HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-2010 BCS MPO Business and Marketing Development Plan • . .... „ • ,, ,.. ikt- - .h*• .. 'cifio ' 4,,;'' -,- .4%..- . ''':,,.- ,?" ____IJ.,„,r;.,:i.,_.f - ,..,:: ‘5%, .,'• , '4' ... I. .4.0:-•,•„ '•* '41o:: , 4 * $21- -' $:• lit. " .% ' • '',.`:.0. 7------------_- -, ' - . :.:. -'• -,, ' ''' ' ' :?:''eleg!- ----',-,„,...----:— t:-----.--;-.-'-', ---...': .'.— ! .' ' ..•- . .. . :-,' - - - -4 •• _,. .. .... ..,... ..-. ,..-,.... ..-:-,--, .--,...N5..,.,. \i 't.I.S4OZ•:.'•••';',4,'•:..':: ,, ",°Ai.'',',:y•:. • . ' ' ^ ,•,t-3,t,$::,'-." r-Al , ',.•,:.'.. •,' -_--'• . ,. . • _ ', ..., I.-.,,,...W .,.-i.,, .. . •• '' ' .. ',.. • ' • 4.\ FM'', -.4.1 ---' • ' t t - ....r1 . , 1 k.' : r — :,. ' . ''''‘,...., •: ,' ' ' 't, ___!‘._-_.,11...: -• -i. . ' - - . .., ,.., Or - - •— i • .. .. - "4 . , . . • , . 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Table of Contents Vision & Mission Statement 1 Strategic Priorities 2-3 Introduction 4 Executive Summary 5-6 Business Travel Market Market Profile-Primary Markets 7-9 Marketing Plan-Primary Markets 10-11 Market Profile- Secondary Markets 12-13 Marketing Plan- Secondary Markets 14-15 Market Profile-Tertiary Markets 16 Marketing Plan -Tertiary Markets 17 Business Travel Market Goals 18 Leisure Travel Market Market Profile-Group Travel Market 19-20 Marketing Plan-Group Travel Market 21-22 Group Travel Goals 23 Market Profile-Independent Travel Market 24 Marketing Plan-Independent Travel Market 25 Independent Travel Goals 26 Sports Travel Market Market Profile 27-29 Marketing Plan 30 Sports Travel Market Goals 31 Communications /Public Relations Market Profile 32 Marketing Plan 33-34 Appendix Business Travel Acronyms and Show Descriptions I Leisure Travel Acronyms and Show Descriptions II Sports Travel Acronyms and Show Descriptions III Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau Contact List IV Activities Calendar V Advertising Calendar VI Vision Statement To be the recognized and respected leader in the Brazos Valley responsible for the Visitor Industry by our communities, stakeholders and customers. Mission Statement The mission of the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau is to enhance economic and social growth in Bryan, College Station and the Brazos Valley by marketing, promoting, developing and coordinating tourism, conventions, sports and hospitality opportunities in the area. Partners Promoting Tourism 1 Strategic Priorities Research In keeping with the vision of the organization and to ensure maximum achievement of our mission, research must be the foundation of which decisions are made, resources allocated and priorities set. Therefore, one of the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau's priorities will be to undertake the appropriate and necessary research with dedicated resources annually to compile and consistently update the essential information to maximize the success and incremental growth of the visitor industry for our communities. Research Needs • Image and awareness of the area related to all market segments: o Business Travel o Leisure Travel—Group and Independent o Sports • Product Needs and Development(Complimentary and Required) • Conversion Studies • Economic Assessments • Visitors Profiles • Industry Training Needs and Requirements • Technology Needs to Increase Productivity (Internal) and Outreach (Customers) Resources To ensure the growth and continued success of the visitor industry to Bryan-College Station and the Brazos Valley it will be necessary to guarantee the needed resources to accomplish this. Therefore, it will be an ongoing priority of the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau to responsibly expend and demonstrate a significant Return on Investment(ROI) of the public funds (Hotel and Motel Tax) provided and increase that resource for the cities to ensure a stable foundation to carry out the mission of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. In addition to the public investment, the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau will also secure additional resources through partnerships and sponsorships, both traditional and non-traditional, local,regional and state wide. New Resource Opportunities • In-kind Donated Services • Partnered and Co-sponsored Sales and Marketing Activities • Regional Co-ops • Shared Resources (when applicable & appropriate) - Financial and Human Partners Promoting Tourism 2 Destination Management The Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau's main mandate is that of marketing, sales and service, dedicated primarily to the visitor industry. However,we are also responsible to ensure that the product required ensuring sustainability and growth well into the future is constantly and consistently evaluated, renewed and improved. Therefore, it is essential to be not only a destination marketing organization but a destination management organization. Therefore, it will be a strategic priority of the Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau to be a catalyst for proactive development and improvement of the destination product through initiating, facilitating, educating and coordinating community and industry interests to guarantee the appropriate and responsible growth of our area to maximize our potential in the near and long term. Advocacy/Communication In looking to the future of our area and the continued growth and development,the need to ensure that we keep up with the increasing market demand of the visitor industry, exceed the expectations of our visitors and provide an outstanding experience to them, we will require an ongoing program of advocacy and communications for the destination. This advocacy and communications program will facilitate responsible, accountable and articulated product development and enhancement toward the continued improvement and growth of the visitor industry to the ultimate benefit of our communities and our residents. This priority will assist us in achieving a true "Destination" image, brand and regard. Partners Promoting Tourism 3 Introduction The Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau (BVCVB) is a non-profit organization which contracts with the cities of Bryan and College Station to market, sell and promote the area as a premiere destination for conventions, leisure travel, trade shows, sporting events and activities,which will attract visitors and encourage residents to utilize Bryan-College Station facilities and attractions. We also provide services and technical assistance to all our visitors to ensure a memorable experience and repeat visits to the area. The Brazos Valley Convention and Visitors Bureau, also known as the Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau (BCSCVB), is primarily funded by hotel/motel tax received from overnight visitors to the cities of Bryan and College Station. The cities collect the hotel/motel tax and distribute the money to various entities determined by the city councils and in accordance with the State Statute. The Bureau makes a formal funding request annually to the city councils,who then determine the level of funding. The Bureau then contracts with the cities to carry out its activities and report the success and return on investment(ROI). To successfully attract visitor dollars, careful planning,marketing, management and significant cooperation and support must occur among all stakeholders. The Business and Market Development Plan is based on principles of partnership, cooperation and mutually beneficial alliances. The plan is managed by objectives and is accountable for tangible,measurable results, ensuring a significant ROI. In developing the plan, our concentration focuses on three specific market segments: • Business Travel - representing conventions, conferences, tradeshows and corporate