HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-3792 - Ordinance - 07/28/2016 ORDINANCE NO. 2016-3792 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 12, "UNIFIED DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE" OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, ARTICLES 1 "GENERAL PROVISIONS", 4 "ZONING DISTRICTS", 5 "DISTRICT PURPOSE STATEMENTS AND SUPPLEMENTAL STANDARDS", 6 "USE REGULATIONS", 7 "GENERAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS", AND 8 "SUBDIVISION DESIGN AND IMPROVEMENTS", RELATED TO THE CREATION OF THE WE WELLBORN ESTATE, WRS WELLBORN RESTRICTED SUBURBAN, AND WC WELLBORN COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICTS; PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; DECLARING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS: PART 1: That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, be amended as set out in Exhibits "A" through "F" attached hereto and made a part of this ordinance for all purposes. PART 2: That if any provisions of any section of this ordinance shall be held to be void or unconstitutional, such holding shall in no way effect the validity of the remaining provisions or sections of this ordinance, which shall remain in full force and effect. PART 3: That any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) nor more than Two Thousand Dollars ($2,000.00). Each day such violation shall continue or be permitted to continue, shall be deemed a separate offense. Said Ordinance, being a penal ordinance, becomes effective ten (10) days after its date of passage by the City Council, as provided by Section 35 of the Charter of the City of College Station. PASSED, ADOPTED and APPROVED this 28"' day of July, 2016. ATTEST: APPROVED: CA-kilAir\kk3A4A , fliVvf City Secreta Mayor (!JJ APPROVED: I11 yr City •ttcir'ey Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 2 of 59 EXHIBIT "A" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 1 "General Provisions," Sec. 12- 1.10.B.5. — "New Districts" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is amended to read as follows: "Section 12-1.10.B.5—New Districts. The following districts are hereby created and added to those in effect at the time of adoption of this UDO. New District Name Effective Date RDD Redevelopment District June 13, 2003 P-MUD Planned Mixed Use Development June 13, 2003 The following districts are hereby created and added to those in effect at the time of this amendment of the UDO. New District Name Effective Date NAP Natural Areas Protected October 7, 2012 SC Suburban Commercial October 7, 2012 BP Business Park October 7, 2012 BPI Business Park Industrial October 7, 2012 The following districts are hereby created and added to those in effect at the time of this amendment of the UDO. New District Name Effective Date RS Restricted Suburban September 22, 2013 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 3 of 59 The following districts are hereby created and added to those in effect at the time of this amendment of the UDO. New District MF Multi-Family December 28, 2014 MU Mixed-Use December 28, 2014 The following districts are hereby created and added to those in effect at the time of this amendment of the UDO. New District Name Effective Date WE Wellborn Estate August 7, 2016 WRS Wellborn Restricted Suburban August 7, 2016 WC Wellborn Commercial August 7, 2016 fib Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 4 of 59 EXHIBIT "B" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 4 "Zoning Districts," Sec. 12-4.1 — "Establishment of Districts" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-4.1. - Establishment of Districts. Residential Zoning Districts R Rural WE Wellborn Estate E Estate WRS Wellborn Restricted Suburban RS Restricted Suburban GS General Suburban h D Duplex T Townhouse MF Multi-Family MU Mixed-Use MHP Manufactured Home Park Non-Residential Zoning Districts NAP Natural Areas Protected 0 Office SC Suburban Commercial Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 5 of 59 WC Wellborn Commercial GC General Commercial CI Commercial Industrial BP Business Park BPI Business Park Industrial CU College and University Planned Districts P-MUD Planned Mixed-Use District PDD Planned Development District Design Districts WPC Wolf Pen Creek Development Corridor Northgate NG-1 Core Northgate NG-2 Transitional Northgate NG-3 Residential Northgate Overlay Districts OV Corridor Overlay RDD Redevelopment District KO Krenek Tap Overlay NPO Neighborhood Prevailing Overlay NCO Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 6 of 59 HP Historic Preservation Overlay Retired Districts R-1B Single-Family Residential R-4 Multi-Family R-6 High Density Multi-Family C-3 Light Commercial R&D Research&Development M-1 Light Industrial M-2 Heavy Industrial For the purpose of this UDO, portions of the City, as specified on the Official Zoning Map of the City, are hereby divided into the zoning, design, and overlay districts enumerated below. The intensity regulations applicable for such zoning districts are designated in Chapter 12, Article 5 and the use regulations are designated in Chapter 12, Article 6 of this UDO." Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 7 of 59 EXHIBIT "C" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance,"Article 5 "District Purpose Statements and Supplemental Standards", Sec. 12-5.1 —"Residential Zoning Districts", Sec. 12-5.2. — "Residential Dimensional Standards", Sec. 12-5.3. —"Non-Residential Zoning Districts", and Sec. 12-5.4. —"Non-Residential Dimensional Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, are amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-5.1. -Residential Zoning Districts. Occupancy of any dwelling in the following districts shall be limited to "family" as defined by this UDO. A. Rural (R). This district includes lands that, due to public service limitations, inadequate public infrastructure, or a prevailing rural or agricultural character, are planned for very limited development activities. This district is designed to provide land for a mix of large acreages and large-lot residential developments. Open space is a dominant feature of these areas. This district may also serve as a reserved area in which the future growth of the City can occur. B. Wellborn Estate (WE). This district includes land that, due to public service limitations or a prevailing rural character, should have limited development activities. These areas tend to consist of low- density single-family residential lots of two acres or more but may be one acre if clustered around undeveloped open space. This zoning district is only permitted in areas designated as Wellborn Estate or Wellborn Estate-Open on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. The cluster option may be used only in the area designated Wellborn Estate-Open on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Character Map. C. Estate (E). This district is designed to provide land for low-density single-family lots. These areas shall consist of residential lots averaging twenty thousand (20,000) square feet when clustered around open space or large lots with a minimum of one (1) acre. Subdivisions within this district may contain rural infrastructure. D. Wellborn Restricted Suburban (WRS). This district is designed to provide land for detached medium-density, single-family residential development. These areas shall consist of residential lots minimum eight thousand (8,000) square feet when clustered around open space or larger lots with a minimum of twenty thousand (20,000) square feet. This zoning district is only permitted in areas designated as Wellborn Restricted Suburban on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Character Map. E. Restricted Suburban (RS). Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 8 of 59 This district is designed to provide land for detached medium-density, single-family residential development. These areas shall consist of residential lots averaging eight thousand (8,000) square feet when clustered around open space or larger lots with a minimum of ten thousand (10,000) square feet. F. General Suburban (GS). This district includes lands planned for single-family residential purposes and accessory uses. This district is designed to accommodate sufficient, suitable residential neighborhoods, protected and/or buffered from incompatible uses, and provided with necessary and adequate facilities and services. G. Duplex (D). This district contains land that has been planned for duplex residential purposes and associated uses. Characterized by moderate density, it may be utilized as a transitional zone. The following supplemental standards shall apply to this district: 1. Single-family dwellings shall conform to GS General Suburban Standards. 2. Where parking is provided in the front yard of a duplex, an eight-foot setback shall be required between the property line and the nearest side of the parking pad. This eight-foot setback area must contain a three-foot screen consisting of a continuous berm,hedge, or wall. In addition, an eight-foot setback shall be required between the dwelling unit and the nearest side of the parking pad. H. Townhouse (T). This district contains land, which is to be used for a unique type of dwelling, typically designed for individual ownership, or ownership in-groups of single-family attached residences constructed on individually-platted lots. The following supplemental standard shall apply to this district: Single-family dwellings shall conform to GS General Suburban standards. I. Multi-Family (MF). The MF district is designed for areas having intense development. MF is flexible and allows for attached and detached single-unit dwellings, two-unit dwellings, multi-family buildings and optional mixed-use development. 1. Supplemental Standards for MF: Non-residential uses are permitted up to a maximum of 50 percent of the total floor area if incorporated into the residential structure. J. Mixed-Use (MU). The MU is designed for areas having the most intense level of development. MU areas consist of residential, commercial and office uses in mixed-use structures. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 9 of 59 1. Supplemental Standards for MU: a. Non-residential uses with a minimum depth of 30-feet are required on the ground floor if adjacent to Texas Avenue, Harvey Road, University Drive or Earl Rudder Freeway. b. A minimum of 30 percent of the total floor area of each development shall be devoted to residential uses. Hotels may be considered a residential use to meet this requirement. c. The Floor Area Ratio(FAR)in this district shall be a minimum of 1:1. Structured parking, public plazas, outdoor dining areas, and covered areas attached to the structure may be included in the FAR calculation. Surface parking, even if covered, will not count toward the required FAR. d. The ground floor of structures shall be a minimum of 25 percent of the lot area. K. Manufactured Home Park(MHP). This district contains land that is located, designed and operated as a site for residential uses consisting of manufactured homes in accordance with the permitted uses. The following supplemental standards shall apply to this district: 1. The construction, reconstruction, alteration, or enlargement of a manufactured home park must be pursuant to an approved site plan. 2. Minimum manufactured home park area is two (2) contiguous acres. 