HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/1978 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES Regular City Council Meeting June 22, 1978 7:00 P. M. MEMBERS PRESENT' Councilmen Halter, Hazen, Boughton, Adams, Student Govern- ment Liaison DuBois; City Planner Mayo; City Engineer Ash; Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Czimskey; Fire Chief Landua; Tax Assessor-Collector Schroeder; Admini- strative Assistant Albrecht MEMBERS ABSENT: Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Dozier, Ringer; City Manager Bardell VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Councilman Gary Halter called the meeting to order. Councilman Adams made a motion that the absent Councilmen and Mayor Bravenec be excused, Councilman Boughton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agen. da Ite.m No.. 1j-- Appr0va.1 of .t.he min.utes of June 8 and _June 13. Councilman Adams moved that the following correction be made to the June 8 minutes: Agenda Item No. 2 -- the wording be changed to read: "Councilman Ringer said Parks and Recreation planned to discuss this at their Tuesday meeting." The motion was seconded by Councilman Boughton. The motion passed unanimously. Age~nda.. Item NO. 2 -- Hea. r Visitors. There were no visitors recognized. Agenda Item N.o.. 3 -- A pu..b!ic hearing on the propo..se.d budge.t for the fis.cal year 1978-1979. A point was raised that payment of home utility bills is not deductible by individual citizens. Councilman Halter said the 4.4 percent being transfered from gross utility revenues was about the same amount of money the city would get if the utility was privately owned and the city charged property and franchise tax. He could not comment on the question about individual citizens tax deductions. Retired Senior Volunteer Program, represented by H. A. Luther of 614 Welsh, made a special request for $2000.00. This is the same amount as last year. Rebecca Landmann, 1602 Dominik, presented a request for the Arts Council of Brazos Valley for $8,200.00. Their last year request was $6,860.00. 0 73 RESO!,UTION ACCEPTING THE PROVISIONS ST^TE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION CO,~ISS[O_N~. H[NUTE O_RDE__J~_ .- STATE OF TEXAS CITY C~ College St~_tion ~ Col].eg~St.a~t~p_.n, _ ___~__, Texas MOTION was made by .... Cgu..nci!. ma~....Dqzier_: ......... ~_~_and seconded by ........... Councilman_ Halter . that the~City .Co. un¢_i! of .Co.l.l_.,.ege_ _st_a.t_ion_ .. ...... ......... ' "- .... ac~'t'"the' provisions contained in Minute Order No._=_7_4451 .... pa'~~ b~ the state Highway and Public Transportation Commission on May 23 , 19 7_~8, for the improvement by the State Department of Highways and ~.bliC"Tr'~n~- poreation on the roads described below and the City of College Station agrees to furnish all required right of way clear of ob~'trUct-i0n's ~an'd cost to the State- An extension of Farm to Market Road 60 from State Highway 6 Expressway, Northeast to Farm to l~arket: Road 158, a distance of approximately 1.7 mile. (That portion within the College Station City Limits), VOTE on the motion was as follows' Mayor Bravenec - AYE Councilman Adams - AYE . ~c._.p_u__n. ~i lma.m....: Ha lt_ er, AYE ...... Councilmaa Boughton C-AYE ........ Coun¢ilmaa Dozie< - AYE _-~ .,~: , .. _. .- ~ : .... =;-Cou_m~i!man.Ainge.r.._-_.__N._.0 _. ..... __._. - .... ..... WItEREUPON the motion was declared carried. THE STATE OF TEXAS CITY OF College Station~ I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of order passed by the__ Ci_tY.CO_Unci! .o..f .... College __Stati°n__ _ , , ........ , . ,~ ~- . .on the ~.,'i ~' ~l/ ... ....... 8th ..... . day of. Ju.n..e ...... , 1978 ·, , , · . , City Secretary / 02477 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting June 22, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 2 Dr. Davis, Executive Director of the Brazos Valley Mental .Health-Mental Retardation Center requested $9,000.00 for their Agency. Their last year request was $8,500.00 Mrs. Bogard, President of the Brazos Valley Senior Citizens Association, requested $10,000.00 to help build a new center at 29th and Villa Maria in Bryan. Other requests were from the Brazos Valley Museum of Natural Science for $3,500.00. They received no monies last year. The College Station City Council agreed to support the Byran Library with $15,000.00, because of their services to the residents of College Station. Councilman Adams commented that he is for the programs, but is opposed to their methods of funding. He said when groups get money from both the city and county, then city residents are giving twice. The final consideration of the proposed budget of $12,719,461.86 is to be on June 27,1978 at 7:00 P.M. Agenda Item No. 4 -- A pu...b..1.ic hear. in8 on the. question of ..adopt..ing an ordinance amending the ZOning Ordinance No. 850 ..... as it pertains to ~District. . .C-.N., Neighbor- h. ood Busin~s'~ District,. revisi, ng the Iist of .... permitted. U~.eP, est. abl..i, shi.ng minimum 1. ot ..and buildi, ng sizes..and prove_ding .for site plan .re. view and approva!. City Planner Mayo explained the ordinance amending Ordinance No. 850, listing permitted uses for neighborhood business districts. He indicated that the Planning and Zoning