meetings and events from state and regional markets. • Leisure Travel—representing the group tour and individual travel markets primarily from the state and regional market areas. • Sports Travel—representing amateur and collegiate tournaments, as well as regional and national championships. Each of the three markets will be reached through an integrated plan of action combining marketing, direct sales and PR/communication activities. Each area has specific goals and objectives established through past success, market trends and research. An ongoing evaluation and analysis of all activity as well as changes in the marketplace will ensure that our efforts maximize return and success,monitored against the implementation plan set out to meet and exceed all planned goals. In addition to the primary mandate of generating room nights and incremental visitor spending, the organization will also be very involved in the servicing of our visitors to maximize extended visitation and repeat visits. We will also continue to be actively involved in the management of our destination to ensure a sustainable tourism product and industry for our community. Through a program of education, facilitation and advocacy we strive to ensure the current and long term benefits that the industry we represent provides our great community, the Brazos Valley and indeed the State of Texas. Partners Promoting Tourism 4 Executive Summary Logical and innovative marketing and sales initiatives driven by smart business partnerships will lead to growth and development for our industry. Ongoing support for strategic cooperation and commitment to an integrated marketing plan will ensure that the Brazos Valley will remain a competitive destination in the future. The following pages detail the marketing and sales plans of the BCSCVB. These plans are a reflection of strategic priorities closely tuned to the needs of the marketplace, consumers and local tourism industry expectations. The plan aims to produce the highest visitation from the targeted areas and to ensure its success the BCSCVB monitors the performance in each market consistently and continuously. A considerable investment is made to carry out our mission and to realize our goals. Our current marketing and outreach budget represents roughly 40% of our total expenses, not including salaries. This complies with the standard established by the International Association of Convention and Visitors Bureaus,which suggest these expenditures fall between 40-50% of the overall budget. In the year ahead, we as a destination face many new opportunities. The opportunities include the proposed new development of a Convention Center/Hotel Complex, an intensive consumer marketing campaign in key feeder areas like Houston and a more aggressive approach to cooperative and partnered marketing opportunities,both locally and regionally. The rededication of the George Bush Presidential Library and Museum with many new exhibits and interactive displays will attract many new visitors to our area, and bring repeat visitors back. In the sports market,we now have many new facilities that will assist in bringing in even more events than the past. The Business and Market Development Plan called for some tough questions ultimately reaching tough decisions. For many years the Bureau relied on its own initiatives and efforts to build the visitor market. We must rely on and guarantee industry cooperation and partnerships investing in our collective future. We must continue to be diverse assuring a balanced plan of work and outreach addressing all of our market areas. The plan ensures that we question what we do and have done, but not second-guess it. Our efforts in the past have proved successful,however, we must continue to refine them and in doing so, provide incremental visitation and increased economic benefits to our industry and community. Our mission is clear, our vision becoming a reality and our future is bright. Our work plan is solid and with the cooperative spirit and partnerships that will grow and continue well into the future, the industry and the community will benefit mutually. Partners Promoting Tourism 5 General Goals and Objectives • Increase the number of confirmed conventions, conferences, meetings, sports events, group tours and individual travel parties to our area, maximizing utilization of our available hotel rooms, facilities and attractions. • Increase,through incremental visitor spending,the economic contributions to the area businesses and governments through increased travel and tourism activity. • Identify, develop and increase the number of qualified leads from all our targeted market segments. • Strengthen the Bryan-College Station and Brazos Valley image and visibility as a unique and preferred destination for business, sports and leisure travel experiences. • Expand the client/customer database of all market segments with qualified and quality information. • Increase the volume and conversion of visitor inquiries by maximizing the frequency and placement of consumer advertising,traditional print and increased web marketing. • Heighten the visibility, understanding and accountability of the Bryan-College Station Convention &Visitors Bureau within the communities and among all stakeholders. Convention / Sports Goals Conventions Sports Total Number of Leads 195 70 265 Number of Definite Room Nights 55,000 50,000 105,000 Number of Attendees / Participants 52,000 60,000 112,000 Estimated Economic Impact $26,650,000 $10,500,000 $37,150,000 Leisure / Group Travel Goals Day Trips Overnights Total Number of New Programs 62 35 97 Number of Visitors 3,000 850 3,850 Estimated Economic Impact $240,000 $88,400 $328,400 Partners Promoting Tourism 6 I . .-• . •1 ::. gr- ,...._77......___-__ , __T.....,, il . , ..___k,_ ,1140ir..79"., vJ " '� :••••-: ,�..• ...,,,,77:,4____). }Ar-:_, • er • "t-rte y p ' '.; .-. - . t -..."'•-,,f;14,_ - • -•,,� ����� 't,y spy jiiWr.., i 4. 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The four primary market segments of concentration are: • State Association Market • Education Meeting Market • State Government Meeting Market • Religious Market For many years, our primary markets have consisted of State Associations, Education Meetings and State Government. However,with the growth in popularity of Religious Meetings nationwide and new tradeshows and publications to reach the meeting planners for these meetings,we have moved the Religious Market from Secondary to Primary. These four market segments are most vital to our community. First of all,they tend to book on a rotation basis around the state. They also book on average two to three years in advance. We must ensure Bryan-College Station remains part of the rotation pattern and that our foundation of business for future years is built on these segments. These market segments are drawn to our community for a number of reasons. Our central location is probably the most significant. Although we do not have access to major air transportation, our central location in the state makes us easily accessible for the members of these markets to get here. In fact, over 80% of the population of Texas lives within a 180-mile radius of our community. Our reasonable and affordable rates on hotel rooms and meeting venues are another benefit for these markets. In these times of budget constraints, affordability for conventions is vital. The ease of travel and safety in our community makes our destination more appealing. Lastly, our community offers numerous attractions for the attendees of these markets. The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library, Texas A&M University, Messina Hof Winery & Resort and Historic Downtown Bryan coupled with the abundance of restaurants, retail outlets and unique meeting venues help create an ideal location for these markets. To reach these