HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-3796 - Ordinance - 08/11/2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3796 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE", ARTICLE 3, "DEVELOPMENT REVIEW PROCEDURES", SECTION 12-3.4.C, "APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS" AND ARTICLE 7, "GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS", SECTION 12-7.13, "TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS REGARDING TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 3 "Development Review Procedures," Section 12-3.4.0 "Application Requirements" and Article 7 "General Development" Section 12-7.13 "Traffic Impact Analysis" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance,which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective not less than ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED,ADOPTED and APPROVED this 11'1'day of August, 2016. ATTEST: APPROVED: Ili cola__ --D,..ji .______4._ City '.ecru y Mayor APPROVE► A/ rif r /� .4 City ' oy Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 2 of 16 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 3, "Development Review Procedures", Section 12-3.4.C, "Application Requirements"of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is amended to read as follows: "C. Application Requirements. 1. Preapplication Conference. Prior to the submission of a preliminary plan or a plat application required by this UDO, applicants are encouraged to schedule and attend an optional preapplication conference in accordance with and for the purposes set forth elsewhere in this UDO for preapplication conferences. 2. A complete application for review shall be submitted to the Administrator including payment of a fee as set forth in this UDO.Upon request, all preliminary plans and all plats shall be submitted in an electronic form acceptable to the Administrator and compatible with the City's Geographic Information System(GIS). The signatures of all owners of land within the boundary of the preliminary plan or the plat shall be required on the application.A representative of an owner may sign the application provided a written letter of agency is provided to the City with the application. If the property owner is not an individual but an entity(e.g., business or trust),the application must be accompanied by proof of authority for the individual to sign on behalf of the entity. 3. When required to submit the following, the applications shall comply with and/or show the following information: a. Preliminary Plans. When submitting preliminary plans,the following information is required: • 1) The preliminary plan shall conform to the general requirements of this UDO and minimum standards of design and improvements as set forth in Chapter 12,Article 8 Subdivision Design and Improvements; 2) Provide the preliminary plan on sheets twenty-four (24) inches by thirty-six (36) inches to a scale of one hundred(100)feet per inch or larger.Smaller scales maybe allowed at the discretion of the Administrator.If more than one(1)sheet,provide an index sheet at a scale of five hundred (500)feet per inch or larger; 3) The words "PRELIMINARY PLAN-NOT FOR RECORD" shall appear on the plan in letters one-half(1/2)inch high; 4) The date the preliminary plan was submitted and the dates of any revisions shall legibly appear on the plan; 5) The proposed name of the subdivision or development, which shall not have the same spelling as or be pronounced similar to the name of any other subdivision located within the county it is located; 6) The name and address of all property owners, developers and subdividers, engineers, and surveyors; 7) The legal description by metes and bounds of the subdivision or development which shall close within accepted land survey standards. An accurate location of the subdivision or development shall be provided by reference to an established survey or league corner,City of College Station horizontal control monument, subdivision corner, or other known point. Primary control points or descriptions and ties to such control point, to which, later, all dimensions, angles, bearings, fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 3 of 16 block numbers, and similar data shall be referred. The preliminary plan shall be located with respect to a corner of the survey or tract, or an original corner of the original survey of which it is a part; 8) Subdivision boundary lines shall be indicated by heavy lines and the computed acreage of the subdivision or development shown; 9) The name of contiguous subdivisions and names of owners of contiguous parcels, and an indication whether or not contiguous properties are platted; 10) The following existing features shall be shown: (a) The location, dimension,name and description of all recorded streets, alleys,reservations, easements,or other public or private rights-of-way within the subdivision or development, intersecting or contiguous with its boundaries or forming such boundaries. In the case of pipelines carrying flammable gas or fuel, the approximate location, size of line, design pressure and product transported through the line shall be shown; (b) The location,dimension,description and name of all existing or recorded lots,parks,public areas, permanent structures and other sites within or contiguous with the subdivision or development; (c) The location,dimensions,description,and flow line of existing watercourses and drainage structures within the subdivision, development or contiguous thereto; (d) The location of the one hundred-year floodplain according to the most recent best available data; 11) Date of preparation, scale in feet,and north arrow; 12) Topographic information, including contours at two-foot intervals, flow line elevation of streams, and wooded areas; 13) The