HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/25/1978 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Dozier, Halter, Hazen, Adams; Student Liaison DuBois; City Manager Bardell; Director of Public Works Ford; City Engineer Ash; City Planner Mayo; Community Development Planner Callaway; Interim Director of Parks and Recreation Czimskey; City Attorney Lewis MEMBERS ABSENT: None VISITORS PRESENT: See guest register Agenda Item No. 1 -- Approval of minutes of previous meetings. Councilman Ringer indicated the following corrections be made in the minutes of May 11, 1978: Agenda Item No. 13--The wording be changed to read: "Councilman Adams questioned the ball field project, as he thought the field was to be moved. Councilman Halter said only the lights were to be removed. Agenda Item No. 17--Add the following: The City Judge was reappointed. The terms of office for Parks and Recreation Appointees Richard Kerbell and Rosetta Keaton are to expire April, 1980 and April, 1979, respectively. Zoning Board of Adjustment appointees Ann Jones, Wes Harper, and Dorothy DuBois terms of office expire in April, 1980. A~enda Item No. 2 -- Hear visitors. Mr. Rupert Green, 1027 Walton Drive, issued a complaint on trash pick up service. City Manager Bardell indicated that the problem would be alleviated with the purchase of two new trucks that are on order. Much of the overload is due to student population movement within the past three weeks. Agenda Item No. 3 -- A public hearing on the question of rezoning a 1.599 acre tract located on the southwest corner of the intersection of Holleman Drive and Anderson Street from Single Family Residential District R-1 to Townhouse-Rowhouse District R-3. The application is in the name of Mr. J. W. Wood. City Planner Mayo gave background information on the 1.599 acre tract under consideration. Mayor Bravenec opened the public hearing. There was no discussion and the hearing was closed. Agenda Item No. 4--Consideration of an ordinance rezoning the above tract. Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 1111 rezoning the 1.59~~ct MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7'00 P.M. be apProved. Page 2 Councilman Adams seconded the motion. The motion to adopt Ordinance No. 1111 passed unanimously. A~ Item No. 5 -- A ublic hearin on an ordinance re ulatin the erection, Mayor Bravenec opened the public hearing. Mrs. Stella Wilkes, 501 Park Place, spoke against the ordinance, stating that there should be limitations on use and placement of such signs The public hearing was closed. · ~_Item No. 6 -- C°nsideratlon of an ordinance re ulatln the erection, Mayor Bravenec Cited two legal cases setting precedents that questioned the constitutionality of the ordinance under discussion, as it made a distinction between political signs and other Signs. Councilman Halter noted two reasons for its unconstitutionality: one being the time limit involved and the other being the removal of such signs. Councilman Dozier moved that the ordinance be sent back to the Committee for revision of Wording. Councilman Bough ton seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Mayor Bravenec indicated that he will Work on the committee With Councilman Halter. ~a Item No. 7 -- Co ·.an ordi ...... dules of .... "':= uate. Mr. Jimmy MCCord, Electric Gulf States, which will be Power Engineers, spoke on the utility transfer to January, 1979. Each transfer will result in lowering of cost to the City transferred in segments and will be completed by and consumer; 30% of the savings will be passed to the customer and 70% of the savings will revert to the City for payment of the cOsts of transfer. Mr. McCord recommended that the Council pass this savings along to the customer in a rate reduction over the next eight months rather than adopt a new rate that would require several adjustments during the transition phase. Councilman Dozier moved that Ordinance No. 1112 be passed. Councilman Boughton seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Councilman Ringer asked for a report on customer savings at the time of the MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7'00 P.M. Page 3 rmxt transfer of power. Agenda Item No. 8 -- Consideration of a resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign ~a~ agreement with the Texas Department of Highways a. nd Public Transportation for the installation of four-way, stop .s.igns with flashing beacons at the intersection of F.M. 60 and F.M. 2818. Councilman Dozier moved that Mayor Bravenec be authorized to sign an agreement with the Texas Department of Highways and Public Transportation for installa- tion of the aforementioned four-way stop signs. Councilman Hazen seconded the motion. Councilman Adams commented on the necessity of the signs. He further stated that a four-way sign would hinder traffic flow. The motion passed by the following vote' FOR---Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Dozier, Halter, Hazen AGAINST --- Councilman Adams, who stated that he favored a two-way stop sign. _Agenda Item No. 9 -- Discussion of a resolution supportin, g E.R.A. Ms. Lois Riebach, president of the