HomeMy WebLinkAbout1939-0006 - Ordinance - 03/16/1939'nom as-�vt ORDINANCE NO. 6 AN ORDINANCE TO RECEIVE THE INHABITANTS RESIDING IN CER- TAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, INTO SAID CITY. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Col- lege Station, Texas: An affidavit having been made by three qualified voters residing in the hereinafter described territory adjoining the limits of the incorporated City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that the majority of the persons who are qual- ified to vote for members of the State Legislature residing in such territory have duly voted iii favor of becoming a part of the Incorporated City of College Station, Texas, and the aforesaid affidavit, having been filed with the mayor, who has certified the same to the City Council, now, therefore, the City Council, by virtue of the authority conferred by Article 974, Chapter 1, Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as amended, by this ordinance does hereby receive the inhabi- tants of such adjoining territory within the incorporated limits of the City of. College Station, Texas, such adjoining territory being shown on an accompanying plat and being des- cribed more particularly as follows, to -wit: Beginning at north corner of A. & M. College Campus; thence in a south easterly direction along the west side of state highway No. 6 a distance of 1196.8 ft. to an iron bar; thence N 440 E a distance of 302.9 ft. to the north corner of the Blue Top Tourist Camp tract; thence ina southeasterly direction along the east side of the Blue Top Tourist Camp tract a distance of 597.7 ft. to a point in the north line of the College Hills Estate. Thence in a north easterly direction along the north side of the College Hills Estate a distance of 642 ft. to an iron bar; thence N 47 W a dis- tance of 2308.5 ft. to an iron bar in a fence line; thence S 44o W a distance of 69.2 ft. to the east corner of the Kyle Pearson tract; thence N 470 W along the east, side of the Kyle Pearson tract a distance of 60.6 ft. 8o the north cor- ner of the said Pearson tract; thence S 44 W along the north side of the said Pearson tract a distance of 228.7 ft. to an iron bar.; thence N 450 W a distance of 316.6 ft. to a point on line with the north side of the Norton Burkhalter tract; thence in a south westerly direction along the north line of the said Norton. Burkhalter tract a distance of 601.8 ft. to an iron bar on the west side of state highway No. 6; thence in a north westerly direction along the west side of state highway No. 6 a distance of 532 ft. to the north corner of the C. G. Gorzycki tract; thence in a south wester- ly direction along the north side of the C. G. Gorzycki tract a distance of 620 ft. to an iron bar at the west corner' of the said Gorzycki tract; thence S 50 W a distance of 1812 ft. to the east corner of the A. and. M. College nursery tract; thence in a south easterly direction along the west side of Ordinance No. 6 Continued a lane a distance of 533.3 ft. to a point in the north boundary of the A. and M. College Campus: thence in a northeasterly direction along the north boundary of the A. and M. College Campus a distance of 2165.8 ft. to the point of beginning. Passed and approved this the 16th. day of March, 1939 A. D. ATTEST: p 1 4L City eycretary Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 6 AN ORDINANCE TO RECEIVE THE INHABITANTS RESIDING IN CER- TAIN TERRITORY ADJOINING THE LII''ITS OF THE CITY OF COLLEGE STATION, TEXAS, INTO SAID CITY. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Col- lege Station, Texas: An affidavit having been made by three qualified voters residing in the hereinafter described, territory adjoining the limits of the incorporated City of College Station, Texas, to the effect that the majority of the persons who are qual- ified to vote for members of the State Legislature residing in such territory have duly voted in favor of becoming a part of the Incorporated City of College Station, Texas, and the aforesaid affidavit having been filed withthe mayor, who has certified the same to the City Council, now, therefore, the City