location, approximate dimensions, description and name of all proposed streets, alleys, drainage structures,parks,or other public areas,easements, or other rights-of-way,blocks, lots, and other sites within the subdivision or development. Proposed channel cross sections, if any. Existing and/or proposed well site locations; 14) A number or letter to identify each lot and each block. Lots and blocks shown on a preliminary plan should be numbered sequentially; 15) Location of current City limits line, and current zoning district boundaries; 16) Vicinity map which shows general location of subject property to existing streets in College Station and to its City limits.No scale is required but a north arrow is to be included; 17) Show number of residential lots and average lot size when applicable; 18) Provide a note to identify a Cluster Subdivision when applicable; 19) Provide any oversize participation requests that will be sought; 20) Provide title report for property that is current within ninety(90) days and includes applicable information such as ownership, liens, encumbrances,etc; 21) Written requests for waivers of subdivision standards, if any, shall be submitted in accordance with the applicable Sections of this UDO; 22) Eleven-inch by seventeen-inch copies of the preliminary plan(not necessarily to scale)will be requested by the Administrator when the preliminary plan has been reviewed and has the potential to be scheduled for a Planning and Zoning Commission meeting for consideration;and 23) Provide a note on the Preliminary Plan to identify the Residential Parking Option chosen from the Single-Family Residential Parking Requirements for Platting when applicable. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b 1 d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 4 of 16 24) As applicable,applicants shall submit the information, documents,and materials set forth in the Traffic Impact Analysis Section in Chapter 12,Article 7 of this UDO." fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 5 of 16 EXHIBIT "B" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 7 "General Development Standards" Section 12-7.13 "Traffic Impact Analysis" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-7.13. Traffic Impact Analysis. This section establishes requirements and procedures pertaining to traffic impact analysis ("TIAs"). This Article is intended to inform the applicant of the City's expectations to ensure safe and adequate access to development properties; adequate traffic flow on existing and proposed/planned roadways; and sufficient connectivity of the existing and proposed/planned roadway system attributable to their proposal. In addition this Article is intended to expedite the City's review of TIA reports, provide standard criteria for evaluating proposals, and identify some potential mitigation measures. The TIA is intended to form the basis for design of any proposed access/roadway system to ensure coordination of the proposed land use with the transportation needs resulting there from. The City of College Station and the developer share responsibility to identify and solve transportation issues arising from land development. College Station requires that TIAs accompany certain zoning applications, certain site plan applications, and certain preliminary plan applications. It is intended that any TIA required for any type of land development proposal will complement the overall goal of ensuring that adequate transportation facilities are in place to serve land uses by the time those uses are occupied and generating traffic. These purposes are further amplified below. A. Purpose. 1. Zoning TIA. The goal of a TIA submitted in conjunction with a zoning request is to determine the effect that uses allowed within various proposed zones will have on existing and/or any proposed/planned roadway systems, and to ensure there is a balance between future land uses and future transportation systems. Zoning applications that are required to have a TIA are evaluated using both current and long-term traffic and roadway scenarios. The TIA will determine whether acceptable levels of service will be maintained for traffic flow within the proposed project and in its study area. Where service levels fall below acceptable standards, mitigation solutions will be analyzed for their effectiveness. A TIA for a zoning request should not recommend mitigation measures that are inconsistent with any traffic or roadway provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance or the City's Comprehensive Plan,including the Thoroughfare Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Council shall consider the findings of the TIA in approving or disapproving zoning changes to the extent allowed by law. 2. Preliminary Plan TIA. The goal of a TIA submitted in conjunction with a preliminary plan is twofold:to assess the adequacy and safety of proposed access to adjacent existing or planned roadways(or designs proposed for such access or roadways); and to determine effects the proposed project may have on current and future land development and roadway systems in its study area. Generally, the TIA uses current and anticipated near-term traffic volumes and roadway configurations for the analysis.The process should ensure that the roadway system is,or will be,adequate to accommodate the proposed use and that safe and adequate access will be provided for travel between the site and the public roadway system. Where the TIA shows levels of service falling below acceptable minimums on roadway systems in its study area the TIA will recommend appropriate mitigation measures and demonstrate their effectiveness. Example mitigation techniques may include adding/lengthening deceleration/turn lanes, improving driveway access, providing connectivity, and modifying traffic control devices. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 6 of 16 Combinations of these techniques and other techniques can be considered. A TIA for a preliminary plan should not recommend mitigation measures that are inconsistent with any traffic or roadway provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance or the City's Comprehensive Plan, including the Thoroughfare Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the findings of the TIA in approving or disapproving preliminary plans to the extent allowed by law. 3. Site Plan TIA. The goal of a TIA submitted in conjunction with a site plan is twofold: to assess the adequacy and safety of proposed access to adjacent existing or planned roadways (or designs proposed for such access or roadways); and to determine effects the site project may have on current and future land development and roadway systems in its study area. Generally,the TIA uses current and anticipated near-term traffic volumes and roadway configurations for the analysis.The process should ensure that the roadway system is, or will be, adequate to accommodate the proposed use and that safe and adequate access will be provided for travel between the site and the public roadway system. Where the TIA shows levels of service falling below acceptable minimums on roadway systems in its study area the TIA will recommend appropriate mitigation measures and demonstrate their effectiveness. Example mitigation techniques may include adding/lengthening deceleration/turn lanes, improving driveway access, providing connectivity, and modifying traffic control devices. Combinations of these techniques and other techniques can be considered.A TIA for a site plan should not recommend mitigation measures that are inconsistent with any traffic or roadway provisions of the Unified Development Ordinance or the City's Comprehensive Plan, including the Thoroughfare Plan. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider the findings of the TIA in approving or disapproving site plans to the extent allowed by law. B. Definitions. 1. Trip Generation Rates. Trip Generation Rates are used to estimate the amount of vehicular traffic generated by proposed rezoning or a proposed site plan. For Zoning and Preliminary Plan TIAs, these rates are shown by zoning district in the table below. Preliminary Plan trip generation rates should be based on the underlying zoning district. Site plan TIAs shall use rates set forth in the latest edition of the Trip Generation Report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), unless said Report does not adequately address the type or intensity of the proposed land use. In this event the applicant or his agent shall submit projected vehicle trips to the Administrator. For land uses adequately represented in said Report, alternate trip generation rates shall not be accepted. Table 1 Trip Generation: Residential Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Trip Rate/ Trip Rate/ Classification Units/Acre Use Code Unit Acre R 0.33 210 1.00 0.33 WE 0.5 210 1.00 0.5 E 1 210 1.00 I WRS 2 210 1.00 2 fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 7 of 16 RS 4 210 1.00 4 GS 8 210 1.00 8 D 12 230 0.52 6.24 T 14 230 0.52 7.28 MF 30 220 0.62 18.6 MU Determined by Administrator MHP Determined by Administrator P-MUD Determined by Administrator Table 2 Trip Generation: Non-Residential Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Trip Rate/ Trip Rate/ Classification Units/Acre* Use Code KSF Acre 0 16,000 sf 710 1.55 25 SC 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 WC 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 GC 13,500 sf 820 3.75 50 CI 16,000 sf 710 1.55 25 BP N/A 130 0.85 8.85 BPI N/A 770 1.43 19 CU Determined by Administrator PDD Determined by Administrator fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 8 of 16 * Density maximum calculated based on existing(2007)developments in the City of College Station. Table 3 Trip Generation: Retired Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Trip Rate/ Trip Rate/ Classification Units/Acre* Use Code KSF Acre R-4 20.0 220 0.62 12.4 _ I R-6 30.0 220 0.62 18.6 C-3 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 R&D N/A 760 N/A 16.8 M-1 N/A 110 N/A 7.5 M-2 N/A 120 N/A 2.2 2. Design Year. The design year is the point in time upon which assumptions pertaining to land use, population, employment, and transportation facilities are based. All TIAs shall use a design year based on the expected date of project occupancy, and shall include consideration of nearby development that has been approved and will contribute traffic volume to the proposed project's study area. 3. Peak Periods. Peak periods relate to times of day experiencing the greatest hourly traffic flow rates.Two(2)"peaks" are to be addressed by a TIA: The morning and afternoon peak hours (or projected peak hours) of existing (or planned) roadways serving the proposed land development. Typically roadway peak periods are between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. and between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m. 4. Base Volumes. Base volumes shall be based on current traffic counts adjusted to the expected date of project occupancy plus volumes generated by nearby future development(all phases)that has been approved by the City.When available,base data will be supplied by the City Traffic Engineer.In all cases where traffic counts are needed and are not available,the developer or his agent shall be required to collect such data according to guidelines approved by the Administrator. 5. Level of Service(LOS). Level of Service is a measure of the extent of congestion experienced on roadways. It is measured through analysis of traffic operating conditions on roadway links and at intersections,using techniques presented in the latest edition of the Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 9 of 16 C. Applicability. 