HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/03/1983 - Special Minutes City Council MINUTES SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 7:00 P.Mo COUNCIL MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Halter, Councilmen Boughton, Prause, Anderson, McIlhaney, Reinke COUNCIL MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Councilman Runnels Assistant City Manager VanDever, Director of Public Services Miller, City Engineer Pullen, Tax Assessor-Collector Dickson, Director of Capital Improvements Ash, Parks Director Beachy, Electrical Technician Lange, Assistant Parks Director Czimskey, Administrative Assistant Nowlin, City Secretary Jones, Council Coordinator Jones, Electrical Superintendent Guidry, Traffic Engineer Black, Purchasing Agent McCartney, Fire Chief Landua, Major Feldman VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Mayor Halter scheduled the canvassing of the returns of the August 13th election for August 15, 1983 at 4:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 1 - Public Discussion on the Propositions in the August 13, 1983 Bond Election. A slide show was presented on the Capital Improvements program for the years 1984-1988. Slides relating to each proposal were shown, and Mayor Halter invited comments from the public as each proposition was discussed. Proposition No. 1 - Water System Improvement Bonds Mayor Halter stated that the City has three wells which produce a total of 13 million gallons of water per day. Presently, the City's peak production is 10 to 11 million gallons per day. The proposal includes money for an additional well, needed for redundancy in the system and potential growth. Mayor Halter asked if there were any questions on the water systems improvements. Jim Gardner asked why the proposed elevated tank site had been moved. Director of Capital Improvements Ash explained that there ware two reasons why the additional elevated tank was to be relocated. The FFA informed the City that it could not build at the original proposed site due to the 003978 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 PAGE 2 elevation of the tank. The tank would be in the "clear zone" of the runway at Easterwood Airport. The second reason for relocating the elevated tank was because a geological fault runs through the proposed site. The tank is to be relocated to Green's Prairie Road at Highway 6. There will be a 24" line to the tank then an 18" line past the tank. The water line proposed may eventually be extended to the Navasota River if a dam is built at Panther Creek. Mayor Halter stated that the three local governmental entities, Bryan, College Station and TAMU, are interested in the potential water rights of the proposed Panther Creek Reservoir. Pro~os%~%gn No. 2 - Sewer System Improyement Bonds Mayor Halter stated that proposition no. 2 is the second largest item being proposed to the voters. It includes two basic things one of which is additional construction of lines; however, the primary item proposed is improvement of existing lines. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that there are three major drainage basins in the area: Burton Creek, Wolf Pen Creek, and Bee Creek. He noted that the lines in all of these basins are in need of refurbishing. He stated that additional line capacity is needed all through the Bee Creek drainage basin. Mayor Halter stated that infiltration studies had been conducted all over the City and that the problems had been pinpointed. A homeowner in the West Park Subdivision asked what the plans were for the smaller residential lines. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the $9,500,000 will not go just to refurbish major lines. The SSES study that was conducted labeled all the problem areas in the City. He stated that this proposition allows for minor line work also. Proposition No. 3 - Electrical System Improvement Bonds Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that proposition no. 3 would establish a mapping system for the electrical division. At the present time there are no maps that accurately depict what is on the ground. The mapping will be done in conjunction with the aerial mapping of the City, then the system will be digitized to allow for easier upgrading. Proposition No. 4 - Utili__t~ Service Center Mayor Halter stated that all utility services are presently located in a single facility. The proposal is to buy an additional piece of land, as yet undetermined, and move the Electrical, Water and Sewer services.. The existing facility will then be rennovated for the Streets, Sanitation, 003979 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 PAGE 3 Central Purchasing and Garage. utility revenues. Proposition no. 4 will be financed out of Mr. W. D. Fitch inquired as to the amount of money the City has invested in its present facility. Director of Capital Improvements Ash replied that with the addition of some new structures, such as parking and storage areas, the City has invested approximately a million