HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/05/2016 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization� _______ B_C_S f��-M_P_O ______ _ BRYAN I COLLEGE STATION MET ROPOLITAN PLANNIN G ORGANIZATI ON Policy Board Meeting Agenda Wednesday, October 5, 2016, 9:00 AM Brazos County Com missioners' Courtroom 200 South Texas, Avenue, Bryan, Texas 77803 1. Welcome and Call to Order AGENDA -Pledge of allegiance to the United States and Texas Flags and Invocation by Judge Peters 2. Public Comments regarding items not on the agenda -Individuals who wish to address the Policy Board must fill out a Public Comment Card describing the topic(s) they wish to address. Public Comment Cards may be obtained.from Lisa Lyon of the MPG staff prior to the start of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three minutes per topic. Additional time will be allotted if Policy Board members have questions. 3. Review and approval of September 14, 2016, Policy Board Minutes -The Policy Board will review and make corrections to the minutes and then either approve the minutes or move to instruct staff to correct the minutes and return them to the Policy Board.for approval at their next meeting. Action required. (See attachment.) 4. Director's Report -Brazos Transit District Operations Study -FM 2818 Corridor Study -FM 60/University Drive RFQ -Website Update -Update on Fort Worth to Houston Corridor Expressway Concept -Major Thoroughfare Concept Meetings 5. FY2017 MPO Budget As A Brazos County Unit As part of the agreement between the MPG and Brazos County, who serves as our fiduciary agent, the MPG Policy Board must adopt our FY 2017County Budget. The two largest expense items are contract services and Engineering and Consulting Services. The $112, 000 in Contract Services includes the Website Update ($20,000), an update to our TransModeler program ($35, 000), processing of Miovision Traffic Counts ($5, 000), and the hiring of a consultant to update our Public Participation Plan ($52,000). The Engineering Services total of $108,000 is.for the FM 60/University Drive Study. Please note that this budget does not show funding.for the FM 2818 Study because it is being paid.for with State Planning Research Funds which is set up by the County as a separate division. All other budget items were 3833 SOUTH TEXAS AVENUE, SUITE 290 BRYAN, TEXAS 77802 PHONE (979) 260-5298 FAX (979) 260-5225 WEBSITE: WWW.BCSMPO.ORG Pagel of I tweaked to adjust for minor cost inflation or reduced due to lack of spending on this item during FY 2016. Action required. (See attachment.) 6. Top Five Priority Projects Without An Identified Funding Source -The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) has been working on developing a list of priority projects within the Bryan/College Station Urban area that are of vital importance to maintain and enhance our transportation network. All of the projects listed, while of high importance, do not have an identified funding source. To facilitate our discussions with our legislative delegations in Washington, D. C. and in Austin, this list will help make sure that whenever any of the jurisdictions or other Bryan/College Station organizations meet with our delegation to ask for transportation funds, that we all are asking for the same projects. If the Board approves the list, the next step in the process will be to meet with Chamber of Commerce officials to obtain their buy-in. Action Required. (See attachment.) 7. Future Transportation Project Update -Mr. Paul Kaspar, City Engineer for the City of Bryan and Mr. Gary Schatz, City of Bryan Transportation Consultant will present the City's Local Area Traffic Management Program. 8. Adjourn . I I certify that the attached notice and agenda of items was removed by me from the City Hall bulletin board on the 1� day of Oc}<o�r , 201.Li_ at y ·. u<> amtR@ 0 '�"!XJ\$: Name/Title Page 2 of2