1. Zoning TIA. Any zoning request, except for certain "redevelopment" areas as designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map, which is expected to generate at least one hundred fifty (150) vehicle trips during any peak hour period requires a TIA. Where the Comprehensive Plan designates a property as "Redevelopment" a TIA is required if the zoning request is expected to generate at least one hundred fifty (150) vehicle trips during any peak hour period more than those generated by the currently approved use(s) on the property. A zoning request involving multiple zoning districts is required to have a TIA based on the total traffic generated for all the proposed districts.A TIA may be required for a zoning request that generates less than one hundred fifty(150) trips in the peak hour, where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the transportation system as determined by the Administrator. A TIA shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed rezoning request. In cases where a TIA is required, the rezoning application will be considered incomplete until the TIA is submitted 2. Preliminary Plan TIA. Any proposed development requiring preliminary plan approval,which is expected to generate at least one hundred fifty (150) trips in any peak hour period requires a TIA. A TIA may be required for preliminary plans that generate less than one hundred fifty(150)trips in any peak hour period where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the area's vehicular transportation system as determined by the Administrator. A TIA shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed project.In cases where a TIA is required,the preliminary plan application must be accompanied by the TIA 3. Site Plan TIA. Any proposed development requiring site plan approval, excluding developments located in the zoning classifications of NG-1, NG-2, or NG-3, which is expected to generate at least one hundred fifty (150)trips in any peak hour period requires a TIA. A TIA may be required for site plans that generate less than one hundred fifty (150) trips in any peak hour period where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the area's vehicular transportation system as determined by the Administrator. A TIA shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed site project. In cases where a TIA is required, the site plan application must be accompanied by the TIA. D. Methodology. 1. Professional Engineer to perform TIA. All required TIAs shall be performed by a professional engineer licensed in the State of Texas qualified to perform such analysis. Qualifications may include,but are not limited to, certification as a Professional Traffic Operations Engineer or Professional Transportation Planner by the Institute of Transportation Engineers or certification by the Texas Department of Transportation to conduct traffic engineering studies. 2. Pre-Submittal Meeting. A pre-submission consultation with the Administrator is required at the time of the Pre-Application Conference to discuss whether a TIA is required and, if so, the relevant aspects thereof. The study area will be defined to include nearby land developments (existing or approved), the street network to be examined(the "study network"), and the minimum extent of analysis.In addition,details of the procedures, assumptions, data collection, and analysis methodology(ies) will be determined at this fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 10 of 16 meeting. Traffic from other nearby developments that have been approved but not yet constructed will be accounted for in the TIA as determined by the Administrator. The Administrator may require other specific assumptions such as the percent of trucks to match local conditions. The City may require analysis of peak fifteen(15)minute intervals for certain types of land uses that generate major traffic surges such as,but not limited to,stadiums,movie theaters, arenas, and schools. 3. Zoning TIA Content. a. Study Area. A map(s) will delineate the TIA study area, including land areas to be considered and all existing/planned streets therein, and the "study network" (those streets and intersections requiring specific analysis). The study area shall be determined based on the geographical area most affected by the proposed zoning request as determined by the Administrator after conferring with the applicant's traffic engineer. b. Existing Zoning. A description by zoning classification of the existing zoning in the area proposed for rezoning. c. Proposed Zoning. A description of the proposed zoning including land area by zoning classification. d. Roadway Network. A description of the existing and proposed/planned roadways of all classifications and traffic volumes on the study network within the study area. e. Impact Determination. An assessment of projected traffic volumes is to be made for all study network roadways, comparing those with allowable volume limits on roadways classed as collector and local, and providing a description of the volume/capacity(V/C)ratio for all roadways in the study network. In addition delay projections for signalized and unsignalized intersections in the study network will be determined. Where V/C ratios and intersection delay are the measures of effectiveness Level of Service D or better must be maintained. The analysis shall contain the following minimum information: 1. Proposed Trip Generation. Show in tabular form trip generation rates(see Table 1,2,or 3 as applicable)and the total trips generated based on proposed zoning. 2. Existing Trip Generation. Show in tabular form trip generation rates(see Table 1,2, or 3 as applicable)and the total trips generated based on existing zoning. 