HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 Thirty Years History: First Baptist Church Book (Pg. 10)urgent insistence by the local pastors and the General Secretary. We Be,. R. L. Brown has been Student Secretary at the Texas A. and M. feel that the spiritual loss consequent upon this action was much greater for five years. His remarkable work is "demonstrated" by the accom- than the financial gain to the local YMCA. panying chart of definite results. -2. By having Lyceum numbers on Sunday morning the YMCA has GROWTH OF BAPTIST PROGRAM AT TEXAS A. & M. SINCE 1920 drawn crowds of worshippers from Bryan churches and from the col- lege campus away from real worship and made the Sunday morning School Year 193P'21 192T'25 service become at times just an entertainment. The result has been that the service in Golan Hall on Sunday morning is looked upon more as a Enrollment of Baptist Students 3'_S 502 diversion than as worship. College people have remarked that the Sun- Sunday School Enrollment 0 295 day morning service in Guion Hall was much different from church. The atmosphere and the spirit of the service has been greatly damaged. B. Y. P. U. Enrollment 40 1_06 Such things ought not to be. Number Sunday School Classes 0 7 -3. We feel that we could be faithless to our convictions of our hearts, Number of 13. Y_ P. ll.'s I moral cowards, and untrue to our calling 1f we did not voice our dis- Sunday School and B. Y_ P. U. Awards 50 '_64 approval of the YMCA's sponsoring conflicting services and athletic games at the same time as the Sabbath evening church services. Money Raised S'00.00 52,750.00 "We take this action in no spirit of animosity but after thoughtful and W. M. F. Members 3 _5 prayerful consideration and having in view the highest spiritual ends- We Additions to Church 0 1,2 ('1 by cannot keep silent in this matter. A Baptist Church was organized in April, 1923. Baptism Sincerely yours, IT CAN BE DONE IN ANY SCIIOOL. The Pastors' Association of A & M College (Signed) R. L. Brown, President FROM THE PERSONAL LETTER Baptist Student Pastor It you have the true,letrite tell you some of the Ihings we've dont. (Signed) King Vivion Methodist Student Pastor OUR REVIVAL (Signed) D. C. Butler, Secretary "There were about S0 additions, and a good many of these ween Presbyterian Student Pastor college girls. There arc 63 girls ntemhers of the church here. Our aim is 100. When we ranch Ihat I'll put it higher Our B. S. (I. has mad, Copies to Charles Puryear toro,,dom v,,,d,, It gives roTh,u, to the Baptist organizations, Col. C. C. Todd namely. the S. S-, the Preaching Service, tie li. Y. P_ 11., Y. W. A-, and John Erhardt the Life Service Bard, The Noon Prayer Meeting. L. A. Coulter J. Ernest Thacker it SCHOOL Mr. Roddy President of the YMCA Cabinet 'Wo have over 300out of 381 curollcd, in Sunday School. good The Directors of the YMCA rindruicc every Sunda The fi st month we put 't in we had S girls The record of the work with the college students can beat be told by showere lo0/, for th,"mire no rnth. ttc text tlbcic"Cit �x the reproduction of a tract printed by the southwide BSU and sent to This month we are going to mail the report cards home to It, parent, all the colleges where they had a BSU or were intending to try to establish the program. I xeerpt from ('hunch Traci 12 13