primary markets,the sales team will take a variety of approaches. First of all,the Bryan-College Station CVB continues to keep a strong presence in Austin through one-on-one sales calls, sales blitzes and our involvement in organizations such as Meeting Professionals International Partners Promoting Tourism 7 and Society of Government Meeting Planners to constantly build and strengthen relationships with meeting planners of these organizations. However, many sales efforts start closer to home. The sales team has initiated several programs to find members of state-wide organizations who reside in the Brazos Valley; including Meeting Planners Showcase, Pancakes &Possibilities and Backyard Marketing. We will also continue to be involved in a variety of tradeshows and events. Furthermore, to reach those organizations based in areas other than Austin and Dallas, the CVB will host a phone blitz once a year to makes sales "phone" calls on those meeting planners to increase awareness of our community. State Association Market The state association market has historically been, and continues to be, Bryan-College Station's largest and most productive market segment. The state association business contributes to the majority of the bureau's confirmed and measurable room nights. Our central location in the state, affordable hotel room rates, safety of our community as well as attractions such as The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library and Texas A&M University are key factors in this market's success. This market focuses on a well-researched and historically productive group of market and industry sectors. Of these segments the three top producing are: • Agriculture Related Associations • Municipal Government Associations • Veterinary/Medicinal Considering our position and the local network of contacts, the Bryan-College Station CVB has set out to make the state association market our top producer of business. Currently in the CVB database,we have over 1000 Texas based associations. These associations host over 1,400 meetings annually. Of these meetings,we have found that Bryan-College Station can actively pursue approximately 300-400 of them based on the size of our current meeting venues, number of committable sleeping rooms and exhibit facilities. Therefore, repeat business in the state association market is vital to our community. Whenever possible,the BCS CVB will present proposals to get on a set rotation to host meetings. In addition to the Municipal Government Associations, we will focus on Agricultural related and Veterinary related associations. With the construction of the Brazos County Expo Center, we now have a great facility for these types of meetings and events. Education Meeting Market The education meeting market is a successful segment for Bryan-College Station. Bryan-College Station is home to Texas A&M University,the fourth largest public university in the nation, as well as Blinn College, both of which act as key resources for recruiting educational meetings. Our proximity to Sam Houston State University in Huntsville and our facilities also provides some great opportunities to host their meetings in our community. Bryan-College Station's position in the center of Region VI Education Service Center in the state of Texas provides excellent new and repeat booking potential. Furthermore, strong contacts with the Texas Education Agency and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board help to strengthen the possibility of booking education meetings. The Texas Education Agency (TEA) is made up of over 60 divisions that govern and improve the Texas public school system. These divisions each hold various meetings for teachers and students in the public Partners Promoting Tourism 8 schools. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) is responsible for advancing higher education both on the university as well as technical community college levels. The THECB also hosts numerous meetings and training seminars through the universities and community colleges around the state. By working with these two organizations, Bryan-College Station has the opportunity to host a variety of education meetings in our area. State Government Meeting Market Both the state of Texas, as well as counties and municipalities from across the state, host a vast number of meetings and events around the state. Several government groups currently hold meetings annually in Bryan-College Station: Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) Transportation Conference, VG Young Institute County Government training sessions and Texas Transportation Institute (TTI). The CVB will continue to nurture a relationship with groups such as United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Texas Engineering Extension Service (TEEX), U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Brayton Fire School in order to grow the government meeting market. We will work with the elected officials and the professional staffs of the cities of Bryan and College Station and Brazos County to assist in bringing in their government meetings. Utilizing local members of these government organizations has proven in the past to be the best method of marketing to these groups. Once the potential state divisions are identified, the BCSCVB works through local members in our area to host their meetings. In addition, The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library and Texas A&M University will not only serve as attractions for these State Government meetings, but also the staff of these two entities serve as members of numerous State and Federal government organizations. Religious Meeting Market Bryan-College Station is an increasingly popular location to host religious meetings because of our location in the central Texas religious arena. Our community is home to a wide variety of religions. Local membership is vital with this market. We will draw from our local divisions of the religious organizations to host state religious meetings and national gatherings as well. Our community offers several things that appeal directly to the religious market. Our affordability and safety are probably the most prevalent. Our central location means that the attendees can drive to our destination. Additionally, our facilities are ideal for this market. Reed Arena and the new Brazos County Expo Center offer ample space for theater style seating and are able to accommodate the large number of attendees that accompany religious groups. Because we hosted 7000 attendees with the Christian Congregation of Jehovah Witnesses in 2004 and 2005,we have seen an influx of interest from the religious meeting market. Hosting this group in Bryan-College Station has helped spark new interest in Bryan-College Station as a premiere religious meeting destination. We will continue to work closely with Texas A&M University and the Brazos County Expo Center to bring these large religious events to our area. In addition,the CVB will participate again in the CMCA.tradeshow as well as Rejuvenate, and added Connect as a new tradeshow that will afford us the opportunity to extend our marketing reach in the SMERF market to generate leads and potential business. Both Rejuvenate and Connect were quite successful in their first year and we will plan to continue our participation in them. Partners Promoting Tourism 9 Marketing Plan- Primary Markets Objectives • Increase, the number of confirmed conventions and meetings to our area to maximize utilization of all meeting facilities and sleeping rooms. (Including both single and multiple hotel usage) • Identify and develop qualified leads from our targeted market segments. Utilize local members and officers to solicit state-wide organizations through Backyard Marketing Program, Pancakes and Possibilities and Meeting Planners Showcase. • Strengthen