3. Maximum gross density shall be ten (10) dwelling units per acre. 4. Minimum setback for a manufactured home from a public street shall be fifteen(15) feet. 5. Minimum setback for a manufactured home from a lot line shall be fifteen(15) feet. 6. Minimum setback for a manufactured home from a private street, parking, or other common area shall be fifteen(15) feet. 7. Minimum setback between two (2) manufactured homes shall be fifteen (15) feet; except that private accessory storage structures located on an individual manufactured home lot need not maintain a separation from the manufactured home that occupies the same lot. 8. Parking areas may be located within common parking areas or on individual manufactured home lots, provided that the parking required for each manufactured home is located within two hundred (200) feet of each lot. 9. Each manufactured home park lot shall have access to public utilities, and it shall have vehicular access to/from either a public right-of-way or private drive." "Sec. 12-5.2. - Residential Dimensional Standards. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 10 of 59 The following table establishes dimensional standards that shall be applied within the Residential Zoning Districts, unless otherwise identified in this UDO. Click here to access a PDF version of the Residential Zoning Districts table. Residential Zoning Districts i I aJ R WE E(N)(P) WRS I RS(J) G P())( T D MHP MF MU o '- d u U i Q V1 Non-Clustered Residential Zoning Districts Average Lot Area 10,000 3 acres 2 5,000 2,000 3,500 per Average acres 1 Acre 20,000 SF SF SF SF SF None None Dwelling Average Unit (DU) I Absolute Min. Lot 2 5,000 2,000 3,500 N Area per 2 Acres 1 Acre 20,000SF 6,500 SF None None a) acres SF SF SF D Dwelling Unit (DU) L 0 N a) u Min. Lot 100 35'/ None 100'(M) 70' 70' 50' None (L) None None 1-n- Width (M) DU(E) urii N , I ci c Min. Loto None None None None None 100' None 100' None None u Depth a) v) o +- Min. Front 4- 50' 30' 30' 25' 25' 25'(D) 25'(D) 25'(D) 15' None Setback(H) I Max. Front N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15'(0) Setback I Min. Side 20' 10' 10' 7.5' 7.5' 7.5' (A) 7.51(C) (A)(B) None Setback Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 11 of 59 Min. Side — ---- - - Street 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' None Setback Max. Side Street N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15'(0) Setback Min. Side Setback between N/A 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 7.5' 15' 7.5' None Structures( B) Min. Rear50' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20'(F) 20' 20' Setback(L) V\f J J Max. °1 v . 2 Y Y Y L in 0 0 Y (G)(L) (G)(L) Height m m m Y m W m Y N m C7 l7 C7 C7 L C7 ! in m Minimum N 2 Number of N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Stories Stories Max. Dwelling Units/Acre 0.33 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.00 8.0 14.0 12.0 10.0 30.0 N/A (Subdivisio n Gross) N/A Min. l F Dwelling N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 12 N/A Units/Acre Clustered Residential Zoning Districts Average 20,000 8,000 SF 3,750 N/A 1 Acre SF 8,000 SF N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Lot Area Average SF (P) per Average _ 1 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 12 of 59 Dwelling Unit (DU) Absolute Min. Lot Area per 1 Acre 10,000 8,000 SF 6,500 SF 3,750 SF SF Dwelling Unit(DU) Min. Lot 100' 100'(M) None None None Width (M) Min. Lot None None None None None Depth Min. Front Setback(H) Min. Side Setback Min. Street Side Refer to Section 12.8.3.H.4, Setback Cluster Development, Specific District Min.Side Standards Setback between Structures( B) Min. Rear Setback(L) NJ Max. Y Y Y Y a, -- •Height L in in in in m '-') in N M Max. 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.00 8.0 Dwelling Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 13 of 59 Jnits/Acre (Subdivisio n Gross) Notes: (A) A minimum side setback of seven and one-half(7.5) feet is required for each building or group of contiguous buildings. (B) Lot line construction on interior lots with no side yard or setback is allowed only where the building is covered by fire protection on the site or by dedicated right-of-way or easement. (C) Zero lot line construction of a residence is allowed where property on both sides of a lot line is owned and/or developed simultaneously by single party. Development under lot line construction requires prior approval by the Zoning Official. In no case shall a single- family residence or duplex be built within fifteen (15) feet of another primary structure. See Chapter 12, Article 8, Subdivision Design and Improvements, for more information. (D) Minimum front setback may be reduced to fifteen(15) feet when approved rear access is provided, or when side yard or rear yard parking is provided. (E) The minimum lot width for a duplex dwelling may be reduced to thirty (30) feet per dwelling unit when all required off-street parking is provided in the rear or side yard. (F) Minimum rear setback may be reduced to fifteen (15) feet when parking is provided in the front yard or side yard. (G) Shall abide by Section 12-7.2.H, Height. (H) Reference Section 12-7.1.D.Le for lots created by plat prior to July 15, 1970 and designated as Neighborhood Conservation in the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map. (I) Reference Section 12-7.2.D.1.b for lots with approved rear access. (J) For areas within a Single-Family Overlay District,reference the Neighborhood Prevailing Standards Overlay Districts Section in Article 5 or the Ordinance authorizing the rezoning for Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Districts. (K) Public, civic, and institutional structures shall have a maximum building height of fifty (50) feet in these districts. (L) Reference Easterwood Field Airport Zoning Ordinance regarding height limitations. (M) In subdivisions built to rural street standards, lots shall be a minimum of one hundred (100) feet in width. There is no minimum lot width in cluster subdivisions built to urban street standards. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 14 of 59 (N) Estate lots that are part of a subdivision existing on or before September 12, 2013 are not permitted to use Cluster Development Standards without rezoning approval, which incorporates the entire subdivision. (0) For MU zoned properties,maximum side street and front setbacks may be measured from the edge of a public easement when it is in excess of the maximum setback. Maximum setbacks may be increased to up to eighty-five (85) feet to accommodate a parking lot between the structure and the street. Maximum setback requirements may be fulfilled through the use of plazas, outdoor dining, and bicycle parking. (P) Reference Section 12-8.3.H.4.e when using the cluster option in the Wellborn Community Plan area." "Sec. 12-5.3. -Non-Residential Zoning Districts. A. Natural Areas Protected (NAP). This district is designed for publicly-owned property or private property intended for the conservation of natural areas. Properties with this designation are relatively undeveloped and are often used for recreational or open space purposes or for the conveyance of floodwaters. Properties with this designation are not projected for conversion to more intense land use in the future by the Comprehensive Plan. B. Office (0). This district will accommodate selected commercial businesses that provide a service rather than sell products, either retail or wholesale. The uses allowed have relatively low traffic generation and require limited location identification. C. Suburban Commercial (SC). This district is intended to provide for low-density commercial uses that provide services to nearby neighborhoods. The SC Suburban Commercial District is intended to be compatible with the character of suburban single-family neighborhoods. Buildings have a residential character and scale, and sites are heavily landscaped to minimize the impacts of non- residential uses and associated parking areas on adjacent residential zoning districts. The district allows for a range of uses, with the impacts mitigated through buffering and architecture of the buildings. D. Wellborn Commercial (WC). This district is intended to provide for low-density commercial uses that provide services to nearby neighborhoods. Such uses shall be limited in size and not accommodate for drive-thru services. Specific design elements should be incorporated into such developments to limit the • visual impact on the community and enhance the defined character. This zoning district is only permitted in areas designated as Wellborn Commercial on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Character Map. E. General Commercial (GC). Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 15 of 59 This district is designed to provide locations for general commercial purposes, that is, retail sales and service uses that function to serve the entire community and its visitors. F. Commercial Industrial (CI). This district is designed to provide a location for outlets offering goods and services to a limited segment of the general public. The uses included primarily serve other commercial and industrial enterprises. G. Business Park(BP). This district is designed for uses that primarily serve other commercial and industrial enterprises, and include administrative and professional offices, commercial industrial, research and development oriented light industrial, light manufacturing, and non-polluting industries. Uses in this district need good access to arterial level thoroughfares, but have relatively low traffic generation and require limited location identification. The development of business parks should be in a campus like setting with structures grouped and clustered,and should be heavily landscaped to minimize the impacts of business park uses and associated parking areas on adjacent properties and public roadways. Impacts of the uses will be limited through buffering and architecture of the buildings. The following supplemental standards shall apply to this district: 1. All processes and business activities shall be conducted inside buildings with the exception of Commercial Gardens; and 2. All BP zoning districts will be a minimum of five (5) acres in area. H. Business Park Industrial (BPI). This district is designed to provide land for manufacturing and industrial activities that have nuisance characteristics greater than activities permitted in the BP Business Park district. Permitted uses within this district are generally not compatible with residential uses of any density or lower intensity commercial uses. Generally,these uses need good access to arterial roadways,but should be offset from public roadways and adjacent properties by using the BP