HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/25/2016 - Regular Minutes City Council MINUTES OF THE REGULAR CITY COUNCIL MEETING CITY OF COLLEGE STATION AUGUST 25, 2016 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BRAZOS § Present: Nancy Berry, Mayor Council: TAMU Student Liaison Blanche Brick Wayne Beckermann, VP/Municipal Affairs Steve Aldrich Karl Mooney John Nichols Julie Schultz James Benham City Staff: Kelly Templin, City Manager Carla Robinson, City Attorney Chuck Gilman, Deputy City Manager Sherry Mashburn, City Secretary Tanya McNutt, Deputy City Secretary Call to Order and Announce a Quorum is Present With a quorum present, the Regular Meeting of the College Station City Council was called to order by Mayor Berry at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, August 25, 2016 in the Council Chambers of the City of College Station City Hall, 1101 Texas Avenue, College Station, Texas 77840. 1. Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, consider absence request. Boy Scout Troop 1300 led the assembly in the pledge of allegiance. Presentation to Lance Simms, Director of Planning and Development,for receiving the 2016 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence. Mayor Berry presented Lance Simms with a plaque for receiving the 2016 Certificate of Achievement for Planning Excellence (issued by the Texas Chapter of the American Planning Association). Recognizing Marie Barringer for Court Management Certification. RM082516 Minutes Page 1 Mayor Berry presented a proclamation recognizing Marie Barringer for attaining her Court Management Certification. Recognition of Wayne Beckermann for his service as Student Liaison. Mayor Berry recognized Wayne Beckermann and thanked him for his service as the Student Liaison. Mr. Beckermann introduced members of the Student Senate: Joseph Hood, Ben DeLeon, and Carter Stratham. He announced the Carter Stratham would be the new Student Liaison. Hear Visitors Comments Ben Roper, 5449 Prairie Dawn Ct., came before Council to honor the service and sacrifice of Specialist Michael G. Karr, Jr. CONSENT AGENDA 2a. Presentation,possible action, and discussion of minutes for: • August 11, 2016 Workshop • August 11, 2016 Regular Meeting • August 15, 2016 Budget Workshop • August 16 2016 Budget Workshop 2b.Presentation, possible action,and discussionr_egarding the approval of Resolution 08-25- 16-2b, allowing the Mayor to sign an Advance Funding Agreement(AFA) with the Texas Department of Transportation (TXDOT) in the amount of$43,500 for the cost participation in the reconstruction of the FM 2818 and FM 60 interchange. 2c. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of Resolution 08-25-16- 2c, setting a public hearing date of September 22, 2016 at 3:00 p.m., to consider the imposition of water and wastewater impact fees. 2d. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the renewal of the Interlocal Agreement with the City of Bryan for Management of the Larry J. Ringer Library. 2e. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding the award of Bid #16-091 to Wesco Distribution in the amount of$114,500 and $10,020.75 to CAl'1', USA for$10,020.75 for the purchase of Distribution Circuit Breakers and Relays. 2f. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a change order to Contract 14- 239 with BerryDunn increasing the amount by $107,475 for additional project management services and expenses. 2g.Presentation,possible action, and discussion on professional services contract#16300530 with Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. in the amount of $67,410 for the final design and construction phase services for the Carters Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant Blower Replacement Project. RM082516 Minutes Page 2 2h. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding approval of contract number 15300494 in the maximum amount of $59,400 to purchase up to 90,000 gallons of sodium hypochlorite solution to be used in the disinfection of the public drinking water supply. 2i. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016-3798, amending Section 3 of Ordinance No. 2016-3788 ordering a General and Special Election to be held on November 8, 2016, for the purpose of electing a Mayor and City Councilmember, Place 2, and to fill a vacancy for the two year remainder of the unexpired term of office of Councilmember, Place 4, and the one year remainder of the unexpired term of office of Councilmember, Place 3, by the qualified voters of the City of College Station; establishing early voting locations and_polling places for this election; and making provisions for conducting the election. Presentacion, posible action, v discusion con respecto a Ordenanza 2016-3798 de enmienda a la Seccion 3 de la Ordenanza 'miner°2016-3788 pidiendo elecciones Generales v Especiales a celebrarse el 8 de noviernhre de 2016, con el proposito de elegir a tut Alcalde v a un Miembro del Consejo de la Ciudad para el Puesto Numero 2, v para ocupar la position vacante viiente grin por dos (Mos de la duracion del cargo del Miembro del Consejo Puesto Nurrnero 4, v para ocupar la position vacante viRente aria por urn ano de la duracion del cargo del Miembro del Consejo Puesto Numero 3, por los votantes calificados de la ciudad de College Station; estableciendo lunaresy centros de votaciones tempranas para estas elecciones; y proporcionando lo necesariopara Ilevar a cabo las elecciones. 2j. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Contract No. 16300425 with Scodeller Construction, Inc. (Bid No. 16-072) for Concrete Joint Resealing on City Streets for an amount not to exceed $591,000. 2k. Presentation, possible action, and discussion on a Professional Services Contract (Contract No. 16300443) with Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. in the amount of$580,450 for the design and construction phase services for the Northeast Trunk Line Phase I Project and a Preliminary Engineering Report (PER) for the Northeast Trunk Line Phases II-IV. 21. Presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding a five (5) year Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with Texas A&M University to equally share in the traffic control device deployment costs according_to the Texas A&M Post Football Game Traffic Control Plan. The anticipated annual maximum reimbursement from TAMU is $57,000. 2m. Presentation,possible action,and discussion regarding a General Services Contract with N-Line Traffic Maintenance (Contract No. 16300455) for the 2016. Aggic Football season Game Day Traffic Control Implementation for$85,043. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Schultz and a second by Councilmember Mooney, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to approve the Consent Agenda. The motion carried unanimously. REGULAR AGENDA RM082516 Minutes Page 3 1. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016- 3799,amending the Comprehensive Plan-Future Land Use& Character Map from Business Park to General Commercial for approximately 14.25 acres located at 2501 Earl Rudder Freeway,more generally located north of North Forest Parkway and south of Raintree Drive along the east side of the Earl Rudder Freeway. Jennifer Prochazka,Economic Development Manager,reported that the applicant has requested to amend the Future Land Use & Character Map for 14.25 acres (of a larger 53 acre property) from Business Park to General Commercial to allow for in-fill commercial development opportunities along the East Bypass. The larger 53 acre property is currently developed as The Science Park, an industrial development, with significant undeveloped land surrounding the structures. The subject property has frontage along the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway and was recently identified by Staff as a location for needed general commercial development opportunities. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on August 4 and voted to recommend approval of the amendment. Staff also recommends approval. At approximately 7:26 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. Chrissy Hartl, Mitchell and Morgan, 3204 Earl Rudder Frwy, said she was representing the applicant and was available for any questions. Karl Wolfshohl, 8415 Wildewood Circle, said the City has not heard from anyone because the residents were not informed about it. This will not be friendly to the residents due to increased traffic and noise, which will adversely affect the residents. There being no further comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:28 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember Aldrich, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016- 3799,amending the Comprehensive Plan-Future Land Use &Character Map from Business Park to General Commercial for approximately 14.25 acres located at 2501 Earl Rudder Freeway,more generally located north of North Forest Parkway and south of Raintree Drive along the east side of the Earl Rudder Freeway. The motion carried unanimously. 2. Public Hearing, presentation,possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016- 3800, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from M-1 Planned Industrial to GC General Commercial for approximately 14.25 acres being situated in the Morgan Rector Survey, Abstract No. 46, College Station,Brazos County,Texas, and being part of the 40.80 acre Tract One described in the deed from College Station Bypass,Ltd.,to CS Science Park,LLC, recorded in Volume 8994,Page 2003 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County,Texas,generally located at 2501 Earl Rudder Freeway, and more generally located north of North Forest Parkway and south of Raintree Drive,on the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway Frontage Road. RM082516 Minutes Page 4 Jennifer Prochazka, Economic Development Manager, reported that the applicant has requested a rezoning of 14.25 acres (of a larger 53 acre property) from M-1 Planned Industrial to GC General Commercial to allow for infill commercial development opportunities along the East Bypass. The larger 53 acre property is currently developed as The Science Park. The subject property has frontage along the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway South and was recently identified by Staff as a prime location for needed general commercial development. The Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on August 4 and voted to recommend approval of the amendment. Staff also recommends approval. At approximately 7:41 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:41 p.m. MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember Aldrich, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016- 3800, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from M-1 Planned Industrial to GC General Commercial for approximately 14.25 acres being situated in the Morgan Rector Survey,Abstract No. 46, College Station, Brazos County, Texas, and being part of the 40.80 acre Tract One described in the deed from College Station Bypass, Ltd., to CS Science Park, LLC, recorded in Volume 8994, Page 2003 of the Official Public Records of Brazos County, Texas, generally located at 2501 Earl Rudder Freeway, and more generally located north of North Forest Parkway and south of Raintree Drive,on the east side of Earl Rudder Freeway Frontage Road. The motion carried unanimously. 3. Public Hearing, presentation, possible action, and discussion regarding Ordinance 2016- 3801, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to RS Restricted Suburban and NAP Natural Areas Protected for approximately 13 acres being situated in the NI. Rector Survey,Abstract 46, Brazos County, Texas, being the remainder of that tract called 22 acres in a deed to C. Carl Kolbe and Jeanne Kolbe recorded in Volume 2558,Page 133,Official Records of Brazos County, Texas and all of that tract called 2.5 acres in a deed to C. Carl Kolbe and Jeanne Kolbe recorded in Volume 3213, Page 335, Official Records of Brazos County, Texas generally located at 2744 Horseback Court. Jennifer Paz, Planning and Development, reported that the Planning and Zoning Commission considered this item on August 4, 2016 and voted 5-0 to recommend approval. Staff also recommends approval. At approximately 7:49 p.m., Mayor Berry opened the Public Hearing. There being no comments, the Public Hearing was closed at 7:49 p.m. RM082516 Minutes Page 5 MOTION: Upon a motion made by Councilmember Benham and a second by Councilmember Aldrich, the City Council voted seven (7) for and none (0) opposed, to adopt Ordinance 2016- 3801, amending Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Section 12-4.2, "Official Zoning Map," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas by changing the zoning district boundaries from R Rural to RS Restricted Suburban and NAP Natural Areas Protected for approximately 13 acres being situated in the M. Rector Survey,Abstract 46,Brazos County,Texas, being the remainder of that tract called 22 acres in a deed to C. Carl Kolbe and Jeanne Kolbe recorded in Volume 2558,Page 133, Official Records of Brazos County,Texas and all of that tract called 2.5 acres in a deed to C. Carl Kolbe and Jeanne Kolbe recorded in Volume 3213, Page 335, Official Records of Brazos County,Texas generally located at 2744 Horseback Court. The motion carried unanimously. 4. Adiour'nment. There being no further business, Mayor Berry adjourned the Regular Meeting of the City Council at 7:50 p.m. on Thursday, August 25, 2016. Nancy Berry, Mayor ATTEST: • i Sherry Masi Is rn, City Secretary RM082516 Minutes Page 6 .