Bryan-College Station's image and visibility as a premiere destination for meetings, conventions and events. • Highlight our special venues such as Texas A&M University,the Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library, Messina Hof Winery and Historic Downtown Bryan to groups as unique venues to hold meetings and events, providing a greater offering of meeting and unique facilities to our clients. • Develop strong relationships within the local community: hoteliers, Texas A&M University, Blinn College, Sam Houston State University, Region VI Education System, USDA, TEEX, Brayton Fire School,the Bryan and College Station Independent School Districts and the Downtown Bryan Economic Development Association to assist in identifying and assisting bringing groups into our area. • Cultivate partnerships with local groups and clubs to educate them about all the services the Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau provides. • Work with local partners to market to targeted groups at trade shows and sales calls accordingly. Marketing Initiatives Tradeshow/Conference Attendance Camp-MPI MPI - Texas Hill Country Chapter&D/FW Chapter—Monthly Meetings in Austin &Dallas Southwest Showcase TSAE CMCA Rejuvenate National Coalition of Black Meeting Planners Direct Sales/Meetings Partners Promoting Tourism 10 Monthly sales calls in Austin Monthly Sales calls in Bryan-College Station and Texas A&M University Sales trips to Dallas/Fort Worth One "mini"blitz annually in Houston and San Antonio with CVB sales team Sales Blitz in Austin with local partners Client Appreciation Lunch in Austin TACVB Co-City Sales Blitz& Oscar Party Telephone Blitz(2) Special Promotions Backyard Marketing Plan Your Meeting Meeting Planner Showcase MPI—THCC Banquet Sponsorship Pancakes & Possibilities Client Appreciation lunch at Sam Houston State University Site Visits Familiarization Tour Various customized individual meeting planner site visits each year are encouraged on an"as needed"basis Sales Material Bid packages Destination Planning Guide Destination Video Promotional items from the Convention and Visitors Bureau and partners Partners Blinn College Local Medical Facilities Brazos County Local Meeting Facilities Bryan ISD Local Residents Bryan-College Station Attractions Messina Hof Winery & Resort Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Restaurants City of Bryan Retail Outlets City of College Station Sam Houston State University College Station ISD Texas A&M University Local Churches The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library Partners Promoting Tourism 11 Secondary Markets Secondary markets are defined as new or emerging markets in the Bryan-College Station community. These markets are ones that we have historically not focused much time or effort on, but are ones that we will be growing over the next several years. The three secondary market segments of concentration are: • Corporate Meetings Market • Fraternal Market • Hobby Market These three market segments were added to our market several years ago. Although we have made some strides in these areas, they still require additional research to more closely ascertain our full potential and will require relationship building in the next several years before we begin to see the results of our efforts. One of our secondary markets, Religious Market, has been moved to the Primary Market category as it has grown much over the past several years. Corporate Meeting Market Bryan-College Station has been named one of the fastest growing communities in the state of Texas. Over the next several years,we hope to see numerous corporations moving out of the larger communities and into our region. We plan to work closely not only with the existing businesses in our area, but also with the Research Valley Partnership to assist their efforts in making the Brazos Valley an attractive area for technology related businesses. In addition, our proximity to the major metropolitan areas in Texas, Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston and Austin, along with the increase in new limited service hotel properties with small amounts of meeting space, makes us an ideal location for corporate retreats. We are far enough away from the "office" and have the amenities necessary to host these types of corporate meetings, i.e. wireless capabilities in the hotels,teleconference facilities on campus, etc. The CVB this year is taking a new focus on the Dallas-Fort Worth area. The sales team has now changed one of their memberships from the Houston Chapter to the D/FW Area Chapter of Meeting Professionals International and in conjunction with attending MPI meetings, they will be making many sales trips to the D/FW area. We will get involved with D/FW MPI in an effort to build relationships with the meeting planners of those corporations headquartered in the metroplex. Partners Promoting Tourism 12 Fraternal Meeting Market Bryan-College Station is an ideal destination for fraternal meetings. Texas A&M University has approximately 60 fraternal organizations affiliated with the campus. This is a fairly new market for our community and we have participated at the Fraternal Executives Association Annual Conference and Tradeshow for the past five years. In the past, this event has lead to qualified leads and opportunities for new business in our destination. Attendance at the conference grows each year and our visibility has increased throughout the marketplace. Again, the appeal of our community to this market includes ease of travel, affordability, location and the relationship with Texas A&M University. We have seen this market grow over the past several years and we will continue to grow this secondary market. Hobby Market The hobby market is growing in popularity across the nation. With the diverse group of people that Texas A&M University brings to our community, Bryan-College Station has a wide variety of local clubs, organizations and interests. We will draw from these local clubs to solicit hobby meetings to our area. In the past,we have hosted events for the Model A Car Club, Star Trek Convention, etc. We will strengthen the relationship with collectors clubs and shows, as well as associations and societies affiliated with the hobby market in order to develop this market to its full potential. Over the next several years,we will actively pursue all hobby groups closely affiliated with our local contacts and begin building a database of potential meetings for Bryan-College Station and actively and aggressively go after their business. Furthermore, we will work closely with local facilities and events such as the George Bush Library and other area exhibits to bring interested hobby groups to our community during specific times of their rotating exhibits. Partners Promoting Tourism 13 Marketing Plan-Secondary Markets Objectives • Increase number of confirmed groups and room nights to our area from these segments. • Identify and develop qualified leads from these segments. • Strengthen Bryan-College Station's image and awareness in the corporate, fraternal and hobby meetings market. • Highlight our facilities and services to provide a greater opportunity to confirm business. • Develop stronger relationships with local residents, clubs and organizations to promote bringing their meetings and groups to Bryan-College Station. • Work with local partners to market to targeted groups at trade shows accordingly Marketinj Initiatives Tradeshow/Conference Attendance FEA MPI-D/FW& THCC Direct Sales/Meetings Monthly sales calls in Austin Monthly Sales calls in.Bryan-College Station and Texas A&M University Sales trips to Dallas/Fort Worth One "mini"blitz annually in Houston and San Antonio with CVB sales team Sales Blitz in Austin with local partners TACVB Co-City Sales Blitz& Oscar Party Telephone Blitz (2) Special Promotions