3. Net Increased Trip Distribution and Assignment. Show proposed trip generation minus existing trips and the calculation of new trips generated. The net increase in trips generated by the zoning request is to be added to the base volumes projected by design year. Twenty-four-hour and peak hour volumes must be calculated. Distribution and assignment calculations must be provided. 4. Level of Service Analysis. Show in tabular form peak hour Level of Service for existing and proposed zoning. Calculations shall include all thoroughfare links and intersections. Calculate level of service and percentage change (when compared to base volumes) for each link and intersection. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 11 of 16 5 Neighborhood Traffic Analysis. If a proposed rezoning is projected to increase the traffic on an existing or proposed/planned minor collector or local residential roadway (street) at least ten (10) percent, a neighborhood traffic analysis shall be performed. This analysis will include an evaluation of existing and projected traffic on the affected roadways. Where the projected traffic exceeds the limits indicated in the BCS Design Guidelines, street network layout must be adjusted to lower this traffic volume. 6. Conclusions. Summarize points of conflict and congestion, identify all thoroughfare links and intersections not achieving Level of Service D or better, and the percentage change resulting from the proposed zoning change. The results of examining collector and local residential roadways,including the findings of any neighborhood traffic analysis must also be summarized. f. Mitigation. A description of the mitigation measures proposed for achieving acceptable service thresholds shall be shown. Analysis of the study network as adjusted by the proposed measures must be documented. Traffic produced by the proposed zoning request plus traffic levels projected by the time of project occupancy should result in Level of Service D or better. Locations not meeting Level of Service D where the proposed zoning contributes five(5)percent or more of the peak hour traffic must be mitigated by the applicant. Acceptable methods of mitigating negative traffic impacts include any one(1), or a combination of,the measures listed below but is not limited to those listed. 1) Modifying the zoning request so that resulting traffic volumes yield Level of Service D or better throughout the study network. 2) Modify any street network proposed as part of the development project in terms of size, layout,connectivity,intersection layouts,or location of termini with thoroughfares,or any combination of such changes. 3) Limit development densities/intensities within one (1) or more zoning classifications or land parcels to result in acceptable traffic volumes. 4) Making minor thoroughfare or intersection improvements, such as adding/extending or relocating turn lanes,adding/extending acceleration and/or deceleration lanes,adding non- traversable medians, relocating median openings, using special directional median openings,or using special features to facilitate safe U-turn maneuvers. Amendments to the City's Thoroughfare Plan shall not be accepted as a means of mitigating negative impacts, unless the proposed amendment(s) can be shown to enhance capacity and safety and will be constructed as part of the proposed land development project. g. Planning and Zoning Commission Report. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall make a report to the City Council on all TIAs it considers in conjunction with requests for rezoning.The Planning and Zoning Commission may make a recommendation for approval,modification, or denial of the zoning case based on other planning factors in addition to its review of the TIA. Where the identified impacts of the proposed zoning cannot be adequately mitigated, the Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend to the City Council one (1) or more of the following actions: 1. Denial of the zoning case in total or in part. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 12 of 16 2. Other action(s) deemed appropriate by a study made, or endorsed by, a qualified traffic engineer to mitigate negative traffic impacts. 4. Preliminary Plan TIA Content. Submittals of TIAs for preliminary plan projects shall include the following: a. Study Area. A map(s) delineating the TIA study area, including land areas to be considered and all existing/planned roadways therein, and the "study network" (those roadways and intersections requiring specific analysis).The study area will be determined by identifying the geographical area most affected by the proposed development as determined by the Administrator after conferring with the applicant.In general the study area will cover all intersections through which at least ten(10)percent of the proposed development's site traffic passes,and shall extend to and include at least the first traffic signal in all directions if within one(1)mile of any portion of the site. Existing roadway and intersection capacities shall be shown. b. Existing Zoning. A description of existing zoning in the area included in the preliminary plan. c. Thoroughfare Network. A description of existing thoroughfares, signals, signal phasing and traffic volumes within the study area; d. Proposed Development. A description of the proposed development including land area(gross and net), square footage, density, dwelling units, etc. Also a description of anticipated roadway conditions expected by the date of completion of the proposed development shall be included. e. Proposed Roadway Network. Identification of the proposed roadway network for the preliminary plan. This shall include the location of access points, location and number of lanes of proposed roadways or public ways, and proposed traffic controls. It must also include any proposed modifications to adjacent roadways. f. Impact Determination. A determination of the Level of Service for all roadways and intersections in the study area shall be included, as shall an evaluation of pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle safety conditions within the preliminary plan. The analysis shall contain the following minimum information: 1. Proposed Trip Generation. A calculation of the total trip generation by use within the study area assuming full development and occupancy, including both peak hour and twenty-four-hour information show any reductions attributed to passers-by,mixed use, etc. show trip generation by use in tabular form with land use trip generation rates and trips generated. 