HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/09/2016 - Regular Minutes City CouncilMINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION JUNE 9, 2016 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Nancy Berry, Mayor Council: Blanche Brick Steve Aldrich Karl Mooney John Nichols Julie Schultz James Benham TAMU Student Liaison Wayne Beckermann, VP/Municipal Affairs City Staff: TAMU Student Liaison Kelly Templin, City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary Wayne Beckermann, VP/Municipal Affairs Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Berry at 7:08 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, 2016 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request. Hear Visitors Comments Frank Duchmasclo, 1004 Woodhaven, provided the Council with pictures of a Senior Center in Caldwell. He wanted to show what Caldwell is doing for their senior citizens. The College Station center is about 3,000 square feet, and the center in Caldwell is 7,000 square feet. Ben Roper, 5449 Prairie Dawn Ct., came before Council to honor the service and sacrifice of Pfc. Ervin Dervishi. RM060916 Minutes Page 1 CONSENT AGENDA 2a. Presentation, possible action, and discussion of minutes for: ® May 16, 2016 Workshop • May 16, 2016 Regular Meeting 2b. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Ordinance 2016-3775, amending Chapter 7, "Health and Sanitation", Section 7-2 "Unlawful conduct related to Health and Safety" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, by adding Section (A) (11) "Public Urination and Defecation", as set out below; providing a severability clause; declaring a penalty; and providing an effective date. 2c. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approval of Resolution 06-09-1.6-2c, approving the grant application for Hotspot Technology to the Office of the Governor. 2d. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of a Professional Services Contract Contract No. 16300228 with Jones & Carter Inc. in the amount of $177 000 for the design, bidding, and construction phase services for the State Highway 6 Water Line Project Phases I and II and approval of Resolution 06-09-16-2d, declaring intention to reimburse certain expenditures with proceeds from debt. 2e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Professional Services Contract (Contract No. 16300403) with Brown Reynolds Watford Architects in the amount of $52,120 for the professional services related to the design of the Traffic Operations Renovation (part of the ITS Master Plan Implementation project). 2f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the purchase of 10 traffic signal cabinets from Paradigm Traffic Systems Inc. for $90,980. These cabinets will r, yplace TS -1 cabinets in the system in order to provide functionalities with the new Intelligent Transportation System. 2g. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Semi -Annual Report for Impact Fees 92-01, 97-01, 97-02I3, 99-01, and 03-02. 2h. Presentation, possible action, and discussion to approve a contract between the City of College Station and CHI St. Joseph Health for the annual amount not to exceed 5465,688.60 to provide Employee Health Clinic services and operations management. 2i. Presentation ossible action and discussion concerning_ the passage and approval e Cit of Colle e Station Texas a) rovin _ a lie otiated of )rdinance 2016-3776 of ti settlement between the Atmos Cities Steering Committee ("ACSC") and Atmos Energy. Cor Mid -Tex Division re ►ardin the Com an 's 201.6 rate review mechanism filin s and ap rrovin a settlement a _. reerncnt with attached rate tariffs and roof of revenues. 2j. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Resolution 06-09-16-2j, authorizing the City Manager or his designees as authorized officials to execute documents necessary for the RM060916 Minutes Page 2 submission of the SWAT Night Vision Equipment Grant application, for Criminal Justice Division funds from the Office of the Governor. 2k. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approving Resolution 06-09-16- 21c settin a uhlic hearin to consider land use assum tions and ca ital irn rovement )lan for roadway impact fees. 21. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approving Resolution 06-09-16-21, scttin a iublic hearin , date to consider land use assuin tions and ca ovement lan for water and wastewater impact fees. 2m. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on an Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Brazos County and the City ofBryan to apply and accept a U.S. Department of Justice, 2016 Justice Assistance Grant (JAG). 2n. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the renewal of the annual city wide land surveying services and civil engineering services contracts between the City of College Station and Joe Orr, Inc. and Binkley &. Barfield, Inc. for a total amount of $100,000. 2o. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a five (5) year lease agreement with Texas Commercial Waste for refuse containers with an annual estimated cost of $198,456. 