Backyard Marketing Plan Your Meetings Meeting Planners Showcase Pancakes and Possibilities Site Visits Familiarization Tour Customized individual meeting planner site visits each year as necessary Sales Material Bid packages Destination Planning Guide Destination Video Promotional items from the Convention and Visitors Bureau and partners Partners Promoting Tourism 14 Partners Blinn College Local Meeting Venues Brazos County Local Residents Brazos Valley Arts Council Messina Hof Winery & Resort Bryan-College Station Attractions Reed Arena Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Religious Organizations Bryan-College Station Meeting Facilities Research Valley Partnership City of Bryan Restaurants City of College Station Retail Outlets Local Fraternities/Sororities Texas A&M University Local Hobby Groups The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library Partners Promoting Tourism 15 Tertiary Markets The last market segment is the tertiary market. This market requires much less outreach than the primary or secondary markets in order to be successful. However, we still consider this group vital to our market mix. The two tertiary market segments of concentration are: • Weddings • Reunions Texas A&M University plays a major role in these markets. Being an Aggie is not a title, it is a way of life. Aggies come here to get an education, and leave as a part of the "Aggie Family". Therefore,we will continue marketing to these groups to "bring them back home"for reunions and weddings. We will service these markets to the best of our ability in order to leave all visitors with a favorable impression of Bryan-College Station and hope that they plan a return visit—whether it is for a vacation or to bring a meeting or event here. Wedding Market The wedding market has been growing in popularity in Bryan-College Station over the years. The increased enrollment at Texas A&M University has had a lot to do with it. The students that come here are encouraged when they get engaged to have their weddings here. The additions and expansions of such facilities as 7F Lodge, Messina Hof Winery and numerous venues in Historic Downtown Bryan and the increased popularity of the Brazos Valley Bridal Show adds to the attractiveness of holding weddings in Bryan-College Station. Again our central location, easy access and affordability play a major role. Reunion Market Whether it's a family reunion, class reunion or a military reunion, Bryan-College Station is a great location. Our central location and affordability plays a major role in the decision process for these markets. Texas A&M and the "Aggie Family" are rich in tradition. One of those traditions is "coming back to Aggieland." We will continue to work with the university in hosting these reunions and will continue to encourage organizers to have reunions during times other than football game weekends. We will also continue to work with both Bryan& College Station Independent School Districts, as well as local residents interested in hosting reunions in our area. Reunions are most prevalent in the summer months in Bryan-College Station and also require little marketing efforts. We will continue to offer our services to these reunion organizers to promote attendance, provide information on activities in our community and encourage repeat business. Bryan-College Station has a strong military history and with the American GI Museum, Veterans Memorial, the Bush Presidential Library, Texas A&M University, etc.- we have a lot to offer military groups. We will continue to make contacts through sales calls and other marketing efforts to reach reunion planners for military reunions to be held in Bryan-College Station. Partners Promoting Tourism 16 Marketing Plan-Tertiary Markets Objectives • Strengthen Bryan-College Station's image as a preferred destination for the wedding and reunion market. • Highlight our facilities and services to provide a greater opportunity to confirm weddings and reunions. • Develop stronger relationships with local partners, schools, universities and military organizations to promote bringing reunions to Bryan-College Station. • Work with Texas A&M to encourage department and class reunions at times other than football games. Marketinj Initiatives Special Promotions Meeting Planners Showcase Pancakes &Possibilities Texas Aggie Magazine Sales Material • Destination Planning Guide Destination Video Promotional items from the Convention and Visitors Bureau and partners Partners 12th Man Foundation City of Bryan Association of Former Students College Station ISD Blinn College Local Meeting Facilities Brazos County Local Residents Brazos Valley Arts Council Messina Hof Winery & Resort Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Military Organizations Bryan-College Station Attractions Restaurants Bryan-College Station Meeting Facilities Retail Outlets Bryan ISD Texas A&M University City of College Station The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library Brazos County Historical Society American GI Museum Partners Promoting Tourism 17 Business Travel Market Goals Leads 2009/10: 195 2010/11: 200 2011/12: 210 Rooms Nights 2009/10: 55,000 2010/11: 60,000 2011/12: 67,000 Partners Promoting Tourism 18 - _ _ - _ - - _ -R - • ! 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This market contributes to the tourism department's confirmed and measurable room nights. Our central location and affordability help attract these groups. The safety of our community as well as attractions such as The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library, Texas A&M University, Historic Downtown Bryan and Messina Hof Winery and Resort are all factors to the overall success of this market. In addition, in late 2007,the George Bush Presidential Library &Museum completed an $8.5 million renovation with 42 new exhibits. This should bring in even more visitors to our area and increase repeat visitation. Domestic Tour Operator/Wholesaler The domestic tour operator/wholesaler segment is an important part of the Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau tourism market. This segment consists of both overnight groups as well as day visitors in the leisure travel market. We focus on companies that create, market, sell and deliver inclusive tours. These companies service an older client base driven by cost, security and companionship. We realize that we are not a single attraction and will not fulfill all the requirements needed by tour operators as the sole destination for a tour. We will continue to work with regional partners to create a package for operator/wholesalers to sell the Brazos Valley region as well as Bryan-College Station. It will be a primary focus to attract groups that are already traveling to and from the Houston, Dallas and Austin areas to incorporate us as part of that program for overnight or day trip activities. Group Leader The group leader market is a vital extension of the tour operator/wholesaler market. It consists of individuals who are designated to handle tour and travel arrangements for specific clients such as church groups or AARP clubs. The needs of the group leader are the same as the tour operator and many share the same clientele. These groups are traditionally comprised of older clients, many who are on a fixed budget and are looking for the same experience as a preformed tour product, but with value as a definite priority. They work with specific tour operators who put the package together for Partners Promoting Tourism 19 the group. However, it is important to realize that the group leader, not the tour operators that they work with, are the destination decision maker and ultimately sell the destination to the group or club. This is a viable market segment for the Bryan-College Station Convention and Visitors Bureau. The day trips coordinated