HomeMy WebLinkAbout04/03/2017 - Minutes - Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory BoardCITY oi.: Co1.1 H ;i, ST.\T I <>~ I lo111f ofTrxas A&M U11i1 m ity • MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: OTHERS PRESENT: MINUTES BICYCLE, PEDESTRIAN, AND GREENWAYS ADVISORY BOARD Monday, April 3, 2017 3:00 PM College Station City Hall 2nd Floor Conference Room 1 1101 Texas Avenue College Station, Texas, 77840 Chairman Blanche Brick, Tina Evans, Joanna Kaspar, Phillip Lasley, Andrew Middleton Jon Denton, Molly Fierro Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Senior Program Manager Venessa Garza, Staff Planner Madison Thomas, Board Secretary Amber Johnson Alton Ofczarzak, Mike Hester AGENDA ITEM NO. 1: Call to Order. Chairman Brick called the meeting to order at 3:03 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 2: Hear Visitors There were no visitors present who wished to address the board. AGENDA ITEM NO. 3: Consideration, possible action, and discussion to approve meeting minutes. Board Member Middleton motioned to approve the meeting minutes from March 6, 2017. The motion was seconded by Board Member Evans and was approved (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. 4: Public hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission on proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan -Future Land Use 8r. Character Map based on the proposed Carter's Crossing Condos Development located at 1451 Associates Avenue. Staff Planner Madison Thomas presented this item to the board. The applicant has proposed a PDD Planned Development District zoning for approximately 5.955 acres located at 1451 Associates Avenue, north of Harvey Road, behind Sam's Club and Cinemark. The PDD is intended to allow for multi-family use on the property and natural areas preserved for the part of the property along Carter's Creek. As proposed, the development requires an amendment to the Future Land Use & Character Map, including amending the Natural Areas Reserved designation on the property. The Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposes a change from the current land use of General Commercial and Natural Areas Reserved to Urban and Natural Areas Reserved. The board held a general discussion regarding the floodplain in the area. Board Member Kaspar asked if the easements that are located in the area could be built upon. Mr. Alton Ofczarzak stated that they would not be building on the back portion and would be using it is a greenway park area. Board Member Evans asked how this affects the greenways master plan. Manager Garza stated that with the newer LOMR study the proposed changes fall in line and there is no concern with changing the designation with this comprehensive plan amendment request. Mr. Lasley asked if the creek was fast moving as the bank is very steep. Ms. Garza stated that is in the floodway but additional space was requested to accommodate the creek. Ms. Evans asked what types of development fall under the Urban zoning. Ms. Thomas stated that Urban use is typically multi-family apartments and condos. Chairman Brick asked how many units were planned. Mr. Ofczarzak stated that they are planning for a two-story structure with approximately 68 units. Mr. Lasley stated that there is a concern with protecting against erosion in the area. But if the developer plans to develop that area as park area there are some landscape items that can be done to mitigate. Chairman Brick asked if a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) would be required. Ms. Thomas stated a TIA would be required if that if it meets trips per hour at the site plan or if at rezoning it is required by acreage. Mr. Lasley asked if it was PDD or Urban. Ms. Thomas stated that it is Urban on the Comprehensive Plan and the Comprehensive plan will need to match the zoning. Board Member Kaspar motioned to approve the proposed changes to the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use and Character Map as proposed. The motion was seconded by Board Member Middleton and was approved (5-0). AGENDA ITEM NO. S: Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Master Plan Update. Senior Program Manager Garza presented this item to the board. The board evaluated and held a general discussion regarding the results from public survey. The board then began discussions on additional proposed changes to the Master Plan. The first area evaluated by the board is the proposed trail located just North of Harvey Mitchell Parkway along Bee Creek in-between Texas Avenue and Earl Rudder Freeway. Ms. Garza stated that one of the goals with the update that was previously discussed is getting the trails out of the floodway for constructability purposes and onto the fringes of the floodplain. Ms. Garza stated that they will first focus in on the portion of the proposed trail that is along Bee Creek between Texas Avenue and Dartmouth Street. The original intent of the Bee Creek trail was to go under Texas Avenue when the roadway was widened but that did not occur so there is no longer an opportunity to achieve that. In the area near the Public Works building, the trail would need to go on the south side of Bee Creek which means it would need to cross the creek multiple times to reach Cy Miller Park going west. It needs to be determined if we want this trail system here. Additionally in terms of getting a public access easement all of the properties are already platted so each property owner would need to be approached to receive and purchase easements from them and the likelihood of the property owners to agreeing to that is not very likely. She added that the proposed trail along William King Cole Drive is being proposed to be removed as the roadway is used by large city vehicles. There is city property that the trail could go through going