2. Trip Distribution and Assignment. A calculation of trips generated by the proposed development as added to the base volumes projected for the design year. Peak hour volumes must be calculated. Distribution assumptions(and the bases therefore)and assignment calculations must be provided. 3. Level of Service Analysis. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9bld-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 13 of 16 A depiction shown in tabular form,twenty-four-hour and peak hour volume/capacity ratios for links and intersections within the study area. This analysis should be done for the following traffic conditions: existing traffic, existing traffic plus projected traffic. 4. Neighborhood Traffic Analysis. If the TIA calculations show that a proposed preliminary plan increases traffic on a minor collector or local residential roadway (street)by at least ten(10)percent, a neighborhood traffic analysis shall be performed. This analysis will include an evaluation of existing and projected traffic on the affected roadways. Where the projected traffic exceeds the limits indicated in the BCS Design Guidelines mitigation to lower this traffic may be required. 5. Conclusions. A summary of findings must be reported. It must show all adjacent roadways and intersections noting those that fail to provide Level of Service D or better, and the percent increase in total traffic produced by the proposed project. In addition the report must demonstrate that the proposed roadway network will provide safe and adequate access to the development. It also must identify any safety and operational problems (e.g., driveways, sight distances,median openings, and signalization)within the study area. g. Mitigation. A description of the mitigation measures proposed for meeting acceptable traffic service thresholds shall be shown. Where the development is contributing five (5) percent or more of the traffic at locations failing to meet Level of Service D or better the total trips should be mitigated by the applicant to low enough levels to achieve the required standard (or to pre- development levels, if pre-development level is less than Level of Service D). Acceptable measures for mitigating negative traffic impacts include any one(1), or a combination of,those listed below. 1) Modifying the density or intensity of land use,such as a reduction in square footage or the percentage of commercial use to result in traffic levels meeting Level of Service D or better; 2) Phasing approval and construction of a project until additional roadway capacity becomes available; 3) Modifying the proposed street network in terms of size, layout, connectivity, intersection layouts, or location of termini with thoroughfares or any combination of such changes; 4) Making off-site improvements including the construction of additional lanes, increases in storage lane capacities,or modification/installation of signalization,to list some examples. h. Costs of Mitigation. Mitigation improvements which are attributable to the proposed development shall be funded at the developer's expense. Any other improvements shown which are consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan may be repaid by the City in accordance with its cost sharing policies. 5. Site Plan TIA Content. Submittals of TIAs for site plan projects shall include the following: a. Study Area. A map(s) delineating the TIA study area, including land areas to be considered and all existing/planned roadways therein, and the "study network" (those roadways and intersections requiring specific analysis).The study area will be determined by identifying the geographical area most affected by the proposed development as determined by the Administrator after conferring with the applicant.In general the study area will cover all intersections through which fb7edb53-000d-406f-9bld-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 14 of 16 at least ten(10)percent of the proposed development's site traffic passes,and shall extend to and include at least the first traffic signal in all directions if within one(1)mile of any portion of the site. Existing roadway and intersection capacities shall be shown. b. Existing Zoning and Development. A description of existing zoning including land area (gross and net) by zoning classification, square footage, density of hotel rooms, dwelling units, etc. Also, a description of development currently within the proposed site plan, including showing how it will be affected by the new development proposal; c. Thoroughfare Network. A description of existing thoroughfares, signals, signal phasing and traffic volumes within the study area; d. Proposed Development. A description of the proposed development including land area(gross and net), square footage, density of hotel rooms,dwelling units,etc.Also a description of anticipated roadway conditions expected by the date of occupancy of the proposed development shall be included. e. Proposed Access. Identification of the proposed access driveways for the site. This