HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Thirty Years History: First Baptist Church Book (Pg. 14)MY CREED 1 will be loyal to my Church and its program. I will endeavor to be honest and clean in my thoughts, words and acts. I will endeavor to help otherslive honest and clean lives both by example and precept. I will strive to live at all times such a life that will reflect honor upon my Church, my parents and my College. I will endeavor to make my College a fine and wholesome place for everyone entering its gales. I will strive to obey the laws of the community in which I live and give my support to those charged with enforcing them. 1 will seek to create an environment that will make it easy for others to think pure thoughts, use clean speech, and live commendable lives. I will not encourage by my words, presence or means anything that will degrade others of thwart my Master's cause. I will strive to live daily for the honor and Only of my Lord and Master — ]esus Christ. 20 No. 52638 CHARTER OF "THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH" COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS That we, the subscribers hereof, being trustees duly elected at a regular called conference of an association of persons composing the congregation and membership of the First Baptist Church, College Station, Texas, all at the present time being residents of College Station, Brazos County, Texas, pursuant to the instructions of the persons composing said congregation and membership, which instructions were given by a unanimous vote of said congregation and membership at a regular called meeting thereof held on the I Ith day of November, A.D. 1928, do hereby and by virtue of the provisions of the Revised Statutes of the State of Texas, form and incorporate ourselves into a body corporate and to that end adopt the following charter: ARTICLE I. This corporation shall be known as "THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS", by which name it shall contract and be sued and transact all of its business. ARTICLE II. This corporation is formed strictly for the support of public wor- ship and has no capital stock, its only assets consisting of real estate at College Station, in Brazos County, Texas, on which is located the Parsonage and Tabernacle belonging to said corporation. ARTICLE III. The place of business of said corporation shall be at College Station. in Brazos County, Texas, which shall be its principal office. ARTICLE IV. Said corporation shall exist for the term of Fifty (50) Years. ARTICLE V. The business of the corporation shall be transacted by its trustees, who shall be duly elected at the time of the election of the other church officers, and failure to elect at said time continues the regular trustees in office until the election of their successors. The following named are the regular elected trustees by this church at this time, to -wit: D. B. Cofer, M. K. Thornton, Ray Flagg, H. T- Holland, W. D. Lloyd, W. D. Neff, W. M. Littlefield, W. H. Badgett, L. H. Garland. all of whom reside in said College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and are the incorporators hereof, as above stated. Duly signed and witnessed at College Station, Texas. Filed in the office of the SECRETARY OF STATE this 15th day of November 1928. 21