Business Park district and its associated development to screen and buffer the uses. The uses allowed have relatively low traffic generation and require limited location identification. I. College and University (CU). This district is applied to land which is located within the boundaries of the Texas A&M University campus or is owned by the University." "Sec. 12-5.4. -Non-Residential Dimensional Standards. The following table establishes dimensional standards that shall be applied within the Non- Residential Zoning Districts, unless otherwise identified in this UDO: Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 16 of 59 Non-Residential Zoning Districts 0 SC WC GC CI BP BPI NAP Min. Lot Area None None None None None None None N/A Min. Lot Width 24' 50' 50' 24' 24' 100' 100' N/A Min. Lot Depth 100' 100' 100' 100' 100' 200' 200' N/A 1 Min. Front Setback 25' 25' J 25' 25' 25' 251(E) 25'(E) N/A Min. Side Setback (A)(B) (A)(B) (A)(B) (A)(B) (A)(B) (A)(B) (A)(B) N/A Min. St. Side Setback 15' 15' 15' 15' 15' 15'(E) 15'(E) N/A Min. Rear Setback 15' 20' 20' 15' 15' 15'(E) 15'(E) N/A 1 I 2 Stories/ 2 Stories/ Max. Height (C)(F) 35' 35' (C)(F) (C)(F) (C)(F) (C)(F) (F) (D)(F) (D)(F) 1 Notes: (A) A minimum side setback of seven and one-half (7.5) feet shall be required for each building or group of contiguous buildings. (B) Lot line construction on interior lots with no side yard or setback is allowed only where the building is covered by fire protection on the site or separated by a dedicated public right-of-way or easement of at least fifteen (15) feet in width. (C) See Section 12-7.2.H, Height. (D) Maximum building height is two (2) stories and thirty-five (35) feet, measured at the highest point of the roof or roof peak. Section 12-7.2.H, Height applies to buildings over one-story. (E) Buildings shall be setback a minimum of fifty (50) feet from all public streets adjacent the perimeter of the business park development, as shown on the approved Preliminary Plan document. (F) Reference Easterwood Field Airport Zoning Ordinance regarding height limitations." Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 17 of 59 EXHIBIT "D" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 6 "Use Regulations", Sec. 12-6.3.0 —"Use Table", Sec. 12-6.4.G—"Fuel Sales", Sec. 12-6.4.Q—"Restaurants", Sec. 12-6.4.R— "Sales and Service (Retail and Wholesale), Sec. 12-6.4.0—"Storage (Self-Service), and Sec. 12- 6.4.AB—"Retail Sales and Service" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, are amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-6.3.C. - Use Table. Except where otherwise specifically provided herein, regulations governing the use of land and structures with the various zoning districts and classifications of planned developments are hereby established as shown in the following Use Table. 1. Permitted Uses. A "P" indicates that a use is allowed by right in the respective district. Such uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this UDO. 2. Permitted Uses Subject to Specific Standards. A "P*" indicates a use that will be permitted, provided that the use meets the provisions in Section 12-6.4, Specific Use Standards. Such uses are also subject to all other applicable regulations of this UDO. 3. Conditional Uses. A "C" indicates a use that is allowed only where a conditional use permit is approved by the City Council. The Council may require that the use meet the additional standards enumerated in Section 12-6.4, Specific Use Standards. Conditional uses are subject to all other applicable regulations of this UDO. Click here to access a PDF version of the Use Table. Residential Districts Non-Residential Retired Design USE TABLE Districts Districts Districts I M 1 Specific Uses 3 1 o�c 0 H o i _ O m E 4 m! cn N o g 2 g z1 cc. cc oc 6 2 2 o KEY: P= Permitted by Right; P* = Permitted Subject to Specific Use Standards C= Conditional Use; ** = District with Supplemental Standards (refer to Article 5) RESIDENTIAL Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 18 of 59 Boarding and 1 Rooming P P P P P House Extended Care Facility/Conva P P P P P P P lescent/Nursi ng Home Dormitory P P P TM— P P P P P Duplex P P P P Fraternity/Sor P P P P P P ority Manufacture P P P I d Home * * * Mixed-Use P P P P PP P Structure C Multi-Family P P P P P1 P P P Multi-Family built prior to P P [rill- P P PPPP January 2002 I Northgate High-Density P- P P Dwelling Unit Single-Family PPPPPPPP PT] I P Fr- Detached Single-Unit P Dwelling Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 19 of 59 Townhouse P P P P P I TT P Two-Unit P Dwelling PUBLIC, CIVIC AND INSTITUTIONAL Educational Facility, College and University Educational Facility, PP PPPPPP P PPPP Indoor Instruction Educational � - -- - -----_ _ - Facility, P C C P P P P Outdoor Instruction Educational Facility, PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPPPPPP Primary and Secondary Educational Facility, PP PPPPPP PPPP Tutoring Educational Facility, P P PPPP P P Vocational/Tr ade Governmenta ' PP PPP P P P P PIP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PPP P P P I Facilities * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 20 of 59 Health Care, Hospitals P P Health Care, Medical Tr- P P PPPPP P P P Clinics Parks P P PYYP {{, P , P P P P P P P P P P P P P P PPPPPPPPPPPP 1 Places of PPPPPPPPPPP P P P P PPP P P P PP PPPPPPPP Worship * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COMMERCIAL, OFFICE AND RETAIL Agricultural Use, Barn or P P P Stable for Private Stock Agricultural Use, Farm or P P P Pasturage Agricultural Use, Farm P I Product Processing Animal Care Facility, PP PPPPPP P P P P Indoor Animal Care 1 ------ - - - - P Facility, * Outdoor Art Studio/Galler P P PPPPP P PPPP y Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 21 of 59 Car Wash 1-' * Commercial I Garden/Gree P PPPP P nhouse/Lands * * * * * * cape Maint. Commercial P P P p P C C C P P P Amusements * * Conference/C onvention P P P P P P P P Center Country Club P P P P P P P P P P Day Care, PPCPPPPP CCP PPP Commercial Drive-in/thru P P CwP window Dry Cleaners P P P P PPPP and Laundry P P * * P * P P * * * * * Fraternal P P P P P P Lodge - P P ---p r P P Fuel Sales * * * * Funeral P P P P Homes Golf Course P P P P or Driving * * * * Range Health PP P PPP PP R P P Club/Sports 1 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 22 of 59 Facility, Indoor - - - Health Club/SportsP P P P P P l P Facility, * * Outdoor HotelsP P P P P P P 2 Mobile Food C C C C C C C Court 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Night Club, rr7 C C C C C P P Bar or Tavern Offices PPPPPPPPPP [PPPPPPPP Parking as a P P C P P:r— P P Primary Use * Personal PP P PP P P P PPPP Service Shop Printing/Copy PP PPPPPPPP P P P P Shop Radio/TV P Station/Studi P P P P PPPP P P P 1 * os V Recreational C C Vehicle (RV) 3 3 Park P P P P Restaurants P P P * * P * P P P * Retail Sales- p p P Single Tenant Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 23 of 59 over 50,000 SF Retail Sales PPPP P P P P PPPP and Service * * * * Retail Sales P P and Service- C P * * C P P Alcohol Sexually I Oriented PPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPP PPPPPPPPPPP Business * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (SOB) Shooting P P P P Range, Indoor Theater P P P P P ITTP P Retail Sales, P Manufacture P * d Homes Storage, Self P P p p P P P Service Vehicular Sales, Rental, P P P Repair and * * P Service Wholesales/S P P * * P P P P ervices INDUSTRIAL AND MANUFACTURING Bulk Storage Tanks/Cold P P P Storage Plant Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 24 of 59 Micro- , P P P P Industrial * * P * * Industrial, P P P P P P Light Industrial, P P Heavy Recycling P Facility- i * P 1 P Large I V Salvage Yard i P * P* Scientific Testing/Rese P P P P P arch Laboratory Storage, F r Outdoor- P P P P P Equipment or Materials Truck Stop/Freight P P or Trucking Terminal 1 P P P P P P P P P P P P P1P P P PP P P P P P P P P P P P P P P Utility * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1 1 11 1 Warehousing /Distribution F Waste r 1 P P Services Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 25 of 59 Wireless 'Telecommuni P P P P P P P PPPPPPPPI cation * * * * * * Facilities- Intermediate Wireless Telecommuni P P cation C * C CCCP C C C * Facilities— Major Wireless --- -- - Telecommuni cation PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PPPPPPPP P P P Facilities- Unregulated ** District with Supplemental Standards (Refer to Article 5). 1 Multi-family residential uses located in stories or floors above retail commercial uses are permitted by right. 2 Hotels only allowed when accessory to a Country Club development and are limited to a maximum of fifteen(15) rooms. 3 Refer to Section 12-6.4.Z "Recreational Vehicles Park Standards (RV Parks)" for Specific Use Standards. 4 Refer to Section 12-6.4. AC "Mobile Food Courts" for Specific Use Standards." "Sec. 12-6.4.G.—Fuel Sales. 1. Any vehicle repair uses must comply with Section 12-6.4.P,Vehicular Sales, Rental, Repair and Service. 2. All activities except those associated with fuel pumping must be conducted within an enclosed building. 3. Ice and vending machines must be enclosed in a building. 4. No signage, in addition to the signage allowed in Section 12-7.5, Signs, may be allowed within view of the right-of-way. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 26 of 59 5. No outside storage or display of vehicles for any purpose. 6. A Drive-Thru car wash designed to accommodate one (1) vehicle shall be permitted as an accessory use. 7. In C-3, Light Commercial fuels sales shall be limited to facilities designed to accommodate a maximum of four (4) vehicles obtaining fuel simultaneously. 8. Minimum setback requirements shall be as follows: Side Front Side Rear Street Fuel 50 25 25 25 feet pumps feet feet feet Canopies 40 15 15 15 feet feet feet feet 9. Storage tanks must be located below grade. 10. In SC Suburban Commercial, Fuel Sales will be considered a permitted land use on properties with existing Fuel Sales as of September 27, 2012. 11. In WC Wellborn Commercial, Fuel Sales will be considered a permitted land use on properties with existing Fuel Sales as of April 14, 2011." "Sec. 12-6.4.Q. —Restaurant. 1. In C-3 Light Commercial, SC Suburban Commercial, and Wellborn Commercial, drive-ins and drive-thrus are prohibited. 2. In C-3 Light Commercial, the maximum size shall be two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet. 3. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial, restaurants (including waiting and outdoor dining areas)may not exceed eight thousand (8,000) square feet and are permitted at the following maximum sizes based on adjacent thoroughfare and access: a. Freeway/Expressway and Four- or Six-Lane Major Arterial: Eight thousand (8,000) square feet; b. Four-Lane Minor Arterial and Four-Lane Major Collector: Seven thousand (7,000) square feet; or c. Two-Lane Major Collector and smaller: Five thousand (5,000) square feet. 4. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial, restaurants shall not locate outdoor seating or playgrounds between the structure and a single-family land use and zoning." Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 27 of 59 "Sec. 12-6.4.R. —Sales and Service (Retail and Wholesale). The following Sales Matrix shall be used to determine the most appropriate zoning district for sales and service uses. CD NGC General Commercial CI Commercial-Industrial Ci) w J Q GC General Commercial CI Commercial-Industrial Minor STORAGE Major 1. Storage is allowed in GC General Commercial, if the square feet of storage is less than fifty (50)percent of the total gross building area, exclusive of office areas. 2. Storage is allowed in WC Wellborn Commercial, if the square feet of storage is less than fifty (50) percent of total physical space. 3. Sales are allowed in CI Commercial Industrial if the square feet of sales is less than fifty (50) percent of the total gross building area, exclusive of office area. 4. Each sales use in a shopping center must meet the storage square-foot criteria above to be permitted in that zoning district. 5. In SC Suburban Commercial, Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet. 6. In WC Wellborn Commercial,Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet." "Sec. 12-6.4.U.—Storage (Self-Service). 1. Accessory uses are prohibited. 2. In SC Suburban Commercial, Self-Service Storage will be considered a permitted land use on properties with existing Self-Service Storage as of September 27, 2012. 3. In WC Wellborn Commercial, Self-Service Storage will be considered a permitted land use on properties with existing Self-Service Storage as of April 14, 2011." "Sec. 12-6.4.AB. —Retail Sales and Service. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 28 of 59 1. In SC Suburban Commercial, Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed fifteen thousand(15,000) square feet. 2. In WC Wellborn Commercial, Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet." Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 29 of 59 EXHIBIT "E" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance,"Article 7 "General Development Standards", Sec. 12-7.2.H.2—"Single-Family Height Protection", Sec. 12-7.2.K—"Pedestrian Facilities", Sec. 12-7.3.C. —"Dimensions, Access, and Location", Sec. 12-7.3.H. —Number of Off Street Parking Spaces Required", Sec. 12-7.5.C. —"Summary of Permitted Signs", Sec. 12- 7.5.F. —"Sign Standards", Sec. 12-7.5.S. —"Low Profile Signs", Sec. 12-7.7.F. —"Minimum Buffer Standards", Sec. 12-7.7.F.1. —"Buffer Yard", Sec. 12-7.8.C. —"Guidelines", Sec. 12- 10.C. —"Standards for Non-Residential Structures", Sec. 12-7.11.C. —"Specific Lighting Requirements", Sec. 12-7.13.B.1. —"Trip Generation Rates", and Sec. 12-7.13.C.1. —"Zoning TIA" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, are amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-—Single-Family Protection a. With the exception of NG, RDD, and P-MUD districts, no multi-family or non- residential structure shall be located nearer to any property line adjacent to a single-family use or townhouse development than a horizontal distance(B to C) of twice the vertical distance(height,A to B)of the structure as illustrated in the graphic below. Structures developed in MU shall meet this standard at the periphery of the district when adjacent to single-family use or townhome development. A Commercial \ Buildin \-el. Height t 9 / 50' \ / ,,-. i \ 8.1" [;f Ii $I-, 100' —! 25' House b. No additional multi-family or non-residential structures shall penetrate an imaginary line, illustrated by the inclined plane in the graphic above, connecting points A and C. c. Calculation of the height limits shall be to the highest point of the structure. Equipment such as satellite dishes and heating and air conditioning units may be installed on top of buildings provided that they are screened from horizontal view and included in the height limitations. d. Unless otherwise stated in this UDO,the height limitations herein shall not apply to any of the following: 1. Utility structures such as elevated water storage tanks and electrical transmission lines; 2. Architectural elements such as flagpoles, belfries, cupolas, spires, domes, monuments, chimneys,bulkheads, elevators, or chimney flues; or any other similar structure extending above the roof of any building where such Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 30 of 59 structure does not occupy more than thirty-three (33) percent of the area of the roof; or 3. Residential radio/television receiving antennas. e. In addition to the height limitations recited in this subsection, the following height limitations apply in SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial zoning: 1. No building may exceed two (2) stories; 2. Maximum eave height is twenty-four(24) feet; 3. Maximum overall height to peak of roof is thirty-five (35) feet; 4. Any structure with an eave height over fifteen (15) feet will be constructed to resemble a two-story façade; 5. Buildings located closest to single-family land use or zoning and within fifty (50) feet of the property line are limited to one-story in height with an eave maximum of twelve (12) feet; 6. An eave maximum of fourteen(14) feet in height is permitted when mechanical equipment is housed within a mezzanine; and 7. Section 12-7.2.H.2, Single-family Protection, applies to all two-story structures within fifty (50) feet of single-family property line." "Sec. 12-7.2.K.—Pedestrian Facilities 1. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial districts, pedestrian connections adjacent to residential areas shall be provided as determined by the Administrator so as to enhance pedestrian, bicycle mobility, and connectivity. 2. In MU Mixed-Use districts, minimum eight (8) foot wide sidewalks shall be provided along all public rights-of-way, streets, and public ways adjacent to and within the development. 3. For sites subject to the Non-Residential Architectural Standards of this UDO except for MU Mixed-Use districts: a. Public entry façades of retail buildings that exceed 200 feet in horizontal length shall place a minimum ten (10) foot sidewalk along the full frontage of its public entry façade. Tree wells and planter boxes may be placed along this walkway and in a manner that does not obstruct pedestrian movement. Bike parking facilities are allowed in this area. Vehicular parking or cart storage is prohibited. Outside display is allowed but only if it does not occupy more than thirty (30) percent of this area and meets the requirements of Outside Storage and Display Section. b. A site or sites part of a building plot in excess of ten (10) acres shall provide designated connections among primary buildings and pad sites for pedestrian and bicycle traffic. Locations for sidewalks and bicycle parking facilities shall be provided and shown on the site plan. Pedestrian walkways may be incorporated into Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 31 of 59 the landscape strips separating parking areas only if the strip is ten(10)feet in width. Pedestrian walkways shall be a minimum of five (5) feet wide and shall connect public street sidewalks, transit stops, parking areas and other buildings in a design that ensures safe pedestrian use. c. A site or sites part of a building plot in excess of ten (10) acres shall provide one plaza developed as an integral part of the development and not less than five hundred (500) square feet in area. This area shall not count toward required parking islands or area requirements of a parking concept as described in the Large Parking Lots Section. This area shall incorporate a minimum of three (3) of the following: 1. Seating components 2. Structural or vegetative shading* 3. Water features* 4. Decorative landscape planters* 5. Public Art* 6. Outdoor eating accommodations 7. Hardscape elements at entrances and within the parking area such as decorative pavers, low masonry walls, clock towers, etc. * These public areas may be located within the parking landscape areas." "Sec. 12-7.3.0—Dimensions, Access, and Location. This Section applies to any development or redevelopment of uses other than single-family residential, duplexes, or townhouses unless otherwise noted. 1. Each off-street parking space for automobiles shall have an area of not less than nine (9) feet by twenty (20) feet and each stall shall be striped. This standard shall apply for off- street parking for all uses including single-family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. Single-family residential and townhouses are not required to stripe parking spaces. 2. For properties located within the area described as "Area V" in the Southside Area Neighborhood Plan, an amendment of the City's Comprehensive Plan (Ordinance No. 2012-3442), a new single-family structure may locate its parking,including both required and additional parking in the areas described below: a. Anywhere on the lot behind the structure with no limit on the size of the area; b. Anywhere in the side yards of the lot with no limit on the size of the area; and, c. An area located in front of the structure not to exceed a size equivalent to fifty (50) percent of the front portion of the property. The front portion of the property is the area of the lot within the side lot lines, the front setback, and the public right-of-way line (see graphic below). The square footage of parking allowed by this calculation may be located within or outside the boundary of the area used for calculations (see Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 32 of 59 graphic below). The portion of the driveway located between the front property line and the structure shall be included in the maximum parking area square footage. AREA V- ALLOWABLE LOCATION FOR PARKING 145 feet I ti t # 5056 Front Portion of Lot \\\\\ Example of Park# Punkt RiEht-of-Ve ay Lure SD feet Street Pe,.em ant Edge STREET 3. For all detached single-family uses,at the time of construction,reconstruction,or addition to the number of existing bedrooms,parking shall be located in the areas described below: a. Anywhere on the lot behind the structure with no limit on the size of the area.Parking located behind the structure shall be screened by a solid hedge wall, fence, or wall, at least six(6)feet in height.All solid hedge walls shall be one-hundred(100)percent opaque. All shrubs planted for a hedge wall shall be a minimum of 15 gallons each and evergreen; b. Anywhere in the side yards of the lot with no limit on the size of the area; and, c. Any area located in front of the primary structure not to exceed a size equivalent to fifty (50) percent of the front area. The front area is defined as the area of the lot within the side lot lines,the front plane of the primary structure and the public right- of-way (see graphic below). The driveway area shall be included in this calculation. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 33 of 59 DETACHED SINGLE-FAMILY USES - ALLOWABLE LOCATION FOR PARKING hir �y „N„ 5046 Parking - � \\\\, .\\\•\,\,NNk.