HomeMy WebLinkAboutThirtyYearsHistory02644 The contract for the arnstructton of the building was awarded to the Po an — R. B. Butler Company of Bryan. Included nt this building will be space - E '3 0 for the adult and young peoples' departments of the Sunday School, a large reception room, ladles' lounges, recreational room, two assembly " r ° 3 ° rooms, kitchen, three rest rooms, and a central heating and cooling system. An all-weather passage is also included between the church 'i building and the second unit. The passageway is so designed that it may 0 3 K be utilized as an outdoor stage where plays may be given or as a F ostrum for outdoor services. The audience in such cases will be seated o ¢ E _ to the patio between the auditorium and educational building. t � Since the last buildings the Browns were responsible for were under a, o — a construction, they turned their attention to having the entire plant o completed by the summer of 1950 since their 30 years connected with 'o .3 cos p the Baptist program would be completed at the beginning of the fall . a is H semester of the college in 1950. All went well and it looked as if j;p _ everything would run on schedule. The Baptists began making plans for " i BSU center. A committee was appointed with Dr. W. H. Andrew, C— pastor of the First Baptist Church, Bryan, as the chairman. He did not _ want the BSU building across from the First Baptist Church at College o Z Station, lie had therefore arranged for the lot across the street from the Catholic chapel where the Humble Service Station now is located. The morning before the spring meeting of the Baptist Executive Board the next morning, 1949, the Executive Secretary of the Baptist Executive Board phoned Rev. Brown and asked him to secure the lot F n,a across the street from the Baptist Church from the Presbyterians if at �c _ — all possible Rev. Brown went to see Rev. Norman Anderson, pastor of =5 the church, and asked him about the proposition. He stated he thought the Baptists could get the lot. He also stated that they had an option on the lot for S19,500 from a firm in Houston to construct a hotel on the 3 A E o lot but he would rather see the Baptists have it. Rev. Brown told Bro. 3 Anderson to contact his leaders and let him have a statement in writing is rr y s by noon. A little before noon, Rev. Anderson gave Rev. Brown a paper 9 1 > 0 9 o stating the price of $19,500 and signed by the officials of the church. 6 m 2,d d o Rev. Brown left almost immediately for Dallas and a conference N with the General Secretary. This cleared the way to place the BSU center where tire denomination wanted it placed. The official committee met with the Executive Secretary the following morning to make his report. fie stated that he had an option on a lot on what is 8 j � d ¢C o m errL a We now University Drive, lite location already being stated. Wlnen asked about the lot on which the BSU center now stands, the chairman stated that the location was entirely out of the question, whereupon the General Secretary read the paper from the Presbyterian officials. The chairman of the committee had nothing else to say—not even voting with the other members of the committee. It looks now as if everything is moving along well for the Baptists—all their buildings will be located close together. 45