east but it will need to be determined how that will be accomplished and how we will cross Dartmouth Street. Dartmouth Street is a four-lane road with a median that is not ideal to cross mid-block crossing. Mr. Lasley asked what was going in those properties that we would need an easement for. Ms. Garza stated that they are already existing platted residential homes. Chairman Brick stated that the homes are in the floodplain. Ms. Garza stated the lots are large and the back of the properties are in the floodplain, the homes are not. Mr. Lasley stated that the original purpose of the trail was to accommodate Bee Creek trail that was going to go under Texas Ave but that was not feasible. He added that we are not going to be able to get under the road or mid-block crossing across Texas Avenue and people are now used to crossing at the light at Texas Ave and Krenek Tap Avenue. He added that users are already using Krenek Tap Road to get to Central Park. As the only facilities out there are a potential city hall, the police department, and the park could something nice be done such as the Bee Creek Trail by Longmire with a wider sidewalk, signage, and nicer facilities. Ms. Garza stated that it could be that we propose a wider sidewalk along Krenek Tap Road but would need to look at feasibility. Chairman Brick asked if the proposed trail located next to the future Police Department was necessary as it is going to be next to a fence and not a park area. Ms. Garza stated that she believed there was room for the trail based on the last discussion regarding the future police facility. She added that we could potentially move the proposed trail from Dartmouth Street to Earl Rudder Freeway more North of the floodway and create connectivity with sidewalks along Dartmouth Street and Krenek Tap Road. She added that based on the survey results, users would like to be on the creek but it is not feasible in some locations. Chairman Brick asked if the trail would link into Central Park and go around. Ms. Garza stated that the proposed trail would go into Central Park. Ms. Evans asked in regards to the future development if we would be losing opportunity by removing existing proposed trails such as the proposed removal of the trail from between Texas Avenue and Dartmouth Street. Chairman Brick stated that the area between Texas and Dartmouth that is being proposed to be removed is mainly used for fleet and public work purposes and is not very scenic. Ms. Garza stated that if property on the south side redevelops and we have the opportunity we would still have to cross the creek to get to the park because we wouldn't want to be on north side. We would have to cross the creek at least twice and there are areas that appear steep. The second area evaluated by the board is the proposed multi-use paths along the Frontage Road. Ms. Garza stated that the next item to discuss is the proposed trails along the Frontage Road. She stated that there is currently a trail proposed on the West side of State Highway 6 that goes from Wolf Pen Creek, connects to Central Park, and then goes down to Emerald Parkway. Mr. Lasley stated that from a connectivity standpoint this connection is crucial as it creates a connection to two of our largest parks and our potential longest trail. Ms. Kaspar agreed with Mr. Lasley's statement. Ms. Garza stated that another multi-use path in the plan that is along the frontage road is located on State Highway 6 from University Drive to Harvey Road. Mr. Lasley stated that Harvey Road is the better road to utilize to get across State Highway 6. Ms. Garza stated that she is wanting to propose a multi-use path on the North side of Harvey Road extended to Veterans Park. The board held a general discussion regarding multi-use paths along the frontage road including the Foxfire area. Ms. Garza stated that she will look at the Foxfire area in more detail. AGENDA ITEM NO. 6: Presentation and discussion regarding education and encouragement opportunities. Senior Program Manager Garza presented this item to the board. Brazos Valley Earth Day is on April 22, 2017. There is a TxDOT Active Transportation Public Hearing on April 19th at the City of Bryan Council Chambers. Presentations will be made at the hearing by Texas A&M, the City of College Station, the City of Bryan, the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization, among others. May is National Bike Month and there will be a proclamation at City Council on May 11, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 7: Presentation and discussion regarding the Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board calendar of upcoming meetings. • April 6, 2017 rv Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting rv City Hall, Council Chambers rv 6:00 p.m. • April 19, 2017 rv TxDOT Active Transportation Public Hearing rv Bryan City Council Chambers and Lobby, 300 S. Texas Ave, Bryan, TX rv 5:30 p.m. • April 20, 2017 rv Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting rv City Hall, Council Chambers rv 6:00 p.m. • May 1, 2017 rv Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board rv City Hall, 2nd Floor Conference Room 1 rv 3:00 p.m. AGENDA ITEM NO. 8: Possible action and discussion on future agenda items - A Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Greenways Advisory Board Member may inquire about a subject for which notice has not been given. A statement of specific factual information or the recitation of existing policy may be given. Any deliberation shall be limited to a proposal to place the subject on an agenda for a subsequent meeting. Chairman Brick asked for a report to be presented to the board regarding the use of natural trails at Lick Creek Park. AGENDA ITEM NO. 9: Adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:48 p.m. m;;J~ ATTEST: 1 Blanche Brick, Chairman