Council, by virtue of the authority conferred by Article 974, Chapter 1, Title 28, of the Revised Civil Statutes of the State of Texas, 1925, as amended, by this ordinance does hereby receive the inhabi- tants of such adjoining territory within the'incorporated limits of the City of College Station, Texas, such adjoining territory being shown on an accompanying plat and being des- cribed moreparticularly as follows, to -wit: Beginning at north corner of A. & M. College Campus; thence in a south easterly direction along the west side of state highwv No. 6 a distance of 1196.8 ft. to an iron bar; thence N 44 E a distance of 302.9 ft. to the north corner of the Blue Top Tourist Camp tract; thence in a southeasterly direction along the east side of the Blue Top Tourist Camp tract a distance of 597.7 ft. to a point in the north line of the College Hills Estate. Thence in a north easterly direction along the north side of the College Hilos Estate a distance of 642 ft. to an iron bar; thence N 47 W a dis- tance of 2308.5 ft. to an iron bar in a fence line; thence S 44° W a distance of 69.2 ft. o the east corner of the Kyle Pearson tract; thence N 47 W along the east side of the Kyle Pearson tract a distance of 60.6 ft. to the north cor- ner of, the said Pearson tract; thence S 4.4° W along the north side of the said Pearson tract a distance of 228.7 ft. to an iron bar; thence N 45° W a distance of 316.6 ft. to a point on line with the north side of the Norton Burkhalter tract; thence in a south westerly directionalong the north line of the said Norton Burkhalter tract a distance of 601.8 ft. to an iron bar on the west side of state highway No. 6; thence in a north westerly direction along the westside of state highway No. 6 a distance of 532 ft. to the north corner of the C. G. Gorzycki tract; thence in a south wester- ly direction along the north side of the C. G. Gorzycki tract a distance of 620 ft. to an iron bar at the west corn r of the said Gorzycki tract; thence S 5°.W a distance of 151 ICft. to the east corner of the A. and M. College nursery tract; i ,4 thence in a south easterly direction along\the west side of 0000'2 ip Ordinance No. 6 Continued a lane a distance of 533.3 ft. to a point in the north boundary of the A. and M. College Campus; thence in a northeasterly direction along the north boundary of the A. and M. College Campus a distance of 2165.8 ft. to the point of beginning. Passed and approved this the 16th. day of March, 1939 A. D. ATTEST: s/ Sidney L. Loveless City Secretary s/ J. H. Binney. Mayor q , Pa(9-4- 4-07, keedi&e,c-E66 6aeb ,r 06JAJI .11/\ \)6111 Or1.-1 COALk 4 37 7 Witness :my hand at Bryan, Tcxas this 25 day of October, A.D. 1938. 504 Revenue Stamps affixed and duly cancelled. TitrSTATE 0'' T=':(ASI ootu::"y 07 T'.RA::0S I t F ,E F. John 1. :.ttle L. Henderson, a Notary rublic in and for Brazes County, "icxas, on this day personally appeared John 1 . Ettle known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the fore oin' instrument, and ackno'r.ledoed to _^.e that he executed the sere for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office, this 25th day of October, ...D. r.. L. Henderson, 'rotary Public, Lrazos County, Texas. a true copy of the original instrument which was filed for record on the A.D. 1938 at 8:30 o'clock a.m. and duly recorded on the 17th day of ::ov: (SEAL) The foregoing is 17th day of ::ov. A.D. 1938 at 9:30 o'clock a.^+. to zhich 1 1938. certi fy "rant: :.orsha , raJat' ��J `JC{� r 0. / p,c --- - —L1; _Sulphur S�LiN95..R f/- — - — — - - - — — --� — —� L I(ig .'r, zoo I Pilling �-`/ lill r stat. !I ti r1 .7 lr r; 1 ===ter I _ t :r r Co /Ie ye p,^r, /o / I° 1 1 I0(24 wood .*oP.(' D eputy 1ProfOSed Citi of Co/%y8 Styticji S h owltvq go < Niers/ G ir; e 5 of /NCO/ /viteV nrc5 NOT Maces of serge rocas etre nce bov1,oar/es but are Shown &ton/ purposes orvlr. Boihdar/es of c are Show^' 1{ A c ;fr.'? Ijti { r l -j .j Ccuntvp o:td apt/ Streef5 for r.c rft – th us — The above is a tap of the the Incorporated District known as College Station, see Election proceedings recorded in Date of Election 10/19/38 Commissioner's Court Linutes Volume 1, pace 431 et al