%\, Calculation Area Front tot Line Street Par.ern ert Edge STREET 4. When existing detached single-family parking is expanded in front of the structure, it shall not exceed a size equivalent to fifty(50)percent of the front area as described above. 5. An eighteen-foot paved space (ninety-degree only)may be utilized where the space abuts a landscaped island with a minimum depth of four (4) feet. An eighteen-foot space may also be used when adjacent to a sidewalk provided that the minimum width of the sidewalk is six (6) feet. This standard shall also apply to off-street parking for single- family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 6. The width of an alley may be assumed to be a portion of the maneuvering space requirement for off-street parking facilities located adjacent to a public alley. This standard shall apply for off-street parking for all uses including single-family residential, duplexes, and townhouses. 7. Each parking space intended for use by the handicapped shall be designed in accordance with the standards of the Texas Architectural Barriers Act (TABA) administered by the Texas Department of License and Regulation. 8. Each parking space and the maneuvering area thereto shall be located entirely within the boundaries of the building plot except where shared parking is approved by the City. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 34 of 59 9. All parking spaces, aisles, and modules shall meet the minimum requirements, as shown in the following table. All dimensions are measured from wall to wall. PARKING SPACE AND AISLE DIMENSIONS A B C D E F Depth Width of aisle Width Module width Angle Width of stall = of stall (degrees) of stall 90° parallel One way Two way One way Two way to aisle to aisle I _ 0 22 feet 10 feet 12.0 feet 20.0 feet 22.0 feet 22.0 feet 40.0 feet 45 9 feet 21.1 feet 12.0 feet 20.0 feet 12.7 feet 54.2 feet 62.2 feet 60 9 feet 22.3 feet 15.0 feet 22.0 feet 10.4 feet 59.6 feet 66.3 feet 90 9 feet 20.0 feet 23.0 feet 23.0 feet 1 9.0 feet 63.0 feet 63.0 feet r .1-C D —0—C—4L.. Aisle -.A g yea t E 10. Parking lots located within fifteen (15) feet of a public right-of-way shall have a maximum of seven (7) contiguous spaces separated by an eighteen- by twenty-foot landscaped island. 11. All parking lots and drive aisles shall be setback a minimum of six (6) feet from any public right-of-way or public way. In sites subject to the Non-Residential Architectural Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 35 of 59 Standards of this UDO, where parking or drive aisles are located between the building and the public right-of-way or public way, there shall be a minimum setback of ten (10) feet from the public right-of-way or public way to the parking area or drive aisle. 12. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial districts, parking shall not be located between the structure and an adjacent single-family use or zoning district. Drive aisles and service aisles shall be permitted between the structures and an adjacent single-family use or zoning district. 13. Parking is discouraged along entrance drives and should be limited on major circulation aisles of large developments and major retail centers. 14. The Design Review Board may waive parking lot dimension requirements in the Northgate and Wolf Pen Creek districts if the development meets the goals of the master plan for the respective district." "Sec. 12-7.3.H.—Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required. In computing the number of parking spaces required, the following rules shall govern: 1. Parking requirements based on square footage shall be based upon the gross floor area, unless otherwise stated. Service areas such as mechanical rooms, restrooms, and closets shall be included in the calculation of"gross floor area" for determining required parking spaces; 2. Where fractional spaces result in computing required parking spaces,the required number of spaces must be increased to the nearest whole number; 3. The parking space requirements for a use not specifically listed shall be the same as those for the most similar to the proposed use, as determined by the Administrator; 4. Whenever a building or use constructed or established after the effective date of this UDO is changed or enlarged in floor area, number of employees, number of dwelling units, seating capacity, or otherwise, parking requirements shall be met on the basis of the enlargement or change. Whenever a building or use existing prior to the effective date of this UDO is enlarged, the enlarged building or increased use shall then and thereafter comply with the parking requirements set forth herein; 5. Where requirements are established on the basis of the number of seats,such requirements shall be based on the seating capacity as determined by the Building Official; 6. Where a manufacturing/industrial use has more than one (1) working shift of employees, parking shall be provided to accommodate overlap requirements during transition periods; 7. When the developer of a large-scale development can demonstrate that such development will require fewer parking spaces than required by the standards of this Section, the Administrator may permit a reduction in the number of required parking spaces for the development. Such a reduction in parking spaces shall be justified through the development of a parking study prepared by a professional engineer or transportation planner and submitted to the Administrator. The balance of the land necessary to meet Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 36 of 59 these requirements shall be held in reserve as an undeveloped area, to meet any future needs generated by an expansion of the business, a change in land use, or underestimated parking demand; 8. The Design Review Board may waive parking space requirements in the Northgate and Wolf Pen Creek districts if the development meets the goals of the master plan for the respective district. MINIMUM OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS Spaces/ Use Unit Unit Plus Spaces For: Airport As determined by the Administrator Banks 250 s.f1.0 Bowling Alley As determined by the Administrator Bus Depot As determined by the Administrator Car Wash(Self-Serve) Wash Bay 1.0 1.0 space per vacuum bay Church Seat 0.33* Convalescent i Home/Hospital Bed 0.5 Duplex Dwelling: 1 & 2 Bedroom DU 2.0 3+Bedroom BR 1.0 Dormitory Bed 0.75 Day Care Center 250 s.f. 1.0 Fraternal Lodge '75 s.f. 1.0 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 37 of 59 Fraternity/Sorority House Person 1.0 1/30 s.f. meeting room Freight Station As determined by the Administrator Funeral Parlor Seat 0.33 Furniture Sales, 350 s.f. 1.0 Freestanding Golf Driving Range Tee Station 1.0 Health Club/Sports As determined by the Administrator Facility Gasoline and Fuel Service 300 s.f. 1.0 Group Housing !BR 2.0 As determined by the Administrator Health Studio 150 s.f. II 1.0 Hospital As determined by the Administrator Hotel/Motel DU 1.0 1/200 s.f. meeting room 1 � HUD-Code Manu. Home DU 2.0 Laundry 150 s.f. 1.0 Motor Vehicle Sales/Service: 250 s.f. 1.0 Office/Sales Area Service Area 200 s.f. 1.0 Medical or Dental Clinic 200 s.f. 1.0 <20,000 s.f. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 38 of 59 250 s.f. of non- 1/BR, including Mixed-Use Structure**** residential 1.0 residential DU and portion of 'hotel/motel DU structure Multi-Family Dwelling: 1 Bedroom !BR 1.5 2 Bedroom I I g BR 1.5 2 Bedroom (ea. BR 130 s.f.) BR 1.25 3 +Bedroom FBR 1.0 Night Club 50 s.f. 1.0 Office Building [250 s.f. 1.0 Personal Service Shop 250 s.f. 1.0 Priv. School or Comm. 100 s.f. 1.0 Studio Retail Sales & Service: GC, SC, WC, C-3 250 s.f. 1.0 CI 350 s.f. 1.0 Restaurant(w/o drive- N 1 through) 65 s.f. 1.0 Restaurant(w/drive- T T through) 100 s.f. 1.0 Rooming/Boarding House Person 1.0 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 39 of 59 Sales Display 250 s.f. 1.0 1.0*** (minimum of 2 Single-Family Dwelling BR*** with no more than 4 total spaces required per dwelling) Single-Unit Dwelling BR 1.0 Shopping Center**: GC, SC, WC, C-3 250 s.f. 1.0 CI 350 s.£ 1.0 - — 1.0*** (minimum of 2 Townhouse BR*** with no more than 4 total spaces required per dwelling) Theater Seat 0.25 Truck Terminal As determined by the Administrator Two-Dwelling Unit IBR 1.0 Veterinary Clinic 300 s.f. 1.0 Warehouse 11,000 s.f. 1.0 "s.f." = square footage. "DU" =Dwelling Unit. "BR" =Bedroom. * Overflow parking above required parking spaces may be grassed rather than paved. All unpaved spaces shall be shown on site plan and organized for efficient traffic circulation using wheel stops and other appropriate measures as required by the Administrator. ** No more than twenty-five (25) percent of any shopping center square footage shall be utilized for intense uses (uses that, individually, have a parking requirement greater Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 40 of 59 than 1:250 in GC SC, or WC, and 1:350 in CI unless additional parking is provided in accordance with the above requirements for that square footage of such uses in excess of twenty-five (25) percent. Mixed-Use structures located in MU and MF districts are exempt from this requirement. *** All single-family and townhouse uses, at the time of construction, redevelopment, or when an addition to the number of existing bedrooms is completed, shall come into compliance with the minimum off-street parking requirements. Garages that meet minimum dimensional standards may be counted towards parking requirements. **** Mixed-Use structures in the MU Mixed-Use and MF Multi-Family districts." "Sec. 12-7.5.C. - Summary of Permitted Signs. The following signs are permitted in the relevant zoning districts of the City:. Click here to access a PDF version of the Summary of Permitted Signs table. LU CD N LL M to x u v cn a s (NI 3 w 3 cue c� o E- 2 2 cc & 2 O 1.nv cu O u m m cc 2 2 Apartment/ -- - - Condominium/ Manufactured X ••• X X X Home Park Identification Signs Area Identification/ X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Subdivision Signs Attached X X X X x x x x x x X X XIX X I X Signs*** Campus Wayfinding X X X X X XIX X X X Signs Commercial lxx X X X X XX X X X X X X X Banners*** [IT I Development X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Signs 1 1 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 41 of 59 Directional Traffic Control X X X X X X X X X X X X Signs Freestanding * X X X X Signs*** Hanging Signs X Home Occupation X XX X X X X X X X X X X Signs Low Profile X X X X X X X X X X XX Signs*** Non- Commercial X X XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Signs Projection X X Signs 11- Tr Real Estate, Finance,and X X XXX X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Construction Signs Roof Signs X X G X X * One (1) Freestanding Sign shall be allowed in the 0 Office zone only when the premises has a minimum of two (2) acres. ** Freestanding Signs are permitted for building plots with freeway frontage only. See 7.5.N "Freestanding Commercial Signs" for additional standards. *** Except as provided for in Section 12-7.5.Y, Signs for Permitted Non-residential Uses in Residential or Agricultural Districts. **** Apartment signage is permitted in the MU Mixed-Use district as attached signs only." "Sec. 12-7.5.F. - Sign Standards. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 42 of 59 The following table summarizes the sign standards for the City of College Station: Setback Maximum Maximum From Sign TypeNumber Allowed Area (s.f.)** Height(ft.) ROW (ft.) Apartment/Condominium/Manufactured 100 10 10 1/frontage Home Park Identification Signs Area Identification Signs 16 4 10 1 1/10-50 acre subdivision or phase I _ _ Not to exceed one (1)foot from top Any number allowed Varies, see if within the total Attached Signs Section 12-7.5.I of wall,marquee, — allowed square below or parapet to footage of attached which it is attached signs Campus Wayfinding signs 30 6 J See Section 12-7.5 BB below No to exceed the Commercial Banners 36 top of structure to 10 1/premises which it is , attached Development Signs Residential/Collector Street 35 15 10 1/premises Arterial Street 65 Freeway(As designated on Thoroughfare Plan) 200 Directional Traffic Control Signs 3 4 4 1/curb cut 1/building plot where Freestanding Signs Varies, see 12-7.5.N below lot exceeds 75 feet of frontage Hanging Signs 4 1/building entrance Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 43 of 59 Not to exceed top Home Occupation Signs 2 of wall to which -- 1/dwelling unit it is attached See 12-7.5 R"Low Low Profile Signs 60 4 10 Profile Signs" below/*** Low Profile Signs(In lieu of permitted 60 4 10 1/150 feet of frontage Freestanding Sign) Not to exceed one (1)foot from top Projection Signs Varies, see 12- of wall,marquee, 1/frontage 7.5.0 below or parapet to which it is attached Real Estate,Finance,and Construction 1/frontage(Real Signs Estate) Up to 150-foot frontage 16 8 10 1/property(Finance) Greater than 150-foot frontage 32 8 10 3/property (Construction) Determined by Roof Signs 1/building plot in frontage. Same 10 feet above as freestanding structural roof place of a Max. 100 s.f. freestanding sign 1/primary Subdivision Signs 150 15 10 subdivision entrance. Not to exceed 2 signs. * Except as provided for in Section 12-7.5.N.10, Freestanding Commercial Signs. ** The area of a sign is the area enclosed by the minimum imaginary rectangle or vertical and horizontal lines that fully contains all extremities (as shown in the illustration below), exclusive of supports. *** In SC Suburban Commercial, WC Wellborn Commercial, BP Business Park, and BPI Business Park Industrial, one (1) low-profile sign per structure is permitted. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 44 of 59 i-1 0 r cwis,,1 f_.1-i• i !, _:,,. , WIDTH .1° NIf EMBLEM 04i Ti q 1 DECAL � 1 � ___�._I i L_ _ J 7 v►noTM— 1ytiri- - OT "— r-- - - —1 I 2 , ODD SHAPE I t 1 ODD SHAPE WIDTH 4 44- WIDTH IPC TMLLTIPLE 1ELEMENTS 1 ----- - - - - -- - --- - - - - - - — — WIDTH 4 4- 11 "Sec. 12-7.5.S. - Low Profile Signs. In addition to meeting the other requirements of this Section, Low Profile Signs are subject to the following: 1. A premises with less than seventy-five (75) feet of street frontage shall be allowed to use one (1) Low Profile Sign in lieu of a Freestanding Commercial Sign; 2. Each single building plot containing one (1) or more pad sites, shall be permitted one (1) Low Profile Sign per pad site according to the restrictions of 12-7.5.F, Sign Standards; and 3. In SC Suburban Commercial, WC Wellborn Commercial, BP Business Park, and BPI Business Park Industrial, one (1) Low Profile Sign per structure is permitted." "Sec. 12-7.7.F. - Minimum Buffer Standards. The buffer requirements are designed to permit and encourage flexibility in the widths of buffer yards, the number of plants required in the buffer yard, and opaque screens. Standard buffer requirements are depicted in the table below. The numbers shown are the required buffer widths. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 45 of 59 ABUTTING PARCEL* (Use more restrictive of the zoning or the developed use.) DEVELOPING USE (Classification) - Single-Family Multi-Family Non-Residential (iii) Residential (ii) Residential (i) Single-family(ii) N/A N/A N/A Multi-Family(i) (iii) 10' (1) N/A N/A Office 10' (1) N/A N/A Commercial 15' (2) 10' (1) N/A Industrial 25' (2) 15' (2) 5' Suburban Commercial/ 20' (1) N/A N/A Wellborn Commercial Business Park 50' (2) 15' (2) 5' Business Park Industrial 50' (2) 30' (2) 101** SOB 50' (2) 50' (2) 50' (2) (i) Includes duplexes. (ii) Includes manufactured homes, mobile homes, manufactured home parks, and townhouses. (iii) Includes commercial and other non-residential uses developed in the MF Multi-Family district. * When an abutting parcel is vacant and zoned R Rural,the Administrator shall use the future land use of the property as designated on the Comprehensive Land Use Plan in lieu of the zoning category in determining the buffer requirement. ** When an abutting parcel is zoned BP Business Park or BPI Business Park Industrial, the buffer width shall be reduced to five feet (5'). (1) Fence (2) Wall" Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 46 of 59 "Sec. 12-7.7.F.1 - Buffer Yards. a. Buffer yards shall be measured from the common property line and may be located within established building setbacks. b. Where utility or drainage easements or other similar situations exists in the required buffer yard, the buffer yard may be reduced by the width of the easement; however, an additional five (5)feet may be required beyond the width of the easement in these situations to allow for the required plantings and fence or wall.All new plantings and irrigation shall be located outside of the easement. The Administrator has the discretion to allow a required fence or wall within the easement. c. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial: 1. Buffer required plantings shall be doubled along property lines adjacent to single-family residential zoning or land use. In lieu of a fence,plantings may be tripled. 2. When adjacent to single-family use, zoning, or future Land Use and Character designation, a buffer wall is required for the length of any adjacent parking, loading areas, or dumpster uses (including required maneuvering space). d. In BP Business Park, required buffer plantings shall be doubled along property lines adjacent to single-family residential zoning or development. e. In BPI Business Park Industrial, required buffer plantings shall be doubled along property lines adjacent to any zoning district or use other than BP Business Park or BPI Business Park Industrial. f. In MF Multi-Family and MU Mixed-Use, buffer yards shall only be required along the perimeter of the development, unless otherwise exempted in this Section. No buffer yards are required between uses contained within the development." "Sec. 12-7.8.C. - Guidelines. The following minimum standards shall be met: 1. All dumpsters shall be screened. Screening shall be at least as tall as the dumpster(s) and may be achieved through the use of buildings, fences, or walls. Plant materials may be used to supplement required screening. Dumpster screens should be located outside of utility easements. Property owners with dumpster screens located within utility easements are hereby warned that they will be responsible for the replacement of the screens if it becomes necessary to remove them for utility construction and/or maintenance. 2. Multi-family developments shall provide the required pad and screening for one (1) eight-yard dumpster per forty (40) bedrooms; 3. Townhomes not served by approved, accessible alleys, shall provide the required pad and screening for one (1) eight-yard dumpster per sixteen (16) dwelling units; Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 47 of 59 4. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a single three hundred-gallon container enclosure shall be ten (10) feet deep by ten (10) feet wide; 5. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a single (one (1) eight-yard) dumpster enclosure shall be twelve (12) feet deep by twelve (12) feet wide; 6. The interior clearance (inside the screen) dimensions for a double (two (2) eight-yard) dumpster enclosure shall be twelve (12) feet deep by twenty-four (24) feet wide; 7. Bollards and other such devices shall not be set within the minimum width dimensions noted above; 8. All required containers and dumpsters pads shall be constructed of six (6)inches of steel- reinforced concrete; 9. All required containers and dumpsters shall be screened by means of an approved six- foot high opaque device on a minimum of three (3) sides. Depending on visibility to pedestrian and vehicular traffic, a gate may be required for all enclosures except three hundred-gallon side-loading automated containers. Gates shall have a minimum width of twelve(12)feet when open, shall swing one hundred eighty(180)degrees from the closed position, and shall utilize a positive-locking mechanism while in the open position. Three hundred-gallon side-loading automated container enclosures shall be open on the side, facing the collection point. The open side cannot be facing the public right-of-way. Materials may be dictated by the terms of a Conditional Use Permit(CUP) or the Design Review Board (DRB); and 10. The ingress, egress, and approach to all dumpster pads shall conform to the fire lane requirements. 11. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial, consolidated sanitation service is required and shall be located furthest from single-family use or zoning. Notwithstanding the foregoing,it may be located adjacent to single-family if a buffer wall is used. 12. In BP Business Park, consolidated sanitation service is required and shall be located furthest from single-family use or zoning." "Sec. 12-7.10.C. - Standards for Non-Residential Structures. 1. Facade Terms. a. Primary Facade. A façade is considered to be a "primary façade" when it is the primary entrance façade of a primary building(not accessory buildings) or when any façade of a primary building is facing a public right-of-way,private right-of-way, or public way. b. Facing. A façade is considered facing a public right-of-way,private right-of-way, or public way when an imaginary plane could be extended unobstructed by a wall or structure in the building plot from at least 25% of the façade into the public right-of- way, private right-of-way, or public way adjacent to the building plot, as illustrated below. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 48 of 59 c. Visible. The term visible is used in application of this section. A side or rear façade of a building shall not be considered visible from a public right-of-way or public way if it is located more than four-hundred (400) feet away. I I I ! ! I I I I fl_' �----.-..- ._..- . .._ ..` l c I I I I I Building Plot ------� l I FL' .4! I .* •• _ I � I Public Right Of Way -----Indicates 25'�or more of facade faces a right of way. • ! r•—.• L._...—..—..—.._..—.._.._..—..—.._..—•---J 2. Required Screening. a. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from view or located so as not to be visible from any public right-of-way,public way, or residential district when viewed within one hundred fifty (150) feet of the perimeter boundary of the subject lot or tract, measured from a height five (5) feet above grade. Such screening shall be coordinated with the building architecture, materials, colors and scale to maintain a unified appearance.Acceptable methods of screening are: encasement,parapet walls, partition screens, brick/stone/masonry walls or fences. Electrical panel boxes attached to the side of a building that are painted to match the building color do not require additional screening. b. In SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial, roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from any right-of-way, public way, or adjacent property by either the roof itself(including within a cut-out) or by a false roof element(i.e. chimney, cupola). Components of a mechanical equipment system, such as vents or exhaust pipes,protruding from the roof that are no larger than twelve (12) inches in diameter nor exceeding the height of the roof line are not required to be screened, but must be painted to match the roof color. 3. Building Mass and Design. a. Horizontal Facade Articulation. 1. Façade articulation(wall plane projections or recessions) is required on the first two (2) stories of any primary façade that exceeds two-hundred (200) feet in horizontal length. No more than thirty-three (33) percent of any primary façade Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 49 of 59 shall be on the same continuous geometric plane. Wall plane projections or recessions shall have a minimum depth of four (4) feet. 2. For all properties zoned SC Suburban Commercial: For buildings over eight thousand (8,000) square feet, primary façades shall have articulation of minimum four-foot (4) depth within each fifty-foot(50) section of façade. 3. For all properties zoned MU Mixed-Use: The vertical wall plane of any façade visible from a public right-of-way, street, or public way shall project and/or recess by a minimum of two (2) feet so that no more than sixty-six (66) percent of the façade is on the same plane. b. Building Entry Design. 1. In order to provide a sense of arrival and shelter, public building entrances are to feature a protected entry through the use of an awning,canopy,porte-cochere, recessed entry or other similar architectural element. 2. Buildings that have multiple ground floor tenants or multiple primary building entrances shall have all entrances treated architecturally. 3. For all properties zoned WC Wellborn Commercial, the following additional standards shall apply: a. All buildings shall be required to provide a covered front porch along the full length of the public entry façade, projecting a minimum four (4) feet from the face of the building. b. All buildings that have frontage on Wellborn Road and/or Live Oak Street, shall have a public entry facing both rights-of-way. c. In cases where more than two facades require a public entrance, the administrator may determine which two facades require entrances. c. Architectural Relief. 1. In order to provide visual interest, the first two (2) stories of any primary façade or façade visible from a public right-of-way or public way shall use at least one (1) architectural relief element for every twenty-five (25)horizontal feet, or part thereof, of façade length. 2. Façades requiring architectural relief shall provide a minimum of two (2) different types of relief elements per façade. 3. To avoid monotony,no more than one-half(Y2)of the required minimum number of elements on a façade may consist of the same type of relief element. 4. The design elements may be grouped or spaced as needed along the facade, though in no case shall more than seventy-five(75)feet of continuous horizontal length be void of a relief element. 5. Design elements used to meet architectural relief must have a functional architectural purpose such as awnings may not be located over faux windows or a wall area that does not have an opening. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 50 of 59 6. A relief element counted to meet the requirement of one (1) façade may not also be counted toward another façade. 7. Architectural relief is not required for façades, or parts of a façade, that are within fifteen(15) feet of another building that screens the façade. 8. Accessory buildings to a primary use, where each façade is equal to or less than twenty-five (25) horizontal feet in length or the perimeter of all façades is less than one hundred (100) horizontal feet in length, and where each façade incorporates the same building materials and colors as the primary structure, are not required to provide architectural relief elements. 9. Architectural relief elements may be added to a non-conforming façade of an existing building subject to the following limitation: if more than fifty (50) percent of the required number of elements on a façade are added, removed, or altered, including on a cumulative basis, the façade must be brought into compliance for architectural relief. 10. Qualifying Architectural Relief Elements. a. For all applicable properties other than those located in SC Suburban Commercial, WC Wellborn Commercial, and MU Mixed-Use districts,the following types of architectural relief may be utilized to meet the requirements of this section: 1) Canopies, permanent decorative awnings, or windows accompanied by overhangs that exceed eighteen (18) inches; 2) Wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four-foot depth; 3) Pilasters that project from a wall at least four (4) inches or columns; 4) Roofline articulation as described below may count as one (1) element for a façade if it is used on a façade where the articulation is not already required; 5) A well-defined cornice or other architectural termination to visually cap the building along a parapet may count as one (1) element for a façade if it is used on a facade where this feature is not already required; 6) Recessed entries, stoops, porches, or arcades; 7) Balconies that extend from the building; 8) Boxed or bay windows; or 9) Decorative stormwater management initiatives physically integrated with the building, as approved by the Administrator. b. For all properties zoned SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial, the following types of architectural relief may be utilized to meet the requirements of this section: Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 51 of 59 1) Decorative or functional window shutters; 2) Covered front porch extending along at least fifty (50) percent of building façade and projecting a minimum of four(4)feet from the face of the building, if used on a façade where this feature is not already required; 3) Eaves in excess of eighteen (18) inches, if used on a façade that does not have a covered front porch; 4) Window planter boxes; 5) Window canopy; 6) Dormers; 7) Transom windows; 8) Decorative façade lighting; 9) Chimneys or cupolas; 10) Cross gables; 11) Entry Portico; or 12) Horizontal articulation with a minimum depth of four (4) feet for WC Wellborn Commercial only. c. For all properties zoned MU Mixed-Use, the following types of architectural relief may be utilized to meet the requirements of this section: 1) Canopies or permanent decorative awnings; 2) Wall plane projections or recessions with a minimum of four-foot depth; 3) Pilasters that project from a wall at least four (4) inches or columns; 4) Recessed entries, stoops,porches, or arcades; 5) Balconies that extend from the building; 6) Boxed or bay/oriel windows; 7) Hood/drip molding over windows; 8) Cornices, corbelling, quoining, or stringcourses; 9) Decorative or functional window shutters; 10) Window planter boxes; 11) Transom windows; 12) Decorative façade lighting; or 13) Chimneys or cupolas. d. Other Mass and Design Requirements. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 52 of 59 1. For all properties zoned SC Suburban Commercial: Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet in area. 2. For all properties zoned WC Wellborn Commercial: Gross Floor Area of a single structure shall not exceed ten thousand (10,000) square feet in area. 3. For all properties zoned MU Mixed-Use: a. The ground-floor shall have a minimum floor-to-ceiling height of twelve (12) feet. b. The commercial portions of any façade facing a public right-of-way, street, or public way shall be at least thirty (30) percent transparent between zero (0) feet and eight(8) feet above ground level. c. Public entry is required on all façades facing a public right-of-way, street, or public way. In the event that more than two (2) façades require a public entrance, the Administrator may determine which two (2) façades require entrances. The Administrator may also forward the question to the Design Review Board for any reason. d. Loading docks, overhead doors and service entries shall not be located on a façade facing a public right-of-way, street, or public way. In the case that more than two (2) façades face a public right-of-way, street, or public way, the Administrator shall determine the most appropriate façade for such activities. e. Roof and Roofline Design. 1. On buildings three (3) stories or less, the horizontal line of a flat roof or parapet along a primary entrance façade, along any façade facing a public right-of-way of a street classified as a minor arterial or greater on the Thoroughfare Plan, and on all façades visible from a public right-of-way for properties that are zoned MU Mixed Use, shall vary by a minimum of two (2) feet up or down so that no more than sixty-six (66) percent of the roofline is on the same elevation, as represented below. Roof or Parapet Min.2' N• {Max.66%of length 2. For all rooflines that are required to articulate as described above, the parapet roof line shall feature a well-defined cornice or other architectural termination to visually cap the building along the roofline. 3. For all properties zoned SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial: Roofs shall be similar to residential roof types. Flat roofs are not permitted. Shed roofs are only permitted as part of a peaked roof network. A Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 53 of 59 peaked parapet is permitted if it gives the appearance of a pitched roof from all sides. Roof slope must be a maximum of 8:12 and a minimum of 4:12. 4. Building Materials. a. The following minimum amount of fired brick, natural stone,marble, granite, or any concrete product so long as it has an integrated color and is textured or patterned(not aggregate material) to simulate brick, stone, marble, or granite shall be provided: 1. A minimum of ten(10)percent on any facade visible from a public right-of-way or public way; 2. A minimum of twenty (20) percent on primary entrance facades (single or multiple tenant building) that exceed two-hundred (200) feet in horizontal length; 3. A minimum of twenty (20) percent on any facade facing a public right-of-way of a street classified as a major collector on the Thoroughfare Plan; and 4. A minimum of thirty (30)percent on any facade facing a public right-of-way of a street classified as a minor arterial or greater on the Thoroughfare Plan. b. Building materials used to meet the minimum material requirements as provided above may not be painted. c. The following building materials are allowed on all facades subject to the following limitations: 1. Stucco, EIFS, high build textured paint on concrete to simulate the appearance of stucco, split-face concrete masonry that does not simulate brick or stone,fiber cement siding, reflective glass, or any material equivalent in appearance and quality as determined by the Design Review Board, shall not cover more than seventy-five (75)percent of any facade. 