shall include the location and number of lanes, proposed traffic controls, and relationship to on-site circulation features for each proposed point of access. It must also include any proposed modifications to adjacent roadways. Once the TIA and an access plan has been approved,the final location and design of all access points shall meet or exceed the current access management and roadway design policies of the entity responsible for the condition of that portion of adjacent roadway. f. Impact Determination. A determination of the Level of Service for all roadways and intersections in the study area shall be included, as shall an evaluation of pedestrian, bicycle, and motor vehicle safety conditions along all the roadway frontage of the site. The analysis shall contain the following minimum information: 1. Proposed Trip Generation. A calculation of the total trip generation by use within the study area assuming full development and occupancy, including both peak hour and twenty-four-hour information show any reductions attributed to passers-by, mixed use, etc. show trip generation by use in tabular form with land use trip generation rates and trips generated. 2. Trip Distribution and Assignment. A calculation of trips generated by the proposed development as added to the base volumes projected for the design year. Peak hour volumes must be calculated. Distribution assumptions(and the bases therefore)and assignment calculations must be provided. 3. Level of Service Analysis. A depiction shown in tabular form,twenty-four-hour and peak hour volume/capacity ratios for links and intersections within the study area. This analysis should be done for the following traffic conditions:existing traffic,existing traffic plus projected traffic.Capacity analyzes must be shown for all points of ingress and egress,median breaks, and turn lanes associated with the proposed site. 4. Neighborhood Traffic Analysis. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1 d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 15 of 16 If the TIA calculations show that a proposed site project increases traffic on a minor collector or local residential roadway(street)by at least ten (10)percent, a neighborhood traffic analysis shall be performed. This analysis will include an evaluation of existing and projected traffic on the affected roadways. Where the projected traffic exceeds the limits indicated in the BCS Design Guidelines mitigation to lower this traffic may be required. 5. Conclusions. A summary of findings must be reported. It must show all adjacent roadways and intersections noting those that fail to provide Level of Service D or better, and the percent increase in total traffic produced by the proposed site project. In addition the report must demonstrate that the proposed access design will provide safe and adequate access to the project site.It also must identify any safety and operational problems(e.g.,driveways,sight distances,median openings, and signalization)within the study. g. Mitigation. A description of the mitigation measures proposed for meeting acceptable traffic service thresholds shall be shown. Where the development is contributing five (5) percent or more of the traffic at locations failing to meet Level of Service D or better the total trips should be mitigated by the applicant to low enough levels to achieve the required standard (or to pre- development levels, if pre-development level is less than Level of Service D). Acceptable measures for mitigating negative traffic impacts include any one(1), or a combination of,those listed below. 1) Modifying the density or intensity of land use,such as a reduction in square footage or the percentage of commercial use to result in traffic levels meeting Level of Service D or better; 2) Phasing approval and construction of a project until additional roadway capacity becomes available; 3) Improving the access plan by dealing with features such as overall site arrangement, the placement and design features of access points, provision of additional access points to roadways not immediately adjacent to the property, provision of alternate controls, or adjustments in the site circulation system; • 4) Making off-site improvements including the construction of additional lanes, increases in storage lane capacities, or modification of signalization,to list some examples. h. Costs of Mitigation. Mitigation improvements which are attributable to the proposed development shall be funded at the developer's expense. Any other improvements shown which are consistent with the Thoroughfare Plan may be repaid by the City in accordance with its cost sharing policies. E. Criteria for Approval. The City shall consider the following standards in determining whether a proposed rezoning or submitted site plan project meets an acceptable Level of Service: 1. Design Requirement. The proposed rezoning or site plan project is consistent with the City's adopted access management and design requirements and is consistent with the design requirements of the Texas Department of Transportation on roadways maintained by such agency. 2. Level of Service D. The desirable minimum Level of Service for the City of College Station is a Level of Service D as that term is described in the Transportation Research Board's Highway Capacity Manual. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab Ordinance No. 2016-3796 Page 16 of 16 3. Determination of Adequate Mitigation. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, the appropriate Administrator and the appropriate reviewing body, where required, shall, based on recommendations by a qualified traffic engineer, determine whether adequate mitigation has occurred to meet an acceptable level of service utilizing the requirements set forth herein. fb7edb53-000d-406f-9b1d-8b6f7942f4ab