by group and club leaders from Houston have proven to be a substantial part of the tours to Bryan-College Station in past years. Over the years,the tourism staff has created, maintained and nurtured relationships with these group leaders. We will continue to target group leaders we meet at shows, which are sponsored by qualified tour operators. This market holds great potential for our area and has proven so in the past. It is our intent to generate more overnight visits from this market segment while increasing the number of the day visits as well. Bank Travel Clubs In contrast to the typical makeup of traditional group travel,this niche market, although primarily comprised of older couples (50 and over), have a high disposable income and are motivated by convenience of arrangements, diversity in tour programs and ease of travel. They are well educated and well traveled. This is an emerging market with more and more banks using these travel clubs as a cornerstone to encourage senior deposit accounts. The banks at one time drove this market as a competitive banking service,but more often now it is being driven by club-member demand. Our sales efforts will focus on the club directors reaching them through specific and targeted marketplaces. The club directors are ultimately responsible for selecting the destination, planning the trip and then selling it to club members. Partners Promoting Tourism 20 Marketing Plan — Group Travel Market Objectives • Increase the number of new group tour programs to our area with emphasis on securing overnight accommodations. • Increase the number of confirmed group tour programs to our area specifically from the group leader and bank travel market • Identify and expand our current contact database of group leaders and bank travel clubs • Work with regional partners, as well as Central Texas Bluebonnet Travel Council and Presidential Corridor Association to expand itineraries to include more attractions and events to secure more group business and overnight bookings in our area • Strengthen Bryan-College Station's image as a premiere tour and travel destination • Maintain relationships with current clients ultimately having them maintain Bryan-College Station as a tour destination • Continue to sell Bryan-College Station as a stopover for major city tours that may travel through our destination Marketinji Initiatives Tradeshow/Marketplace Attendance AARP Travel Expo American Bus Association Bank Travel Network Fort Worth Travel & Leisure Show Glamer—Houston Glamer— San Antonio Harris County Precinct Shows (2) Killeen- Ft. Hood Travel Show Lackland Travel Show McAllen International Travel Show Texas Travel Industry Association Travel Fair Direct Sales Annual Sales Calls to Austin, Houston, San Antonio and Dallas-Ft. Worth Site Visits Two scheduled Tour Operator FAM Tours Partners Promoting Tourism 21 Sales Material Destination Planning Guide Destination Video Promotional items from the Convention and Visitors Bureau and partners Regional Partners' Brochures Visitor Planning Guide Partners Bank Club Directors Historic Downtown Bryan Brazos County Huntsville CVB Brazos Valley Arts Council Lake Somerville Bryan-College Station Attractions Messina Hof Winery & Resort Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Northgate Entertainment District Calvert Chamber of Commerce Presidential Corridor Association City of Bryan Restaurants Central Texas Bluebonnet Travel Council Retail Outlets City of College Station The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library Group Leaders Tour Operators/Wholesalers Hearne Chamber of Commerce Washington County CVB Partners Promoting Tourism 22 Group Travel Market Goals New Daytrip Programs 2009/10: 62 2010/11: 65 2011/12: 68 New Overnight Programs 2009/10: 35 2010/11: 38 2011/12: 40 Room Nights 2009/10: 550 2010/11: 575 2011/12: 600 Partners Promoting Tourism 23 Independent Travel Market The independent travel market represents the most challenging and intensive segment of the bureau's target markets. It requires the greatest amount of outreach and servicing, therefore, demands a considerable dedication of both financial and human resource. To maximize our investment and ensure continued growth, this market requires ongoing and consistent research and tracking. To make sure our efforts are highly targeted and our resources receive the greatest return on investment,we must know who our customers are, where they are coming from and what they are looking for. This particular market is reached mainly through extensive marketing efforts,primarily advertising, in contrast to the direct sales approach in our other targeted segments. Our efforts are concentrated in two categories: • Advertising • Communications/Public Relations In addition to the traditional mediums utilized to reach this market, technology plays an increasingly vital role in our efforts. As the buying consumer becomes ever more proficient on the Internet and other technologies, some of our efforts in this market will be executed through technology. It is vital that we address this growing trend now to ensure that our web presence and technology applications are the best available, not only as marketing tools but as a necessary component to provide information and service to our customers. Advertising Research tells us that 78% of our visitors drive to our area. It also confirms that 80% of the population of Texas is within a 180-mile radius of Bryan-College Station. The most efficient way of delivering our messages and reaching the critical mass of potential visitors is through advertising—both traditional print and web-based. Our advertising placement is based on research and measured results of previous years' placements, ensuring we get in the right vehicles at the right time to reach our identified and targeted audience. Research continues to show that visitors are using the internet more and more to determine travel plans. Therefore, this year,we will shift budget dollars from selected print advertising and dedicate these resources towards web-based opportunities. As a result of our previous advertising program, research has also proven that 53% of all inquiries actually convert to visitors. Due to this high return on the program, it is vital that we continue to increase the number of inquiries resulting in an increase of overnight visitors. To ensure this, frequency and placement of ads will drive our efforts in this arena. The inquiries received as a result of the advertising program are maintained in a comprehensive database. This database is utilized to maximize and continue our exposure to potential visitors with the capability of identifying the customer's motivation and demographics. Through technology, we then maintain their interest and desire to visit initially, but more importantly, return to experience more of what they want. Partners Promoting Tourism 24 Marketing Plan- Independent Travel Objectives • Increase volume of visitor inquiries by maximizing the frequency and placement of ads • Increase the conversion of inquiries to actual visitation to our area providing incremental overnight visits • Continue to upgrade our web presence and technology applications enhancing our abilities to maximize our outreach and service to the consumer market • Ensure research continues to be the foundation of all advertising decisions and plans Marketing Initiatives Tradeshows/Marketplace Attendance AARP Travel Expo Fort Worth Travel and Leisure Trade Show Houston Travel and Leisure Trade Show Killeen-Ft. Hood Travel Show Lackland Travel Show McAllen International Travel Show Randolph Travel Show Glammer Shows Advertising See Advertising Calendar Sales Materials Bryan-College Station Partners' Brochures Regional Partners' Brochures Visitor Planning Guide Partners Brazos County Huntsville CVB Brazos Valley Arts Council Lake Somerville Bryan-College Station Attractions Messina Hof Winery & Resort Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Northgate Entertainment District Calvert Chamber of Commerce Presidential Corridor Association City of Bryan Restaurants City of College Station Retail Outlets George Bush Presidential Library &Museum Various Media-Print &Electronic Hearne Chamber of Commerce Washington County CVB Historic Downtown Bryan Partners Promoting Tourism 25 Independent Travel Goals Visitor Inquiries 2009/10: +5% 2010/11: +7% 2011/12: +10% Inquiry Conversion 2009/10: +48% 2010/11: +50% 2011/12: +53% Ad Equivalency 2009/10: $250,000 2010/11: $325,000 2011/12: $375,000 Partners Promoting Tourism 26 IM.. ._ "►yam 'I. • 'y�7r I 444.4444, '' R' ) ZS* , • .1. 