dollars in the warehouse. Assistant City Manager VanDever explained that the proposed facility would allow for additional interior and exterior storage space. Presently, supplies for the Electrical, Water, and Sewer divisions are stored at various locations in the City; but with the additional space made available, storage could be centralized allowing for greater security, organization, and efficiency. No. 5 - Oversized Participation Water and Sewer Mayor Halter stated that proposition no. 5 would allow the City to continue its policy of participating in the construction of oversized water and sewer lines. Participation in the construction of oversized water and sewer lines has been a long standing policy of the City of College Station and in the long run has saved the citizens of College Station many dollars. The dollars in this proposition are broken down equally between water and sewer. Mayor Halter stated that in the future the Council might consider a policy of "equity purchase", which would require developers to pay additional costs to join into the City lines. Another term used for this is "capital recovery" which would allow the City to go back and recover some of its capital put into oversized lines. This is not a policy the City has adopted, but one which will be studied. Mr. Jim Gardner inquired about the method used to estimate the dollar amount proposed. Mayor Halter stated that the estimate was made on past experience. Mayor Halter explained that the first five propositions were all utility revenue bonds rather than general obligation bonds. These five bonds are paid from revenues generated by the utilities systems. Proposition No. 6 - Public Build~n_gs: Fire, Police, and Public Services Mayor Halter stated that Proposition No. 6 would allow for a fourth fire substation, additions to the central fire substation, additions to the police station, and additions to the public services building. Mr. Gardner inquired about the site for fire substation no. 3 and the 0'03980 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 PAGE 4 proposed site for fire substation no. 4. Mayor Halter stated that the land for fire substation no. 3, a ten acre tract out of the original Sandstone Subdivision, had just recently been purchased. The ten acres will partially be used for the fire substation with the remainder being used for a park. Proposed Fire substation no. 4 will be located further south in the vicinty of Rock Prairie Road. Mayor Halter pointed out that voter approval of these bonds does not constitute debt of the City. Voter approval simply allows the City to issue bonds in that amount. The actual issuance of bonds or debt creation is done by action of the City Council. Mr. W. D. Fitch questioned the amount of dollars projected for public buildings. Assistant City Manager VanDever pointed out that these figures included the cost of land and paving. Director of Capital Improvements Ash explained that the construction of jail facilities is very expensive. The state standards require certain construction methods and the cost of this same is about $300.00 per square foot. P_~ropo____sition No. 7 - Parks Mayor Halter stated that this proposition would allow monies for a Bee Creek Recreation Center, community park development, and the renovation of Lincoln Center. Mr. Jerry Cooper objected to the lumping together of all parks improvements in one proposition and asked if there were a legal way for the items to be separated. Mayor Halter pointed out that it was not a matter of legality that kept the items from being separated, but the constraints it put the City under as to the way the money could be spent. Also, the City's attorneys, Baker and Botts, suggested the arrangement of ten proposals because this arrangement had the least potential legal problems. Proposition No. 8 - A~_~mattox Mayor Halter explained that this proposal allowed money to complete connections between the three existing sections of Appomattox Drive on the east side of the By-Pass to provide access between Windwood, Emerald Forest, and Raintree Subdivisions. Mr. W. D. Fitch asked if the land owners of the undevelbped tracts of land would be assessed when the property was developed. 0039. 1 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 PAGE 5 Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated the Council would have to make the decision concerning that matter. He pointed out that presently the City has the ability to assess 9/10tbs of the construction cost of major thoroughfare against abutting undeveloped land. There will be no assessment against existing subdivisions. Propg~itions No. 9 - Street Improvements Mayor Halter pointed out that proposition no. 9 was the largest single item in the bond issue. Councilman Reinke asked if there was a possibility that the installation date for new traffic signals could be prior to 1985. Director of Capital Improvements Ash stated that the 1985 date was a projection of when the signals would meet the warrants put out by the