Commission has been working on this kind of control for some time. Martin L. Anding, 3900 Old College Road, Bryan, spoke in favor of the existing ordinance. He indicated that one should look at the business rather than the building size. Jim Blackburn, 2732 Sandy Circle, commended the Planning and Zoning Commission for their work on the proposed ordinance. Councilman Adams questioned the Ordinance, asking if Planning and Zoning would allow one C-N zone next to another one. Ed H. Miller asked if a hobby that was expanded into a business would be allowed under the amended ordinance. Councilman Halter said that would fall under the home occupation category allowed under the present ordinance. He explained that specific complaints regarding this matter should be given to staff member Bill Koehler. J. H. Hinojosa, 2704 Sandy Circle, said that he felt that Southwood had adequately provided for commercially zoned areas add did not need any more. He said the ordinance provided the control that was needed. W. D. Fitch, Southwood Valley Corporation, questioned the need for the ordinance amendment. He said they always tried to make the neighborhood as attractive as possible and wanted to preserve the nature of the neighborhood as well as did the residents living there. MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting June 22, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 3 John Martin, 2703 Sandy Circle, spoke in agreement with the proposed ordinance amendment. Councilman Halter closed the public hearing on the question of changing ordinance No. 850. Agenda Item No. 5 -- Consideration of an ordinance amending the. Z~on~ing Ordinance No" 850'.as .i~ P_ertain'p '...t°. D'is~rict'....c-N',' N_e. ig~b0~hoo'd BUsi, ness DistriCt-. ' - ,, Councilman Adams commented that he needed more time to study the proposed amendments to Ordinance No. 850. Councilman Hazen made a motion to table the consideration of the amendment of Ordinance No. 850. The motion was seconded by Councilman Adams. The motion passed unanimously. Councilman Halter suggested that this ordinance be placed on the June 27th agenda. Agenda .Item...No..6 -..-_ Discussion. of Holik P.ark Sit. e cqpsiderat, ions. _ Charles Giammona, 1300 Claudell, presented a statement from interested citizens of College Station. He sought reassurance that the Council was working toward acquiring the 14 acre park south of the Haines Street Extension. Councilman Halter indicated that the money was not availalbe at this time and would not be until August or later. He stated that he was not in favor of it, as he felt it was a bad buy. He further stated that the Council had been working on this project, but that it took time to complete. Councilman Adams commented that Proposition 4 did not state any particular location for the park. Councilman Halter said he could not guarantee that the park would be 14 acres, as the $200,000.00 would only buy about 10 acres. Agenda Item .No.. 7-- Consideration of an p ...... _. . ap lication from. St. Thomas Episcopal qhurc.h to ~e.e~ live.s, toc.k." '' Roger Koppa, Senior Warden of St. Thomas Episcopal Church, spoke to the Council concerning the application for a permit to keep livestock. He said the animals are used in the children's educational program and that the facility had been approved by the Health Department. Councilman Halter commented that he was acquainted with the facility and believed that it was a good experience for children. Mrs, Mable Barger, 118 Pershing, objected to livestock in the neighborhood, citing both noise and flies as reasons for her objections. Councilman Hazen made a motion that the application to keep livestock be granted to St. Thomas Episcopal Church. Councilman Adams seconded the motion. MINUTES. Regular City Council Meeting June 22. 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 4 The motion passed unanimously. Agenda It.em NO.,.. 8 --.Cqn.,s.i. de.ratipn of .a propse, d wr..ecker control. qrd..ina, nce. The wrecker control ordinance was tabled at the request of the City Police De- partment and the Fire Department to allow time to study the rate structure of wrecker services. Agenda .Item No... 9. -- Consi._d_eration of a final plat _of Emerald Forest. The final plat of Emerald Forest was passed by common consent. Agenda ,. Ite.m ,No,,. 1.0 -- Consideration of a f.i, na..! p!a.t -.S0. ut.hw, ood' Valley. Section 1!. The final plat of Southwood Valley. Section 11 was approved by common consent. Age..n~d.a Ite.m .No. !.1.-.-.Other .busin.e.s.s. Councilman Hazen reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission is studying zoning of the Cooner Street Area. Councilman Hazen suggested that a letter be written to the Brazos Valley Development Council by Mayor Bravenec asking BVDC to consider rescheduling their annual meeting so as not to conflict with Council meetings. Councilman Halter voiced support of Councilman Hazen's suggestion. Agenda Item No..,.12-.- Adjourn: Councilman Halter made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Councilman Adams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. AP ROVED ATTEST City Secretary oza- REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 22, 1978 7:00 P.M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW' 23. 02492