2p. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on approving a Signal Interconnect Agreement between Union Pacific Railroad and the City of College Station which will allow College Station to construct, maintain and operate a new signal facility at Greens Prairie Trail's At -Grade Road Crossing Intersection. 2q. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the award <ARK) 16-041 to GDS Associates, Inc. in the amount of $80,000 for Electric NERC compliance consulting services. 2r. Presentation )ossible action and discussion on a bid award for annual price agreements for various electrical items to be stored in inventory as follows: KBS Electric Distributors: $97,493, Stuart C. Irby: $31,802; Graybar Electric: $55,135.30; Techline, Inc.: $244,126.75; Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories Inc.: $36,900. Total estimated annual expenditure is $465,457.05. 2s. Presentation iossible action and discussion on a bid award for the purchase of three (3) 145kY potential transformers and three (3) Outdoor Breakers, which will be maintained in electrical inventory and expended as needed. The total recommended award is 594,422 and will be awarded by line item to the lowest responsible bidders. 2t. Presentation ossible action and discussion on a bid award for the annuai rice as follows: Priester-Mell a cement for electric & Nicholson: $160,891.14; KBS Electrical Distributors: $12,465; Anixter: $117,000. Total estimated annual expenditure is $290,356.14. eters an( sockets to be stored in inventor RM060916 Minutes Page 3 2u. Presentation , ossible action and discussion on Resolution 06-09-16-2u amending the authorized representatives on the local FOVerfnicnt ool account. TexPool. 2v. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Resolution 06-09-16-2v, amending the authorized representatives on the local government pool account, Texas Short Term Asset Reserve ("TexSTAR"). 2w. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on Ordinance 2016-3777, amending Chapter 7 "Health and Sanitation" of the Code of Ordinances,, Section 7.5 "Food Establishments", and repealing Section 7.8 "Food Establishment Sanitation". MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Mooney and a second by Councilmember Schultz, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried unanimously. REGULAR AGENDA 1. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion approving Ordinance 2016- 3778, vacating and abandoning a 3882.61 square foot, 20 -foot wide public utility easement, which is located on the common property line of Lots 27 & 28 of Block 7 of the Williams Creek Subdivision Phase 6 according to the plat recorded in Voluine 11426, Page 67 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. Carol Cotter, Planning and Development, reported that this public utility easement abandonment accommodates future development of the tract. There are no public or private utilities in the subject portion of the easement to be abandoned. Staff recommends approval At approximately 7:17 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:17 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember Mooney, the City Council seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016-3778, vacating and abandoning a 3882.61 square foot, 20 -foot wide public utility easement, which is located on the common property line of Lots 27 & 28 of Block 7 of the Williams Creek Subdivision Phase 6 according to the plat recorded in Volume 11426, Page 67 of the Official Records of Brazos County, Texas. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Public Hearin y _)resentation ossible action and discussion reardin_ Resolution 06-09- 16-02, granting conditional consent to form up to five municipal utility districts in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, generally located along Peach Creek between FM 2154 and State Highway 6 South. RM060916 Minutes Page 4 Lance Simms, Director of Planning and Development Services, reported that the City recently received a petition to form up to five municipal utility districts (MUDs) in the City's ETJ. Since the proposed MUDs are located within the City's ETJ, the City's consent is needed for the applicant to pursue approval of the MUDs through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The proposed MUDs will develop, operate, maintain, and issue bonds for financing the construction of needed infrastructure (water, sewer, drainage, and streets) for the districts and levy and assess a tax on property within the districts to pay operational and maintenance expenses associated with the planned infrastructure. P&Z voted unanimously to recommend approval, and staff recommends approval as well. At approximately 7:58 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:58 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Mooney and a second by Councilmember Aldrich, the City Council seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Resolution 06-09-16-02, granting conditional consent to form up to five municipal utility districts in the City's Extraterritorial Jurisdiction, generally located along Peach Creek between FM 2154 and State Highway 6 South. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016- 3779, amending the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from Restricted Suburban to General Commercial and Suburban Commercial for approximately nine acres located at 15797 FM 2154, more generally located north_of the Crossroad Woods Subdivision near intersection of Wellborn Road (FM 2154) and Greens Prairie Trail. Jessica Bullock, Planning and Development, reported that the applicant is requesting the proposed future land use amendment from Restricted Suburban to General Commercial and Suburban Commercial. The site is currently developed as Crossroads Self Storage, which began to develop prior to annexation. In order to continue expansion, a land use amendment and rezoning are required. The applicant requests both General Commercial and Suburban Commercial to allow for the existing use and to be sensitive to adjacent residential properties. At approximately 8:04 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. Crissy Hartl, Mitchell & Morgan, addressed this item and item 4 and provided information on future land uses and zoning changes. There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:11 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Mooney and a second by Councilmember Benham, the City Council seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016-3779, amending the Comprehensive Plan - Future Land Use & Character Map from Restricted Suburban to General Commercial and Suburban Commercial for approximately nine acres located at 15797 FM 2154, more generally located north of the Crossroad Woods Subdivision near intersection of Wellborn Road (FM 2154) and Greens Prairie Trail. The motion carried unanimously. RM060916 Minutes Page 5 4. Public Hearin Y resentation s ossible action, and discussion re ardin Ordinance 2016- 3780 amending Chapter 12,_ "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12.4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to PDD Planned Development District for approximately nine acres being situated in the Samuel Davidson Lea Ft Abstract NO. 13. Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being the remainder of a called 5 acre tract of land as described by a Gleed to Rose E. Logan recorded in Volume 314, Page 708 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and bein r situated in the Samuel Davidson League, Abstract NO. 13, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being,all of a called 3.78 acre tract of land as described by a deed to South Wellborn, LTI) recorded in Volume 7043, Page 90 of the Official Public Records of Brazos Coun Texas renerall located at 15797 FM2154 north of the Crossroad Woods Subdivision near intersection of Wellborn Road (FM 21541 and Greens Prairie Trail. Jessica Bullock, Planning and Development, reported that the applicant is requesting a Planned Development District zoning on approximately nine acres for a nonconforming use that began construction prior to annexation. The site is currently developed as Crossroads Self -Storage. The PDD will use General Commercial and Suburban Commercial as base zoning districts. The associated concept plan shows existing buildings and areas for further expansion. General Commercial will be used on the northern portion of the site and Suburban Commercial will be used on the southern portion in order to be sensitive to adjacent single-family uses. At approximately 8:14 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 8:14 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Couneilmember Mooney and a second by Councilmember Benham, the City Council seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016-3780, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to PDD Planned Development District for approximately nine acres being situated in the Samuel Davidson League, Abstract NO, 13, Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being the remainder of a called 5 acre tract of land as described by a deed to Rose E. Logan recorded in Volume 314, Page 708 of the Deed Records of Brazos County, Texas, and being situated in the Samuel Davidson League, Abstract NO, 13, College Station, Brazos County, Texas. Said tract being all of a called 3.78 acre tract of land as described by a deed to South Wellborn, LTD recorded in Volume 7043, Page 90 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at 15797 FM2154, north of the Crossroad Woods Subdivision near intersection of Wellborn Road (FM 2154) and Greens Prairie Trail. The motion carried unanimously. RM060916 Minutes Page 6 5. Adjournment. There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 8:14 p.m. on Thursday, June 9, 2016. Nancy Berry, Mayor ATTEST: Sherry ashburn, City •�� RM060916 Minutes Page 7 Council Members Blanche Brick Steve Aldrich 1=