2. Wood or cedar siding, stainless steel, chrome, standing seam metal, premium grade architectural metal, or architecturally finished metal panels (not corrugated metal) shall not cover more than thirty (30) percent of any facade. 3. Tile or smooth face, tinted concrete blocks shall only be used as an accent and shall not cover more than ten(10) percent of any facade. 4. Painted metal panel siding is allowed without limitation on a rear facade of a building when the facade is not visible from a right-of-way,parkland, greenway, or any residential area. 5. Galvanized steel and painted steel are allowed on doors, including roll-up doors. 6. Metal, standing seam metal, architectural metal or steel may be used as a roof and or canopy/awnings with no limitation on percentage. 7. In WC Wellborn Commercial wood or cedar siding shall be allowed but not cover more than seventy-five(75)percent of any facade and reflective glass shall not cover more than thirty (30) percent of any facade. d. When determining the area of a facade, doors, windows, and other openings are included and roof area is not included. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 54 of 59 e. Existing buildings may continue to utilize materials other than those listed provided that any material replacement is for maintenance purposes only and the existing material is continued. Any material change or replacement of more than ten (10) percent of the total area of a façade, including on a cumulative basis, shall require that all building materials and color be brought into compliance on that façade. f. All architectural submittals shall provide elevation drawings for each façade and a material legend (see sample below) for each façade. SAMPLE LEGEND USE OF MATERIALS ON FACADE 'A' Total Square Footage of Facade 'A': 10,000 s.f. Material Area in Square Feet Percent of Overall Façade Stucco 2,000 s.f. 20% -----r- Brick 5,000 s.f. 50% Doors and Windows 3,000 s.f. 30% 5. Building Colors. a. All building façades and roofs shall consist of only colors from the color palette approved by the City Council as amended by the Design Review Board and maintained in the Office of the Administrator. All other colors shall be considered accent colors and may be used on no more than ten (10) percent of the façade on which the accent color is applied. b. When applying brick, colors normally found in manufactured fired brick are permitted. All colors of natural stone are permitted. c. Building and roof color requirements apply to all new buildings, redeveloped buildings, and façade work. Color samples shall be submitted for approval to the Office of the Administrator. d. Existing buildings may continue to utilize colors that are not from the approved color palette provided that repainting is done for maintenance purposes only and the existing color is continued. Any color change on existing buildings shall be brought into compliance with this section and color samples shall be submitted as provided herein." "Sec. 12-7.11.C. - Specific Lighting Requirements. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 55 of 59 The following specific lighting requirements apply: 1. Façade and flagpole lighting must be directed only toward the façade or flag and shall not interfere with the night-visibility on nearby thoroughfares or shine directly at any adjacent residential use; 2. All lighting fixtures incorporated into non-enclosed structures (i.e., gas pump canopies, car washes,etc.) shall be fully recessed into the underside of such structures; 3. For properties zoned SC Suburban Commercial and WC Wellborn Commercial, site and parking lot lighting fixtures may not exceed the eave height of the building to which they principally relate,with a maximum height limit of twenty (20) feet; and 4. For properties zoned BP Business Park, site and parking lot lighting fixtures may not exceed the height of the building to which they principally relate, with a maximum height limit of twenty (20) feet." "Sec. 12-7.13.B.1 - Trip Generation Rates. Trip Generation Rates are used to estimate the amount of vehicular traffic generated by proposed rezoning or a proposed site plan. For Zoning TIAs,these rates are shown by zoning district in the table below. Site plan TIAs shall use rates set forth in the latest edition of the Trip Generation Report published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE), unless said Report does not adequately address the type or intensity of the proposed land use. In this event the applicant or his agent shall submit projected vehicle trips to the Administrator. For land uses adequately represented in said Report, alternate trip generation rates shall not be accepted. Table 1 Trip Generation: Residential Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Trip Rate/ Trip Rate/ Classification Units/Acre Use Code Unit Acre R-4 20.0 220 0.62 12.4 R-6 30.0 220 0.62 18.6 MHP Determined by Administrator P-MUD Determined by Administrator Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 56 of 59 Table 2 Trip Generation: Non-Residential Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land 1 Trip Rate/ Trip Rate/ Classification Units/Acre* Use Code � KSF Acre 0 16,000 sf 710 1.55 25 SC 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 WC 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 GC 13,500 sf 820 3.75 50 r— CI 16,000 sf 710 1.55 25 BP N/A 130 0.85 8.85 BPI N/A 770 1.43 19 CU Determined by Administrator PDD Determined by Administrator * Density maximum calculated based on existing (2007) developments in the City of College Station. Table 3 Trip Generation: Retired Land Uses Zoning Maximum ITE Land Trip Rate/ Trip Rate/ Classification Units/Acre* Use Code KSF Acre C-3 11,000 sf 820 3.75 40 R&D N/A 760 N/A 16.8 M-1 N/A 110 N/A 7.5 Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 57 of 59 M-2 N/A 120 N/A 2.2 "Sec. 12-7.13.C.1 - Zoning TIA. Any zoning request, except for certain "redevelopment" areas, requests for R, WE, E, WRS, GS, R-1B, D, or T zoning classifications which is expected to generate at least one hundred fifty (150) vehicle trips during any peak hour period requires a TIA. Where the Comprehensive Plan designates a property as "Redevelopment" a TIA is required if the zoning request is expected to generate at least one hundred fifty (150) vehicle trips during any peak hour period more than those generated by the currently approved use(s) on the property. A zoning request involving multiple zoning districts is required to have a TIA based on the total traffic generated for all the proposed districts.A TIA may be required for a zoning request that generates less than one hundred fifty(150)trips in the peak hour, where the peaking characteristics could have a detrimental impact on the transportation system as determined by the Administrator. A TIA shall be required unless the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Administrator that a TIA is not necessary for the proposed rezoning request. In cases where a TIA is required,the rezoning application will be considered incomplete until the TIA is submitted." Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 58 of 59 EXHIBIT "F" That Chapter 12, "Unified Development Ordinance," Article 8 "Subdivision Design and Improvements", Section 12-8.3.H.4.e—"Specific District Standards" of the Code of Ordinances of the City of College Station, Texas, is amended to read as follows: "Sec. 12-8.3.H.4.e— Specific District Standards. 1. Wellborn Estate— a. Lot Size.The minimum lot size is one(1)acre as long as individual lot sizes are adequate to meet all other required density, district, and development standards. There is no set minimum lot width or depth requirement within a cluster development, except as noted below. Subdivisions with all lots over one acre and lot widths of one hundred (100) feet may use rural character roads. b. Setbacks and Building Separations. The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten (10) feet. 2. Estate - a. Lot Size.The minimum average lot size is twenty thousand(20,000) square feet with an absolute minimum lot size of ten thousand(10,000) square feet as long as individual lot sizes are adequate to meet all other required density, district, and development standards. There is no set minimum lot width or depth requirement within a cluster development, except as noted below. Subdivisions with all lots over twenty thousand(20,000) square feet and lot widths of one hundred (100) feet may use rural character roads. Subdivisions containing any lots below twenty thousand (20,000) square feet must use urban street standards. b. Setbacks and Building Separations. The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten(10) feet. c. In the Wellborn Community Plan area, the cluster option may be used only in the area designated Wellborn Preserve-Open on the Comprehensive Plan Land Use and Character Map. 3. Wellborn Restricted Suburban a. Lot Size. The minimum average lot size is eight thousand (8,000) square feet as long as individual lot sizes are adequate to meet all other required density, district, and development standards. There is no set minimum lot width or depth requirement within a cluster development. Ordinance No. 2016-3792 Page 59 of 59 b. Setbacks and Building Separations. The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten(10) feet. 4. Restricted Suburban - a. Lot Size. The minimum average lot size is eight thousand (8,000) square feet with an absolute minimum lot size of six thousand five hundred(6,500) square feet as long as individual lot sizes are adequate to meet all other required density, district, and development standards. There is no set minimum lot width or depth requirement within a cluster development. b. Setbacks and Building Separations. The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten (10) feet. 5. General Suburban - a. Lot Size. The minimum lot size is three thousand seven hundred fifty (3,750) square feet as long as individual lot sizes are adequate to meet all other required density, district, and development standards. There is no set minimum lot width or depth requirement within a cluster development. b. Setbacks and Building Separations. The minimum setback standards of the base zoning district apply along the perimeter of a cluster development. All detached structures within a cluster development must be separated by a minimum distance of ten(10) feet. c. In the Wellborn Community Plan area as designated on the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use and Character Map, the cluster option is not permitted."