state. Whenever the proposed signals meet the warrants then construction can begin on them. Councilman Reinke stated that some citizens were concerned about the intersection at FM 2818 and Welsh Street. Traffic Engineer Black explained that the State was planning to widen FM 2818 and that the City was waiting to hear from Austin before going ahead with any of its plans. Proposition No~ 10_- Dr__ainage Improveme_~nts Mayor Halter stated that Proposition No. 10 calls for the creation of a master drainage plan which would identify the 100 year flood plains on major water courses in the City. The existing Southwest Parkway - Bee Creek Crossing structure would be replaced to provide a safer creek crossing for the heavy traffic on Southwest Parkway. Agenda Item No. 2 - Consideration of a Resolution suppgrting a Bond Election and a charter Am~dmen~ Eiec~6~ .... Mayor Halter read a letter from Robert C. Runnels, Councilman Place 2, and requested that it be made part of the official record of the proceedings, as follows: I, ROBERT C. RUNNELS, CITY COUNCILMAN PLACE 2, OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, DO HEREBY AFFIRM MY SUPPORT OF THE PROPOSITIONS 1 THROUGH 10 IN THE BOND ISSUE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, AUGUST 13, 1983. IT IS MY BELIEF THAT THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO WHICH THE PROPOSITIONS RELATE, ARE NECESSARY ONES AND WILL BE OF GREAT BENEFIT TO THE CITIZENS OF COLLEGE STATION. I ALSO AFFIRM MY 003982 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL ~EETING WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 PAGE 6 SUPPORT OF THE 22 REVISIONS TO THE CITY CHARTER, TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, AUGUST 13, 1983. Councilman Reinke moved to approve Resolution No. 08-03-83-2. Councilman McIlhaney seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 3 - Adjourn. Mayor Halter adjourned the meeting. Attest: D~an Jones, C~ Secretary 0039R3 .4 RESOLUTION NO. 08-03-83-2 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of College Station did on July 6, 1983 pass Ordinance No. 1433 submitting 10 bond proposals to the voters of the City of College Station at an election to be held on August 13, 1983; and WHEREAS, members of the City staff have proposed capital improvement projects to the City Council, and after thorough staff level review, City management is of the opinion that the projects proposed are necessary and in the best interest of the public, and that the costs of same are reasonable in current conditions and markets, and that the staff has advised the Council concerning the impact of the proposals on tax rates and service charges; and WHEREAS, the members of the Capital Improvements Committee have considered in detail the merits of the various proposals, and a majority of the committee members were in favor of the proposals represented by all ten of items submitted; and WHEREAS, the members of the City Council are unanimously of the opinion that the capital improvements are truly necessary, and are in the best interest of the City of College Station and its citizens; and WHEREAS, the expenditures proposed are reasonable in light of current costs and needs, and will be necessary to improve existing city services, and to provide services to new areas and residents, and that the actual expenditures for growth related items are contingent upon the factual need for services, and will not otherwise be incurred; and WHEREAS, the members of the Council are convinced that increased property values, an expanding tax base, and increasing demand for revenue producing city services will assure the continuation of low tax rates and competitive utility costs; and WHEREAS, the City Council has submitted by virtue of Ordinance No. 1427, 22 propositions for amendments to the City Charter of the City of College Station, which are necessary to assure the efficient functioning of city government and to conform the charter to changes in the law in recent years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE -~ CITY OF COLLEGE STATION THAT: This Council endorses Propositions 1 through 10 in the bond issue to be submitted to the voters of the City of College Station August 13, 1983. That this Council endorses the revisions to the City Charter numbered 1 through 22, to be submitted to the voters of the City of College Station August 13, 1983. PASSED AND APPROVED THIS ~ day of Aug,~st, 1~83~ City Secretary Citizen s who plan to comment or to ask a question at this Beeting are requested to sign below; the Mayor will call speakers in the order they are listed on this roster. (Please present the completed form described in the "lelco~e to your Ci£y Council i~eetia~" folder) _ 2'/. 003~85 Gb~EST REGISTER WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 3, 1983 SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING 7:00 P. M. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. e 24. 25. ® 26. 10. 27. 11. 28. 12. 29. 13. 30. 14. 31. 15. 32. 18. 33. ~7. s~' 0039EI~