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We have enjoyed a number of annual events that we will continue to maintain and expand. We will continue to work closely with state and national event rights holders to identify and acquire many more events for our area. The sports marketing department is responsible for increasing sports travel to the Bryan-College Station area. This will be accomplished by targeting market areas best suited for the community and what it has to offer. These areas include youth, collegiate or adult events ranging from qualifiers, tournament or championships on local, regional and national levels. In order to maintain the existing events in our community, we must also focus on servicing. We will not only service events already taking place in the community but also any new events that come to Bryan-College Station. The level of service that we provide helps to ensure that the events will remain in Bryan-College Station or return to the area. High School Athletic Events The high school athletic market continues to be an ideal fit for the Bryan-College Station area. The athletic facilities that we have in the area offer high school athletic events the space, seating capacity and quality that they look for. This market's success can be attributed to the reasonable cost of hotel accommodations and Bryan-College Station's central location. This market focuses on several aspects of high school athletics: • Qualifying Events • Off-season Tournaments • Regional Events • District Events • State Championships • National Events Partners Promoting Tourism 27 In conjunction with the local high school coaches, the Sports Marketing Department has developed an invitational basketball tournament in December. We have assisted the local coaches with existing tournaments such as the Viking Invitational Wrestling tournament in December ,Bryan-College Station Baseball and Softball tournaments, Lone Star Classic in June and UIL Events. Collegiate Athletic Events The Collegiate market is a great fit for Bryan-College Station because of our proximity to colleges around the state as well as our location within the United States. On a small scale, the Sports Marketing Department assists Texas A&M University on bid presentations by compiling local information such as hotel rates and availability, restaurants lists and details about local attractions. By increasing the level of assistance,the Sports Marketing Department will continue to strengthen the existing relationship with Texas A&M Athletics. Junior College Athletic Events Junior College athletics have been a great source of business due to the availability of quality facilities and Bryan-College Station's central location within Texas as well as within the United States. The ease of travel around the Brazos Valley also makes this area ideal for athletic events of this caliber. Junior colleges,with their more limited budgets, find Bryan-College Station to be an affordable location to attend an event. The junior college athletic market's focus will be: • National Junior College Athletic Association Championship events • National Junior College Athletic Association regional events Youth Athletic Events Youth sport events are a booming market, especially for this area. Statistics show that the youth sport market is primarily a driving market. Since Bryan-College Station is within 180 miles of 80% of the population of Texas, our location makes travel easy for parents of youth participants. The ease of travel within our community, as well as reasonably priced hotels, make the Brazos Valley an ideal location for youth events. The facilities in the Brazos Valley are second to none when it comes to youth events. The growing number of quality soccer fields and softball fields will undoubtedly play a key part in increasing the number of youth events that can take place in the area. The Sports Marketing Department will continue to develop stronger relationships with the Parks and Recreation departments in both Bryan and College Station. Both cities' departments have been instrumental in bringing several youth events to the area each year. The Sports Marketing Department's involvement with the Amateur Softball Association cultivates the youth amateur sports market, as well as provides partnership opportunities for both Parks and Recreation Departments and the Sports Department. The Sports Marketing Department will continue to assist in bringing in these events as well as expanding the focus to new types of events. The Sports Department has developed a new relationship with the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation (TAAF) in order to increase the amount of amateur youth sports events to the Brazos Valley. Partners Promoting Tourism 28 Adult Athletic Events The number of athletic facilities in the Bryan-College Station area such as softball fields and soccer fields has made the adult athletic market a significant one. Adult softball is a rapidly growing trend in athletics and continues to make a significant impact on our community. The Sports Department currently assists with the Amateur Softball Association's national and state events in addition to the annual Budweiser Softball tournament,which brings hundreds of teams to the area. We are beginning to gain a presence within the AAU (Amateur Athletic Union), the USSSA, TAAF and other athletic sanctioning bodies in order to entice new adult athletic events. The Sports Department has also been working with the Brazos Valley Senior Games as well as the Texas State Senior Games for the past few years. This event continues to grow each year and our community will soon be able to be considered to host the State Games. In addition to the Senior Games, our community has also been contacted to host an annual Senior Softball Tournament in the near future. Partners Promoting Tourism 29 Marketing Plan- Sports Market Objectives • Increase the number of sport related activities and events to the Bryan-College Station area maximizing usage of the available facilities and hotel properties. • Strengthen Bryan-College Station and the Brazos Valley's image as a premier destination for sporting events,particularly within the youth, high school and collegiate athletic market. • Assist the local Parks and Recreation Departments in their outreach and marketing to ensure that the number of sport events brought to the area is maximized. Marketinj Initiatives Tradeshow/Conferences Amateur Softball Association National Association of Sports Commissions National Junior College Athletic Association S.P.O.R.T.S. Institute (Sports Planners & Organizers Regional Training Seminars) TAAF (Texas Amateur Athletic Federations) TEAMS (Travel, Event and Management in Sports) USTFCCCA (United States Track and Field Cross Country Coaches Association) Sales Material Bid packages Destination Planning Guide Destination Video Promotional items from the Convention and Visitors Bureau and Bryan-College Station partners Regional partners' brochures Special Promotions Activities FCA Banquet FCA Golf Tournament Pancakes &Possibilities Partners Blinn College College Station ISD Brazos County College Station Parks and Recreation Department Brazos Valley Businesses Fellowship of Christian Athletes Bryan ISD Local Residents Bryan Parks and Recreation Department Messina Hof Winery & Resort Bryan-College Station Attractions Restaurants Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Retail Outlets City of Bryan Texas A&M University City of College Station The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library Partners Promoting Tourism 30 Sports Travel Market Goals Room Nights 2009/10: 50,000 2010/11: 60,000 2011/12: 61,000 Leads 2009/10: 70 2010/11: 75 2011/12: 80 Partners Promoting Tourism 31 . . o , , ETo . o$,-- c__30L MMS T _ 0 .