Bryan/College Station N.O.W. Chapter, urged the Council to support the Equal Rights Amendment by boycotting those fifteen states which have not ratified E.R.A. The boycott resolution called for refusal to pay City employees expenses to meetings, conferences and conventions in states which have not ratified E.R.A. Ms. Hilda Northcliffe, 1115 Ashburn, spoke briefly reading names of the states who have not ratified the amendment and urged the Council to support the boycott. Ms. Kathleen Kenefick, 1815 Medina, president of A.A.U.W., urged the Council, as governing body of this City, to join other cities, clubs, groups, churches, and individuals in supporting the rights of women in unratified states by joining the aforementioned boycott. Ms. Jane Brooks, 1208 Airline Drive, League of Women Voters representative, asserted her own stand on E.R.A. and the boycott resolution; then urged the Council to carefully consider this resolution in support of E.R.A. in unratified states. Councilman Halter questioned the legality of boycotting as a governing body, citing litigation involving AACP in a boycott case. Ms. Riebach reported several organizations that were supporting the economic boycott including the Lawyer's Guild and the American Civil Liberties Union. Councilman Adams commented that each state has the right to decide on E.R.A. without another state's pressure. Councilman Dozier commented on the unfairness of the resolution being put before the Council, as the Council does not know the citizens' response to the E.R.A. issue. 0 465 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7'00 P.M. Page 4 Mayor Bravenec asked for a response to the principal of one municipality boycotting another. Mayor Bravenec indicated that the Council's general concensus was agreement with the Equal Rights Amendment as ratified by the State of Texas, but questioned the boycott issue. Councilman Hazen moved that the Council affirm its support of the Equal Rights Amendment. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion carried by the following vote: FOR --- Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Halter, Hazen, Adams AGAINST--- Councilman Dozier, with the notation that he is not opposed to E.R.A. -- equal rights, pay, and opportunity; but does not like the resolution. Agenda Item No. 10 -- Consideration of the Housing Assistance Plan and related mat. ters in the Community Development. Program. Community Development Planner Callaway presented information on the need of the City to establish a housing authority. He reported that the City's Housing Assistance Plan and the revised Housing Assistance Plan were unacceptable to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. He referred to a letter received on May 9, 1978 from HUD informing the City that if CDBG funds are to continue to be forthcoming substantial progress must be made in meeting the housing needs of low and moderate income persons. He informed the Council that the City must submit an acceptable HAP and a specific program to show that progress is accuring. The 1978 Community Development Block Grant was $300,000. Councilman Halter pointed out that the last subsidized low income housing that was built did not benefit College Station residents, but imported low income families into the City. Councilman Dozier suggested authorizing the Mayor to write a letter to the Department of Housing and Urban Development stating that the City of College Station is not interested in building more subsidized housing units for low income families; that the City will help residents get better housing but will not build more housing that imports low income families into the Community. Mayor Bravenec suggested a program that would allow using funds to renovate existing homes. Councilman Hazen indicated that Southgate Village has only approximately forty apartments that are currently subsidized. She questioned if subsidizing more of these apartments would meet the requirements of HUD, rather than building more low income housing. Councilman Adams spoke against more subsidized housing in College Station. Councilman Dozier moved that no more subsidized housing be built in the City and that Mayor Bravenec be authorized to write a response to HUD's letter indicating the Council's stand on housing and community development. 0Z466 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7'00 P.M. Page 5 Councilman Halter seconded the motion with the addition of Councilman Dozier to help the Mayor draft the letter. The motion passed unanimously. The Council requested that the Mayor share the final draft of the letter with them. Mr. Callaway asked for approval of the housing assistance plan's goals for lower income housing assistance. Revision of goals were in response to the Council's desire to have funds from community development distributed 65% for home owners and 35% for rentals. City Manager Bardell indicated that there were two programs under discussion. Councilman Dozier moved that the Council adopt the goals as outlined plus revisions. Mayor Bravenec and Planner Callaway will decide upon realistic figures to accompany the goals. Councilman Halter