HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/09/2016 - Regular Agenda - Archived Posting - BCS Metropolitan Planning Organization‘firtiffs- BCS ' MPO BRYAN / COLLEL,E S IAi iuN MEIROPoCITAN PLANNING, uKc,AlalzAl ioN Policy Board Meeting 1 uesday,Fe brua1 y 9, 2016 — i:uu p.m. srazos County Commissioners' Courtloo„1 200 South Texas Ave., >ityan, Texas 77803 Prayer and Plage to tf:e United Stares and Texas Flags AGENDA 1. Welcome and Ope„ Meeting 2. Pubic Co,,,,,,ents regarding items not on the Agenda (Note: 1„ divtauals who wish to provide comments ,,,ust7Yll out a Public Comment Card de,, , ibi„g the topic(s) to be addressed) 3. Executive Session - Pursuant to Chapte, n I, Subchapter D, Texas Government Code As aurhorLed by Tr q Gove„u„e,d Code Section 551.074, at any time dor, i„g the meeting of the Bryan/College Static„ M1 -O Policy Board, the Board reserves the , fight r adjvu,,, i„tv C.4ecutiVe SeJJTD// in discuss personnel matters — ro deliberare the appvi„ invent employment, evaluation, ema ign,,,e„ t- duties, discipline, or dismissal of MPO Di, ecru,. • Discuss;o„ ,eE,a,diug tne Executive Director position 4. P7),,,;h1c f,o,,, Executive Session D. vv, aft Agenda Items for March 2, 2016 Policy Board ,,,eet;,,g (please submit agenda items by February 11th) • Draft 2040 Met'opolitan Transportation Pian Amendment 1 • Dratt i Y 2016 — 2017 Unified Planning work Program Amendment 1 6. Adjouu, 1 certify that the attached notice and agenda of items was removed by me trom tne City Flail bulletin board on the 12,47- day of ,30131AA4A,201k_ at t ;;, a 1/2)t ame/ 1 itle 3833 Soern TEXAS AVENUE, SUITE 290 BRYAN, TEXAS ,7802 PiOne (979) 260-5298 Me (979) 260-5225 WEBSITE: WWW.EICSMPo.ORG rusC1DI1