�- ELN D -..- ,,1l N. 1 '')%'C.,‘ -'..".4.:.:;!'. 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One way of achieving this is through outstanding third-party endorsements regarding our product from respected media,which serves as an excellent extension in delivering our message to a targeted group of potential visitors, tourists, business travelers and event coordinators. In addition to reaching our audience, it also allows us to reach out to new market areas and customers at a minimal cost. In regards to tourists and visitors, the value of editorial marketing is rapidly gaining visibility. The reason and research speak for themselves. A survey conducted by the Travel Industry Association of America (TIA) found that 61% of travelers said they read articles about destinations in the media. Of those, 45% of them contacted the destination after they read or heard about it, and of those, 44% actually visited the destination. Online marketing and web presence is a vital aspect of marketing no destination can afford to ignore. With news, entertainment, commerce and travel a mouse-click away,we have the potential to create new customers in seconds, but only a moment to impress and encourage further exploration of the Bryan-College Station area. Millions in leisure, business and meeting planning and booking is happening online, and the travel and tourism industry is poised for continued success in the electronic market. It is the responsibility of the BCSCVB to play a key role in providing the critical information needed by the media to create articles about our area. It is also important that we continue to expand our communication and PR efforts to ensure that we are capturing the maximum exposure with all outlets, print and electronic, to reach both local residents and potential visitors. We will work closely and proactively with travel writers,travel and trade magazines, newspapers and. electronic media to enhance our image and visibility to residents of the Brazos Valley as well as the traveling public. By doing this,we will promote and create awareness of Bryan-College Station as a destination, position the image of Bryan-College Station to all target markets in a manner that is consistent and effective and ultimately achieve the highest levels of customer satisfaction. Partners Promoting Tourism 32 Marketing Plan- Communications/Public Relations Objectives • Increase the exposure of Bryan-College Station through a pro-active media plan targeting key travel publications and regional media outlets including print and broadcast. • Research and build a comprehensive media database of all publications, consumer and trade, which have high potential of running stories on our area and unique product offerings. • Increase utilization of available technology applications to consistently be in front of targeted media with stories of interest to generate additional free exposure of our area and product. • Cultivate strong relationships with key media to assist us with identifying the best sources to bring to our area that will guarantee to generate the desired media exposure. • Work with customer groups to promote their meetings and events to generate attendance and garner media coverage. • Work with local industry partners to promote their venues and events to increase attendance and awareness to or of their product. • Heighten the visibility, understanding and accountability of the Bryan-College Station Convention &Visitors Bureau within the communities and among all stakeholders. • Gain public awareness and support for CVB efforts through press releases, publications and local media. • Utilize events such as National Tourism Week to promote the economic importance of the hospitality industry to the local community. Marketin.Initiatives Site Visits Various customized media site visits each year are encouraged on an "as needed"basis. Sales Materials Bryan-College Station Media Kits Destination Planner Destination Video Visitor Planning Guide Website Travel Facts Brochure Special Promotions/Activities Hospitality Celebration Local Media Blitz Partners Promoting Tourism 33 Partners Brazos County Northgate Entertainment District Brazos Valley Arts Council Outside Media Outlets Bryan-College Station Attractions Presidential Corridor Association Bryan-College Station Hotels/Motels Regional CVBs/Chamber of Commerces City of Bryan Restaurants City of College Station Retail Outlets Community Media Outlets Texas A&M University Historic Downtown Bryan The Museum at the George Bush Presidential Library Lake Somerville Travel /Trade Publications Messina Hof Winery & Resort Partners Promoting Tourism 34 2009-2010 Advertising Calendar Category October November December January February March April May June July August September October November December 2009 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 Marketing/ mpg Magazine- Texas Highways Sports Travel(S) mpg Magazine- Sports Events(S) Better Homes& mpg Magazine- Sports Travel(S) Collinson Pub— mpg Magazine- Texas Highways See Texas First— mpg Magazine- Texas Highways Sports Travel(S) Advertising (B) Magazine (B) Garden (B) Rejuvenate(B) (B) Magazine Fall: (B) Magazine Program Houston Better Homes Houston 25 Major Houston g Sports Travel(S) Southern Living Chronicle Co-op AAA 2007 &Garden Houston TML Town& Chronicle Co-op Sports Events(S) Texas Markets: Sports Events Southern Living Chronicle Co-op Directory Chronicle Co-op City Magazine- Highways Magazine(S) Texas M&E Texas Ladies Home (B) Post Cards of Post Cards of Magazine Abilene NewsTexas Austin Statesman Magazine(B) Highways Texas Journal Ladies Home Texas Texas Texas M&E Highways Magazine Highways Journal Texas M&E The Eagle Magazine(B) Magazine (B) Dallas News Houston Magazine Midwest LivingMagazine Texas Highways Texas Highways Elderado Times Chronicle Co-op Midwest Living Magazine Magazine Ft. Worth Star Houston Texas Highways Texas Highways Collinson Spring Chronicle Co-op Texas Highways Directory Rack Card— Vacation Telegram Hobbs Sun Magazine Messina Hof& Texas Highways TTIA File Folder Bush Library See Texas First- Houston Magazine TTIA File Folder -8000 Travel Co-op Spring: Chronicle Agents,AAA Abilene News Killeen Herald TTIA File Folder Offices,Tour Southern Living Austin Statesman Lake Charles Operators,& The Eagle Press Travel Writers Texas Highways Dallas Morning Las Crusis News (GT) News Longview Journal Texas Monthly Elderado Times Lubbock Journal • Spring Travel Ft. Worth Star Lufkin News Planner Telegram Midland (GT) Hobbs News Telegram Houston Chronicle Nacogdoches Killeen Herald Sentinnal Lake Charles Oklahoma City Press News Las Crusis News Pinebluff Longview Journal Commercial Lufkin News Tyler News Midland Waco Tribune Telegram AAA Offices Oklahoma City News Southern Living Pineblz�ff Magazine Commercial San Angelo Times Texas Highways San Antonio News Magazine Tyler Courier Waco Tribune Wichita News AAA Offices Southern Living- Texas Highways . Magazine (B) Business Travel Advertising (GT) Group Travel Advertising (S) Sports Travel **Note: The above listings mentioned only represent the existing advertising contracts as of this time. All Other Consumer