seconded the motion. The motion passed by the following vote: FOR---Mayor Bravenec; Councilmen Ringer, Boughton, Dozier, Halter AGAINST --- Councilman Adams ABSTAINING--- Councilman Hazen Agenda Item No. 11-- Discussion of daytime_ parking permit. Mayor Bravenec discussed the problem of university people parking on side streets near the university. Councilman Boughton noted that a permit would limit residents' parking, as well as their guests. Councilman Hazen suggested that permits might be given to home owners only, while others would not be able to park. City Attorney Lewis agreed to check the constitutionality of the daytime parking permit and report back to the Council. Agenda Item No. 12-- Discussion of possible drilling within the city limits. Mayor Bravenec indicated two concerns of the City' safety and directional drilling. City Attorney Lewis reported that other municipalities have ordinances regulating drilling within the City. He stated that the City of College Station does have the authority to regulate drilling, but that the present zoning ordinance does not address the problem. Mayor Bravenec recommended that the City obtain ordinances from other cities to check wozding and gather ideas. 0Z467 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 6 Agenda Item No. 13-- Discussion of tourist promotion and possible attraction of research-oriented industry to the City. Mrs. Judy Rychlik reported on the Information Center, noting that preparation of a charter and the establishment of a board, consisting of representatives of twenty-nine organizations and interest groups, is currently underway. She stated that the next meeting will be held on June 12 and that tourism will be discussed at that meeting. She also said that September 1 is the target date for opening of the center. Mrs. Rychlik encouraged a meeting with the Council to attract industry into the area. Councilman Adams suggested that the 50 acre Krenek Tap park might be developed as an Industrial Park, rather than an athletic complex. Councilman Hazen asked if a Council member could serve on the board of the Information Center. Mrs. Rychlik stated that a councilman could serve on the board and further indicated that it would be better not to involve industrial solicitation with the tourist promotion, as success of both programs would lessen in that event. Mayor Bravenec indicated that he thought a combined program was very feasible and the two aspects were compatible. There was discussion concerning selection of a councilman to serve on the Information Center Board. Councilman Dozier moved that Pat Boughton be appointed to the board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hazen and unanimously approved. Agenda Item No. 14 -- Other business. Mayor Bravenc suggested that priorities be set on work subsidized through the state considering Planning and Zoning and Urban Transportation. Mayor Bravenec commented on the fact that College Station taxes are lower than cities of comparable size and status, citing comparisons. The Mayor suggested that the staff look at the problem of children crossing Southwest Parkway from Bee Creek Park. Councilman Dozier requested a change of Council meeting dates be put on the next agenda. He stated that he is opposed to Council meetings on two successive days. Councilman Boughton asked about signs that were to be painted. She asked the status of the population signs. City Manager Bardell reported that all forms had been completed and mailed, but could not indicate when the Highway Department would be authorized to install the signs. Councilman Boughton asked about the status of the neighborhood park at 02468 MINUTES, Regular City Council Meeting May 25, 1978 7:00 P.M. Page 7 the Holik tract. She reported that neighbors adjacent to the park were concerned about the extension of Haines and thought the park was being torn up. Councilman Halter reported that he had looked into the problem and that no destruction of park property occurred. The contractor did have permission for the extesnion and was working in accordance to this. Councilman Ringer asked City Attorney Lewis about the deannexation of Finfeather Road. Councilman Ringer reported he had received many calls concerning utility bills, noting most complaints were on the irregularity of billing dates, as well as late charges. City Manager Bardell reported that by June the problem would be alleviated with all transfers made into the new billing system. At that time each month's billing will be within two days of the previous month's billing. Mr. Bardell announced the need for the annual personnel meeting. A dinner meeting for this purpose was arranged for May 30 at 6:00 P.M. .Agenda Item No. 15 -- Closed session to consider possibl..e pe. nding litigatiorL and land acquisition. Mayor Bravenec called the Council into closed session. Agenda Item No. 16-- Adjourn. The Council reconvened to adjourn. AP OVED~. Mmyor ATTEST City Secretary REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 25, 1978 7:00 P. M. PLEASE SIGN BELOW: 14. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 15. 33. 16. 17. 34. 35. 18. 36. Og470