dr. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Glenna Ct. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Gold Finch Cir. Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Goode Dr. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Goodrich Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Graham Rd. Monday Thursday Monday Gramma Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Grand Oaks Cir. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Graz Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Great Oaks Dr. Great Oaks Estates Monday Thursday Monday Greenberry Ct./Cir. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Greenleaf Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Greens Prairie Rd.W Friday Friday Friday Greens Prairie Trl. Tuesday Friday Friday Greenwood Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Greta Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Gridiron Dr. Woodway Village Thursday Tuesday Thursday Grove St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Guadalupe Dr. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Guernsey St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Gunner TrI. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Gunsmith St. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Haddox Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Hadleigh Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hailes Ct./Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Haines Dr. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Haley PI. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Halifax Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Hanna Ct. Sonoma Subdivision Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Harbour Town Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hardwood Ln. University Oaks Wednesday Monday Wednesday Harper's Ferry Rd. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Harrington Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Harris Dr. (PVT) Carter Lake Friday Friday Friday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Harrisonburg Ln. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Hartford Dr. Westfield Addition Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Harvard Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Harvest Dr. Westfield Addition Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Harvey Mitchell Pkwy. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Harvey Rd. East of HWY6(HWY30) Monday Monday Wednesday Harvey Rd. Summit Crossing(3800 Block) Wednesday Monday Wednesday Hassett St. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Haverford Rd. University Heights Monday Thursday Monda Hawk Owl Cv. Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Hawk Tree Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Hawks Ridge Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hawthorn St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Hayes Ln. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Hayesville Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Haywood Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Hazeltine Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hazy Meadows Ct. Creek Meadows _ Friday Friday Friday Hearst Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hearthstone Cir. Chimney Hill Wednesday Monday Wednesday Heath Dr. Spring Creek Gardens/Townhomes Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Heather Ln. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Hemingway Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Henry Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Hereford St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Heritage Ln. Heritage Townhomes Wednesday Monday Wednesday Hickory Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Highlands St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Hillside Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Hogan Alley Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Holden Cir. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Holik Dr./St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Holleman Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Holleman Dr.S Monday Thursday ''Monday Hollow Stone Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hollyhock St. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Holston Hills Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Holt St. Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday Hondo Dr. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Honeysuckle Ln. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Hook Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Hopewell Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Horse Haven Ln. Horse Haven Estates Wednesday Monday Wednesday Horse Shoe Dr. Horse Haven Estates Wednesday Monday Wednesday Horseback Ct. Horse Haven Estates Wednesday Monday Wednesday Howe Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday Hunter Creek Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Huntington Dr. Foxfire Wednesday Friday Wednesday l&GN Rd. Thursday Thursday Thursday Incourt Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Indian Trl. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (Bl-WEEKLY) Inglewood Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Inlow Blvd.S Northgate Monday Monday Monday Innsbruck Cir. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monda, 'Ironwood Dr. Carter's Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ivy Cv. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Jade Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday James Pkwy. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Jane St. Williams Creek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Jasmine Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Jennifer Cir./Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Johnson Creek Lp. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Joseph Creek Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Jupiter Hills Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Justin Ave. North Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Kalanchoe Ct. Eastmark Thursday Tuesday Thursday Karten Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Kate Ln. Monday Thursday Monday Keefer Lp. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Kendal Green Cir. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Kenyon Dr. University Heights Monday Thursday Monday , Kernstown Ln. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Kerry St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Kimber Ln. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Kimbolton Ct./Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday King Arthur Cir. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Kingsmill Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday s Kinloch Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Kinnersley Ct./Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Kleine Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Knox Dr. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Koppe Bridge Rd. Thursday Thursday Thursday Krenek Tap Rd. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Kyle Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ladove Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Lake Forest Ct. N/S Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Lakeshore Ct./Cir. Lakeside Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Lakeside Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Lakewell Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Lambermont Dr. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Lampwick Cir. Chimney Hill Wednesday Monday Wednesday 'Lancaster Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday 'Lancelot Cir. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Landsburg Ct./Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Langford St. 1106-1709 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Langford St. 1800-2111 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lansing Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lapis Ct. Stone Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Laredo Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Larkspur Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Latinne Ct./Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Laura Ln. 1300-1722 Thursday Tuesday Thursday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Laura Ln. 1800-1822 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Laurel Valley Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Lauren Dr. North Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Lawyer PI. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lawyer St. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Leacrest Dr. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Ledgestone Trl. Friday Friday Friday Lee Ave. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Legacy Ln. Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lemon Tree Ln. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lenert Cir. Redmond Terrace Thursday Tuesday Thursday Leona Dr. 1600-1720 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Leona Dr. 1800-1821 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Leopard Ct. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Leyla Ln. Wednesday Thursday Wednesday ILienz Ln. Edelweiss Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Lies!Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Lieutenant Ave. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Lincoln Ave. Eastgate _ Wednesday Monday Wednesday Little Rock Ct. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Live Oak St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Live Oak St. Wellborn Thursday Thursday Thursday Llano PI. South Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lochbury Ct. Sweetwater Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Lodgepole Cir./Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Lonetree Dr. Summit Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Long Creek Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Longleaf Cir./Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Longmire Dr. 2500-2752 Monday Wednesday Monday Longmire Dr. 2800-4200 Monday Wednesday Monday Longthorpe Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday _Tuesday Lorikeet Ln. Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Lowry Meadow Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Ludlow Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Luther St. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Luther St.W Thursday Tuesday Thursday Lyceum Ct. University Preserve Wednesday Monday Wednesday Lynx Cv. Cat Hollow Wednesday Monday Wednesday MacArthur St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Madera Cir. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Magnolia Dr. University Oaks Wednesday Monday Wednesday Maidstone Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Mallory Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Manassas Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday (Mandl Ct. Horse Haven Estates Wednesday Monday Wednesday Manuel Dr. Turnberry Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday iManzano Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday 'Maple Ave. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Maplewood Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Marielene Cir. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Marigold Ct. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (Bl-WEEKLY) Mariner's Cv. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Markham Ct./Ln. Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Marshall Ln. Southwood Valley Thursday Thursday Thursday Marsteller Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Marta St. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Martinsville Ln. Bernadine Estates Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Marvel Ct. The Barracks Monday Thursday Mo day Maryem St. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday McCullough Rd. Lincoln Place Thursday Thursday Thursday McFarland Dr. Southern Trace Wednesday Thursday Wednesday McLaren Dr. Southern Trace Wednesday Thursday Wednesday McLister Dr. Southern Trace Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Meadow Pass Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Meadow View Ct./Dr. Pleasant Forest Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Meadowbrook Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Medina Dr. 1400-1714 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Medina Dr. 1800-1820 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Meir Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Merlon Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Merlemont Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Merrimac Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Merry Oaks Dr. Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday Mescalero Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Middleham Ave. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Mildonhall Ct. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Mile Dr. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Millcreek Ct. Castlegate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Milner Dr. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Mission Hills Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Momma Bear Dr. The Barracks Monday Thursday l llongray, Monitor Ct. Raintree Wednesday Friday Wednesday Montclair Ave. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday Monte Carlo Wednesday Monday Wednesday !Morgans Ln. Devonshire Thursday Wednesday Thursday Moses Creek Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Moss St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Mossglenn Cir. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Muirfield Village Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Mullins Ct./Lp. E/W/S Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Muncaster Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Munson Ave. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Mustang Ln. Monday Wednesday Monday Myth Ln. Westfield Village Wednesday Monday Wednesday I Nagle St. Shenandoah Monday Monday Monday Nantucket Dr. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Navarro Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Neal Pickett Dr. Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday Nelson Ln. Ridgefield Thursday Tuesday Thursday Neuburg Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Newark Cir. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Newton Rd. Southgate Thursday Tuesday Thursday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Night Rain Dr. Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Nimitz St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Noel Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Noirmont Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Norfolk Ct. Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Norham Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Normand Cir./Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday North Bardell Ct. Thursday Tuesday Thursday North Forest Pkwy. Pecan Valley Wednesday Monday Wednesday North Graham Rd. Thursday Thursday Monday Norton Ln. Thursday Thursday Thursday Norwich Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Nottingham Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Nueces Dr. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Nunn Jones Rd. Pecan Tree/McCullough Monday Monday Wednesday Nunn St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Oakbrook Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Oakdale Cir. Lemontree Thursday Tuesday Thursday Oakhaven Cir. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Oakmont Cir. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday _ Tuesday; Oakwood Trl. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Odell Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Old Ironsides Dr. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Old Jersey St. The Knoll Thursday Tuesday Thursday Old May Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Old Wellborn Rd. Thursday Thursday Thursday Oldenburg Ct./Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Olympic Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Oney Hervey Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Onyx Dr. Stone Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Orchid St. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Oriole Ct. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Orr St. College Hills Thursday Tuesday Thursday Paintbrush Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Palm Ct. Carter's Crossing Wednesday Monday Wednesday Paloma Ridge Dr. College Hills Monday Thursday Monday Pamplin Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Panther Ln. Cat Hollow Wednesday Monday Wednesday Papa Bear The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Park PI. Lincoln Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday Park Rd. Spring Loop Wednesday Monday Wednesday Parkland Dr. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Parnell Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Parrot Cv. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Pasler St. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Passendale Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Pawnee Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Pearce St. West Knoll/McCullough Wednesday Monday Wednesday Pebblestone Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday !Pecan Grove Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Pedernales Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Pershing Ave./Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday IPetersburg Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday 1Peyton St. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Pheasant Ln. Steeplechase Monday Wednesday Monday Phoenix St. Parkway Plaza Thursday Tuesday Thursday Picadilly Cir. Thursday Thursday Thursday Pickering PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Pierre PI. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Pikes Peak Ct. Wednesday Thursday ednesday T Pine Ridge Dr. College Vistas Thursday Tuesday hursday 's: Pine Valley Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday uesday Pintail Ln./Lp. Steeplechase Monday Wednesday onday Piping Rock Cir. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday uesday '. Placid Dr. College Hills/Lincoln Place Friday Friday riday ` Plainfield Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday 0 • ••y Plano Dr. College Hills Estates Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Pleasant Forest Dr. Pleasant Valley Thursday Wednesday Thursday Pleasant Grove Dr. Pleasant Valley Thursday Wednesday Thursday ) Plum Hollow Ct./Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Pomel Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Poplar St. Harvey Hillsides Wednesday Monday Wednesday Portland Ave. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Portsmouth Ct. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Post Oak Bend Post Oaks Estates Tuesday Friday Tuesday Post Oak Cir. Carter Lake Friday Friday Friday Post Oak Cir.(PVT) Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday 'Potomac Pl. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday (Preston St. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Prestwick Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday I Princeton Cir. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday 'Pro Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Pronghorn Ln./Lp. Steeplechase Monday Wednesday Monday Pueblo Ct. N/S Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Puffin Way Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Purple Martin Cv. Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Puryear Dr. _ Richards/KFO Wednesday Monday Wednesday Putter Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Quaker Ridge Dr./Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Quarry Oaks Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Quartz Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Queens Ct. Emerald Ridge Estates Wednesday Monday Wednesday Raintree Dr. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Ranchero Rd. Ridgefield Monday Monday Wednesday Ransberg Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Ravenstone Lp. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday I. Rayado Ct. N/S Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Rayburn Ct. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Raymond Stotzer Pkwy. Monday Monday Monday Reatta Ln. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Red Hill Dr. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Redmond Dr. Redmond Terrace Thursday Tuesday Thursday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Redwood St. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Regal Oaks Dr. Sweetwater Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Regal Row Ct. Edelweiss _ Monday Wednesday Monday Regensburg Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Rehel Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Remington Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Renee Ln. Barron Rd. Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Rescue Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Richards St. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Richland Ct. N/S Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Ridgefield Cir. N/S Thursday Tuesday Thursday Rio Bravo Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Ritchey Rd. Estates of Royder Ridge Friday Friday Friday River's End Dr. Sonoma Subdivision Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Riverstone Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Riviera Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Roanoke Ct. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Robelmont Dr. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Robin TrI. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Robinsville Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Rock Bend Dr. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rock Prairie Rd. College Hills/Woodlands Friday Friday Friday Rock Prairie Rd.W Thursday Thursday Monday Rock Spring Ct. Spring Meadows Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rockcliffe Lp. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rockingham Lp. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Briar Ct. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Creek Trl./Ct. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Meadows Dr. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Mountain Ct. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Oak Ct. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Rhodes Dr. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rocky Vista Dr. Castlerock Tuesday Friday Tuesday Rolling Rock Pl. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Rose Cir. Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday Rosebud Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Rosemary Ln. Redmond Terrace Thursday Tuesday Thursday Rosewood Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Roucourt Lp. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Roxborough PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Royal Adelade Dr./Lp. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday T Royder Rd. Devonshire Thursday Thursday Thursday Ruddy Duck Dr. Bird Pond Estates Friday Friday Friday Rugen Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Running Brook Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Sabine Ct. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Sage Valley Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Sageway Ct. Revelry Ranch Monday Friday Monday Salem Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Sallie Ln. Southwood Valley Thursday Thursday Thursday Salzburg Ct. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday .' PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) San Benito Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday San Felipe Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday San Mario Ct. E/W Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday San Pedro Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday San Saba Ct./Cir./Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Sanctuary Ct. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Sandelwood Ct. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Sandstone Dr. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Sandy Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Santa Rita Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Santour Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Sapphire Dr. Stone Forest Tuesday Friday Tuesday Sara Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Savannah Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Scarborough Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Scoffield Dr. Reatta Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Scotney Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Sebesta Rd. Leacrest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Sergeant Dr. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Serval Ln. Cat Hollow Wednesday Monday Wednesda Shadow Oaks Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Shadowcrest Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Shadowwood Dr. Bee Creek Thursday Tuesday Thursday Shady Brook Ln./Pass Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday ' Shady Dr. Carter's Grove Wednesday MondayWednesd: Shallow Creek Ct./Lp. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Shenandoah Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Sherman Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Shiloh Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Shire Dr. Devonshire Monday Wednesday Monday Shoal Creek Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Silver Brook Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Silver Oak Ct./Lp. Sonoma Subdivision Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Silver Springs Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Silverthorne Ln. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Simi Dr. Sonoma Subdivision Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Skrivanek Ct. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Skyline Ct. Alexandria Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Slice.Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday 1Snowdance Ct. Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Snug Harbor Dr. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Socorro Ct. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Somerset Hills Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Song Sparrow Ln. Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Sonoma Cir. Southwood Forest Monday Wednesday Monday Sophia Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday South Dowling Rd. Thursday Thursday Thursday South Lazy Creek Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Southern Hills Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Southern Plantation Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Southern Trace Dr./Ct. Southern Trace Wednesday Thursday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule 1 Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection I Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Southern Way Dr. Southern Trace Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Southland St. Tuesday Tuesday Thursday Southwest Pkwy. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Southwood Dr. North of FM 2818 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Southwood Dr. South of FM 2818 Monday Wednesday Monday Spanish Bay Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Spanish Oak Ct. Great Oaks Estates Monday Thursday Monday Spartanburg Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Spearman Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Spicewood Ct. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday 'Spring Branch Dr./Ct. Spring Meadows Tuesday Friday Tuesday ;Spring Creek Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Spring Garden Dr. Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Spring Hill Dr. University Park Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Spring Lp. Spring Loop Wednesday Monday Wednesday 'Spring Meadows Dr./Ct. Spring Meadows Tuesday Friday Tuesday Springbrook Estates Dr. Oak Grove Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Springfield Dr. Westfield Addition Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Springhaven Cir. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday ,&ednesday Springmist Dr. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Springwood Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Spruce St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Spyglass Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday St.Andrews Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stanford Cir. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Starling Dr. Cypress Meadows Tuesday Thursday Tuesday iStasney St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday State Highway 6 4270 Tuesday Thursday Tuesday State Highway 6 4510-4516 Tuesday Friday Tuesday Sterling St. University Park Thursday Tuesday Thursday Stevens Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday {Still Water Meadow Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday 'Stone Castle Cir. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stone Chase Ct. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stone Cove Ct. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stonebriar Cir. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stonebridge Ct./Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Stonebrook Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Stonewall Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Stonewater Lp. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stoney Hills Ct. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Stony Creek Ln. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Strand Ln. Bird Pond Estates Friday Friday Friday Strasburg Cir. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Stuttgart Cir. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Suffolk Ave. Brandon Heights Thursday Tuesday Thursday Summer Court Cir. Leacrest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Summer Ct. Dexter Place Wednesday Monday Wednesday Summerglen Dr. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Summerway Dr. The Revelry Monday Thursday Monday Sumter Dr. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule i Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (BI-WEEKLY) Sun Meadow St./Ct. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Sunflower Trl. Monday Wednesday Monday Sunlake Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Sunny Ct. Chimney Hill Thursday Tuesday Thursday Sunny Meadow Brook Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Sussex Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Swiss Ct. Dexter Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday Sycamore Hills Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Talsworth Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Tang Cake Dr. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Tara Ct. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tarrow St. Southeast College Park Wednesday Monday Wednesday Tarset Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Tauber St. Northgate Monday Monday Monday Taurus Ave./Cir. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Teakwood Ct. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Teal Dr. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Texas Ave. 2500-3900 Texas Ave. Thursday Wednesday Thursday Texas Ave. Thursday Thursday Thursday Thomas St. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thompson St. Leacrest/Woodson Village Thursday Tuesday Thursday Thornton Ct. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Tiffany Trl. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Tiger Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Timber Creek Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Timber Knoll Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Timber St. Dexter Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday Timm Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Todd Trl. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Toddington Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Tonbridge Dr. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Toni Ct. Monday Thursday Monday Topaz Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Torrey Pines Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Tournay Ln. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Townplace Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Trace Meadows Steeplechase Monday Wednesday Monday Tranquil Path Dr. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Travis Cole Ave. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Treehouse Trl. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Treeline Dr. Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Trellis Gate Ct. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Trigger St. Turnberry Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday Trinity PI. Turnberry Place Thursday Tuesday Thursday Triumph Ct. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Trumpeter Swan Ct./Dr. Bird Pond Estates Friday Friday Friday Turk Ranch Rd. College Vistas Friday Friday Friday Turkey Creek Rd.E Monday Monday Monday Turkey Meadow Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Turnberry Ct. Thursday Thursday Thursday LTurner St. Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (Bl-WEEKLY) Turtle Dove Trl. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday Turtle Rock Lp. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Twin Pond Cir. Nantucket Friday Friday Frida Tyler Ct. College Hills/Lincoln Place Tuesday Thursday Tuesday University Dr. Leacrest Monday Monday Wednesday University Oaks Blvd. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Uphor Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Val Verde Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Valleybrook Cir. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesda Van Horn Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Vassar Ct. Harvey Hillsides Wednesday Monday Wednesday Velencia Ct. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Vicksburg Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Victoria Ave. Edelweiss Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Vienna Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Village Dr. College Hills Estates Thursday Tuesday Thursday Vinyard Ct. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Vista Ln. Steeplechase Monday Monday Monday Von Trapp Ln. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Wakewell Ct. The Barracks Monday Thursday Monday Walcourt Lp. Edelweiss Gardens Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Wallaceshire Ave. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Walnut Bend Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Walnut Grove Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Walton Dr. Westfield Village Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wardford Way Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Warkworth Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Waterford Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Waterstone Ct. Bridgewood Tuesday Friday Tuesday Wayne Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Waynesboro Ct. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Wellborn Rd. 11777-14415 Thursday Thursday Thursday Wellborn Rd. 500-1209 Thursday Tuesday Thursday Wellborn Rd. N 302-514 Monday Monday Monday Wellesley Ct. Eastgate Wednesday Monday Wednesday Welsh Ave. 3000-3012 Monday Wednesday Monday Welsh Ave. Shenandoah Thursday Tuesday Thursday Weslayan Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday West Creek Ln. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday West Ridge Dr. Monday Wednesday Monday Westchester Ave. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Westfield Dr. Westfield Addition Wednesday Thursday Wednesday Westover St. Carter's Grove Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wheaton Ct. Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Whispering Creek Dr./Ct. Westminster Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Whistling Straits Dr./Ct./Lp. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesda White Dove Trl. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday ,White Oak Meadow Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Whiterose Ct. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday White's Creek Ln.(PVT) Friday Friday Friday Whitewing Ln. Dove Crossing Monday Thursday Monday PubWorks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690 Collection Schedule Garbage Bulk/Brush Recycle Day&Scheduled Collection Street Name Notes (WEEKLY) (WEEKLY) (Bl-WEEKLY) Whitney Ct./Ln. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Whitwick PI. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Wild Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Wild Horse Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Wild Plum St. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Wilderness Dr. N/S Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wildewood Cir. Emerald Forest Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wildrye Dr. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday William D. Fitch Pkwy. Royal Oaks Gardens Tuesday Friday Tuesday Williams Creek Dr. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Williams Ridge Ct. Williams Creek Friday Friday Friday Willow Lp. Brandon Heights Monday Wednesday Monday Willow Pond St./Ct. Sun Meadows Monday Thursday Monday Wilshire Ct. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wimbledon Cir. College Hills/Woodlands Thursday Thursday Thursday Windfree Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Winding Rd. Woodway Village Thursday Tuesday Thursday Windmeadows Dr. Westfield Village Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Windrift Cv. Nantucket Friday Friday Friday Windswept Dr. Shenandoah Tuesday Thursday Tuesday Windwood Dr. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Winecup Cir. Southwood Valley Monday Wednesday Monday Wingate Ct./Cir. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Winged Foot Dr. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Winter Park Wednesday Monday Wednesday Wolf Pen Ct. Redmond Terrace Thursday Tuesday Thursday Wolf Run Redmond Terrace Thursday Tuesday Thursday Wolveshire Ln. Castlegate Tuesday Friday Tuesday Wood Brook Ln. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Wood Cliff Ct. Windwood Wednesday Monday Wednesday Woodall Ct. Pebble Creek Tuesday Friday Tuesday Woodcreek Dr. Woodcreek Wednesday Monday Wednesday Woodhaven Cir. Glenhaven Wednesday Monday Wednesday Woodland.Pkwy. Wednesday Monday Wednesday Woodland Ridge Ct./Dr. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Woodland Springs Dr. Woodland Hills Tuesday Friday Tuesday Woodsman Dr. Thursday Tuesday Thursday Yale Ct. Brentwood Thursday Tuesday Thursday Yaupon Ln. (PVT) Carter Lake Friday Friday Friday Yegua Creek Ct. Creek Meadows Friday Friday Friday Yellow Tanager Ct. Bird Pond Estates Friday Friday Friday Yorkshire Dr. Edelweiss Monday Wednesday Monday Yorktown Ct. Raintree Wednesday Monday Wednesday PubW orks@cstx.gov/979-764-3690